The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 18, 1954, Image 4

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    Pag-e 3 ~ THE BATTALION Tuesday, May 18, 1954
ALMOST MAKES IT—Jim Blaine, one of the greatest
A&M distance men since the fabled J. D. Hampton of the
late ’40s, turned in a time in the mile run Saturday at the
Southwest conference track meet in Waco, which lacked
three tenths of a second of tieing Hampton’s SWC mile
record of 4:17.2. Blaine raced around the track in 4:17.5
for the best showing of the year by any conference miler.
Significant White Sox,
Yankee Game Tonight
AP Staff Writer
CHICAGO, May 18—UP)—-T h e
Chicago White Sox, a struggling
team at home, and the road-happy
New York Yankees engage in a
short, but significant series begin
ning at Comiskey Park tonight.
The Yankees invade the Pale
Two Ag i encers
In Nationals
and Don Burton of Texas A&M won
places here Saturday in the nation
al fencing tournament scheduled
for June 1 in New York City. The
matches held in this coastal city
tvei’e sectional qualifying rounds.
Pigg is a Dallas range and for
estry junior and Burton is a soph-
pmore pre-med from Waco.
Sectional qualifying for the na
tional fencing tournament was
held in nine divisions.
Qualifiers included:
Men’s open foil—1. Jack Cornell,
Texas Tech (Lubbock). 3. Lt.
Bruce Davis, El Paso, Ft. Bliss.
Women’s intermediate foil — 3.
Miss Bobby Brooks, El Paso.
Women’s team foilj—Dallas de
feated El Paso in finals.
Men’s junior foil — 2. Jim Le
Blanc, El Paso.
Men’s intermediate foil—1. Jack
Cornell, Texas Tech (Lubbock).
Junior epee—2. Daniel McIntosh,
El Paso.
Intermediate epee — 1. Janies
Pigg, Texas A&M. 2. Don Burton,
Texas A&M.
Hose arena for the first time this
season in a two-game set that
could move the world champions
to the American League’s top rung
which has eluded them virtually
since the race began.
Won 6 of Last 7
Casey Stengel’s maulers have
come with a rush, winning six of
their last seven games, and 11 of
13 while Cleveland, Chicago and
Detroit have been doing a sort of
hesitation waltz atop the stand
Only one full game now sepa
rates the Yankees from first-place
Cleveland and Chicago with the
Tribe ahead of the White Sox by 10
percentage points.
A Challenge
The Yankee visit is a stern chal
lenge to the Sox, whose field boss,
Paul Richards and general man
ager, Frank Lane, have said in ef
fect the aging Yanks should find a
nice, soft rocking chair and leave
the pennant winning to a young,
snappy club—like the White Sox.
Only the White Sox hav not
found their own Comiskey Park
much of a background for their
prowess. They have won only eight
games while losing seven at home
against an 11-4 road record.
Babe Yoselevitz, smallest player
on the Brandeis University basket
ball team, succeeds Ernie Helmrich,
the second smallest player, as next
year’s captain. Helmrich is 5 feet
9%. Yoselevitz is 5 feet 9.
.. .... T T' "
When you pause... make it count... have a Coke
“Coke” is a registered trade-mark. © 1954. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY
Aggies Second
In SWC Match
Based on AP Reports
Fair-haired Jim Blaine, who has only run the mile all-
out three times this season, turned in a sparkling 4:17.5
Saturday to come within three-tenths of a second of the
Southwest conference record of 4:17.2 in the Southwest
conference track meet in Waco.
Blaine was so exhausted, he fell
on the track during the two-mile
run and could not complete the
race. His time in the mile was the
best turned in this year by a
Southwest conference runner.
The Aggies’ Harry Cox was a
surprise in the shot put, achieving
a toss of neaily 48 feet 9 7/8”.
Cox had previously been putting
the 16 pound sphere around 32
feet this year. His showing as
sures the Aggies of the top three
places in SWC shot next year, with
all three returning.
Texas won six events and placed
in all others except the low hur
dles and shot put to capture the
Southwest Conference track and
field meet. A&M’s three-year dom
ination was broken in a flurry of
great performances that wiped out
two records and tied two others.
Longhorns Score 95%Points
The Longhorns rolled up 95
points by sweeping the 220-yard
A&M was second with 54 7/12,
Southern Methodest third with 32
23-24, Rice fourth with 32 7-12,
Baylor fifth with 25, Arkansas
sixth with 15 and Texas Christian
last with 14.
