Page 4 THE BATTALION Tuesday, April 20, 1954 Pres byleriansHo Id Regional Meeting The first southwest regional con ference of Presbyterian faculty and staff will be held at the A&M Presbyterian church and student center Saturday and Sunday. The conference is sponsored by the Board of Christian Education of the Presbyterian church in the United States and the Joint Board for Presbyterian Student Work and Campus Christian Life at A&M. Top speakers are Dr. Rene Wil liamson, Dr. Niels Nielsen and Dr. Hunter Blakely. Dr. Williamson is professor of political science at the University of Tennessee and chairman of the Presbyterian faculty fellowship. Dr. Nielsen is professor of philosophy at Rice institute, and Dr. Blakely is head of the division of higher education of the board of Christian education, Presby terian church, U. S. Their topics include “The Oppor- Maurine Hearn Named Year’s Economist Maurine Hearn has been elected “Home Economist of the Year” by the members of the Texas Home Economics association. Miss Hearn is state home demonstration leader. Her selection was made for the observance of Careei’s in Home Economics week in Texas April 4-10. The week symbolized the place home economists occupy in in the lives of Texans. Miss Hearn was the first woman to be awarded a Camegie fellow ship for extension workers to do graduate study at Harvard uni versity. She was the only woman to be elected to the offices of presi dent and vice president of the Tex as Agricultural Workers associa tion. In 1952 Miss Hearn was named “Woman of the Year” by Progres sive Farmer magazine in recogni tion of her service to rural home makers. In 1949 she served as home economics consultant to the Ad visory Commission of the Council of National Defense in Washing ton. In 1953 she was on leave from her present position to serve as home economics advisor with the USD A Foreign Agricultural ser vice working in La Paz, Bolivia, She has been named a Distinguish ed Graduate by Mary Hardin-Bay- lor college. Rehearsals Begin For Junior Play Rehearsals for the junior plays have begun and the date has been set for April 2G. There will be two productions, the first being “Where is My Wan dering Boy Tonight.” The cast in cludes Jean Puddy, Clifton Bates, Bill Little, Jean Adams, Roy .Cour- im and Betsy Burchard. The second production, “Wild cat Willie Gets Girl Trouble,” will have the cast of Jack Smith, Billy Mixon, Henry Phillips, Delbert Stanley, Roy Courim, Anna Beaty and Elsie Richards. Mrs. Mildred Byrd, Mi’s. Sydney Sorensen and J. S. Forsyth are directing the cast. tunity of the Christian Professor in the Social Sciences,” “A Philo sopher Looks at Christian Faith and the Teaching of the Humanities and Sciences” and “The Task of the Christian Faculty Member in the University or College.” DR. HUNTER BLAKELY To Speak at Conference The. conference is open to all faculty and staff members of any church affiliation. Other leaders will include Presi dent Emeritus F. C. Bolton, Academic Dean Walter Delaplane, Dr. S. R. Gammon of the history department, Dr. Daniel Penick of classical languages, Ervin J. Prouse of the math department, Dr. J. C. Miller of animal husbandry and Dr. R. D. Lewis of the agricultural experiment station. Reservations for a dinner to be held at 6 p. m. Saturday must be turned in by Thursday at the Pres byterian church. The A&M conference committee includes Dr. S. R. Gammon, Dr. I. G. Adams, Dr. J. S. Rogers, Dr. J. G. Potter - , Dr. L. S. Davids, Dr. Joe Campbell, Stanley Clai’k, Richard Adams R. G. Perryman, Rev. Charles Workman and Rev. Norman Anderson. Hospital Staff To Be Given Tea The members of the A&M Col lege Hospital staff will be honored guests at a tea sponsored by the Brazos county A&M Mothers club at 3 p. m. Thur sday in the mothers lounge of the YMCA. This will be the final meeting of the year for the club. After a short business meeting the tea will be held. Faculty Invited To Attend Dinner-Dance All faculty members have been invited to attend the April social of the A&M Em ployees Dinner club at 7:30 p. m. Thursday in the As sembly room of the Memorial Stu dent