Family Favorites By Mrs. Phillip Goode (Ed. note—Guest editor for today’s column is Sara June Goode, wife of Phillip Goode of the business administration department. The Goode’s have four daughters, Sara Phyllis, 12, Marcy, 10, Julie, 7, and Celia, 3. The three older girls are students at A&M Con solidated school. Mrs. Goode is the organist at the A&M Christian church. Also active in school activities, she is the new vice presi dent of the Educational commission and a member of the A&M Consolidated Mothers and Dads club.) I do not mean to mix advice to the lovelorn with this cooking column but the two are inseparable in my mind as I am an advocate of the theory that a straight and narrow path runs directly from man’s stomach to his heart. Since we women spend our lives trying to please them we might as well follow the simple easy directions on the package. Rule 1 is “Never introduce a controversial subject to a hungry man.” My husband is instantly soothed into an affirmative state of mind by the following spaghetti recipe. Italian Spaghetti and Meat Balls 2 eggs 2 slices of stale bread 1 teaspoon parsley flakes 1 tespoon salt % teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon Worchestershire sauce 2 chopped onions 2 chopped cloves of garlic 1 small can of mushrooms % cup salad oil % can (46 ounce) tomato juice 1 can tomato paste 1 pound ground meat Saute onions, garlic and mushrooms in salad oil. When golden brown add tomato juice and tomato paste. Fill the paste can with water to rinse it and add that. Season with salt and pepper and simmer with a lid on for about three hours. In the meantime prepare meat balls as follows: mix ground meat (beef or hamburger according to your current financial state) with eggs, bread, grated or soaked in water and squeezed dry, parsley flakes, salt, pepper and Worchester shire sauce. Mix into balls and brown in salad oil and add to sauce for last hour of cooking. Serve the meat balls and sauce with long, thin spaghetti cooked in the usual manner and grated Parmesan cheese. Potato Ice Box Rolls Most men love hot rolls and the following recipe I use for both dinner rolls and all sorts of sweet rolls. % pounds mealy potatoes, boiled 1 cup of milk scald with % cup and mashed (about one cup). shortening - cool. X always use left over mashed 2 eggs beaten with potatoes. 5 tablespoons of sugar and 1 cake yeast dissolved in % cup 2 Vn teaspoons salt warm water Beat in yeast, milk, shortening and potatoes. Knead in 5% cups flour. Place in greased bowl for 24 hours in refrigerator. When I make this into Parkerhouse rolls, I roll out the dough and cut it with a biscuit cutter and then stretch each roll gently and fold slightly off center and put the shorter side down. This keeps them from opening as they rise. I use lavish amounts of melted shortening in the pan and sometimes turn the rolls over in the shortening if I’m feeling thin. Let rise covered with a cloth for about one hour. Rich but lucious' Sweet rolls are easily made from this by spreading the dough with dots of butter, white sugar and cinnamon. Roll into a long roll; slice in 11/2 inch slices and place in pans which have been coated with the following mixture: % pound margarine 1/3 cup white Karo cooked over 1 cup brown sugar low heat until butter is melted. This may be sprinkled with chopped pecans. Let rise for one hour. Bake both dinner rolls and sweet rolls at 375 degrees for about twenty minutes. . Refrigerator Cookies (Aunt Lida) Rule 2 for pleasing men is for girls who are still in the “catching” stage. When the competition gets stiff and all else fails bi'ing out a plate of cookies you baked with your own little hands. My husband swears this is how I trapped him. (It wasn’t just a trick. I’ve been cooking three “hots” a day ever since.) This is the homespun little recipe I used. 4 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon cream tarter 1 cup nuts 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup margarine 2 eggs 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in one teaspoon water Shape into rolls, chill and slice thin and bake at 350 degrees for IQ - 12 minutes. Good hunting, girls! BATTALION CLASSIFIED BUY, SELL, RENT OR TRADE. Rates ... 3c a word per insertion with a 85c minimum. Space rate in classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must be received In Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. FOR SALE . G.I. EQUITY. Large two bedroom home in College Hills, $650.00. 1016 Foster, Phone 6-3754. BOOK SALE—Spanking new original ed^ itions. 79c each. Three for $2.00. Shaf fer’s Book Store, North Gate. LUCCESE BOOTS, 10 % C - 14% calf. $35; pink boot pants, 30” waist $10; Khaki boot pants, 30” waist $5. All of above worn one year. Immediate possession. , See anytime before 19 May. Thompson, C-15-C, College View. FOUR DRAWER solid wood chest. $20. Will include framed wall mirror free if wanted. B-16-D College View or call 6-1623. SENIOR BOOTS. Reasonable terms. Size 12-A, 16 - 16 % calf. Contact John Mearns, room 1-2 Walton. ONE 4-burner gas range, 1 year old. Call 4-9821. (2) 1948 Chevrolet Carry-alls. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Auditor, College Administration building until 10 a.m.. May 17. 1954. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Ad- ress Auditor, A&M College of Texas, Col lege Station, Texas, for further informa tion. • SPECIAL NOTICE • WANTED: Typing. Reasonable rAtaf Phone: 3-1778 (after 5 p.m.) HIE ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. « A.M Stated meeting. ThursdaJ May 13, 7 p.m. Ed Madeley, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y. TERRY’S ART SHOP Framing and Artist Supplies Pho. 3544 B R 2617 Hwy. 6 S. Y A N • Blue line prints • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 FOR RENT NICE front apartment, furnished, private bath and garage. Available June 1. Near East Gate. Ph. 4-8742. NICE THREE ROOM furnished apartment, just off A&M campus. Large cook rooms, plenty of cabinet and closet space. Nice furniture. Phone 6-3776 or inquire 601 Montclair by Southside grocery. FURNISHED APARTMENT near campus, utilities paid. 203 Fairview. Phone 4-9956. Furnished 4-4864. 4-room apartment. AVAILABLE June 1. Four rooms. Nice ly furnished apartments in College Hills, summer rates. Ph. 4-7666, re?;.. 1 • . ... a • WANTED • TEXTBOOKS you no longer need. Cash at Shaffer’s Book Store. North Gate. ADS FOR THE BATTALION Classified section. Buy, sell or trade quickly and easily. For service call 4-5324 or 4-1149. RIDES WANTED RIDE to Bryan Air Force Base starting Monday May 17. Hours 8-5. Mary Bowen, A-4-B. College View. Official Notice All classes will be dismissed between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Thurs day. May 20, in order that faculty and students may participate in the Inaugura tion of President David H. Morgan. J. P. Abbott Dean of the College TEXAS ENGINEERS LIBRARY NOTICE All books and periodicals are due in the library May 14, 1954. If there is further need for some mater ials, arrangements may be made at that time. In case you're lonely, want a date. Need some money or get the Gate. Pick up those books, take them to "Lou," You'll get the cash cause he's right with you! "OLE LOU" LOUPOTS TRADING POST cash or trade for those old books Tfuinsday, May 13, 1954 Igpr THE BATTALION Page 5 BRIDGE CLUB OFFICERS—Relaxing for an informal bridge game are the new officers of the Aggie Wives Bridge club. They are (1. to r.) Dorothy Bell, Barbara Jones, Jean Place and Jeanette Williford. The club will have its Bridge-0 party tonight. ll/m/s Cooking THURSDAY 7:15 p. m.—Lavaca county A&M club meeting, Academic building. Fayette-Colorado A&M club meet- .ng, ro. m 3C, 'MSC. Election of of- s. oun Antonio c ub meeting, room'301, Goodwin hall. Plans for election of officers. 7:30 p. m. — Corpus Christi club meeting, MSC. Important meeting to elect next years officers and plan end of school party. Panhandle club meeting, Acade- Novel Course To Be Offered A new English course, “The Novelty in ^English”, will be offered next fall, said F. E. Ekfelt of the English department. “The course will cover about 10 novels by well-known American and English writers,” said Ekfelt. “It will alternate with the course in contemporary literature; and while it will not be a prerequisite for that course, it will be closely Walton Speaks To Ag Ed Wives E. V. Walton spoke to the agri cultural education wives at their meeting Tuesday night in the Me morial Student Center. Walton, head of the agricultural education department, told them the duties of vocational agricul tural teachers’ wives. Refreshments were served and the department presented secreta ries with a gift in appreciation of their work. Mulled cider is delicious to serve with a snack on a cool night. Heat the cider with brown sugar to taste and a dash of cinnamon, cloves and allspice. If you use a stick of cin namon and whole cloves and all spice, strain the cider before serv ing. If you use ground spices, straining is not necessary. Brown Elected To Head Dames The Dames club elected Dorothy Brown president at their meeting Tuesday night. Other officers selected were Olga Cech, vice president; Marge Pars ley, treasury; Louise Longenecker, secretary; Pat Henderson, social secretary; and Virginia Ridings, re porter. Hostesses for the meeting were Dorothy Brown and Louise Long enecker. The refreshment table center piece was a graduation cap with a maroon background. Dainty sand wiches and lemon punch were served. Plans for the coming year were discussed following the election. In 1952 Great Britain exported twice as many passenger autos as did the United States. Worship Services Honor Seniors Worship services will be held Sunday evening at the First Bap tist church at 7:15 p.m. honoring all graduating seniors. The sermon will be delivered by Rev. Longshore, pastor, and a spe cial program is being planned. AAUW To Install Officers Saturday The American Association of University Women coffee will be held at 9:30 a. m. Saturday at the Womens Club. A modern play will be read by Mrs. Tom King. A short business meeting will be held to install of ficers. Mrs. Spencer Buchanan will be in charge of refreshments. Members are asked to bring 25 gal. 42c Quart 22c HOMOGENIZED MILK . . . V-> Gal. 42c Quart 22c (Plus deposits on bottles.) Weekend Special: Sanitary Grade A Bottles—Vz Gallon Pasteurized Milk . . 2 for 75c (Plus bottle Deposit) Kingsville SWEET CREAM BUTTER lb. 75c ‘/z Gallon Holiday Mellorine each 49c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Prompt Radio Service — C A L L — Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. PH. 2-1941 BRYAN Hort. Farm’s Bruce Variety Fresh Plums . . . . . gallon 89c Fresh, Young, Tender BABY YELLOW SQUASH . . lb. 9c No. 1 Crystal White Sweet Onions .... , 11). 5c No. 3 Size (Medium-Large) CELERY . . . . . . stalk 11c Texas W'hite Sweet FRESH CORN . . . . . 4 ears 15c ★ GROCERY SPECIALS ★ With-Vacu-seal Caps. Pint Ball Bright and Early Package (Limit one please) FRUIT JARS . doz. 8<> COFFEE.... lb. W Makes Fine Jelly (Limit 4 Please) ^ T L t - v 7 5 Lb. Bag Pillsbury s Best SUREJELL.. pkg. 10c FLOUR . . each49c Our Very Best, Selected Large White Infertile Eggs ..... doz. 49c