New Half Record
Tom Rogers of Texas set a new
record in the half-mile, going the
distance in 1:52.1. Then South
ern Methodist made it a brilliant
day by galloping the mile relay in
a record 3:13.0. The old record
in the 880-yard run was 1:53.6,
set by Otha Byrd of Rice in 1950.
The record in the mile relay was
3:14.3, set by Rice in 1950.
Morton Anchors
Don Morton had a 47.7 in an
choring the SMU mile relay team
to its victory and record.
The great Texas sprinters
brought two record ties. Dean
Smith, who made 1114 points to tie
teammate Charley Thomas for
high point honors, ripped off a
100-yard dash with a mild 3.36
miles per hour wind behind him in
9.5 to equal the conference record
he shares with four others—Fred
Wolcott, Rice, 1939; Allen Law
ler, Texas, 1946; Bill Martineson,
Baylor, 1946, and Perry Samuels,
JORGE DUCOS of Argentina
will head the Pan American Club
next year. The other officers are
Juan Letts of Peru, vice - pres
ident; Abel Barret of Mexico,
secretary; and Aristide Cass of
Venezuela, treasurer.
Texas, 1949. Smith ran a 9.5 in
The Texas 440-yard relay team
of Smith, Jerry Prewit, Alvin
Frieden and Thomas raced to a
41.1 to equal the conference record
set by Texas in 1950.
440—1. Texas, Dean Smith, Jerry Prew
it, Alvin Frieden, Charley Thomas ; 2.
Baylor; 3. Rice; 4. Texas A&M; 5. South
ern Methodist. 0 :41.1. Equals record set
by Texas in 1950.
Javelin—1. Wes Ritchey, Texas Christ
ian, 199 feet, 4 3 /i inches; 2. Dick Hazard,
Arkansas, 191-1 ; 3. Charles Renfroe, Tex r
as; 190)4 ; 4. Pete Mayeaux, Texas A&M,
188-8; 5. Tom Dollahite, Texas A&M,
440—. Don Morton, Southern Methodist;
2. Harold Griffin, Rice; 4. Bill Diven, Ar
kansas; 4. George Auld, Texas; 5. Jim
Caruthers. Texas, 0 :48.0.
100—1. Dean Smith, Texas ; 2. Alvin
Frieden, Texas; 3. Charley Thomts, Texas ;
4. Jerry Prewit, Texas ; 5. Bob Herod,
Baylor. 0 :09.5. Ties record set by Fred
Wolcott, Rice, in 1939, and tied by Alien
Lawler of Texas and Bill Martineson of
Baylor in 1946, Perry Samuels of Texas-
in 1949 and Dean Smith of Texas in
Discuss—1. Bobby Gross, Texas A&M, 153
feet 8V4 inches; 2. Ed Jackson, Rice,
148-1 ; 3. Rodney Williams, Southern Meth
odist, 145-3 ; Don Wilson, Rice, 140-1 ;
5. Langford Sneed, Texas,
120-high hurdles—1. Bill Curtis, Texas
Christian; 2. Guayford Donaldson, Baylor;
3. Tom Dollahite, Texas A&M; 4. James
Hollingsworth, Texas A&M; 5. Harley
Hartung, Texas A&M 0:14.5.
Mile—1. James Blaine, Texas A&M; 2.
Dale DeRouen, Texas A&M; 3. Jim Tenni-
son, Arkansas; 4. Hulen Hale, Texas; 5.
Don Neighbors, Texas. 4:17.5.
220—1. Charley Thomas, Texas; 2. Dean
Smith, Texas ; 3. Alvin Frieden, Texas ;
4. Jerry Prewit, Texas; 5. Bob Carson,
Texas. 0.21.1.
880—1. Tom Rogers, Texas ; 2. David
Weaver, Southern Methodist; 3. Dick Foer-
ster, Texas ; 4. Ed Davis, Rice ; 5. Dale
Spence, Rice. 1 :52,1. New record—old
record 1:53.6 set by Otha Byrd, Rice, in
High jump—1. Bob Billings, Texas, 6
feet 6 inches; 2. Henry Dickson, Texas,
6-5 ; 3. Tie between Raymond Berry, South
ern Methodist, and James Babb, Texas,
6-0 ; 5. Tie among Marvin Swink, Texas
A&M; John Mcllhenny, Texas A&M;
Charles Cowley, Baylor; Stephen James,
Rice; Tterry Tengler. Rice; Dick Hein,
Southern Methodist; Wayne Delaney, Tex
as, and Earl Whitesides, Texas, 5-10.
