The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 27, 1954, Image 1

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    Circulated Daily
To 90 Per Cent
Of Local Residents
in i #
Published By
A&M Rtudents
For 75 Years
Number 221: Volume 53
Price 5 Cents
First Annual Visit
To Faculty Homes
Scheduled Tonight
The first annual Prof Hospitality
night will begin at 7:30 p.m. when
approximately 500 students visit in
the homes of faculty and staff
Non-Regs Wear
Caps and Gowns
For Graduation
Non - military students
graduating this year will wear
caps and gowns for com
mencement and baccalaureate
exercises, said W. H. Dela-
plane, chairman of the convocations
This was decided by the Acade
mic council at their recent meeting.
Military students will wear their
uniforms as they have in the past.
Faculty members will wear caps
and gowns to the inauguration of
the president as Well as commence
ment, Delaplane said.
Students planning to graduate
this semester should place orders
for caps and gowns with Carl
Birdwell at the Exchange store by
Apiil 30, said Delaplane.
Rental charges for the gowns
will be, $3.30 for a bachelors de
gree, $3.GO for masters, and $3.90
for doctors. An aditional charge
of $3.90 will be made for the hood
which accompanies the doctors
robe, said Birdwell.
“Students who are not sure of
graduating should order caps and
gowns anyway,” he said, “as there
Will be no charge if the gown is
not used.”
130 Awards Set
For Mothers Day
Ten unit awards and about 120
individual awards will be presented
at the annual Mother’s Day review.
All individual winners have been
selected except the Woolridge
award which goes to the command
ing officer of the outstanding air
force organization. Unit awards
with winners still unnamed are the
Gen. Moore trophy and the out
standing freshman unit, said Col.
Taylor Wilkins.
The review will be held on the
main drill field and adjutant’s as
sistant commandant. Call will be at
9:05 a. m.
Titled “Applepolishing night”
when first contemplated earlier in
the year, the occasion is designed
to improve student-professor rela
tions by encouraging a social gath
ering where students may infor
mally meet faculty and staff mem
bers outside the class rooms.
‘Not Too Disappointing’
Because this was a new idea and
facilities for obtaining student sig
natures were not ideal, the student
response was not too disappointing,
said Dr. Carl Landiss, chairman of
the student-faculty relations sub
committee of the Student Life
Not all the 122 professors who
extended invitations had students
to sign up, but this was largely
caused by the comparatively few
students who had opportunity to
examine the invitations, Landiss
The professors were “encouraged
to invite students of. their own
choice to visit with them, if their
invitation list was not filled out.
Student Response Falls Short
While the response from the stu
dents did not meet expectations,
the fact that this is the first ef
fort to better student-professor
relations in a college-wide plan, the
future of the project looks very
good, Landiss said.
The name, Prof Hospitality
night, was selected after a box
had been placed in the Memorial
Student Center in which students
might deposit name suggestions.
However, the name is not a final
selection if future suggestions pro
duce a “catchy” name which meets
more with student favor.
Freshmen students have received
permission to attend tonight’s
function, Landiss said, so that all
students would have a chance to
Yell Leader Committee
Recommended by SLC
Senior Class
Sets ‘Function’
For May 18
tor of the First Methodist church in Fort Worth, will de
liver the baccalaureate address at the commencement ex
ercises here May 21. There are 820 candidates for degrees.
Russians Threaten
A tom icRe la lia lion
Supervisory Group Will
‘Advise and Counsel’
The Student Life committee voted yesterday to recom
mend the formation of a committee to supervise yell leaders.
The yell leader committee, which will be a sub-committee
of the SLC, has to be approved by the Academic council. The
SLC vote for approval was 16 to 0.
The sub-committee for publications and yell leaders,
headed by Carl Landiss, was disbanded by the SLC. The
sub-committee recommended in February that a committee
be put over publications. The Academic council is now
studying the publications committee.
The yell leader committee would “advise and counsel the
yell leaders in coordinating activities with those of the stu
dent body and the athletic de- 4
partment toward the end of I
securing the maximum sup-1
port from the student body
for intercollegiate athletic
teams, consistent with the general
welfare of the college and the
highest level of sportsmanship.”
It would be composed of three
faculty members and three stu
dents, with the assistant command
ant as chairman. The senior yell
leaders will be non voting mem
All three of the student members
would be selected from the SLC,
and one of them would have to be
a member of the Southwest Con
ference Sportsmanship committee
One of the three faculty mem
bers would have to be from the
athletic department, and another
would have to be from the student
activities office.
MOSCOW, April 27—OP)—A n y
aggressor who attacks the Soviet
Union with atomic weapons will
be crushed by the same weapon,
Premier Geoi'gi Malenkov said to
day. He predicted “any such ad
venture will inevitably lead to the
downfall of the capitalist system.”
YMCA Ins la Its
IXew Officers
Newly elected officers of the
YMCA Cabinet were installed at
their annual steak dinner last
Elected by the club were Garrett
Maxwell, president; James Caffey,
vice-president; Louis Benavides,
secretary; and Jack Barbee, pro
gram chairman.
News of the World
WASHINGTON—Highly placed officials said yesterday
the Eisenhower administration has not abandoned the idea
of sending American fighting forces to Indochina as a last
resort. But they emphasized that certain conditions would
htive to prevail before the United States joined in the war
against the Communist-led Vietminh. One primary condi
tion, they said, is that there be “united action” in Indochina
by free nations who have a stake in the conflict.
★ ★ ★
WASHINGTON—Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas has intro
duced a resolution calling for continued government operation
of the nation’s only tin smelter at Texas City, Tex. The ad
ministration has announced plans to close the plant June 30
for economy reasons. Johnson’s proposal would extend govern
ment operation for a year. Speaking in support of the meas
ure, Johnson warned that the situation in Indochina threatened
the tin producing areas of Southern Asia.
★ ★ ★
WASHINGTON—The House Appropriations Committee
recommended yesterday that more than 28V2 billion dollars
in new money be appropriated for the defense of the country
in the next fiscal year. With an estimated 48 billion dol
lars still available from previous years’ appropriations, this
would give the defense department $76,874,000,000 to main
tain the army, navy and air force during the 12 months begin
ning July 1.
Malenkov addressed the Supreme
Soviet Parliament. Both he and
Nikita S. Khrushchev, first secre
tary of the Central Committee of
the Communist party, attacked
U.S. policies.
Khrushchev said: “If anyone
thinks, as Hitler thought, that we
are weak, we will show them, as
we showed Hitler, just how weak
we are.”
Malenkov charged “aggressive
circles” in the United States with
“artificially maintaining an atmos
phere of war hysteria” and “threat
ening the world with the hydrogen
Boasts Progress
While accusing America of “re
sorting to methods of threat and
intimidation” and boasting of So
viet atomic progress, Malenkov at
the same time pleaded over and
over again for a “further easing of
international tension.”
Malenkov and Khrushchev de
manded that the United States
abandon its policy of non-recogni
tion of Communist China and
claimed that this was one of the
major hindrances to the solution
of world problems.
Malenkov demanded the outlaw
ing of atomic weapons and said
this was necessary for a solution
of world problems.
To Review Policy
According to the plan proposed
by Landiss, the committee would
review yell leader policy 'each year
“to insure the best possible work
ing agreement between the yell
leaders, athletic department and
the student activities office.”
The SLC also voted 8-5 to en
dorse the action of the student
senate in recommending that cam
paigning for student elections be
limited to “personal contact” by
the person running, or by friends
who would not receive pay.
“Personal contact” was ruled to
be only verbal contact.
Non-military members of the
SLC asked that the recommenda
tion be amended to allow the post
ing of signs on bulletin boards in
non-military dormitories, because
“we have a communications prob
lem.” The proposal was rejected
The student senate asked that
the SLC approve changes made in
the constitution and pass them to
the Academic council for final ap
Changes Approved
The changes, which were ap
proved, were as follows:
Senate committees will make
their reports in writing.
A senator can be barred from
the senate for missing four senate
or committee meetings. The old
provision said a senator would be
barred for missing three senate
Voting Closes
At 5 Today
For Election
General student elections are
being conducted today in the
Memorial Student Center.
The voting booth is in the
promenade near the post office
entrance. It will close at
p. m.
Results of the election will
be announced in tomorrow’s
Battalion. There wil be no
run - off for any of the
positions, according to W. D.
(Pete) Hardesty, business
manager of student activities.
X-Ray Unit Records
Increase This Year
An increase over last year of
more than 200 x-rays was made by
the mobile unit last week when it
was in the Memorial Student Cen
Five thousand eight hundred
ninety-nine, x-rays were taken.
The 48 members of the sen
ior class who attended the
meeting last night voted to
have the senior “function”
May 18.
The function will not be an offi
cial class sponsored party, but will
be a group of seniors going to the
clay pits “at the invitation of Louis
Casimir.” The party is open to all
seniors who wish to contribute a
dollar. It will start at noon and
will be a stag affair. Group and
battalion commanders will collect
the money.
Gilbert Stribling, class social
chairman, said that the Ring dance
and banquet would cost $10 to $12
for a senior and his date.
The banquet will be held at 6
p.m. May 15 in the w^st wing of
Duncan hall. Senator Lyndon
Johnson will be the speaker.
The Ring dance will be held from
8 to 12 in The Grove. Ray An
thony and his orchestra will play.
Stribling urged all seniors to
attend the banquet as well as the
President Pat Wood reminded the
class members of the barbecue
which will be given by the Former
Students association for the class
at 7 p.m. May 5. It will be non-
reg and will be held in front of
the System Administration Build
Non-military juniors wearing the
class ring was discussed by the
class. Wood said that corps jun
iors are not allowed to wear their
rings until after final review.
He appointed a committee com
posed of Allan (Bootsie) Hohlt,
Dan Galvan and Ed Keeling to
study the matter.
to Samuels
John S. Samuels, senior from
Galveston, has been given a
scholarship at the Fletcher School
of Law and Diplomacy, Medford,
He will be one of 50 students in
the 1954-55 class from the United
States and foreign countries. He
was the only candidate from west
of the Mississippi river to receive
one of the William L. Claytown
scholarships worth $1,800 for the
September-June course.
Samuels will receive his AB de-
Phi Kappa Phi Sets
Initiation of 56
THEIR HIGHNESSES—King Cotton’s royalty rule at the annual Cotton Ball, held Fri
day night in The Grove. From left to right. Crown Bearer Lorelei Brown, Orchestra
Leader Frankie Carle, Queen Cotton Barbara Brown of TSCW, King Cotton Dave Rich
mond of the Agronomy society, and Crown Bearer Neeley Lewis.
Phi Kappa Phi, national honor
society, will initiate 56 members at
a banquet at 7 p. m. May 4 in the
Memorial Student Center assembly
Dr. Ralph W. Steen of the his
tory department will be the speaker
at the banquet.
All members of Phi Kappa Phi
are urged to attend the banquet,
said Dr. Carl M. Lyman, secretary
of the A&M chapter.
Wives of members and initiates
are cordially invited, he said.
Tickets are $2.25 each and must
be purchased by May 3. They may
be purchased in the MSC or from
any of the following members: Dr.
John H. Quisenberry, department
of poultry husbandry; W. E. Street,
department of engineering draw
ing; or C. B. Godbey, department
of genetics.
Members of Phi Kappa Phi who
are not affiliated with the A&M
chapter may contact Lyman and
have their names added to the
chapter roll.
Five faculty members were elect
ed to Phi Kappa Phi this year.
They are Dr. R. O. Berry, Dr. J. A.
Dabbs, Dr. J. H. Hill, Dr. T. J.
Parker and F. E. Weick.
The following students have been
elected to Phi Kappa Phi:
J. D. Altus, B. H. Anderson, D.
O. Atkinson, S. Becker, E. W.
Brucks, J. W. Burns.
N. P. Clarke, M. L. Coffman, R.
F. Cox, A. B. Cunningham, H. L.
Duennenberg, M. R. Faulkner, J.
G. Fish, N. D. Flados, S. H. Fowler,
R. D. Gaul, A. D. Gondran.
R. E. Hall, D. B. Hayes, R. T.
Heath, C. J. Hlavjnka, M. G. Holu-
bec, J. H. Hughes, H. D. Irby,
Samuel Jahn, T. W. Leatherwood,
Eugene Lewis, L. E. Little, Ri J.
Lord, J. S. Magee, R. E. McCurley,
R. S. Musa.
A. C. Novosad, J. L. Nygaard,
D. I. O g x d e n , Carl Pearcy,
W. P. Pendergrass, R. A. Pfjile, C.
W. Phillips, J. M. Pinson, Carleton
Ranney, L. M. Reedy, E. A. Renken,
W. P. Riddick, J. S. Samuels, A.
D. Scott, K. G. Seymour.
G. A. Smith, H. D. Smith, W. F.
Soules, L. N. Springer, W. B.
Stalter, C. B. Sterzing, M. N.
Swink, G. B. Truchelut, Corey
Weather Today
Cloudy today and tomorrow with
no showers forecasted. High yes
terday 85. Low this morning 68.
Scholarship Winner
gree in economics next month. Hav
ing taken summer school work, in
cluding six weeks last year at
Harvard university,, he will re
ceive his Master’s degree in
The Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy offers a program of
professional training in inter
national affairs designed es
sentially for graduate students
aiming for careers in the state de
partment and the diplomatic ser
vice of the United States, in the
United Nations and other inter
national agencies.
Samuels hopes to continue work
towards his Ph D degree in inter
national law or diplomacy.
During the past two semesters
he has been an assistant instructor
in the Economics department and
was president of the Memorial
Student Center council. He also has
been student chairman in 1953-54
of the National Association of Col
lege Unions.
Samuels has been a member of
the varsity debating team for four
years, vice president of the Aggie
Players, member of the Arts and
Sciences council, the Inter-Council,
associate editor of The Commenta
tor, and the Phi Kappa Phi and
Phi Theta Sigma honorary
Glee Club
Elects King
Holman King will be president
of the Singing Cadets for next
The new officers were announced
at the annual banquet of the group
Other officers are Horace Smith,
vice president; Harry Scott, busi
ness manager; Jerry Leyton, re
porter-historian; and Ed Bulkhead,
Bill Wiseman, retiring president,
was given a watch, and Bill Turner,
director, was given an engraved
desk set.
Senate To Elect
Officers May 6 1
Next year’s student senate will
meet Thursday, May 6 with the
present senate to elect officers for
next year.
The new senate members will
attend the regular business meet
ing in order to better acquaint
themselves with their future jobs
and after the business meeting, this
year’s senate president will pre
side over the election of next year’s
senate officers.
The reason for electing officers
now is so the new fnembers will
know what jobs they will have for
the coming year and can start to
work as soon as school starts next
fall, said Ide Trotter, senate presi
Both new and old members will
attend the annual student senate
banquet May 11th. — . _a