Pa£e $ THE BATTALION^. ^ Tuesday. Majr 25, 1954 Former Students Cramming for Exams? Fight “Book Fatigue” Safely Vour doctor will tell you — a NoDoz Awakener is safe as an average cup of hot, black cof fee. Take a NoDoz Awakener when you cram for that exam ...or when mid-afternoon brings on those “3 o’clock cob webs.” You’ll find NoDoz gives you a lift without a letdown... helps you snap back to normal and fight fatigue safely! 15 njr f large economy the QQr fobleU —(f or Greek Row and J|0' Dorms) 60 tablets — SAFE AS COFFEE (Continued from Page 1) Penrose B. Metcalfe, T6, San. Angelo, gave a report on the nomi nating committee for officers. Locke was given a 25-year pin and wrist watch for his 25 years of continuous service as assistant secretary of the association. McQuillen was given a 20-year pin for his 20 years of continuous service as secretary of the associa tion. Mrs. J. *Nr. Sheppard was given a 10-year pin for her 10 years as a stenographer for the association. A special citation was given to J. Harold Dunn as appreciation for the “wonderful job done as presi dent of the association,” said Her- vey. Three class agents, R. D. Gam- brell, ’42, Oscar A. Seward, ’07, and L. D. Royer, ’13, were honored as their respective classes received most contributions to 1953 Develop ment Fund, had the highest per centage of members contributing to the fund and contributed the most money to the fund. About 100 persons attended both meetings of the council, said Her- vey. Special guests at the Sunday morning breakfast were Dr. David H. Morgan, president of the col lege, Dr. J. P. Abbott, dean of the college, Col. Joe E. Davis, com mandant, and members of the coaching staff. Trade Your Books for Records! Trade Your Books for Records! RECORD SALE Entire Stock of 45 and 33 1/3 R.P.M. Reduced POPULAR AND CLASSICAL 20^o OH Remember!! You can TRADE your TEXTBOOKS for RECORDS and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to increase your record library. You Don’t Need Cash Bring Your Books SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE North Gate CLASS OF ’54—This year’s graduating class sits in the White coliseum, listening to the commencement talks and waiting for the moment when they will get their degrees. Most Dormitories To Close May 29 All dormitories except those to be used during the summer session will be closed and locked at 1 p. m. May 29. Dormitory students now in school who intend to go to summer school must be moved to their new rooms by that time, said Harry Boyer, chief of housing. Military students who move early are reminded that they must check with their dormitory coun selor before leaving, he said. Students who must change rooms but who will leave the campus be fore the semester ends may make arrangements with the present oc cupants of their new room about storing their possessions until they return, Boyer said. Students who will turn in their room keys must present their key and the yellow receipt showing their key deposit at the housing office in Goodwin hall. All students are urged to dis card paper and trash as soon as possible so that there will not be such large amounts the last few days of school, Boyer said. Physics Faculty Honors Walker Weldon Wayne Walker, sopho more chemical engineering student from Waco, has been named the outstanding student in the intro ductory physics courses here. Selected by the faculty of the physics department, Walker was given a copy of the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Progress, as well as achieve ment, was considered in determin ing the winner, said J. G. Potter, head of the physics department. “Walker has done outstanding work in the course in both semes ters of the 1953-53 sessions,” he said. The Chemical Rubber company presents copies of the 3,100-page handbook annually to outstanding beginning students in leading col lege and universities, Potter said. “It is the handbook most highly valued by many physicists and oth er scientists,” he said. - Battalion Classifieds - »UV, SEUL, RENT OR TRADE. Rate* . . 3c a word per insertion with a !5o minimum. Space rate In classified ectlon .... 60c per column-inch. Send dl classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES 1FFICE. All ads must be received in Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the lay before publication. FOR SALE QUITY In a two-bedroom G.I. home. Fenced in yard. Trees and washer con nection. Call 6-5693. 210 Poplar, C.E. MG SPORT CAR. Late 1952 model In excellent condition. 4-1210 ol* 4-7966. REFRIGERATOR, reconditioned, depend able $40. Inner spring couch, makes double bed or two singles, fair condi- tion, $20. 