The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 06, 1954, Image 2

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Thursday, May 6, 1954
^Greatest Secretary’
Eisenhower Lauds Dulles
Letters to the Editors
Editors, The purpose of this organization,
WASHINGTON, May 5 (A 3 ) —
President Eisenhower praised John
Foster Dulles today as the greatest
secretary of state in his memory
and sharply rejected talk of a maj
or U. S. diplomatic defeat at the
Geneva conference on Asia.
No- one, the President said, can
count a battle lost while it is still
going on.
Pledging unqualified support for
Dulles, who flew back from Geneva
yesterday, Eisenhower told his
news, conference the United States
will eontinue to Work for a collec
tive security arrangement for
southeast Asia.
Duties’ efforts to obtain united
action to stem Communism in that
area have so far been unsuccess
ful. For one thing, the British de
cided to wait until the Geneva
conference on the future of Indo
china and Korea is over.
Eisenhower declined to take the
view that Dulles has suffered any
defeat. As for the Geneva confer
ence, now nine days old, the Presi
dent said it “has produced no sur
prises. The expressed fears of some
have proved unfounded.”
Obviously answering congres
sional critics, Eisenhower said in
his formal statement that the Ge
neve conference has not been a
fivepower session-with Red China
sitting as a full-fledged member-
as he said “the Soviet Union, tried
to -make it.”
Covering a wide range of other
What’s Cooking
7 p. m.—Texarkana Four States
club -meeting, room 224, Academic
7:15 p. m.—East Texas A&M
club meeting, room 227, Academic
building. Bring money for club pic
ture-4f you are going to buy one.
Aggieland staff meeting, Aggie-
land '■office. Important.
EUPaso A&M club meeting.
Academic building. Election of of
San Angelo West Texas club
meeting, Ag building. Discuss
party and bring $1 if you want a
club picture.
7:30 p. m.—Dallas club meet
ing, .room 107 .Biology building.
Election of officers for ’55, re
freshments will be. served.
Williamson county home town
club'. meeting, room 3D, MSC. Plan
Falls county A&M club meeting,
room 126, Academic building. Busi
ness meeting.
Permian Basin club meeting,
Academic building. Election of of
Port Arthur hometown club
meeting, room 106, New Biology
building. Election of next years
officers. Important that everyone
be present.
Golden State club meeting, room
3B, MSC. Important everyone be
thei'e to discuss rides home at the
end of school.
Tyler-Smith county hometown
club meeting, social room, MSC.
The Bryan American Legion post
will show plans for remodeling the
clubhouse at this meeting.. All
members and interest veterans are
urged to attend.
1-5 p. m.—Freshman-Sophomore
Dairy Products contest, at the
creamery. About ,30 minutes re
quired for contest, anytime from
1-5 p. m. Freshmen and sophomore
classification in the School of Agri
7:30 p. m.—Aggie Follies, Guion
hall. Admission charge is 75^v
8 a. m.—Freshman - sophomore
Dairy cattle judging, at the dairy
center. Freshman or sophomore
classification in the School of
subjects, the President told news
Eisenhower would not like to see
the administration’s recommenda
tions for changes in the law block
ed by what he called extraneous
This appeared to be a reference
to moves to tack on a civil rights
amendment to the proposed revi
sion bill, thereby raising the threat
of a filibuster which could scuttle
the measure.
Recent reports indicate a prepon
derance of favorable signs for
business. But just as he cautioned
against too pessimistic an outlook
some weeks ago, Eisenhower said
he would caution against looking
at the picture through too rosy
glasses now.
dent said he had never heard of
reports that he was willing to ac
cept a one-year extension of the
present law for rigid high federal
price supports for basic farm com
He would not speculate whether
he might approve or veto a bill call
ing for continuing the present pro
cai'dinal principle in the trials of
American POW’s accused of be
traying their comrades in Korea is
that justice will be tempered with
mercy in all cases.
There is a very deep understand
ing, he said, of the tremendous
pressures that can be applied via
the Communist “brain washing’
LARAMIE, Wyo.—UP)—Joe Ma-
strogiovanni, 1953 sophomore tail
back for the University of Wyo
ming eleven, will switch to block
ing back this fall. Mastrogiovanni
is a 5-feet-6 Brooklynite weighing
The Battalion:
Concerning the recent organi
zational meeting of the “Young
Democrats Club,” there are some
points which should be pi-esented
for consideration in 'connection’
with the organization and the pur
pose for its establishment at this
As was pointed out previously,
this group is associated with the
liberal element of the National
Democratic Party. This liberal ele
ment is the “Americans for Demo
cratic Action” group of new-deal,
fair-deal, left-wing pinks and poli
tical trash that have made resi
dence in our national government
for the past twd decades.
As a requirement for member
ship in the “Young Democratic
Club,” one must pledge his support
thereto. This in itself is contrary
to one of the reasons advanced for
the formation of the oi'ganization:
viz. “so that the students can be
gin to formulate their own political
The liberal element is not at all
interested in individual ideas; only
the party ideas (which consist of
the wishes of the leaders of the
“Americans for Democratic Act
ion”. Be the party Democratic or
Republican, no previous commit
ment on the part of anyone should
influence a person’s vote or choice
before or after that person has
given fair consideration to each
party’s candidates and platform.
It is true that it matters little
whether the organization is Demo
cratic or Republican if the state
ment is qualified by excluding the
liberal element of the Democratic
party. However, to say that this
type organization, such as has been
initiated, is to promote individual
thinking is nbt only ridiculous, but
an insult to any person who sub
scribes to individual thought.
A prime example of individual
ism was the Shivers-led support of
the people of Texas for the Re
publicans in the past presidential
election. This was the manifesta
tion of the weariness of the people
of Texas for the decadent as
sociation of scoundrels in our na
tion’s capital.
which is anti-Shivers, being in
stituted at this time is not ob
scured in the smallest sense in view
of the coming gubernatorial pri
maries. Never-the-less, a close
scrutiny of the policies and prac
tices of this organization by every
one would render it ineffective as it
now stands, I am certain.
James Ira Giimings,’55
The Battalion:
It would be a fitting gesture to
the memory of George Pfeuffer,
and to the oldest standing building
on the A&M campus, if the corner
stone of Pfeuffer Hall could be set
in a small brick monument at the
site of the building, which is now
being razed.
A brick mason could erect it in
a few hours, and would certainly be
worth the small expense.
S. J. Smith, jr. ’55
* Job Calls *
• (Editor’s note: This is the third
in a series of summer job calls re
ceived by the placement office.
These will be run as space permits
as a service of The Battalion.)
• Dairy Husbandry: General
Mills, Inc.
• Economics: Firestone Tire &
Rubber company, General Mills,
Inc., United Air Lines, Western
Auto Supply company.
• Electrical Engineering: United
Gas Corporation, Westinghouse
Electric company.
• Electrical Engineering: Al
uminum Company of America, A.
T. & T. company, Bell Telephone
Laboratories, B e n d i x Aviation
corporation, Carbide & Carbon
Chemicals company, Communi
cations Engineering company, Con
tinental Pipe Line company, Cor
nell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc.,
Corpus Christi Plumbing company,
John Deere Waterloo Tractor
Works, E. I. duPont de Nemours
& company, Esso Standard Oil
company, Baton Rouge Refinery,
Hunter - Hayes Elevator company,
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory,
Magnolia Petroleum Company, Mc
Donnell Aircraft corporation,
Bureau of Mines, U. S. D. I., Na
tional Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics, North American Avia
tion, Inc., Oklahoma Natural Gas
Company, Panhandle Eastern Pipe
Line Company, Radio Corporation
of America, RCA Laboratories and
RCA Victor Divisions, Republic
Aviation Corporation, Sperry
Gyroscope company, Tennessee Val
ley Authority, Texas Construction
Material Company, Texas Eastern
Transmission Corporation, Texas
Electric Service Company.
Cadet Slouch
reu after 7:oo MO
. . . by James Earle
We are glad to announce that our Ambulance service
is now available on 24-hour call.
This service includes an Air Conditioned Cadillac in
valid coach and specially built oxygen equipped emer
gency car.
We feel that this service will help us to establish our
selves with the citizens of this area, as well as to pro
vide you with the type of emergency service you are
entitled to.
Our location and specially built ambulances enable
us to serve you quickly and efficiently.
Callaway-Jones Funeral Directors, Inc,
3001 College Ave. (Across from the Country Club)
The Battalion
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
“Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan-
IcaLCollege of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during
the-regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination
and vacation periods. The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of
publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year,
and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods
and-the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $.75 pei
month. Advertising rates furnished on request.
Leo Bookman, 5-feet-9 outfielder
who hit .367 for Columbia Univer
sity’s baseball team last season, is
back for his senior year. He’s from
Bayonne, N. J.
Hntered as second-class
matter at Post Office at
College Station, Texas
under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1370.
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The Associated Press
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News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or
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placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room
209 Goodwin Hall.
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi
cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in
the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights
of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved.
Jon Kinslow Managing Editor
Chuck Neighbors Sports Editor
George Manitzas City Editor
Barbara Rubin Womans Editor
John Akard .Feature Editor
James Earle Cartoonist
Larry Lightfoot Circulation Manager
Tomy Syler, Russell Reed, Pete Goodwin
w Roland Bail’d, and Narman Hill Circulation Staff
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