The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 15, 1954, Image 1

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    Circulated Daily
To 90 Per Cent
Of Local Residents
Number 216: Volume 53
Published By
A&M Students
For 75 Years
Price 5 Cents
EASTER TIME is never complete without kids, eggs and
rabbits. Here the photographer has found all three. They
are Carolyn and Lyn Besch, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. E.
D. Besch.
Roy Gaul Wins
Paper Contest
Held By ASCE
Roy D. Gaul, senior civil engi
neering major from Mineral Wells,
won the annual student paper con
test held in connection with the
semi-annual meeting of the Texas
section of the American Society of
Civil Engineers, in Midland, April
Schools represented in the con
test were Rice, University of Hous
ton, University of Texas, Southern
Methodist university, Texas Tech,
and A&M.
John Mackin, senior civil engi
neering major from Corpus Christi,
co-operated with Gaul on the pa
per. They worked on the project
for about six months.
Subject of the paper was de
veloping a new method of determ
ining frictional head loss in pipes.
This question arose last semester
while Caul and Mackin were tak
ing a course under Dr. H. J. Miles
who is in charge of teaching and
research in hydraulic engineering
in the civil engineering depart
Gaul won a $25 award presented
to him by Dean D. V. Terrell, na
tional president of the ASCE and
dean of the school of engineering
at Kentucky university. Dean Ter
rell was also guest speaker at the
Cummings, Greer,
DeCluitt Win Spots
Pay Raise Will Benefit Over
2,300 Employees of A&M
WHEREAS, on April 16, 1954, Christians everywhere
will observe that day, it being Good Friday; and,
WHEREAS, we are in the Lenten Season and we, as
Christians, should honor our Lord Jesus on this day, it be
ing the day that our Blessed Saviour died on the Cross for
us and the remission of sins of mankind; and,
WHEREAS, the least that we can do on this day is to
go to church and bow our heads in player in humility for the
sacrifice that the Lord Jesus made for us, and by our acts
show that we have not forgotten His sacrifice:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ernest Langford, Mayor of the
City of College Station, in the State of Texas, do hereby
proclaim the hours from 12:00 Noon to 3:00 p.m. on Good
Friday, April 16, 1954, to be observed by the people of the
City of College Station as hours of prayer and meditation,
and urge every citizen in this City to attend the church of
his choice during this period of time; and I further urge that
all business houses in this City cease their operations knd
close during this period.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my
name officially and caused the seal of the City of College
Station, in the State of Texas, to be affixed, this 15th. day
of April, 1954.
(Signed) Ernest Langford, Mayor
(Seal) City of College Station,
College Station, Texas
News Briefs
Group Plans
To Wage Fight
On Brucellosis
A state-wide Brucellosis Com
mittee will be formed as a result
of action at Texas A. & M. College
April 14.
More than 135 persons from all
parts of the state approved a res
olution to form the committee. The
“Whereas: the disease of brucel
losis in our livestock constitutes a
menace to human health and to the
economy of the dairy and livestock
industry of Texas and
“Whereas: the eradication of this
disease is dependent on the devel
opment of an effective state plan
for its systematic control and
eventual eradication and the enact
ment of legislation to effectuate
and finance such a plan, and
“Whereas: these objectives can |
best be accomplished through the |
organized and concerted efforts of
a group of interested citizens.
“Therefore: be it resolved (1)
that the group here assembled go
on record as favoring the develop
ment of a state-wide program for
the control and eradication of this
disease; (2) that a representative
state-wide Brucellosis Committee
be appointed composed of dairy,
poultry and livestock producers,
farmers, veterinarians, public ani
mal and human health officials,
and other interested individuals to
develop and promote such a plan;
(3) that we pledge our whole
hearted cooperation and support to
this committee and (4) that we
will endeavor, individually and col
lectively, to secure the cooperation
and support of all dairy, poultry,
and livestock organizations, indi
vidual producers and the public
generally, in this effort to control
and eradicate this disease. Unani
mously adopted at College Station,
Texas, this -4th day of April 1954.”
A steering committee to facili
tate organization of the committee
was named by the group. Director
G. G. Gibson, Agricultural Exten
sion Service; Dean W. W. Armi-
stead, School of Veterinary Medi
cine; Dean C. N. Shepardson,
School of Agriculture; Dr. J. C.
Miller, head, Animal Husbandry
Department; and Dr. I. W. Rupel,
head, Dairy Husbandry Depart
ment compose the Steering Com
Among those present were rep
resentatives from more than 40
organizations and associations,
along with many private individ
uals interested in the problem.