Center. The Caper’s Combo, student orchestra, has been engaged by H. E. Hampton, music chairman, to play for the dance following the dinner. A. C. Magee is general arrangements chairman for this final meeting of the current school year. Mrs. David Fitch is in charge of the menu and table decorations and Mrs. Charles Richardson is chair man of flower procurement. Major J. C. Lowell is handling publicity. Wayne Stark, ticket chairman, has announced that reservations must be made prior to 2:30 p. m. tomorrow at the main desk of the Memorial Student Center. CS Council Holds Joint Initiation The College Station council of the Knights of Columbus, 3205, and Monsignor Gleissner council, 1384, Bryan, held a joint initiation in which the first, second and third degrees were exemplified for 32 candidates. The 16 candidates initiated for membership in the College Station council are member of the A&M faculty and student body. A banquet for members and their ladies was held in the Bryan Knights of Columbus hall after the initiation. Grand Knight Raymond Brous sard of the College Station council announced that this initiation gives the College Station council a good chance to win the membership trophy which will be presented at the state convention in May. Bryan Hires Aggie As Lake Manager William Morley, senior wildlife management major, was hired as manager of the Bryan country club lake by the Bryan city council re cently. Morley’s job will be to rid the lake of lilypads and other vegeta tion, and to restock and fertilize it, said Bryan City Manager Casey Fannin. Morley plans to use this project in writing a thesis on pond man agement. The project will last for two years. LEGAL HOLIDAY Wednesday, April 21, 1954, being a Legal Holiday, in observance of San Jacinto Day, the undersigned will observe that date as a Legal Holiday and not be open for business. FIRST NATIONAL, BANK CITY NATIONAL BANK FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST CO. COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK BRYAN BUILDING & LOAN ASS’N Newcomer Election Set For Wednesday Officers for the 1954-55 season will be elected at the meeting of the Newcomers club at 2 p.m. Wed nesday at the home of Mrs. T. W. Leland, 1307 Walton. After the business meeting the members will have a bridge and canasta party. Save Your Money! Save Your Clothes! CAMPUS CLEANERS BATTALION BUY, SELL, RENT OR TRADE. Rates . . . _ 3c a word per insertion with a 25c minimum. Space rate in classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must be received in Student. Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. • FOR SALE • ACADEMIC GOWN, masters gown, ex cellent material, like new, $15.00. May be seen at Exchange store. NEW SUIT. S25.00. Two pair greens. One ' pair pinks, 29” waist! See 303 Francis Dr. or Call 4-8212. (1) ROYAL TYPEWRITER. 11” pica type; sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Auditor, College Adminis tration Building until 10 a.m., April 26. 1954. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Auditor. A AM College of Texas, College Station. Texas, for further information. • HELP WANTED • BEAUTY OPERATOR. Pruitt’s Beauty Shoppe. • FOR RENT • GARAGE APARTMENT. One large room, kitchenette, bath and garage. Electric refrigerator and wall to wall floor cov ering. Ideal for couple. Two blocks from North Gate. Also vacancies for 6 girls for Cotton ball weekend. Call 4-4764. LARGE 3 ROOM apartment. Partly fur nished. North Gate. Utilities paid. $50 per month. Phone 6-2332. • Blue line printfl • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-68S7 CLASSIFIED • SPECIAL NOTICE • Let me sew your summer cottons. Mrs. Earl Minor, 316 Kyle, Phone 6-2402. CALL 4-0099 for typing and related work, after 5 and on weekends. WANTED: Typing. Reasonable rates Phone: 3-1776 (after 5 p.m.) IF YOU SEE this ad, other people will see the ad you run. Call 4-5324 or 4-1149 for Battalion Classified Ads. Official Notice Ring orders are being taken for those students who become eligible for the ring with their preliminary grades for the Spring Semester. The Ring clerk Is bn duty