Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1954)
THE MUM ARRANGEMENT with coppered banana leaves is the topic of discussion for Mrs. Armstrong Price, vice-president and program chairman for the A&M Garden Club, J. Gregory Conway and Mrs. John Hugh Hill, president of the Club. Mrs. Price is holding a lotus taken from the Bryan Country Club lake. A&M Weather Club The first meeting of the newly- formed A&M Weather club will be held at 7:15 tonight in room 301, Goodwin hall. Sponsored by the oceanography department, the club is open to all To Meet Tonight students in the college. The meet ing tonight is for determining a schedule of future meetings, and the club will be organized at its next meeting. BATTALION CLASSIFIED BCV, SEIX. RENT OR TRADE. Rate* ... 3c a word per Insertion with a 25c minimum. Space rate in classified section .... 00c per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must be received In Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. • FOR SALE • CALVES for your deepfreeze. Make your own selection. Phone 6-5802. MANY reconditioned boys’ bicycles priced from $7.50. May be seen at 207 West 30th Street, Bryan, Texas. Phone 3-2421. MAN’S BICYCLE,good paint, one new tire, with basket. $15.00. D-4-A College View. 250 c.c. Iowa motorcycle. Good mechani cal condition. Needs one tire and some rewiring. $75.00. Cash as is. Phone 6-5828 after 6 p.m. CAMERA, 35 mm. Retina-II-A with case. F 7 2 lens. Original value $164. Will sell $85. Phone 4-9421. PINK AND GREEN trousers, waist 31-32, length 32. Pink, green and khaki shirts, 15%-33. Tailored battle jacket and blouse, 38 long. All about half price. 319 Kyle. After 5 p.m. 6-2481. MAPLE STUDIO couch $30. 9 by 12 blue wool rug and pad $40. Phone 6-1489. • SPECIAL NOTICE • WILL KEEP children for working mother. 811 Fairway, College Station. WILL KEEP child for working mother. B-6-A, C. V. Attention Bowlers: A new ABC League for all interested will be formed at a meeting at the Memorial Student Center, Wednesday, Sept. 22nd, at 7:30 p.m. All persons wishing to participate, as well as persons sponsoring or wishing to sponsor a team, are urged to attend. STUDENT WIFE wishes to keep small child for working mother. B-ll-C College View. EXPERIENCED CHILD CARE—2 yrs. and up. Apt. C-5-D. College View. HAVE OPENING for child, 3-5, in small nursery. Phone 6-1489. LAUNDRY done at my home. Ph. 6-1791. WOULD LIKE to care for working moth er’s children. Call 3-1596. WIILL KEEP children by the day or week. Also during football games. D-6-X. College View. SEWING and alterations-—Mrs. Earl Min er, 316 Kyle. Phone 6-2402. Anyone Need A Room In Dallas? Already woudering where you will stay when you go to the two A&M games in Dallas this year? If you have been wondering and still can’t find a place; and if you act quick enough, then you may get a room in a former student’s home. You have an extra-good chance if you happen to be from the Rio Grande Valley. Lloyd L. Burwick of 507 North Clinton in Dallas wrote The Battalion the following letter: '‘“We have room for two Aggies who might need a place to stay for the Oklahoma A&M game and the SMU corps trip. Rent free, of course.” Anyone interested may write Burwick. Journalists Meet OLD FRENCH violin in good condition. Write box 284 F. E. • HELP WANTED • CAR HOP, waitress and student to work at Mo-Fe drive in. Part and full time. Apply 2516 Texas Avenue or phone 3-4495. • WORK WANTED • TYPING — neat, accurate, reasonable rates. Phone 3532. • FOUND • A WONDERFUL place to buy or sell. Battalion classified ads. Call 4-S324 or 4-1149 for prompt courteous service. • FOR RENT • PRIVATE ROOM and bath in guest house. 4-7968. ROOM, PRIVATE bath in professor’s home near campus. Call 4-8659. AVAILABLE Oct. 15. Unusually nice fur nished one bedroom upstairs apartment in College Hills—adults only. $65.00. Phone 4-7666. “MARLIN S” New 35 cal.—ONLY $68.95 HILLCREST HARDWARE Official Notice All students of Texas A&M College who are interested in organizing a Weather Science Club on this campus are urged to meet in Room 301, Goodwin Hall, at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, September 21. Walter J. Saucier Assoc. Prof, of Meteorology Changes in* the list of courses for which any student is currently registered may be made only on the written recommendation of tlr, of each deparment concerned and ."At'approval of the dean of the studi^nt’o , e ' r ’~ “V student may not add a school. Arday, Sept. 25, 1954. Any; aft ? r ^atulnfter Saturday, Oct. 2 . si A,, J 36 dr °PP<a'frJr a grade of F. rill normally C p. Abbott ^•-'an of the College Iij^rder that pt toper scholarship awards in pan-., T ;Tl ,anon<Sry for this year may be made to the sophomores, any sophomore planning to major in dairy husbandry and who has not already made out a course plan with the head of the Dairy Husbandry department will please report to room 213 Agricultural Building prior to Oct. 1 and leave their names with the secretary. A. L. Darnell Dairy Husbandry Department All senior students in the School of Ag riculture who