New Catalogs
Ready Soon
The new undergraduate catalogs
will be available in June, according
to the registrar’s office.
Sections of the bulletin are now
in preparation at the A&M Press.
Covers will be white and maroon,
similar to the covers of the cur
rent catalogues.
The new publications will differ
from previous catalogues in that
it will cover the school years 1954-
55 and 1955-56, excluding summer
sessions. Previous issues have
been used for one school year only.
This change is not expected to in
crease the size of the bulletin,
which will be about 368 pages.
The next bulletin of the Grad
uate School is also being planned
to cover two school years. It will
be printed on alternate years with
the undergraduate catalog, in 1955-
556 and 1956-57.
Conrad Cummings, class of ’55;
Allen Greer, class of ’56; and
Douglas De Cluitt,, class of ’57
were elected class presidents in
last night’s run-off election.
Competition between corps and
non-military students for the class
positions brought out 1,499 voters.
All positions were closely contest
Here are the results of the elec
tion, by classes:
Class of ’55—Conrad Cummings
will be next year’s senior class
president, winning by 303 votes,
over Giles Schanen, 220, and Don
Friend, 98.
Vice-president will be Charlie
Seely, 330 votes. He defeated
Lawrence Laskoskie, 266 votes.
Wallace Eversberg will be sec
retary. He defeated Dick Craw
ford, 374 to 239.
Social secretary will be Roy
Cline. He defeated Dave Ashcroft,
279 to 240.
Buck Isbell get 230 votes to be
treasurer. Other candidates were
John Cozad, 217, and Dick Mc-
Casland, 167.
Jerry Johnson will be parlia
mentarian. Results were Johnson,
278; Joe Stovall, 176; and Billy
Steele, 149.
Tommy Durdin will be sergeant
at arms, with 224 votes. Other
candidates were Paul Savage, 214;
and Clarence Hatcher, 153.
Head yell leader will be Glenn
Langford, 456 votes. Senior yell
leader will be Howard Childers,
437 votes. Also in the run-off was
Sam Akard, 300 votes.
Class of ’56—Allen Greer will be
next year’s junior class president,
getting a total of 203 votes to de
feat Lloyd Billingsley, 163*; and
Tommy Short, 136.
Vice president will be Glenn
Buell, 206 votes. Other candidates
in the run-off were William Eu
gene Strubblefield, 162; and John
Liddy, 139.
B.,A. (Scotty) Parham, with 237
votes, will be secretary. He de
feated Richard Tachibana, 235
Social secretary will be Bobby
Lee, 183 votes. Other candidates
were Clay McFarland, 170; and
Wayne Leverkuhn, 118.
Robert Whitley will be treas
urer, getting 184 votes to defeat
Jack Pearson, 156; and Larry Ken
nedy, 143.
Ed Fries will be sergeant at
arms. He defeated Pete Scrivano,
294 to 172.
Junior yell leaders will be Paul
Holiday, 341, and David Newton
Bailey, 305. The other candidate
was John Cunningham, 300 votes.
Class of ’57—Next year’s sopho
more class president will be Doug
las De Cluitt, who received 202
votes to defeat John Lewis Peeler,
Vice president will be Joseph
Sander, with 165 votes. He de
feated Jon Cobb, 162, and Irving
Ramsover, 58.
Durward Thompson will be soc
ial secertary. He got 223 votes
to beat M. E. Melson, 148 votes.
Parliamentainan will be J. Leon
Curtis. He defeated Erwin Pavlik,
205 to 171.
Howard Butter will be sergeant
at arms. He defeated Warren
Chapman, 228 to 158.
MSC Council — Dave Ashcroft
will be junior-senior representative
to the Memorial Student Center
council. He defeated James Math
is, 524 to 498.
Dr. Rosene Sets
Graduatd Lecture
Dr. Hilda F. Rosene will give a
graduate lecture tonight in the
biology lecture room.
She is an associate professor of
the department of zoology and a
member of the graduate faculty at
the University of Texas. She
teaches courses in physiology and
Dr. Rosene will discuss “The
Water Relations of Plant Roots.”
The lecture begins at 8 p.m.
ING of the Aggies Wives Bridge
club meeting Thursday at 7:30 p.
m. will be Mrs. Mary Proctor, Mrs.
Pat Burton and Mrs. Joanne Lance.