1938 Studebaker, 8 cylinder president. Club coupe, new brakes and battery, fair tires, $75. C-18-C College View before Saturday. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED beauty operator. Pbone 4-4312. Lady Fair Beauty salon. LABORATORY technician for Dr.’s of fice. 4-1224. Official Notice Lll senior students In engineering who n to register for Nuclear Engineering, E 447, in the fall term of 1954-55 should -register for this course in the Chemi- Engineering Dpartment, Room 308 Pet. lg., before May 31, 1954. J. D. Lindsay Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 803A East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) FOR RENT LARGE COOL furnished apartment for the Summer. Phone 4-7139. NEWLY DECORATED efficiency apart ment. Attic fan. Adjacent to South Gate, campus. No children. Phone 4-4774. FOR SUMMER MONTHS, two bedroom house, large outdoor living terrace, walk ing distance of campus. Phone 6-3526. MY FURNISHED home three bedrooms, two baths, living room, dining room, kit chen, study and screened porch. Avail able at least 12 months and possibly 15 to 18 months. 304 Gilchrist east. Col lege Hills. Ph. 4-7981. D. M. Vestal. LARGE three room apartment partly fur nished. North Gate. Utilities paid. $50 per month. 6-2332. NICE front apartment, furnished, private bath and garage. Available June 1. Near East Gate. Ph. 4-8742. NICE THREE ROOM furnished apartment, lust off A&M campus. Large cook rooms, plenty of cabinet and closet space. Nice furniture. Phone 6-3776 or inquire 601 Montclair by Southside grocery. FUM4ISHED APARTMENT near campus, utilities paid. 203 Fairview. Phone 4-9956. AVAILABLE June 1. Four rooms. Nice ly furnished apartments in College Hills, summer rates. Ph. 4-7666. • Blue line print* • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 • FOUND • A WONDERFUL place to buy or seb. Battalion classified ads. Call 4-5324 or 4-1149 for prompt courteou* service. • SPECIAL NOTICE • NEED CASH? Get our offer on the text books you don’t need. Shaffer’s Book Store, North Gate. RAISE CHINCHILLAS Plan an interesting and profitable fu ture in fur farming. Highest quality N.C.B.A. Chinchillas offered. Will re produce within 90 days. $500 per pair up. Guaranteed protection on your investment. Liberal terms. JIM SCHWENKE ’49 Blue Diamond Ranch 310 Choate Circle, Houston Olive 0545 • WANTED • WANTED USED FURNITURE The Colonel’s Corner Phone 3-1515 501 N. College—Bryan ‘‘We Buy, Sell or Trade Anything” READ CLASSIFIED TERRY’S ART SHOP Framing and Artist Supplies Pho. 3544 2617 Hwy. 6 S. BRYAN DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS 210 S. Main Bryan IT’S EASY AS PICKING FLOWERS ... to paint your home with BENJAMIN MOORE’S “WALL S A T I N”, a rubberized wall paint, the luxury paint of to morrow. 20 READY-MIXED COLORS — N 48 INTERMIXES CHAPMAN’S Paint & Wallpaper Co. ••Next to the Post Office” Kryan, Texas Morning and Afternoon Service to DALLAS-FT. WORTH Lv 7:05 a.m. Daily. 2:15 p.m. Daily except Saturday with excellent connections at Dallas to new 2V3 hrs. DC-7 service CHICAGO HEW YORK . WASHIHGT0H 4/. hr. new DC-7 hrs. service l / r. 1 I ^ for information phone ^ —5034 and reservations NO CIGARETTE EVER WENT SO FAR SO MST! "What a pleasure to find a filter cigarette with a real cigarette taste, and the best filter of them all. There's noth ing like t&M Filters!" Star of “The Teahouse of the August Moon Nation-Wde Demand for L G M Drops Price! Save up to 4? a pack -40# a carton! Since L&M Filters were put on sale across the country they have gained a nation-wide demand never before equalled by any other cigarette in so short a time. Already, thousands of big-city dealers report — L&M their largest selling filter cigarette! Why have L&M Filters rolled up sales records like this? Because for the first time filter tip smokers are-getting what they want . . . much more flavor and aroma with much less nicotine. .v -as^ - J SjIttAci cr tip - BEST FROM EM TO you JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED 1. THE MIRACLE TIP.. . L&M’s exclusive filter tip contains Alpha Cellulose ... for most effective filtra tion. Selects and removes the heavy particles, leaving you a Light and Mild smoke. 2. PUREST AND BEST filter made. Exclusive with L&M. Result of 3 years of scientific research ..... 3 years rejecting other filters. This is it! 3. MUCH MORE FLAVOR...MUCH LESS NICOTINE. L&M Filters are the first filter cigarettes to taste the way a cigarette should. The premium quality tobaccos . . . and the miracle filter work together to give you plenty of good taste ^ g ^*mv ERSTobaccocq THE DISTINCTIVE EM MONOGRAM CIGARETTE Jj Ujht and Wild - cuter tip cigarette AMERICA’S HIGHEST QUALITY AND BEST FIL