Tuesday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. until 12 noon. Delivery of these rings will be made August first. Rings will be delivered in person to the Individual or they will be mailed to the owner at an additional charge of twenty- five cents. No rings will be mailed to summer camp addresses. All rings must be paid for in full (Including mailing charge) when the order is placed. H. L. Heaton, Registrar. Classes will be dismissed at 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 21, in order that all stu dents and faculty members may attend hte Annual Aggie Muster Program at which Governor Allan Shivers will make the principal address. J. P. Abbott Dean of the College Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 803A East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) Church Briefs Hillel To Discuss Dance Plans The Hillel foundation will meet at 7:15 p. m- Wednesday at the Memorial Student Center to dis cuss plans for the dance to be held at the MSC Saturday. Following the short business meeting there will be . a Passover social hour. —0— The Women’s Missionary society of Our Saviour’s Lutheran church will meet at 7:30 p. m. tonight at the church. Devotion leader will be Mrs. J. S. Blazek. The program will be presented by jmembers of the Junior Mission band under the direction of Mrs. A. H. Karcher. Hostesses will be Mesdames Lydia Eimann, Charles Rohloff, and Harold Sorensen. The Lutheran Student association will meet at 7:15 p. m. Wednes day. —0— Holy Communion will be held at 6:30 a. m. Wednesday followed by breakfast at St. Thomas Episcopal chapel. Evening services will be at 7:15 p. m. Wednesday followed by a business meeting of the Canter bury club. After the meeting re freshments will be served. —o— A joint meeting of the church board and the Sunday school teach ers of the Church of the Nazarene will be held at 7:45 p. m. tonight at Murray Milford is in charge of I foundation at 7:15 p. m. Wednes- the parsonage. I the program. day. " 1 Prayer meeting will be at 7:30 ! —0— [ Vesper services are held at the p. m. Wednesday. —0— The Bible Study group of the A&M Christian church will begin a study of the' letters of Paul at a meeting at 7:15 p. m. Wednesday. —0— Services at 7:15 p. m. Wednes day at St. Mary’s chapel will be followed by a meeting of the New man club. Mass will be at 6:45 a. m. Fri day. —0— The Presbyterian Student league will have an outdoor fellowship program at 7 p. m. Wednesday at the Presbyterian student center. Here’s pork chop know - how. Center-cut chops are cut from the center of the loin; they are lean and regular in shape. End chops are cut from either end of the loin; they are fine in flavor and not ex pensive as center-cut chops. There will be a stewardship pro-J foundation at 7:05 p. m. tonight, gram at the meeting of the Wesley r Thursday and Friday. DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS 210 S. Main Bryan Pho. 2-1584 Pocket your Savings.. Travel at PENHIES PER MILE . the airline with convenient arrival and departure times! Low, 6c per mile PIONEER fares ... Buy round trip - save an extra 10% returning DALLAS .... . . $13.00 Lv 7:05 am, 2:15 l>m HOUSTON 6.30 I,v 3:16 pm, 8:36 pm AMARILLO 34.80 Lv 7:05 am (one way, plus tax) Beat today’s 8c, 10c and 15c per mile auto travel costs! And you really save with Pioneer’s Family Vi Fare Plan — ask about it! ./ for travel service that really serves . . . call 4-5054 air L I N E S T SERVING 23 KEY CITIES OP THE SOUTHWEST #^! Today's CHESTERFIELD is the Best Cigarette Ever Made! "Chester-fields for Me V* Idaho* '94 The cigarette tested and approved by 30 years of scientific tobacco research. America's No. 1 Bandleader The cigarette with a proven good record with smokers. Here is the record. Bi-monthly examinations of a group of smokers show no adverse effects to nose, throat and sinuses from smoking Chesterfield. for Me!'5 u s e 56 J The cigarette that gives you proof of highest quality-low nicotine. For the taste and mildness you want—smoke America’s most popular 2-wav cigarette. AIICCTCBEIEI It uncoIcKrlcLD ££$rfo#roff ^ js.h kee*rr * .¥*» Ta