220-low hurdles—1. Bobby Herod, Bay
lor ; 2. Bill Curtis, Texas Christian ; 3.
Harley Hartung, Texas A&M; 4. Austin
Palmer, Texas ; 5. James Hollingsworth,
Texas A&M. 0.23.5.
Two-mile—1. Elbert Spence, Texas ; 2.
Leroy Llowe, Southern Methodist ; 3. Ino-
censio Cantu, Texas ; 4.Verlon Westmore
land, Texas A&M; 5. Alan Eshbaugh,
Arkansas. 9 :28.9.
Mile relay 1. Southern Methodist, Adel-
bert Bartek, David Weaver, Bobby Crooks,
Don Morton : 2. Texas 3. Texas A&M :
4. Rice; 5. Baylor. 3:13.9. New record
— old record 3:14.3, set by Rice in 1950.
Pole vault—1. Stephen James, Rice, 13
feet, 5 inches : 2. Tie between John Novey
and Glen Hoffman, Texas, 13-0 ; 4. Billy
Tutor, Texas A&M, 12-6; 5. Tie among
Dick Bernet, Southern Methodist, James
Earle. Texas A&M, and Steve Simms,
Rice, 12-0.
Broad jump—1. Raymond Vickery, Bay
lor, 24 feet; 2. Dick Hazard, Arkansas,
23-814 ; 3. James Beavers, Rice, 23-7%;
4. Jerry House, Texas, 22-10% ; 5. Bobby
Robison, Texas A&M, 22-7%.
Shot put—1.Bobby Gross, Texas A&M,
52 feet % inch; 2. Tom Bonorden, Texas
A&M, 49-6; 3. Harry Cox, Texas A&M,
48-9%; 4. Tom Hairston, Southern Metho
dist, 48-6% ; 5. Orville Trask, Rice, 47-3%.
xr -
Jimmy Williams
Aggie Varsity Catcher
Miler’s Expenses
Paid By British
LONDON, May 18 — UP) — The
British government accepted full
financial responsibility for Roger
Bannister’s goodwill trip to the
United States, Minister of State
Selwyn Lloyd told the House of
Commons yesterday.
That statement wrote “end” to
the Bannister serial and made it
clear the great miler’s trip did
not violate amateur rules.
Meanwhile, Bannister said he
has withdrawn from the London
and Oxford Universities athletic
meet Thursday.
The lanky medical student was
scheduled to run the half mile but
decided against competing because
he is “too tired” after his recent
trip to the United States. He told
American radio audiences how he
shattered the four-minute-mile bar
rier with a 3:59.4 clocking. He re
turned home Friday.
HALLANDALE, Fla.—<A>)-—Rob-
ert Barnett certainly picked the
right time to ride his first thor
oughbred winner. When the 20-
year-old Chicago apprentice jockey
scored with Measure Up at Gulf-
stream his father, Aaron Barnett,
gave him a big hug. His dad owns
the horse. It was Jockey Barnett’s
10th mount.
Jim Williams
Named All-SWC
Aggie catcher Jimmy Wil
liams was the only Cadet to
land a spot on the 1954 all-
Soiithwest conference b a s e -
ball team.
Williams was a unanimous choice
of the coaches.
Champion Texas dominated the
all-conference teams landing five
of the 14 places. Baylor, the run
ner-up, got four spots, SMU and
TCU two apiece. Rice failed to
land a man.
There were six unanimous
choices of all six coaches: Travis
Eckert, Texas outfielder; Boyd
Linker, Texas pitcher; Bobby
Benge, Baylor catcher; Williams;
Mickey Sullivan, Baylor outfield
er, and Les Mattinson, TCU out
Paul Mohr, Texas first baseman;
Bobby Towery, Texas second base-
man; Tommy Snow, Texas utility
outfielder; and Tommy Bowers,
SMU pitcher, each polled five.
Others on the team were Jerry
Dykeman, Baylor, third base;
Wayne Connally, Baylor, short
stop; Jim Payne, SMU, utility in
fielder, and Tommy Hill, TCU
The average age of the Balti
more Orioles, newest team in the
American League, is 27% years.
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"J. ' * o L ^
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