The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 14, 1954, Image 4

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    Page 4
Tuesday, September 14, 1954
Duchess’ Home Is
Decorating Problem
Associated Press Women’s Editor
The Duchess of Windsor has her
decorating problems, even as any
housewife, she reveals in her* first
published ax’ticle, which will appear
in two installments in the October
and November issues of Woman’s
Home Companion.
Her subject is the remodeling
and decorating of the “first real
home” she and the Duke have
owned since their marriage—a
quaint old stone mill about an
hour’s drive from Paris. Describ
ing step by step the transformation
of the mill into a home, the Duchess
“After living in rented houses
and with other people’s things for
so long—we’ve gathered together
in this enchanted spot all our most
cherished possessions. Like the
garden we’ve planted here, we’ve
put down roots.
“This is the first home the Duke
and I have owned since we were
married—in fact it is the only one
—for even our house in Paris is
leased. What endears it to me is
not only that it is really ours,
but that it is so different from
any house we have lived in before.
And because it is small and inti
mate and informal, I have been
able to use the things we love most
and have owned for years.”
One of the problems faced by
the Duchess was making room for
all the priceless collections and fur
nishings owned by the man who
once was King of England, and in
blending harmoniously the many
styles of furniture accumulated by
both the Duke and Duchess from
their many previous homes. She
“We’ve used a great deal of the
furniture that came from Fort Bel
vedere, the Duke’s home when he
was Prince of Wales and King. We
also have here some of the things
we had in Nassau and the furniture
we had made for the house we
rented at La-Croe—our first home
after we were married.
“I suppose because we haven’t
had a house of our own for so long,
the Duke and I like to surround
ourselves with familiar things.
Each small object reminds us of
some event in our lives, some shar
ed experience, some old friend or
member of our families. We both
are terrific collectors by nature and
collections need a place to stay.
Of course you have to add, too, my
passion for fixing up and decorat
ing houses.
“That began years ago when I
was a navy wife. Wherever I
lived, I soon learned that there
were certain tricks which would
turn an impersonal or discourag
ing room into something homelike
and personal. And this experience
has stood me in good stead since.
I’ve learned that the things you
love and that mean most to you
are the important furnishings of
a house.”
The royal couple discovered their
dream house two years ago, driving
down a winding road from Paris.
The old mill, consisting of four
buildings, had been the residence
of the painter Drian, who had done
a portrait of the Duchess before the
wax'. The Duke had been talking
of buying “a little place in the
countxy” while the Duchess was
holding out for a house in Paris.
But she lost her heart to the old
stone mill. The I’emodeling pre
sented many pi’oblems, as she ex
plains :
“Stone walls two feet thick and
haxid-hewn beams a foot square
aren’t easy to alter. We wanted
to make one large hall out of the
entry and sitting-i’oom on the first
floor of the mill building ... Of
course, plumbing is a problem in
any old house and we had worked
over and over our plans to fit into
the tiny space the bathrooms we
After getting a builder started
on the major architectural changes,
the Duchess left for New Yoi'k,
and a shopping spree. She wxites:
“I adore to shop. All my friends
know I’d rather shop than eat. I
could hai'dly wait to get to New
Yoi*k to look for wallpapers and
fabrics for the mill.”
In its pi’esent finished state, the
house is a charming blend of the
old and the new, with every room
filled with ti’easux-es fi’om the ro
mantic past of the famous couple.
The Duch.ess has gone in for a
great deal of color thi’oughout the
house, but her favoi’ite room ap
pears to be her bedroom, which
she desci'ibes thus:
“My bedroom is long and narrow
with sloping beams, a little like a
tent—so I decided to emphasize
this by draping the old beams with
sti’iped antique taffeta. The colors
in the cui'tains are repeated in the
harlequin bedcover—a present from
my husband on my last bithday.
Its pieces are put together by hand
like a patchwork quilt—I had de
cided it would be too expensive
but the Duke ordered it for me
anyway as a surprise.”
Explaining her theory of decora
tion, the Duchess says:
“I think every house should have
a theme in decoi'ation—even if the
theme is as simple as the one I
chose for the mill—fruit and flow-
ei’S. Then the decoration becomes
something like a musical composi
tion, each room carries the theme
but with vaxiations of mood and
Wesley’s Freshman
Fellowship to Meet
The first regular meeting of the
Freshman Fellowship of the Wes
ley Foundation will be Wednesday
night at 7:15. The meeting is
planned to help fi’eshmen become
acquainted with fellowship class
Old members of Wesley Founda
tion will lead buzz gx-oups. Re
freshments will be served, and
guests are invited to use Wesley’s
recreation facilities.
Geology Wives
Make Fall Plans
Jean Farmer, president of the
Geology Wives club of A&M, an
nounced that two club members
will be present during registration
to take names of the wives of geol
ogy majoi’s.
Plans have been made to send
old members written invitations to
the first meeting of the year. Date
of the meeting has not been set.
Consolidated Wins
Queen To Sail
To US This Fall
LONDON, Sept. 13—<A>) — The
trans-Atlantic liner she launched
in 1938 will cai’ry Queen Mother
Elizabeth to Amei’ica this fall for
her visit to New York, Washing
ton and Ottawa, Canada.
Clarence House, her residence,
said tonight she will sail Oct. 21
on the liner Queen Elizabeth.