have completed two or more courses in Dairy Husbandry are eligible for consideration for the Borden Award in Dairy Husbandry. Any senior student in agriculture who believes he might qualify for this award, and has a grade point ra tio of 1.5 or higher is requested to leave his name with the secretary in the Dairy Husbandry office, room number 213 Agri cultural Building, by Oct. 1. A. L. Darnell Dairy Department The Journalism club will meet tonight at 7:30 in Building J to discuss business for the coming year and plans for getting a Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalism fraternity chapter at A&M. Employees (Continued from Page 2) S. Holt, Geraldine Jones, Nina Mc Carter, Mary S. Stephenson, sten ographers; Mrs. Grace N. Beal, sec retary; Mrs. Sheri F. Borum, Mar jorie M. McDuffie, clerk. Engineering Extension Service Earlene Pratt, secretary; Sue B. Green, stenographer; Forest ser vice, Marilyn Jernigan, Barbara B. Williams, stenographers; Lewill E. Horsman, assistant district fores ter, Joseph R. Daigle, Robert L. Comte, crewmen, district No. 4; Robert R. Fonville, crewleader, dis trict No. 1; Winnie Fays Richard, secretary-bookkeeper, district No. 5; Willie Edd Farris, crewleader, district No. 6. • Blue line print* • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST SOSA East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) 1204 S. Hiway 6 THE HOUSTON POST Read Your Moruinp' Newsnauer For NEWS and SPORTS Dormitory Delivery F. L. SMITH 2-5180 or 4-9756 Rely On Us for Superior . Service When you put clothes in our hands, you know they’ll be returned clean, well pressed and in top form. Our reputation rests on your satisfaction. ■ ‘A BYERS-FUR STORAGE MATT EPS Am^v.u’xcti tt REGISTRATIONS BEING ACCEPTED The Oaks Nursery School 601 Maryem St. — College Station BALANCED PROGRAM Qualified Teachers — Transportation Available Separate Rooms For Rest and Play LARGE SHADED PLAY AREA Hours 9-12 — 8-5 For Appointment Phone 4-8179 Flower Arranger Holds Clinic Here J. Gregory Conway, internation ally known flower arranger, lec turer and author, climaxed his two- day stay at College Station with a clinic for the A&M Garden club Friday morning in the assembly room of the Memorial Student Cen ter. Using greenery and flowers from the gardens of Mrs. Armstrong Price, Mrs. R. V. Andrews, Mrs. Carl Landiss and other members of the class, the women fashioned arrangement from the classic Jap anese design. Mr. Conway spoke on “Japanese Designs” Thursday morning, and the topic of Thursday afternoon’s lecture was “Holiday and Christ mas Arrangements.” A graduate of the University of California in Los Angeles, Conway received his master of arts degree in flower arrangement from the University of Osaka in Japan. His newest book, released last October, is “Conway’s Treasury of Flowers.” Social Whirl Tuesday, September 21 '7:30 p.m. Business Wives club social at YMCA. Plans for the club’s dance Oct. 29 will be dis cussed. 7:30 p.m. Geology Wives club open house in honor of new mem bers at home of Mrs. S. A. Lynch, 407 Crescent.. Madie Cooper, Jean Farmer, Eleanor Paseman and Thelma Zak are in charge of ar rangements. Promotions Given The A&M system board of di rectors Saturday approved pro motions for personnel at Texas A&M, Arlington state college and the Agricultural Extension service. At A&M promotions were con firmed for Floyd Paul Folsom, from teaching fellow to instructor, and Rex E. Hall, from maintenance man to instructor. More than 250 women from Bry an, College Station and 16 other central Texas towns were present for the lectures and clinic. Board Honors Faculty Members The A&M System hoard of di rectors passed three resolutions honoring members of the faculty and staff of A&M who died during the summer. The resolutions were in honor of E. L. Williams, former vice-di rector of the Engineering Experi ment Station; T. F. Mayo, former English professor; and C. W. Bur- chard, former chemistry professor. Williams died June 14; Mayo, June 26; and Burchard, June 21. TODAY & WEDNESDAY At A&M The Exchange Store Is Your Dealer In PAPER-MATE PENS Silvered-Tip Refills *« Red. Blue, Green, Black ... » for smoother, easier, faster writing C 1954 Paper-Mate Oo.. Inc.. Culver City. Cal IT. TO THE CLASS OF '58! CHESTERFIELD IS THE LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE IN AMERICA’S COLLEGES THIS Chesterfield leadership is shown by actual sales audits in more than 800 college co-ops and campus' stores from coast to coast. In choosing your cigarette be sure to remember this! You will like Chesterfield best because only Chesterfield has the right combination of the world’s best tobaccos — highest in quality, low in nicotine — best for you. All of us smoke for relaxa tion, for comfort, for satisfaction — and in the whole wide world no cigarette satisfies like a Chesterfield. You smoke with the greatest pleasure when your cigarette is Chesterfield ... Yes, these six words “highest in quality—low in nicotine” mean Chester field is best for you. Buy ’em king-size—or regular. CHESTERFIELD