The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 22, 1954, Image 5

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Thursday, April 22, 1954
Page 5
Family Favorites Cotton Ball Final Plans Made
By Mrs. R. M. Stevenson
(Ed. note—Guest editor for this week’s family favorites is Bun
ny Stevenson, wife of R. M. Stevenson of the accounting depart
ment. Mrs. Stevenson brings a wonderful background in home
economics to our column. A graduate of Penn State, she holds a
masters degree in home economics from Cornell. In addition to
teaching at Penn State, she was also foods manager of the Indiana
university student center while her husband worked on his PhD
there. The Stevensons have one daughter, Suzy, a student at
A&M Consolidated elementary school. Mrs. Stevenson is a member
of Foods group, the American Association of University Women,
the College Women’s Social club, and the Newcomers club.)
Cream of Chicken Mulligatawny Soup
A delicious, wholesome, main dish soup with an East In
dian flavor. My daughter Suzy especially likes this. Makes
two quarts.
% cup chopped onions
1 cup chopped celery
2 tablespoon uncooked rice
IVz cups cooked and chopped
1 teaspoon curry powder
3 cups chicken broth
3 cups milk
G tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon salt
Saute onions and celery in chicken fat. Add flour and curry powder
and mix. Add chicken broth and stir until smooth. Bring to a boil.
Add rice and cook gently V* hour. Add chopped chicken and milk.
Season to taste.
Molded Avacado Salad
Add fancy sandwiches or tiny hot muffins or rolls and you have
a delightful bridge luncheon menu.
1 package lime jello
1 large mashed avacado
2 packages cream cheese
4 stalks celery, cut fine
Vz green pepper minced
x /z grated onion
1 cup mayonnaise
Salt to taste
(A tablespoon of sherry adds
an interesting flavor)
Prepare jello, when almost set; whip to a froth and add remaining
ingredients. Mold in ring mold and fill center with chicken or shrimp
salad. Garnish with fresh tomatoes.
Chocolate Fudge Pie
4 whole eggs
2 cups sugar
Va cup oleo, melted
3 squares chocolate, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup pecan meats
Beat eggs with electric mixer until well mixed. Add sugar and
blend well. Add other ingredients and mix until well blended. Place
mixture in unbaked pie shell and bake in 350 degrees oven 30 to 40
Top with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.
Thumbprint Cookies
Mix together thoroughly:
Vz cup soft shortening
X A cup brown sugar
1 egg yolk
Vz teaspoon vanilla
Sift together and stir in:
1 cup sifted flour
A teaspoon salt
Roll into 1 inch balls. Dip in slightly beaten egg whites. Roll
in finely chopped nuts (% cup). Place about one inch apart on ungreased
baking sheet. Bake 5 minutes. Remove from oven. Quickly press
thumb gently on top of each cookie. Return to oven and bake 8 min
utes longer. Cool.
Place in thumbprints a bit of chopped candied fruit, sparkling
jelly or tinted frosting put through pastry tube.
The oven temperature should be 375 degrees and makes about two
dozen cookies.
This is an inexpensive main dish.
1 pound beef, raw, ground
% pound potatoes, raw,
2 tablespoons chopped onions
1 teaspoon salt
Pepper to taste
x /z teaspoon mono-sodium
Combine all ingredients. Shape into cakes. Bake in hot oven 400
degrees until done throughout, about 20 minutes.
Serve with gravy or sauce. Serves 4 to 6 people.
First Baptist Choir
Holds Party Saturday
The choir of the First Baptist
church is having a tacky party
at 7:00 p. m. Saturday.
The party will be held at the
Baptist Student Center and all
choir members and their wives or
dates are invited.
There will be a prize for the
tackiest couple present.
Willmaiins Announce
Birth of Their Son
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ray Will-
mann, B-8-W College View, became
the parents of a son, Rodney Ray,
last Friday.
The baby weighed 8 pounds and
5 ounces. Willmann is a student in
veterinary medicine.
Grand Opening
Today and Tomorrow
Campus Confectionary
With Every Hamburger 250
Want fish fillets to taste de
liciously different ? Dip into
creamy French dressing before
Final plans have been made for
the presentation of the cotton
queen, her court and the duchesses
at the annual Cotton ball spon
sored by the A&M student Agro
nomy society. The dance will be
The cotton queen, Miss Barbara
Brown, will be presented at the
beginning of the dance. She will
be crowned by Davie Lee Rich
mond, cotton king.
Following the coronation, her
com-t, composed of students from
Texas State College for Women,
will be presented.
Attendents in the court are Miss
es Fayrene Dietert, Peggy Bishop,
Carolyn Dietert, Nancy Coates,
Nancy Dieterich, Jane Ellis, Betty
Ready, Grace Smith and Lorelei
Duchesses representing the
Southwest Conference are Ann
Douglas, A&M; Ann McArron,
Texas Christian university; Pa
tricia Walker, Southern Methodist
university; Cai’olyn Thomas, Rice
institute; Lou Lenoir, Baylor uni
versity; and Ann Williams, Uni
versity of Texas.
The other duchesses will be pre
sented in two groups, one at 10
p. m. and another group at 11 p. m.
Duchesses and their organi
zations are Ann Adams, West
hometown club; Bonnie Algers,
Lutheran Student association,
Patsy Allison, Wichita Falls A&M
Mothers’ club; Maria Teresa
Arguindegue, Laredo A&M Mo
thers’ club; Eula Ruth Arthur, Hill
County A&M club; Myrna Merle
Ash, Blinn college.
Charlotte Bailiff, Business and
Professional Women’s club; Betty
Baver, Guadalupe A&M club; Ruth
Clair Berger, Land of the Lakes
club; Joan Blake, Austin college.
Betty Jo Blaylock, A&M Mo
thers’ of the Tarpon club of
Aransas; Mary Lois Boone, Grimes
county A&M club; Zanetta Boone,
Pre-Law society; Barbara Brad
ford, Tarleton state college; San-
dry Bray, Waco-McLennon county
hometown club; Ray Ann Broaddus,
Weatherford hometown club.
Mary Ellen Bunch, Trinity uni
versity; Bennie Cain, Calvert
Chamber of Commerce; Kellene
Cain, A&M Mothers’ club of Cor
pus Christi; Betty Lee Canavespi,
Junior Chapter of AVMA; Virginia
Cannady, Engineers council; Ear-
lene Carleton, Brazos county A&M
Patsy Carter, A&M Sophomore
class of 1954; Bobbye Clark,
Guadalupe Valley Hometown club;
Carolyn Claypool, Beaumont A&M
Mothers’ club; Wanda Se Coco,
Newman club; Elizabeth Connally,
A&M Mothers’ club of Tyler; Betty
Connolly, Caldwell County club.
Ann Copeland, Stephen F. Austin
high school; Nell Coppedge, Col
legiate F. F. A. Chapter; Elinor
Ann Corbusier, Bryan Garden club;
Sandra Couch, College Womens’
Social club; Shirley Cunyus, Erath
County A&M club; Vicki L. Davis,
Magie club; Ann McKnight Dish-
man, Geology Wives club.
Nancy Dorn, Central West Texas
club of Colorado City, Texas; Wan
da Dorsett, Northeast Texas club;
Joyce Dunlavy, Deep East Texas
A&M club of Gladewater, Long
view; Shirley Eberly, Arlington
State College; Gail Edge, Bryan
Woman’s club; Marylyn Elisson,
Floriculture and Landscape society.
Iris Elliott, Geology club; Caro
lyn Falgeau, Past Presidents
Parley—Earle Graham Unit 159;
Kenda Faulkner, Amarillo A&M
Mothers’ club; Harx-iet Snow Fi - ost,
Bell County A&M Mothers’ club;
Jo Ann Fui'neaux, Waco A&M Ex
Students club; Yolanda Garza,
Lax-edo A&M club; Margaret E.
Geoi'ge, Bell county hometown club.
Mai-gai-et Goerner, A&M Moth-
ei's’ club of Kingsville; Dollie
Gorrod, Fort Worth A&M Mothers’
club; Ann Gough, PrisCilla Alden
Society Childi’en of the American
Revolution of Temple, Texas; Bar-
bax-a Gregoi-y, Poit Arthur A&M
club; Joellexx Gi’iffing, Shrevepoi’t
hometown club; Adidenne Haywood,
Shi’eveport A&M club; Ann Hickei'-
son, A&M Extension club.
Sandi’a Hinze, San Antonio A&M
Mothers’ club; Geraine Honeycutt,
Williamson County Aggie club of
Geox-getown; Susie Hooks, East
Harris County A&M College Moth
ers’ club; Nancy Hunt, Sonora
A&M Mothei's’ club; Mai'y Fi'axxces
Irvin, Kaufman County A&M
Honxetown club.
Sondra Gail Isaac, Pox - t Ax-thur
A&M Ex-students club; Vida Nell
Jacob, Texas Lutheran college,
Seguin; Ruby Ruth Johnson, Coun
ty club of Gonzales; Emma Nan
Jones, Deep East Texas hometown
club; Ann Joi-dan, East Texas State
Teachers college.
Sandra Kelley, Agricultural com
mittee; Sylvia Kelley, Industrial
committee; Deloi'es Kleb, Houston
A&M Mothers’ club; Diane Konig,
Hillel club; Jorene Kubesch, Fay-
ette-Colorado county A&M club;
Sylvia Langston, Brenham Cham
ber of Commerce; Rosemary
Lenert, College Station Lions club.
Gai'ole J. Lynch, Retail Mei’ch-
ants committee; Marilyn Mai’sh,
Oi'ange A&M Mothers’ club; Sue
Marshall, Wichita Falls hometown
club; Jane McBi’iei’ty, A&M senior
class of 1954; Beverly Millsap,
American Institute of Ai'cKitects;
Geraldine Monier, Accouxxting so
Martha Montgomery, U. S. De-
pax-tment of Agriculture; Marlene
Moore, Peti’oleum Engineering
club; Bettie Nash, Texas Society
Childi’en of the American Revolut
ion; Judy Oakley, Beaumont A&M
club; Doris Obemdorfer, Abilene
A&M club; Kay Pai’nell, A&M
Mothers’ club; Margie Parsley,
Dames club.
Vina Faye Pai’son, Ai’chitectural
Wives society; Blanca Pena, In-
cai’nate Word college San Antonio;
Anne Perdue, Grayson County Ag
gie club; Annie Lauxfe Presnal,
Brazos County Home Demon-
sti’ation club; Rose Mai'ie Pi’ewit,
Our Lady of the Lake college.
Sandra Price, Noi’th Texas State
College; Joyce Pritchett, Institute
of Aei’onautical Society; Sally Ann
Quast, Pi’e-Med-Dental society;
Newcomers Elect Officers
Mrs. George Hucbrier was elected
pi’esident of the Newcomers club
at a meeting yesterday at the home
of Mrs.- T. W. Leland.
Other officei’s ai’e Mrs. Albex-t
Sparks, vice president; and Mi’s.
Henry Rakoff, treasui'er.
Hostesses for the meeting were
Mrs. David Fitch and Mrs. A. F.
After the business meeting the
membei'S played bridge and canas
ta. Prize winners for bi'idge wci’e
Mi’s. John Bai’low, high; Mrs. John
A, Way, low; and Mis. George
Reid, traveling.
Canasta wiifhers were Mrs. H. G.
Thompsoil, high; and Mrs. Frank
Robinson, low.
The next meeting will be the
annual picnic May 8 at Hensel
, . .. , ,, park. Members will be contacted
words in Kiwams that really for reservations>
makes the organization run.
R. L McCarty was the top Ki-
wanis ticket seller for the pancake
supper with 48.
—Bob Shrode was second with 47
The Kiwctnis Education and Fel
lowship committee sold 88 tickets
to win first in the committee divis
John Stark, son of J. Wayne
Stark, sbld 24 tickets to be the
top seller in the bby’s division.
Loveless Speaks
At Kiwanis Club
S. L. Loveless, Kiwdilis division
nine lieutenant governor, was the
speaker at the College Station
Kiwanis club meeting Tuesday.
Loveless, speaking on “Kiwanis
Education”, said faith is one of the
Barbara Rahnert, Future Home
makers club of Bryan; Mary Lou
Ryan, Kream and Kow club.
Merleen Rice, Bastrop County
A&M club; Elaine Roger, Houston
hometown club; Linda Jan Ryan,
Deep East Texas A&M club of
Longview; Kathryn Saculla, Agri
cultural Economics club; Allene
Salyer, Austin A&M club.
Gaytha Sanders, Cooke County
A&M club; Sandra Shinn, Victoria
County A&M club; Joanne Sievers,
Rodeo club; Edwina Simmons,
Beaumont A&M club; Darlene
Smith, American Foundryman so
Judy Smith, Pan-American club;
Martha Smith, Beta Sigma Phi;
Nancy Ellen Smith, Bosque Coun
ty A&M club; Louise Street,
YMCA cabinet.
Billie Sue Sykora, American
Institute of Chemical Engineers;
Edna Ann Tepe, Waco-McLennan
county A&M Mothers’ club;
Shirley Ann Thompson, Bryan
Lions club; Dahyln Tollett, San
Antonio hometowrf club; Joan
Turner, Brownwood A&M Mothers’
Carolyn Vance, Campus Study
club; Carol Sue Walker, Trans-
Pecos A&M Mothers’ club; Georgia
Ann Watson, Sociology club; Carra
Janice Wendt, Brush County A&M
Mothers’ club; Beverly Jean White,
Entomology society; Coy Lou
White, Bryan Reading club.
Janet Williams, Alpha Zeta;
Martha Williams, Rusk County
A&M club; Martha Ann Williams,
A&M Consolidated high school;
Marcia Woody, Fort Worth home
town club; Shirley Patricia Yancey,
Kilgore hometown club; Thelma
Zak, Aggie Band Wives club;
Particia Zemanek, Range and
Forestry club; Dorothy Zitopel,
Southwest Texas A&M club.
... 3c a word per insertion with a
35c minimum. Space rate in classified
section .... 60c per column-inch. Send
all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES
OFFICE. All ads must be received in
Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the
day before publication.
EASY SPINDRIER washing machine.
SIO.OO. D-8-Y College View.
SIX PIECE chrome dinette suite (red).
1952 Frigidaire. Call 4-4439.
(1) ROYAL TYPEWRITER. 11” pica
type; sealed bids will be received in the
Office of the Auditor, College Adminis
tration Building until 10 a.m., April 26,
1954. The right is reserved to reject
any and all bids and to waive any and
all technicalities. Address Auditor, A&M
College of Texas, College Station, Texas,
for further information.
Engineer Majors: Freshmen and soph
omores can earn up to $120 a month dur
ing the summer by working in Oceanog
raphy department. See Dick Adams, Oc
eanography dept.
CALL 4-9099 for typing and related work,
after 5 and on weekends.
WANTED: Typing. Reasonable
Phone: 3-1776 (after 6 p.m.)
IF YOU SEE this ad, other people will
see the ad you run. Call 4-5324 or
4-1149 for Battalion Classified Ads.
Prompt Radio Service
— C A L L —
Sosolik’s Radio Service
712 S. Main St.
PH. 2-1941 BRYAN
Pruitt’s Beauty
GARAGE APARTMENT. One large room,
kitchenette, bath and garage. Electric
refrigerator and wall to wall floor cov
ering. Ideal for couple. Two blocks
from North Gate. Also vacancies for
6 girls for Cotton ball weekend. Call
LARGE 3 ROOM apartment. Partly fur
nished. North Gate. Utilities paid. $50
per month. Phone 6-2332.
Official Notice
Ring orders are being taken for those
students who become eligible for the ring
with their preliminary grades for the Spring
Semester. The Ring clerk' is on duty
Tuesday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m.
until 12 noon.
Delivery of these rings will be made
August first. ,
Rings will be delivered in person to the
individual or they will be mailed to the
owner at an additional charge of twenty-
five cents. No rings will bo mailed to
summer camp addresses. All rings must
be paid for in full (Including mailing
charge) when the order is placed.
II. L. Heaton,
• Blue line prints
• Blue prints
• Photostats
Phone 3-6887
ward yo«r family's Uealtfa wiitto
tv J-
Ever try adding crushed potato
chips to buttered bread crumbs to
use as a topping for a casserole?
Save Your Money!
Save Your Clothes!
Were $1.69 and $1.98 NOW
$7.98 Value
Broken Small Sizes
Were $4.98 ....
$7.98 to $8.98 Value
We Have A Complete Line of Girls
SWIM SUITS and boys
Sizes 2 to 16 Yr. Sub-teen
S804 Hwy. 6 S.
Phone 6-5252
Crackers 8 oz. pkge- 21c
Libbys Vienna
Sausage 2-4 oz. cans 35c
303 Cans—Libbys Whole
Wax Beans
303 Cans—Libbys
Sliced Beets
Mixed Vegetables
Butter Beans . . .
Green Peas . . .
2 cans 59c
2 cans 29c
81/2 oz. Cans—Magic Circle—Colossal
Ripe Olives . can 33c
pkge. 28c
River Side
Claw Crab Meat can 49c
. 2 cans 25c
3 lb. can 79c
303 Cans—Curtis
No. 2 cans—Doles
Pineapple Juice 2 can 29c
No. 2 Cans—Tex-sun
Orange Juice 2 cans 29c Veal Chops
Deckers Tall Korn
Sliced Bacon
Ham Hocks .
Wisconsin Daisoy
Cheese . . ■
Loin Steak .
. lb. 67c
. lb. 25c
. lb. 54c
. !fo 0 63c
Porter House Steak lb. 55c
Tea Garden—24 oz. Bottle
Grape Juice Bottle 33c
Heinz Ketchup Bottle 23c
Square Cut
Shoulder Roast .
lb. 63c
lb. 55c
303 Cans—Happy Host
Midget Peas
No. 2y 2 Hunts Sliced
No. 2 Del Monte—Crushed
2 cans 35c
2 cans 51c
White Bermuda
Onions .
Fino Green
Large Calilornia
Celery .
Hort Farm
. lb. 5c
3 lb. 10c
stalk 10c
Pineapple . 2 cans 51c Berries - by the gal. or qt.
Charlie's Food Market
North Gate
College Station