The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 29, 1954, Image 1

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    Circulated Daily '
To 00 Per Cent
Of Local Residents
Published By
A&M Students
For 75 Years
Number 223: Volume 53
Price 5 Cents
/Vo Defin ite Word
Received Here Yet
On AF Graduates
There is still no definite word
on whether or not A&M’s gradu
ating air force ROTC seniors will
receive commissions.
The air science detachment here
has tentatively scheduled all cate
gory 1 (pilot) and category 1-A
(observer) cadets for commissions.
They have no information from
Air university on commissions for
category 2 (technical) or category
3 (noh-technical) cadets.
“We don’t know who we’ll be
able to commission or when we’ll
find out,” said Col. John A. Way,
Commissioning quotas are set by
Air university, on information from
the air force director of personnel.
Way said that at the first of the
year, directives said 1,000 category
2 cadets from all over the country
would reecive commissions at grad
“I suppose that still stands, but
I don’t know how many of that
number is our share,” he said.
As plans are now, those cadets
who have had four years of ROTC
training and do not receive a com
mission will be given “certificates
of completion.”
Landers, Goode
Win Ag Awards
Roger Q. Landers, jr. and John
Kert Goode have been chosen by
(he faculty of the School of Agri-
tulture to receive the Faculty
Achievement award for outstand
ing agriculture seniors for ’53-
The award is based on scholastic
recoi'd, intramural activities, re
ligious activities, character and
The award consists of a certi
ficate which will be presented at
the Awards Day convocation. In
addition, their names will be placed
on the permanent bronze Award
of Merit plaque in the Agricultural
These men will have the choice
of waiting for draft call, or enlist
ing for two years in the air force
as an airman third class.
An airman third class is the
equivalent of a private first class.
Enlisting as an airman third class
means skipping the period as an
airman recruit.
Men with certificates of comple
tion would receive commissions in
the reserve at the end of their ac
tive duty period.
Four Students
To Do Summer
News Work
Four journalism students
from A&M will serve intern
ships on Texas newspapers
this summer.
These students are Jon
Kinslow, Bob Boriskie, Jerry Son
nier and A1 Bruton. Don Shepard,
junior journalism major not an
intern, will work as a reporter for
the Victoria Advocate.
Kinslow will go to The Dallas
Morning News and Boriskie will
work for the San Angelo Standard
Times. Sonnier will intern at the
Kilgore News Herald, while Bruton
will work at the Jacksonville Daily
Progress. All the students except
Bruton will be news interns. He
will go into advertising.
There were 23 openings with
newspapers in the state for nine
colleges, said D. D. Burchard, head
of the journalism department. The
internship program is sponsored
by the Texas Daily Newspaper as
Central Texas Twisters
Sweep Through Sky
No Reported Damage
Except From Hail
Two twisters that never touched ground and hail that
damaged small grains, corn and young cotton gave weather-
worried Central Texans new troubles Wednesday afternoon.
The twisters swept through the sky east of Valley Mills
toward Cayote in Bosque County and played out near West
without causing any damage.
Damaging hail struck McGregor, Valley Mills and Craw
ford between 5 and 6 p.m.
At Crawford hail the size of hen eggs smashed plate
glass windows in the business district and beat small grains,
corn and cotton into the ground.
Mrs. Minnie Lou Roberts was admitted to Providence
Hospital Wednesday night for*
treatment of head injuries
Quota System
FOR MODERN LIVING—H. H. Johnson (standing) and
Bob Hood (kneeling) install modern metal kitchen cabinets
in the College View apartment of Johnnie and Alice
Watkins. The cabinets are part of an overall improvement
plan for the student apartments.
MSC Art Committee
Enters Austin Show
The Memorial Student Center
art gallery committee will take
part in the Art Mart to be held in
the Austin City coliseum May
Each member will submit one
painting at the two-day show.
Maj. Hoyl Ordered
To European Post
Maj. Basil Hoyl, junior air force
head, will go to Europe soon.
Hoyl will be connected with sup
plies for the United States air
force in Europe on a three-year
Hoyl has been at A&M four
years. He worked with sophomores
before being named junior air force
US ■
( Zliina
By Henry Mitchell
A&M Site Result
Of One-Man Ba ttle
Battalion Co-editor
Brazos county got the A&M Col
lege of Texas by last-ditch efforts
of one man—the man Mitchell hall
is named for.