Winners for last week were
Mesdames Jeanne Cline, Betty
William, Martha Enlow, Mary
Proctm’, Shirley Long and Nadine
* * *
have just returned from a trip to
Fort Worth for the 68th Annual
convention of the Lumberman As
sociation of Texas.
* * *
gi’ess will hold its 15th annual
meeting in Corpus Christi June
3-5. Ralph H. Rogers of the agri-
cultui’al economics department has
been a committeeman of the con
gress for seven years.
* * *
corps sergeant major will be an
nounced in next Wednesday’s Bat
The results of the interviews for
the top corps junior were not ready
to be released late yesterday, ac
Dixon’s Parents Send
Note to Dean of Men
The office of the dean of men
has received a thank-you note from
the parents of Joe Dixon, A&M
freshman who was killed in an au
tomobile accident March 27.
The college sent flowers to the
boy’s parents after the accident.
cording to Col. Joe E. Davis, com
* * *
Industrial Education Department,
Texas A. and M. College, delivered
the opening address at the 20th
annual conference of Industrial
Education Teachers and Students
at Prairie View A. and M. College.
He spoke 6n “Improving Indus
trial Education in the Secondary
Schools of Texas,” and at the clos
ing session discussed “The Teach
er’s Role in Improving Industrial
Education Programs.”
PROF. R. W. STEEN of the
History Department, Texas A. and
M. College, will take an active part
on the program of the Southwest
ern Social Science Association
meeting in Dallas April 6.
:J: jjc 'J:
week’s county morbidity report in
both Bryan and College Station.
There were 58 cases of measles
in Brazos county. College Station
had 27 cases and Bryan had 31.
Other diseases reported in Col
lege Station were mumps, 20 cases;
Chickenpox, 7 cases; and strept.
throat, 6 cases.
* * *
will hold their regular spring meet
ing here Saturday, May 1, at 9
The agenda of the meeting has
not been released yet.
More than 400 Musters will be
held throughout the nation and in
many parts of the world on April
21. The Muster pays tribute on
Texas Independence Day to those
Texans who gave their all for in
dependence and those Texas A&M
College men who have died within
the year.
The parent Muster on the cam
pus of the college, is expected to
be held before 5,000 persons. The
cei’emonies commence at 4:30 p.m.
in front of the Memorial Student
Center. The program will be
broadcast over the Texas Quality
Network, 9:30 to 10 p.m.
Gov. Allan Shivers will deliver
the Muster address and the pro
gram will be opened with the “Star
Spangled Banner” by the A&&M
band and close with silver taps.
The program will be in charge of
Charles Parker of Amarillo will
give the introductions and Dr. Da
vid H. Morgan, president, will pre
sent Governor Shivers.
The invocation will be given by
Corps Chaplain Ide P. Trotter, jr.
and Pat Woods of Port Arthur will
speak on the Muster tradition. J.
Harold Dunn of Amarillo, presi
dent of the Association of Former
Students and member of the board
of directors of the A&M System
and Frederick Mitchell of Galves
ton, cadet colonel of the corps, will
be introduced.
Representative B. H. Dewey, Jr.,
in explaining the provisions of
Senate Bill 2 that authorizes a $10
per month pay raise for state em
ployees beginning September 1,
1954, points out that employees of
the A&M College System who
stand to benefit total approximate
ly 2,300. Of this figure about 1,000
are located in College Station and
1,300 outside of Brazos county.
Employees covered by the pay
bill and located in College Station
are estimated to number 30 in the
System offices, 460 in the Main
College, and 510 in the A&M Ser
vices. Representative Dewey in
troduced in the House Appropria
tions Committee an amendment
that was finally passed by both
houses bringing under coverage of
the pay bill about 1,000 employees
of the Services who are paid partly
from, fixed Federal gi'ants or
County funds. Approximately 250
of these are located in College Sta
The employee pay raise, Repre
sentative Dewey says, was written
to cover only non-acadamic em
ployees. The teaching staff was
covered in the regular appropria
tion bill passed last May. The pay
bill, generally, covers only non-
academic employees paid from
State General Revenue funds. Thus,
employees of Auxiliary Enterprises
whose funds come from earmings
of the activity, such as thfe Dining
Halls, the Laundry, the A&M Press,
the Student Center, etc., aer not
g’ranted pay increases from the
State’s General Revenue funds. Any
salary increases for Auxiliary En
terprise personnel are dependent
on general budget appropriations
made by the A&M Board of Direc
Chairmen Named
For Inauguration
Committee chairmen for the in-
augmation of Dr. David H. Mor
gan as the 13th president of A<£ M
have been named by Walter H.