... 3c a word per Insertion with a
25c minimum. Space rate In classified
section .... 60c per column-inch. Send
all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES
OFFICE. All ads must be received In
Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the
day before publication.
TWO GERMAN light weight bicycles.
Phone 6-3766 after 4.
DRESSER, dressing stool, rocker, bed.
Phone 2-1957 after 5.
THREE BEDROOM house and furniture.
Phone 4-8321.
NINE PIECE solid oak dining room suite.
$75. 18 cubic ft. Frigidaire, double
door, deep freeze. $395. 3-1069.
OLD FRENCH violin in good condition.
Write box 284 F. E.
A WONDERFUL place to buy or sell.
Battalion classified ads. Call 4-5324 or
4-1149 for prompt courteous service.
— neat, accurate.
Phone 3532.
• Blue line prints
• Blue prints
• Photostats
Phone 3-6887
AVAILABLE Oct. 15. Unusually nice fur
nished one bedroom upstairs apartment
in College Hills—adults only. $65.00.
Phone 4-7666.
PRIVATE shady trailer space between Col
lege and Bryan. Call F. L. Smith
2-5180 or 4-9756.
LARGE BEDROO*!, private bath, garage.
$32. 304 Grove South. 6-3523.
TWO BEDROOMS in my home. Men only.
Near campus. Phone 4-7054. 401 Dex
ter So.
FOR NEWS and sports read yourn morn
ing newspaper. The Houston Post. Dorm
itory delivery F. L. Smith, 1204 South
Hiway No. 6, Bryan. Phone 2-5180 or
WILL KEEP children by hour, day or
week. Special rates for football games.
Mrs. G. W. Pollan, C-10-A College View.
REGISTERED nurse In College Station
will supervise day care of children. Phone
SEWING and alterations—Mrs. Earl Min
er, 316 Kyle. Phone 6-2402.
Dr. Carlton R. Lee
803A East 26th
Call 2-1662 for Appointment
(Across from Court House)
210 S. Main
Pho. 2-1584
(Continued from Page 3)
Again a 20 yard run by Engle-
brecht set up the scoring play.
Bremond fought back late in the
third period to knot the score at
19-19 when Mitchell broke loose for
57 yards and his third touchdown
of the evening. Bernard Bashinski
drove through the middle for the
extra point that evened the score.
With onliy a few minutes re
maining in the game, the deter
mined Tigers drove 61 yards in 16
plays to jump back into 25-19 lead.
Caroll’s try for point was blocked,
but Bremond was unable to move
the ball as time ran out.
Fumble recoveries by Edward
Linton and Bobby Joe Wade were
important factors in the contest.
One led to a Consolidated touch
down, while the other stopped a
Bremond drive in the shadows of
the Tiger goalposts. A pass in
terception by Englebrecht halted
the final Bremond di’ive in the
waning minutes of the game.
Leading ground gainer for the
contest was Bremond’s Mitchell
with 146 yards on 27 carries. En-
gelbrecht led the Tiger attack with
95 yards on 13 carries. Bremond
led in fii’st downs with 13 while
Consolidated racked up 12 first
downs, but the Tigers had a net
gain total of 235 yards to 200 for
President Gets New Plane
DENVER, Sept. 14 —0P> —“By
golly, isn’t that a ship,” President
Eisenhower declared with delight
Monday in getting a first look at
his new airplane, a gleaming Super
Unnamed as yet, it soon will
replace the Columbine, the private
plane Eisenhower has been using
since he became president.
The Chief Executive saw the
new plane for the first time at
Lowry air force base where the
summer White House is located.
A few minutes later it took off
for Washington with Mrs. Eisen
hower’s sister, Mrs. Gordon Moore,
aboard. She was accompanied by
her two children, Ellen, 13, and
Mamie, 12.
The President and Mrs. Eisen
hower drove to the air strip to
see them off. Eisenhower has-yet
to fly in the big new plane, and
he made a beeline for it as soon
as he left his car.
Cameramen asked the President
to pose for a picture with Mrs.
Moore at the foot of the ramp,
but he put that off. Eager as a
schoolboy, he said:
“I’m going to see this plane
right now.”
With that he scurried up the
ramp and spent several minutes
inspecting the interior.
, Mrs. Eisenhower and her mother,
Mrs. John S. Doud, also went
aboard for a look.
Dallas Policeman
Speaks At School
A working knowledge of the law
is of vital importance to law en
forcement officers said Charles
Batchelor, deputy chief in the Dal
las police force, at the Texas Mu
nicipal Police school at A&M.
“Any infraction of a suspect’s
rights, such as an incorrect ad
dress on a search warrant, can
spoil the chances of bringing the
matter to a successful conclusion,”
Batchelor said.
Reporters were not permitted
aboard and White House Press Sec-
reitax-y James C. Hagerty said de
tails on the new plane will not
be made public until the President
takes it over from the Air Force
officially, probably within the
mext month.
The ship has a cruising speed
of about 330 mph, 50 miles faster
than the Columbine. It also is
1)8 feet longer than the Columbine.
Lt. Col. William G. Draper, the
President’s air force aide and pilot,
flew the Moores back to Washing
ton. He iiitenda to fly it as bxuch
as possible during the next few
weeks to become thoroughly famil
iar with it before taking the Chief
Executive up in it.
$25 OFF
1954 Models
Royal Portable Typewriters
Bryan Business Machine Company
„ f
429 South Main St.
Ph. 2-1328
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The Battalion