Henry Mitchell, who was running
practically all the county offices
at the time, was a member of a
three-man committee selected by
Bryan to try to get the college
located here.
At the last minute, the other
two members of the committee, W.
A. Saylor and Spencer Ford, were
unable to meet the commission
from the state legislature.
Mitchell had to go alone, to
wrestle with the powei’ful con-
Weather Today
Considerable cloudiness today
with occasional thunder storms in
vicinity. Tigh yesterday 86. Low
this morning 69.
tenders for the award—San An
tonio, Austin, Waco, and others.
He managed to learn what bonus
the county would have to give to
get the college, but he thought it
would be too high for the county to
offer. He wired Mayor Downward
of Bryan for insti-uctions, but de
cided to act on his own when no
instructions came back.
He wrote out a bid offering the
necessary bonus, which was 2,250
acres of land, although he didn’t
know whether or not the people of
the county would give the land.
His bid was accepted, on the con
dition that he could present titles
to the land within 48 hours.
Mitchell had planned to go to
New York to spend the summer,
but he boarded the fii’st train back
to Bryan and enlisted the help of
other citizens. The money was
raised, the land bought, the deeds
secured, and the land presented to
the state commissioners by' the
specified 48 hours.
Mitchell, who is called the
“Father of Brazos County,” was
asked to take charge of the county
clerk’s office when Brazos county
was first organized, in 1841. The
county seat then was the now non-
existant Booneville.
For a wdiile, he was running all
the county offices, selling goods
trading in land and livestock, and
teaching school, all at the same
When he married in 1888, he is
sued his own maiwiage license. A1
though he held all the county
offices at one time or another, he
never ran for office.
Besides county work, Mitchell
was also the first Worshipful Mas
ter of the Brazos county Masons.
GENEVA, April 28 <A>) — Red , posals
China’s Premier Chou En-lai, ad
mitted to the councils of the
world’s major powers for the first
time, today rejected American
policy in the Far East. He called
for a program of “Asia for the
Asians” with foreign troops and
bases banned.
Chou spoke at the 19-nation Far
Eastern conference after U. S.
Secretary of State Dulles rejected
North Korea’s proposals for all-
Korean elections on the ground
they would transform the country
into a Communist puppet state.
Outside the conference hall work
progressed on first steps toward
halting the bloodshed in Indochina.
Russia suggested an immediate
meeting of belligerents on the
evacuation of “hundreds upon hun
dreds” of French wounded from
besieged Dien Bien Phu.
The Soviet Union proposed also
that representatives of the Com
munist-led Vietminh be admitted to
the Geneva conference when it
takes up the question of a peace
settlement for Indochina.
In a bitter denunciation of the
West, Chou ranged over a wide
field. He demanded a standing
alongside the Big Four, opposed
rearmament of Western Germany
and even demanded a ban on the
H-bomb. He supported the pro-
laid down yesterday by
North Korea’s Gen. Nam II for
settling the Korean problem.
Chou’s speech indicated little could
be expected at Geneva on a Ko
rean settlement.
“For the first time, the Chinese
people are the real masters of their
fate,” he said. “No force can or
will prevent China from becoming
strong and prosperous.”
Although 20 nations with a popu
lation of one billion recognize Chi
na, he said, the United States has
withheld recognition “because it
dreams of establishing the rem
nants of the Kuomintang clique
Nationalist China, long ago thrown
out of China by the people.”
and loss of blood after she
was struck by hail-shattered
glass at her home in Craw- A Brkl 1QII
ford. Dozens of broken windows -/m. UU t/B/&i
were reported at other residences
At McGregor, where more than
an inch of rain fell, marble-sized
hail covered the ground and was
feared to have damaged cotton.
At Valley Mills rain and hail ac
counted for more than three inches
of moisture. The hail at Valley
Mills was reported to have ranged
upward to the sizte of golf balls.
Small hail was reported at China
Spring, where .9 of an inch of rain
was reported. Sheriff Clark Royal
of Bosque County said the south
ern part of the county, between
Mosheim and Valley Mills, received
about an inch and a half of rain
and some small soft hail which did
little damage.
Rain amounted to little in Waco.
Some .2 of an inch fell in North
Waco and only a trace was report
ed on the west side of town
Whitney had .6 of an inch of
rain; Moody less than .25 inch; Lo
rena about a half inch in a slow
shower; Bolton Bend, .2 inch, and
.1 inch at Chalk Bluff.
