The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 14, 1954, Image 2
Battalion Editorials Page 2 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1954 What Is The College Attitude Toward Hazing? The faculty panel that yesterday decided the three men charged with use of the board shouldn’t be severely punished has broken faith with the rest of the students. They have broken faith with those stu dents who want to see the board eliminated at A&M, and who know that the only way to do it is to catch and punish offenders. These three men were not punished at all. Their “punishment” will consist of being re quired to do school work, and then waiting three months to get their degrees. The panel, with its membership surround ed in secrecy, may have thought that it was doing the three seniors a favor. “It’s so close to graduation.” But what about the hundreds of other students of all classifications who have worked for years to prepare for corps con solidation and a better school? Is it better to favor these three men than to discourage use of the board at A&M ? College Regulations say that the use of the board can be punished by dismissal. In reality, dismissal is rarely used here as a punishment. The term “indefinite suspen sion,” which means the student can even tually come back, is used. But no punishment lighter than indefin ite suspension should ever be given for haz ing. Otherwise, students will continue to use the board, knowing that the college is going to let them get away with it. Next week, if a senior cuts a class, he can be punished by having his degree retained. Yesterday, three men who used the board had their degrees retained. In other words, cutting a class and hazing are of equal ser iousness. . . < But several students in the past have been indefinitely suspended for traffic vio lations. So hazing is not quite as bad as traffic violations. The opinion of the state of Texas toward hazing is clearly outlined in its Penal Code. Hazing is punishable by a fine and/or jail sentence. Just exactly what is the college attitude toward hazing? The Battalion Dornbush Named Band Drum Major John Dornbush was named head drum major of the consolidated band for next year after tryouts yesterday. White band drum major will be Dave Ashcroft, and Maroon band drum major will be Earle Pike. The drum majors were picked from 12 contestants, judged on a basis of appearance, posture, atti tude, signals, music directing, band response, and direction of the na tional anthem. The selection committee was composed of three present drum majors, the three band command ers, the two first sergeants, the ! two outstanding sophomores, the freshman band drum major, and Lt. Col. E. V. Adams, band di rector. LETTERS Editors, The Battalion: In place of questioning the cour age of those R. V. juniors who al lowed a board to be used on them selves, why do you not say a few words about the courage of he who chose to inform the college offi cials of the incident? Who so proudly shouts his own name from the housetops ? It is hard to be lieve that such a person was moti vated solely by his desire to bene fit the College through the expo sure of malefactors (so-called). Would not the chances for Corps consolidation have been better served if the incident had not been treated in the sensationalistic man ner which has characterized the Battalion’s handling of the situa tion ? We hope that the Battalion and the informer are proud of them selves. It is difficult to under stand in what manner they have benefited the College. Sincerely, William L. Walton ’53 Bruno C. Homeyer, Jr. ’53 The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination and vacation periods. The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .76 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Bntered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. BOB BORISKIE, HARRI BAKER Co-Editors Nimlcnls Arc Invilcd during the month of May to place their requests for guest room reservations with the Memorial Student Center for all major events from Septem ber 1954 thru May 1955. Four To Attend Meeting In Waco Four A&M students will attend the spring meeting of the South west Conference Sportsmanship committee tomorrow in Waco. The students are Jerry Ramsey, next year’s student senate presi dent; Glenn LangforJ, next year’s head yell leader; and Bob Boriskie and Harri Baker, Battalion co-edi tors. Baker is executive secretary of the committee. The Sportsmanship committee, composed of student representa tives from all Southwest conference schools, gives the Sportsmanship trophy each year. Agriculture Agents Meet Here May 17 The district agricultural agents of the Extension service will meet in the south solarium of the YMCA at 7 p. m., May 17. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss employment possibilities with senior agricultural students. There are twelve Extension ser vice districts in Texas and anyone interested in working in a certain district will be able to meet the agent from that disti-ict and discuss the matter with him. News of the World By the ASSOCIATED PRESS AUSTIN—Two F84 jet Thunderstreaks collided and crashed in Bastrop county yesterday, killing one pilot. The other pilot, Lt. Ivan Yopp, parachuted safely, suffering only minor injuries, a Bergstrom air force base spokesman said. ★ ★ ★ PARIS—The French National assembly last night gave Premier Joseph Laniel a slim vote of con fidence, 289 to 287. The closeness of the vote left Daniel’s prestige and position sharply reduced de spite the nominal victory. The vote come on Dan iel’s plea to the assembly to defer a debate on his government’s Indochina policy and to continue him in office. The vote came a week after the fall of the Indochina fortress of Dien Bien Phu. ★ ★ ★ MIAMI, Fla.—Gar Wood, 73-year-old noted speedboat racer, and eight other persons were rescued yesterday after Wood’s “unsinkable” twin-hulled yacht Venturi broke up in heavy seas and sank in the Bahamas near Great Isaac Light. The veteran boat builder and designer, his secreary, Jean Berry, 24, and his housekeeper, Jodie Rodriguez, were brought to Miami by a Coast Guard helicopter which lifted them out of a lifeboat wallowing in the rough water. ★ ★ ★ HANOI, Indochina—Vietminh troops yester day hurled their heaviest attack of the year in the vital Red River Delta against French forces near Phuly, 30 miles south of Hanoi. The French said their battalions smashed the assault but suffered “serious losses.” ★ ★ ★ NEW YORK—Frank Costello, once the king of gamb lers was convicted last night on three counts of federal income tax evasion. The 63-year-old Costello, dressed as conservatively as any banker, bowed his head into his tremb ling hands as the foreman of the jury announced the verdict. DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS moi’xcan 210 S. Main Bryan Pho. 2-1584 SUMMER SERGE Shirts and Pants Boot Breeches MADE TO YOUR MEASURE Delivery Next Week Before Final Review — Order Today — SUMMER SERGE OVERSEAS CAPS — All Types of Alterations — ZUBIK’S UNIFORM TAILORS 105 N. Main North Gate Triangle’s Sunday, May 16th Dinner RING DANCE k Perfect Gift, Complete With Chain and Guard—$4.25 (Without Chain and Guard—$3.00) AT STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE -COMPLETE DINNER $1.65- Choice of One—Tomato Juice .... Oyster Cocktail . . . Shrimp Cocktail 1. Virginia Ham ... 2. Spaghetti . . . . . . with Raisin Gravy with Meat Balls Choice of two vegetables and Garlic Bread Candied Yams — String Wop Salad Beans — Pinto Beans Wop Salad DESSERT—Lemon Pie or Ice Cream Beverage—Tea or Coffee SPECIAL ON PIZZA PIE . . . $1.00 A LA CARTE (Salad Incl $1.25 1. Virginia Ham with Raisin Gravy 2. Spaghetti Plate with Garlic Bread Triangle Drive-In Dining Lounge Try CROWFLITE CjAS at Triangle Station LI’L ABNER By At Capp LI’L ABNER By AI Capp P O G O By Walt Kelly TH/S 1$ A (7£$PEZMINT&mJATlON~' HOW We <30Ng FINE? TH£ eeczer iPMOuee’# jAwe l& LCCKlSP shut &y CANpyP ‘ UNTIL-H2 cowp/zr TAU£ NO&OPY WAS LIVIN' HIM A EAK ATAUL. ATS WHAT HE GIT POP 0EIN’A PIO-HiScTAW' SONES GOT GUMMEP UP HIM SATIN’ ^yUfjAU THESE JpfW/cARAMfkS. I’ O G O