The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 11, 1954, Image 2
i Battalion Editorials Page 2 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1954 A&M Mas Chance To Prove Good Faith on Consolidation Sometimes it hurts to remove a cancer, but after the cancer is removed it can’t spread, and the body heals that much quick er. Last night, A&M discovered three men who could ruin the school "and what it has worked for all year. By using the board these men could have completely wrecked all hopes for future consolidation of the corps. We have no sympathy for these men. When they were commissioned as cadet offi cers, they signed an oath which reads in part “I will not participate in, condone, or tolerate physical hazing or the use of any instrument upon a cadet’s body for any reason whatso ever; I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of eva sion.” The oath ends “so help me God.” These men have violated the Basic Pol icy of the college and forsaken a solemn oath. No, we have no sympathy for them. If allowed to continue, this could have' been the end of the long-awaited consolida tion—having freshmen back in each military unit. A military panel will try the men today. Its action will be an indication of how sin cerely the college believes in stopping hazing. The punishment for using a board out lined in College Regulations, is dismissal, un less there are “strong mitigating circumstan ces.” The panel will have to decide if the nearness of graduation is a sufficiently strong “mitigating, circumstance.” But any punishment given must be se vere, to prevent further use of the board. The college must show its good faith by following up the start already made by acting quickly to discover the men involved. This does not mean the end of hopes for consolidation. It means A&M has a chance to show it means what it says when it tells the board of directors “We can handle our own. We’ll stop hazing.” USA Needs Funds The goal of $800,000 which has been set for the Boy Scout Building fund campaign for the Sam Houston area council is less than half reached, as the Friday deadline ap proaches. This money is going to one of the nation’s finest organizations for the developing of men, the Boy Scouts of America. These boys will be leaders of tomorrow; they will be called on to serve their country, as they have in the past. The leadership ability of Boy Scouts has been demonstrated in many of our great leaders, and now this leadership training program needs help. The boys need money for the badly-over crowded camps that are essential to their training. Without the money, many boys will be denied the privilege of being Boy Scouts. Money invested in the Boy Scouts is in surance for tomorrow. Help the next gener ation, and help them now, when they need help badly. News Briefs CLYDE E. HESSE, unit advisor of the College Station army reserve area, has been promoted to lieu tenant colonel. Hesse has 15 years active duty with the army. Hf ^ * THE SEVENTH ANNUAL Tex as Conference for Veterinarians will be held here June 3-4. More than 250 people are expected to at tend. *■ :f- * A. D. FOLWEILER attended the annual Gulf State section meeting of -• the American Foresters society May 6-7 in Alexandria, La. CADETS BEGAN TURNING IN uniforms Monday. The military property custodian requested that all issued items be clean or they will not be accepted. # * . LT. FRANCIS SPREEN, a grad uate of A&M has arrived^ mi Okinawa for active duty witli the 29th regimental combat team. =!•■ * * CAPT. BERNARD J. Kulhanek, a graduate of A&M, is taking part" in Exercise Spearhead, large-scale army training maneuver being held this month at Fort Hood. Vessel To Cruise In Western Gulf The A. A. Jakkula, oceanographic vessel, will make a ten-day cruise in the western Gulf June 1. The Jakkula will join the United States fish and wildlife survey vessel, Oregon, to make a cooper ative study of the offshore region between Corpus Christi and Brownsville. Several members of the oceano graphy department w'i.l 1, make the cruise. Students or staff members inter ested in making the cruise may contact Dr. Dale Lefpper in room 26 of the Old Science building. WHAT A12.E TUESE G12 EAT —1 M1K1D5 T-UIUk.iK!G? MOW WILL 1 E.V£«l TU i QUIZ. « r TUI S Its CM1LL.V _ ’ UW COMPOSLTfXSL-E/ The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” It is believed that the cotton pest, boll weevil, originated in Mexico or Central America. The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination and vacation periods. The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .75 pei month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Bntered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1370. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally b? National Advertising Services, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Lo# Angeles, and San Fran cisco. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. BOB BORISKIE, HARRI BAKER Co-Editors Jon Kinslow Managing Editor Chuck Neighbors .........Sports Editor George Manitzas - City Editor Barbara Rubin Womans Editor John Akard - Feature Editor James Earle —Cartoonist Save Your Money! Save Your Clothes! CAMPUS CLEANERS Letters to the Editors Editors The Battalion MSS. One is a book. It is not a magazine or periodical. It is a book, an anthology, of student writings, most of which were submitted as papers in various courses in Eng lish. Its purpose is to encourage good writing among students in all courses and all Schools of the College. It is not confined to the writings of students in Arts and Sciences. Like any other book not pub lished for profit, part of its ex penses must be subsidized. MSS. One is subsidized by a former student, who wishes to offer his personal encouragement to our students in their efforts to write well. Because it is a book, MSS. One does not compete with or overlap any magazine or periodical. In deed, if the editors of any campus publication wish to use any ma terial in MSS. One, the permission will be promptly forth coming. I understand that one or two pieces in the book will be carried by com mercial magazines. I congratulate the authors of the articles and the compilers of MSS. One. I hope the student publi cations on the campus will support this little book. Sincerely yours, S. S. Morgan, Head Department of English Editors: Recently, our board of directors was presented with a revised “Articles of the Cadet Corps”, which it accepted and promised to “consider” at its July meeting. They had surely better give some highly intensive consideration to the proposed changes. If they do not, or if they decide against the corps consolidation therein provid ed for, they will have sanctioned one of the steps which will have resulted in a degradation of Texas A&M and which, if continued, may quite possibly have this effect: The year is 1965. The place, Houston, Texas. The occasion, a stag party in the evening of April 21. One man says to another, “Hey, Joe, where did you go to school? I’ve often wondered.” Joe replies, “I’m a graduate of Texas A&M College of the class of ’57. Ever heard of it?” “Oh, yes! That’s what they used to call what is now the University of Texas School of Engineering and Agriculture at Bryan, isn't it ? I was through there a few days ago —was very impressed by the new women’s dormitories just com pleted on a formerly vacant lot in front of the “Student Union Build ing’. You must be proud to be an ex-student.” “Yes, I supose I am,” Joe whis pers meekly. Students Planning Drainage System Students in agricultural engi neering 305 are working on a drainage system for the animal husbandry field ju^t north of the rodeo arena. The system, including cost, will be submitted to Roy C. Garrett, instr’uctor, next week. WhaVs Cooking 7:30 p. m.—Texas A&M Czech club meeting, room 3D, MSC. Election of officers for next year. Refreshments will be served. Accounting society meeting, MSC. This will be the last meeting of the year. Next years officers will be elected. Agriculture Economics club meeting, room 411, Agriculture building. Election of officers for the Fall semester will be held. “Say, Joe, didn’t they used to have a pretty fair officers training program there on the campus?” Joe murmers, rather self-con- ciously, “Yes, they did. I was a member of the Ross Volunteers— don’t supose you ever heard of them, either, though—and I found much of the military life a great source of pleasure and help to me. In fact, our basic policy was cen tered around the acceptance of the responsibility of developing the students — especially the entering freshmen—into men. Now they just accept students, period. If they don’t develop at all, okay; or, if they develop in the wrong way, that’s okay, too. Yes we once had a good school there south of Bryan, but, man ‘THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER!’ L. E. Shepard, Jr. Class of ’57 To The Editors: Since so many of you readers en joy the antics of those masters of the art of satirism, Cadets Slouch and Simp, we suggest that these gems be collected in one volume and published. The popularity of this comic strip on the campus would insure immediate success. Yours truly, Gene Stubblefield ’56 Bob Domey ’56 Seniors Required To Attend Classes Graduating seniors will be re quired to attend all scheduled class es during the week before grad uation, said J. P. Abbott, dean of the college. Instructors are required to turn in all unexcused absences and these will be considered sufficient rea son to retain a students degree, he said. i Church Women Meeting Honor Tenth Birthday The 10th birthday of the College Station Council o f Church Women was observed at a luncheon Friday at the A&M Presbyterian church. Mrs. E. B. Middleton, general chairman, read an original poem that gave a history of the council and as the past presidents names were mentioned, a candle ©n the birthday cake wa.s lit for each. Past presidents honored were Mesdames J. C. Miller, F. I. Dahl- berg, John Hillman, L. S, Paine, F. L. Thomas, O. S. Alien, E. G. Smith, D. L. Belcher and Ddni Da vis. Mrs. David H. Morgan, presi dent, presided at the luncheon. Following the poem, a “ques tionnaire game” was played with Mesdames C. N. Shepardson, J. S. Mogford, T. W. Leland, T. H. Swy- gert and Gordon Gay serving as a panel of experts. A quartet composed of Mesdames J. C. Stewart, W. W. Caudill, A. B. Alter and Marvin Butler accom panied by Mrs. Philip Goode, sang “Lullaby” by Brahms and “Long, Long, Ago.” As a preface to the offering, Mrs. Horace Bass and Mrs. Miller presented a summary of spiritual gifts that could be given by the council. Two -thirds of the offering will go to the state council and one- third to the local chapter - . The tables were set with pan sies and ivy as center pieces and a salad luncheon was served by the women of the A&M Presby terian churqh. The luncheon ended with the singing of “Blest Be the Tie That Binds.” YOU SHOT OFF MY feetpr) badge !f HONOR BRIGHT OLD PALTt THAT WAS (i H aOf<£.0jUST A SLIGHT MISTAKE.’ YOUR MISTAKE/r-IN REALITY, YOU ARE AMY FACE., CRIMINAL t MASTER OF DlSGUISErf-E-UT YOU CcHuCKiB!) FORGOT TO DISGUISE YOUR MESSY HAIR WITH WILDROOT CREAM-OIL--- THE SAME WILDROOT CREAM-OlL, 1 WHICH IS NON-ALCOHOLIC,CONTAINS LANOLIN, AND IS AMERICA'S BIGGEST-SELLING HAIR-TONIC/: <3E.T WELDROQT CREAM -OIL., CHARLIE./r BARBERS EVERYWHERE RECOMMEND ^ WILDROOT CREAM-OIL TO REMOVE LOOSE DANDRUFF @> KEEP HAlR. WELL GROOMED ^ LI’L ABNER HE KNOWS MAH SECRET—NAMELY, AH HAIN'T GOT NO HEARTBEAT— R5 -MAINLY BECUZ AH-c h l'0<1-E. , >- HAIN'T GOT NO HEART CAI N'T HAVE. HIM AROUN D r—'? ?-THAR'S A SHOOTIN'" IRON ff— <F-'/S£'S ST/RRIN'ff 1 ) Aloud-the DAZED DOCTOR "S-NO ' By A1 Capp — rF WAS - ANOTHER j HALLUCINATION.'I'"—NERVES ARP. ^ONE AGAIN// MUST GET BACK TO VETS'HOSPITAL IN ft WASHINGTON r ' r — llfetw r LI’L ABNER By A1 Capp f^TH'OA/iy ORE WHO KNOWS MAH SECRET ) | (-STORM'S OVERTDNOW AH A7/V GO EACR HOMEr. r -BACK WTO CR/M'MUL CRICKET-) VtALff-SO TH' DOCTOR. FIXED VO' UP/. r —BUT DON’T GO, VO' PORE MIZZOBLE CRITTER— STAV PO' L_5T ^ A WARM PON Y supper.—MY/fs YOOCH VO'FEELS COLD AS Y-Zy A FISH fT 1* O G O By Walt Kelly ANYWAYS, if S thought -reuLiN' I now i \e A 5SCCET WOULD ££ J Hece,NOU so POPULAR IV OFVKN (50 £k3WT ^UDTICJCgT*. JL AHSSA.D. iE»o OZAV~. 4 nobody ei&e GONNA INNgRUFT?^ NOpg- _ WADOTf POST HAU, *'>HC>iCAT£ WELL, WELL, HELLO/— AGUZPZ&ef X JEO’ NAPPgN TO EJg PACIN’ 0Y~AN’ NOTICE YOU WA^TELLIN’ A G'SCGgTGoZ OVX CF (TOLITEN&55 THUNK I'DD??OP IN AN’- P O G O By Walt Kelly X KNOWS YOU FELLAS DON’T MIND IF I LISTENS TO THUS HERE SECKET IT HAPPENS 11 , _ AfXPJs&roH (At \WUfWthats fine eacsere. vm\ Jes’keep ^ Jk quiet a I g-H H-fTKm. MANYS ATIM£ T K£PT A SECPETFERA PPIEND WHILST HE WAS OFF SEIN’ 0USY .WITH OTHSS PURSUITS" EVEN AtAPB UPS6CPET5 PEK FOLKS WHAT DINT HAVE. ucy/f swsH-r Tyessir,i zmmsBZ nut • \ DON’T EYEP’/ ONE SECRET WHAT WHATjE") EODY TALK f “ AT ONCE. H5’£3 /MOSTLY FRIEND.