At Rosebud a little more than
.25 inch of rain was reported and
electric power failed early in the
West had a slight drizzle but not
enough to measure.
No rain fell at Gatesville, Clif
ton, Belton, Temple, Hillsboro or
The great, black cloud that drop
ped hail and rain in the Waco
area could be seen as far away as
Abilene, the Associated Press re
ported. It stretched 10 to 20 miles
from Waco to Whitney slowly mov
ing eastward.
For Army-AF
The percentage quotas of
enrolling students in air and
army ROTC has been abolished
by a joint agreement of the
This was the policy that
said the army would have 56
per cent of the ROTC enroll
ment and the air force would
have 44 per cent.
“The abolishment of the
policy won’t have any effect
on A&M,” said Col. Joe Davis,
commandant. “Our enrollment
in the two services will stay
about the same.”
The new policy leaves the
setting of quotas up to the in
dividual schools. If one service
falls below a minimum size,
the school has the responsi
bility of setting a quota.
“We haven’t been pinched
by the quota”, said President
David H. Morgan, “but we
might have if it had continued
as it was.”
News of the World
Research Report
Has Paper Figures
Battalion Paper Editor
Statistical information and fig
ures estimating out-of-state whole
sale purchases of paper and paper-
board products by Texas organi
zations are contained in the Engi-
neei'ing experiment station’s latest
research report.
Compiled from data gathered by
James R. Bradley of the station’s
industrial development research
group, the report features esti
mates on the amount spent yearly
in Texas for wholesale purchase of
each group of the most commonly
used paper and paperboard prod
ucts from out-of-state markets.
Also included is an introduction
to the plant and raw material fa
cilities available in Texas for the
pi-oduction of such products. The
state’s potential for marketing of
these products is presented in de
Persons desiring copies of the
report may have it free by wilting
for research report number 46,
“Out-of-State Purchases of Paper
and Paperboard Products by Texas
Organizations, 1952,” Engineering
Experiment station. College Sta
WASHINGTON—Rep. Coudert (R-NY), while admit
ting - possible defeat, said yesterday he will insist on a show
down vote on his effort to prevent sending American troops
to Indochina without Congress’ approval. But Rep. Sikes
(D-Fla.), protesting a proposed cut in army funds, told the
House that “war may come to us in Indochina tomorrow.”
They expressed their views during debate on a bill to appro
priate $28,680,706,500 in new money for the defense depart
ment for the 12 months starting July 1.
★ ★ ★
ENTEBBE, Uganda—Queen Elizabeth II defied
a Mau Mau death threat and flew to Uganda yes
terday on her world tour. And thousands of Ba-
ganda tribesmen, ignoring nationalist demands that
they stay away, turned out in a tremendous wel
come to the young monarch. Elizabeth, all smiles,
stepped from the British airliner which brought
her to this British protectorate in East Africa from
Aden, accompanied by her husband, the Duke of
★ ★ ★
NEW YORK—Atty. Gen. Herbert Brownell said yester
day the justice department is concerned about possible an
titrust collusion in the multi-million dollar auto industry.
His remarks followed by only a few days a disclosure by the
justice department’s anti-trust division that it is looking into
four specific phases of the auto field. The division expressed
concern with the growing concentration of production in
the hands of a few big companies with a resultant shrinkage
in business among the so-called independent motor firms.
★ ★ ★
AUSTIN—The Court of Criminal Appeals was
told yesterday “It’s time undeclared martial law
in Duval county he stopped.” E. B. Votaw, Beau
mont attorney, made the statement. The argu
ment was in a suit brought by members of a grand
jury commission discharged by 79th District Judge
A. S. Broadfoot in the Duval county domain of
South Texas Political Boss George marr.
★ ★ ★
WASHINGTON—United States Chamber of Commerce
warned industry yesterday to be ready to protect itself from
the “devastating new weapons” of modern war, and offered
to take the lead in a program of planning. To get the cam
paign rolling, it called a “businessmen’s conference on indus
trial defense in the atomic age” to be held here June 15.
Military and mobilization officials will be invited to help de
velop the plans.
Guion To Install
New Wider Screen
A new Cinemascope-type screen
will be put in Guion hall during
this summer, said Tom Buddy,
This screen is the first of a
series of improvements for Guion.
