Page 2 THE BATTALION ~ mursda.wAugust. 19< 1954 .— . ^ - Rev. Charles Workman A&M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kev. Norman Anderson A&M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Father Sylvester Fuchs ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHAPEL Rev. Bob Monk A&M METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Clarence Ketch A&M CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. Bob Darwall ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL ♦ CHAPEL Welcome To Your ■ Por a fuller, all-round development; to make your spirit ual growth keep pace with growth in other fields of knowledge; To know your professors, campus personnel, and fellow- Aggies as a worshipping community, bound together in alle giance to God; To find congenial fellowship with Aggies and Aggiettes under the finest conditions. WE INVITE YOU No matter what your church preference, to find a place — in our varied programs at any of our offices for friendly counsel — in all services of worship Rev. Bob Longshore FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Gene Layman FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Tom Swygert OUR SAVIOUR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH / James F. Fowler A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST Bob Davidson A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST Religious Workers Assigned to the Texas A&M Community Mrs. J. J. Taubenhaus JEWISH Phil Goode CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST