The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 23, 1954, Image 1

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ins 21c
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& 24th
Circulated Daily
To 90 Per Cent
Of Local Residents
Published By
A&M Students
For 75 Years
Number 220: Volume 53
Price 5 Cents
News of the World
HANOI—The French Command announced tonight Coc-
munist-led Vietminh troops were hammered back “with
heavy losses” in their attempts to gain new footholds in the
northwest corner of the Dien Bien Phu fortress. Simultan
eously, bombers, under temporarily clearing skies, struck
heavily at the Vietminh forces entrenched upon a 200-foot
hill on the southeastern rim of the bowl and “probably sev
eral companies” of the enemy were destroyed, the French
★ ★ ★
AUSTIN—Gov. Shivers signed the teacher pay raise
bill today and said he hopes all school districts will give
the $402 a year increase regardless of whether they are
now paying more than the minimum. The bill, effective
Sept. 1, will boost the base pay of a beginning teacher
with a bachelor’s degree from $2,403 to $2,805.
★ ★ ★
PARIS—An American source said tonight the Western
Powers have reached a firm fresh agreement on refusal to
accept Communist China as a host nation at the Geneva
conference. This source disputed a statement from a non-
American informant earlier that still unsettled procedural
uestions might delay the Geneva meeting on Indochina and
Korea from opening on Monday as scheduled.
* * *
ABILENE—The Texas Department of Public Safe
ty showed off today its new radar unit to catch speeders.
Mate Sen. Harley Sadler said it was astounding and un-
elievable. Similar units are being used in 31 other
.atecs. In Oklahoma they have helped reduce traffic
WASHINGTON—The nation’s living costs declined two
tenths of one per cent between Feb. 15 and March 15, reach
ing the lowest point since last July. This was reported to
day by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which said lower food
and clothing prices led the decline that brought the bureau’s
index down to 114.8 per cent of the 1947-49 average.
'k ic 'k
WASHINGTON—Army Sgt. Lyle W. Jacobson testi
fied today all loyal Americans in a Korean prison camp
knew Edward S. Dickenson was “a rat” who squealed
on his buddies. Jacobson glared fiercely at Dickenson as
he made the accusation at the four-day-old court-martial
of Dickenson on charges of collaborating with the Com- '
munist enemy and informing on his comrades.
Big Weekend Planned
With Dances, Banquets
Carle Furnishes Music
For Annual Cotton Ball
Battalion Feature Editor
A busy time is in prospect for Aggies and their dates
this weekend.
The Cotton ball, Jet Jockey Hop, Singing Cadets’ banquet
and Cafe Rue Pinalle are all on the list of activities.
Frankie Carle and his orchestra will provide the music
for the 20th annual Cotton ball. The dance will be held from
9 to 1 Friday night in the Grove.
The ball is presented each year by the Agronomy society
in honor of cotton, the “King of the Southland”. The cotton
pageant and style show have been discontinued this year due
to Jack of student interest.
King Cotton Dave Richmond will be crowned at the
♦opening of the dance by Kert
Goode, president of the Ag-
commanding general of the artillery center at Fort Sill,
Okla., will speak at commissioning exercises May 21. He
will also present army commissions.
Grazell To Play I One Of Oldest
j^or Cattlemen
At May 1 Ball
Rudy Grazell and his west
ern swing band will play for
the Cattleman’s ball, May 1,
in the Memorial Student Cen
ter ballroom.
“The ball is sponsored by the
Saddle and Sirloin club and the
Kream and Kow Klub,” said Allen
Turner, co-chairman. of the ball.
“Both clubs will decorate the ball
room with materials symbolic of
their fields, to lend a western at
There will be a sweetheart con
test open to club members. Pic
tures of the girls are to be sub
mitted to the sweetheai’t commit
tee in the animal husbandry office
(n the Animal Industries building.
The sweetheaif will be chosen dur
ing the ball.
“Anyone connected with A&M in
Ihe capacity of student or faculty
member may attend the ball,” said
Sam McAnally, Saddle and Sh’loin
club president. “The boys will
wear western clothes and the girls
may wear print or other type
di'esses, but no formals.”
Tickets for the ball may be pur
chased fi'om Saddle and Sirloin or
Kream & Kow Klub members.
Tickets are $2.50, stag or couple.
A nnual Cotton Bail
Started in 1932
The Cotton pageant and ball, one
of the oldest and largest annual
affairs on the campus, was started
in 1932.
The man responsible for the cot
ton ball was Mr. J. S. (Cotton Joe)
Mogford, who was then an assist
ant professor of agronomy and is
now professor of agronomy.
The purpose of the first Coton
pageant and ball was to encom-age
the use of cotton and to send stu
dents from here to different parts
of the world to study.
Since that time students have
gone to Egypt, Japan, Nor
way, Sweden, Denmark, South
Africa and other places. Profits
from the affair help pay for the
Anderson and Clayton, a cotton
firm, and the Texas Cotton coop
erative each donated $500 to help
Prof Night
Lists To Be
In Center
Sign-up lists for Prof Hos
pitality night will be in the
Memorial Student Center un
til 5 p.m. today.
By last night, 92 students
had signed up with about one-
fourth of the 122 professors
on the lists. Each professor
participating has a list.
The night will be Tuesday.
The professors will open their
homes to the students who
wish to visit them."
Class Reports Set
For SLC Meeting
Reports of the senior and junior
class evaluations will be given at
the Student Life committee meet
ing at 4:30 p.m. Monday.
Also on the agenda for the meet
ing are reports on the proposed
constitutional changes, yell leaders,
and proposed changes in student
election procedures.
Weather Today
Religious Booklet
To Be Published
A booklet of devotional meditat
ions written by A&M students will
be published in December and April
of each year, said J. Goidon Gay,
genei’al seci'etary of the YMCA.
The first book in the series is to
be published Saturday and will be
distributed to each dormitory
lounge so students may read them.
The name of the book will be
“Where Art Thou”.
After four or five years, selec
tions will be taken from each of
the booklets and a special book
will be made containing the better
devotionals, he said.
put on the first pageant and the
Textile institute sent in 74 dresses
for display on live models.
The pageant and ball has been
held every year since 1932, except
the war years of 1943, 1944 and
1945. The Aggieland orchestra
played for the first ball, held in the
Sbisa hall annex. One hundred and
twenty-five couples attended. Since
that time the ball and pageant have
grown into an affair attended by
more than 1,000 couples.
An innovation this year is the
combining of the pageant and ball,
by having the duchesses presented
during intermissions at the dance.
It is an effort to make the show
move faster, according to Kert
Goode, president of the Agronomy
This is also the first time a name
band has been obtained for the
Large Groups Visit
Chest X-Ray Unit
More than 4,500 students and
College Station residents have had
chest x-rays made by the unit in
the Memorial Student Center.
The x-ray unit will be here
through Saturday.
Results from the x-rays taken
this week will be mailed in about
four weeks, said Mariano Medina
of the Texas Health department,
technician of the machine. .
Continued cloudiness with occa
sional light rain showers today.
High temperature yesterday 84.
Low this morning 58,
Homestead Workshop
Set Here April 29
A homestead demonstration
workshop here April 29 and 30
will cover subjects from shrub
identiifcation to furniture making,
Sadie Hatfield, homestead im
provement specialist of the Agri
cultural Extension service, is in
charge of the workshop. _
Speaker Will Be
Maj. Gen. Hart
Maj. Gen. Charles E. Hart,
commanding general of the
artillery center at Fort Sill,
Okla., will be principal speak
er and present 213 army com
missions in the commissioning ex
ercises May 21.
Another 150 graduating seniors
will receive air force commissions,
presented by Maj. Gen. Gabriel P.
Disoway, commander of the Flying
Training air force at Waco.
Col. Joe E. Davis, commandant,
said all of the 11 branches of the
army in the ROTC program here
will fmmish new second lieuten
Hart was graduated from West
Point in 1924. During World War
II he was artillery ofifcer of the
II Corps in North Africa and Sici
ly, and afterwards served with the
first army in both the European
and Pacific theaters.
Spring Dairy Show
Will Be Saturday
The annual Spring Dairy show,
sponsored by the Kream and Kow
Klub, will be held at 1 p.m. in
the Dairy center Saturday.
Twenty-seven exhibitors will
show Jersey and Holstein heifers
up to two years of age, as well as
best-uddered cows.
The show is held annually to
give students practical experience
in fitting and showing dairy ani
mals. Classes are judged on the
basis of the animal and then on
the basis of the exhibitor, and how
well he has the animal trained.
Lowell Ordered
To Alaskan Base
Maj. Julius C. Lowell, air science
instructor here for four years, has
been ordered to Ladd air force
base, Alaska, where he will be an
operations ofifcer with the 11th
air division.
He will leave Bui'ks air force
base Aug. 12 to take up his new
assignment. •
Lowell’s promotion to Lieutenant
ronomy society. Richmond
will crown Queen Cotton
Barbara Brown. The cotton
court and the representatives of
the southwest conference schools
will be introduced.
The court is composed of mem
bers elected from the Agronomy
society and the queen’s court are
selected from the TSCW student
During the intermissions duches
ses representing various campus
organizations, mothers clubs, and
former student groups will be
Caile, one of the most popular
orchestra leaders in the nation, has
sold more than 75 million records
in the last 10 year’s.
He has also achieved success as
a song writer. His “Sunrise Sere
nade,” the theme song of his oi’-
chestra, is rated with the most
popular American songs. He has
written “Lover’s Lullaby,” “Fall
ing Leaves,” and “Oh What It
Seemed to Be.”
The Singing Cadets will hold,, a
'smorgasbord type banquet in the
Memorial Student Center at 7:30
p. m. Saturday. Dr. William H.
Andrew, pastor of the First Baptist
church in Bryan, will be the speak
Hollie Briscoe, vice-president of
the glee club, will give a resume
of the year’s activities. Bill Wise
man, president, will announce the
officers for next year.
Awards will be presented to the
cadets according to the length of
time they have been in the organ
The Jet Jockey Hop, this year’s
version of the Air Force ball, will
be held in the Grove from 9 to 12
Saturday night.
Cafe Rue Pinalle will be held
from 8:30 to 12 Saturday night in
the games area of the MSG. Music
and a floor show will be provided
by the Capers Combo.
Saturday at 2 p.m. the Fish
baseball team will play Blinn col
lege on Kyle Field and at 1:30
Keller Wins
Math Contest
For Sophs
Herman Hoyle Keller, me
chanical engineering major
from Sherman, won the soph
omore mathematics contest.
He received a watch for
first prize in the contest held April
13. Keller won the freshman con
test last year.
Robert E. Blewster jr., science
major from Bellaire, won second
in the sophomore contest and re
ceived $15. Third prize of $10 wqs
won by Clay McFarland II, electri
cal engineering major from San
Antonio. McFarland won second
place in last yeai-’s freshman con
Winner of the freshman contest
was Chai’les S. Skillman jr., engi
neering major from Maplewood,
N.J., Charles L. Edwards, chemi
cal engineering major from Itasca,
won second place and third place
was taken by Hubert-Brent Mount,
electrical% engineering major from
Prizes in the freshman contest
were the same as those in the
sophomore contest.
Presentation of the awards will
be made M^Y 12 as a part of the
All-College Awards day program.
The Hillel Halperin mathematics
award fund furnishes the sopho
more first place prize. Other prizes
in the contest are given by the
Robert F. Smith memorial fund.
Colonel will become effective May
13. He is now head of freshman I the varsity golf team will meet
air science. Arkansas.
Jet Jockey Hop
4 Space Aces* To Pick Queen
Five “space aces” in flight suits Skippy Marlow; Diane Crockett, The dance is informal. Cadets
will pick an air ROTC queen to- with W. N. Vance; Myrna Stewart, will wear class A uniform. Tickets
morrow night at the Jet Jockey with Bill Thiessen; Beverly Ware, will be issued by units beginning
Hop. with Phillip Orr; and Avelina San- at noon today, and Army ROTC
The Jet Jockey Hop is the an- chez, with A. E. Dalrmple. seniors may attend the dance by
nual dance of A&M’s air force Judges will be Burt Holdsworth, donating two dollars to the air
ROTC students. It will be in the Bill Reed, Hollie Birscoe, Dwane force fund.
Grove from 9 p.m. to midnight. The Scott and Bill Wiseman. They will Donations may be given to Bris-
Claude Harris orchestra will play, wear flight suits while judging. coe, in room 217 of dormitory 8.
The queen will be selected from The finalists will be presented Reed, who is commander of the
five finalists. The finalists and and judged at 10 p.m. The queen first wing, is overall chairman for
their escorts are Sundra Bray, with will bfe announced at 11 p.m. the dance.
Akard Given First
Town Hall Watch
Town Hall manager John Akard
was given a watch last night for
“being the most outstanding stu
dent entertainment manager we’ve
ever had.”
The watch was presented by ’v.
G. (Spike) White, manager of £. X '
dent activities. It was the fir.,
time in the history of Town Hall
that a watch has been given to the
student manager.
“We had more difficulties this
year then we’ve ever had before,
but John did a superior job in over
coming them,” White said
Also presented last night at the
annual appreciation super for the
Town Hall staff were gifts for the
senior members. They were given
their choice of the records “The
Songs of Texas A&M” or the book
“The Story of Texas A&M”.
Senior members are Louis Driv
er, Jei’ry Griffith, Bill Young,
Ricky Black, Fred Mitchell, Gene
Kilgore, Chaxdes (Buddy) Fox-
worth and Weldon Kruger.
Junior members of the staff
were given keys. They are James
Henderson, Holman King, Bud
Powell, Bill Johnson, Martin Burk-
head, Richard Hull, Wallace Evers-
berg and Bill Utzman.
Glee Club Banquet
To Be Saturday
The Singing Cadets will have
their annual awards banquet in the
Memorial Student Center Saturday
at 7:30 p.m. The banquet will be
a smorgasbord.
Silver keys will be presented to
members with one year’s expein-
ence, gold keys for two years,
sweaters for three years, and spe
cial awards will be given graduat
ing seniors with four year’s experi
ence. Announcement of next year’s
officers will also be made at the
The after dinner speech will be
given by Dr. William H. Andrews,
pastor of the First Baptist church
in Bryan.
Entertainment will be furnished
by the Kelly sisters of Bryan. A
skit will also be presented by some
of the members.
Myrna Stewart
JBeverly Ware
Avelina Sanchez
Two Cars Damaged
In Campus Collision
Cat’s driven by Elexis C. Bashaw,
college employee, and John M.
Armstrong, student, collided at
Lubbock and Throckmorton streets
late Thursday afternoon.
Estimated damage to both car*#
was between $100 and $150.