The new anamorphic lens and
amplifiers which are needed to
show Cinemascope will be added
when funds are available, Buddy
The new screen will be 40 feet
by 16 feet. The present screen is
14 feet by 19 feet.
Guion is the only theater in this
area which cap show Cinemascope
without extehsive remodeling of
its interior, said Buddy.
Senate Panel
Army Reprisals
UP)—In an atmosphere of ev
ergrowing bitterness, the Sen
ate’s McCarthy-Pentagon in
vestigators began delving to
day into whether Secretary of the
Army Stevens “threatened repri
sals” against a general for prais
ing and cooperating with Sen. Mc
Carthy (R-Wis.).
This new line of inquiry devel
oped near the end of a hectic day
punctuated by irate exchanges be
tween McCarthy and opponents—
especially over new Army charges
of de luxe treatment for a drafted
aide of the Senator’s, Pvt. G. David
The language got inflamed at
that point. McCarthy cried
“smear!” and called the televised
hearings a “circus.” Later he ac
cused Stevens of “flagrant dishon
esty,” and the usually mild-man
nered Army secretary flared back:
“I deeply resent the suggestion.”
McCarthy tangled, too, with Asst.
Secretary of Defense H. Struve
Hensel, protesting the number of
generals surrounding Hensel in the
hearing room and contending such
high officers should not “dignify”
the Pentagon official.
Reddening, the six -foot - four
Hensel reared up and demanded—
but did not get—an apology. Hen
sel—like Stevens and Army Coun
sel John G. Adams—is a key figure
on the Pentagon side in its row
with McCarthy and aides Roy M.
Cohn and Francis P. Carr.
Ray H. Jenkins, special counsel
to the Senate Investigations sub
committee, brought up the question
of “threatened reprisals,” naming
Maj. Gen. Kirke Lawton, com
mander of the Army Signal Corps
Center at Ft. Monmouth,
as the general involved.
N. J.,
Junior Class Sells
A&M Pennants
The junior class is selling A&M
class pennants for all classes.
The mai’oon-and-white pennants
are 15” by 40”, and cost $3.50
Profits go to the junior class fund.
The deadline for buying the pen
nants is Friday. They can be
bought from first sergeants or
sergeant majors in each dormitory
I Non-military salesmen and their
'dormitories are Dick Chamblin, 4;
Art Garner, 2; Hugh Lanktree
Bizzell; Martin Burkhead, Mitchell;
and Giles Shann, Leggett.
The pennants which are 100 per
cent wool, can be ordered with any
class number on them.
Six Have Filed !
For Commission
Six persons filed Wednesday for
election commission posts.
Filing will be conducted until
May 5 in the office of student
activities, said W. D. (Pete)
Hardesty, business manager of stu
dent activities.
Qualifications for the election
commission are a 1.0 grade point
ratio and attendance at A&M for
another year.
The election commission consists
of five sophomores, five juniors,
five seniors and five members ap
pointed from the student senate.
The election will be held May 12.
Those filing were Glenn Buell,
James Caffey, Dave Lane, C. N.
Powell, Ted Lewis and Phil Speairs.
Sigma Xi Honors
45 A&M Scientists
Research efforts of 45 A&M
scientists have been formally re
cognized by the A&M Sigma Xi
They will be honored with
iniation banquet in the ballroom of
the Memorial Student Center at
p. m., Wednesday.
Fourteen scientists were promo
ted to full members; 14 ai'e newly-
elected full members, and 17 have
been chosen associate members.
“The object of the Sigma Xi so
ciety is to encourage original in
vestigation in science, pure and
applied,” said C. Kinney Hancock,
secretary of the chemistry depart
Ice Cream Vendors
Placed In Dorms
Ice cream machines were install
ed Monday in dormitory 14, Walton
hall, Puryear hall, and Hart hall.
Sales were good the first day of
operation, said W. D. (Pete) Hard
esty, business manager of student
Students are operating these ma
chines and get a percentage of the
Student concessions installed the
machines. If thfey are profitable
other ice cream machines will prob
ably be installed, said Hardesty.
Pan Americans
Present Fiesta
The Pan American club will pre
sent a tropical fiesta in the ping
pong area of the MSC Saturday,
May 1, from 8:30 p. m. until mid
The floor show will be Latin
American music furnished by the
Capers Combo for dancing. They
will also have Norma, a Spanish
According to Rafael A. Nunez,
president of the Pan American
Club, the admission price is $1 and
the public is invited.