Delaplane, general chairman. The
inauguration will be May 20.
The committees and their func
tions are as follows: Academic re
galia, Carl Birdwell, chairman;
physical arrangements, Carl Tish-
ler and C. G. White; decorations,
A. F. DeWerth; marshall and ush
ers, Bennie Zinn and Bob Murray;
inaugural luncheon, John G. Penis-
ton; reception, Mrs. W. W. Armis-
Corps review, seating in review
ing 1 stand and seating of corps at
exercises. Col. Joe E. Davis; hous
ing, Harry Boyer; registration, F.
W. Hensel; transportation, Maj.
Luther Westbrook; speakers, Char
les Crawford and Walter Delap
lane; programs, Joe Woolket; H.
L. Heaton, assistant to Delaplane.
“The Twelfth Man” will be given
by the Singing Cadets. The band
and audience will join in “The
Spirit of Aggieland.” Roll call for
the absent will be given by Vol
Montgomery of Abilene and the
Ross Volunteers will fire a volley.
The Singing Cadets then will give
“Auld Lang Syne” and silver taps
will close the ceremony.
Weather Today
Cloudy to partly cloudy with oc
casional thunder showers. Little
change in temperature. High yes
terday 80. Low this morning 66.
Poultry Team Goes
To Mississippi Meet
The Junior Poultry Judging
team led by Coach C. B. Ryan of
the poultry husbandry department
left Monday for the Southern Col
legiate Poultry Judging contest in
Jackson, Miss.
The team’s four members ai’e
James B. Tyree of Baytown, John
D. Williams of Caldwell, Monroe
H. Fuchs of Cameron and Jack M.
Couch of Ft. Worth. They will
compete with ten other Southern
land-grant colleges.
Rainstorms Flood
Rio Grande Valley
Thunderstorms lashed the flood
ed Rio Grande Valley again Wed
The hard rains drove scores
more from their homes and
brought to 4,000 the number esti
mated driven out since Friday.
Four persons have died because
of the flood.
Storm waters spread clear and
deep in three great pools in a 10
by 15 mile area bounded by Edin
burg, Pharr, Weslaco and Ed-
couch-Elsa at the west end of Tex
as’ “market basket.”
This was the area hardest hit
by cloudbursts that dumped up to
11 inches of rain Friday. It was
the hardest hit by the hard rains
Few of the thousands who fled
their homes suffered. They moved
in with relatives and friends.
There was almost no want; no
public feeding since 200 persons
were fed last Monday.
Some highways still lay deep un
der water. On others cars travel
ed almost axle-deep through water.
The standing pools were deep
enough for some to joy-ride over
fields and highways in motor
The contest began Wednesday at
1 p.m. and will continue through
Thursday. Events include grading
eggs and judging poultry for egg
production, breed selection and
The contestants will be honored
at a banquet Thursday night.
Trophies and awards will be pre
sented to the winners by the South
eastern Poultry and Egg associa
Arrangements for the contest
have been made by the Jackson
Chamber of Commerce. These in
clude a tour of the city and a
visit to the capitol.
Ryan has coached six A&M
teams, which have a contest win
nings record of one first place,
two seconds, two thirds and one
fourth place.
X-Ray Unit To
Next Monday
The chest X-Ray machine will
be in the MSC opening at 12 noon'
Monday, April 19. Since there will
be no classes at local schools on
that date, residents are urged to
stop in the MSC Monday after
noon while parking is easy and no
students will likely be in line.
Everyone, fifteen years old or
over, is urged to get this free chest
X-Ray. An early case of TB, can
cer, some heart ailment or tumors,
if present in the chest, would be
revealed in the X-Ray. The survey
is open to all residents and college
students in Brazos county.
Kay Halsell of Bryan is general
The survey will close at the MSC
at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, April 24.
first real rain in months falling on thirsty West Texas
farmlands, citizens of Brownfield, Tex., decided that it
called for a celebration. They hauled out the high school
band and hastily organized a 20-minute parade. At the
height of the celebration, Harlan Glenn crowned “Miss
Droughtbreaker of 1954,” above, 15-year-old Kay Kissing
er. The badly-needed moisture, measuring from 2 to 6
inches, which fell in the Brownfield area gave farmers
their first assurance of a crop this year. (AP Wirephoto).
Aggie Muster Will Be
World Wide April 21