The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 09, 1954, Image 2
Page 2 THE BATTALION Friday, April 9, 1954 Cadet Slouch . . . by James Earle PLAV4W4C, t AT COED U « m m MMM... I TUIWK. I'l-U .GIVE &ETTV & &££&,& '—, TM!1j xime-mmm- . ^ f n , r , 'rn ||| ' | A, NWEE.4CE.MO AT GOOD OLE’ mmmfmmmmfmrnmfm MMW...''TAR.X/VM* &T GOIOM BUOOO OKs THE atkOOUE.' ikT t TW* C/kMPUS *•©) // j **"" * —' 1 Letters to the Editors Dear Editor: The city of College Station has been fortunate enough to be grant ed permission to build its own Lit tle League Baseball Park. The City bought two acres of land in College Park to be used for the Baseball park. As only about $1300 is available for the building of the park, very much of the labor will have to be done by interested citizens of Col lege Station. The $1300 will buy only the lumber for the fence and concession stand. The purpose of this letter is to acquaint the Daddys who will have or do have children playing Lit tle League Baseball with the need of some free skilled oi’ unskilled help. Only a very few people have been putting their free time into the construction of the park. It is estimated that between 75 and 125 boys will be eligible to play, but only about 10 or 15 Daddys have been regular in working to finish the park. The main thing that needs to be done at the present is to finish the fence and to build the conces sion stand. Work goes on every afternoon from around 4 p. m. untill dark. If you can “swing” a hammer you are cordially invited to come down any afternoon and help otit. This is another community pro ject which College Station is famous for undertaking and we feel that if the people know the need that they will ‘pitch in” and finish it up so that we can be ready to go as soon as the season gets underway. We are about two weeks behind schedule so please try to arrange to come down any afternoon and give a hand to the faithful few who are carrying the load. The site is lo.cated just, south of the softball park in college Park, just off Park Place street. Sincerely, Barney Welch, College Station Little League Baseball Park in Need of Help Committee Nuches Announce Birth of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Nuche be came the parents of a baby girl April 2. Jimmy and Emma Jean, his wife, have named the baby Catherine Ruth. Nuche works for the A&M Press in Goodwin hall. The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .75 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Hntered aa second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally bj National Advertising Services. Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Lo* Angeles, and San Fran cisco. Council-Directorate Set Annual Banquet The new chairmen and members of the Memorial Student Center council - directorate will formally take office at the annual banquet April 20. Awards will be presented to those who have made a significant contribution to the social and edu cational program of the MSC dur ing the past year. All members of MSC committees can get their banquet tickets at the main desk, said John S. Sam uels, president of the council - di rectorate. College officials and the college board of directors will be among the guests at the banquet. Motor cars use about a billion barrels of gasoline a year. Zinn, Heaton Talk At Rohstown Meet Bennie Zinn, asistant dean of men, and H. L. Heaton, registrar, represented A&M in Rohstown high school’s annual Career Day Tues day. Heaton talked to them and their parents about expenses, admission requirements and available courses. Zinn discussed the military de partment, various clubs, student publications, entertainment, and religious activities. Fifteen other colleges were re presented at the meeting. 8 Great Bonus Buys Not On Our Iff Sale . . . But terrific values too good to miss. Aggieland Pharmacy North Gate Phone 4-4344 LI’L ABNER The bones of birds are aften Many elements of blood are without marrow in adult life. formed in the marrow of bones. TIRE HEADQUARTERS B. F. Goodrich & Kelly Springfield TIRES • TUBES • BATTERIES ® P’actory Method Re-Treading , Vulcanizing and Reparis • We Loan You a Tire While We J Re-Tread Your Old Tire « Complete Stock on Used Tires All Sizes (White or Black Wall) RRAZOS TIRE SERVICE 2707 Hwy. No. G South Phone 3-3078 l, LI’L ABNER By A1 Capp P O G O By Walt Kelly The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. BOB BORISKIE, HARRI BAKER .....Co-Editors Jon Kinslow Managing Editor Chuck Neighbors Sports Editor George Manitzas... City Editor Barbara Rubin.... Womans Editor John Akard Feature Editor James Earle ; . Cartoonist Larry Lightfoot Circulation Manager Tomy Syler, Russell Reed, Pete Goodwin Roland Baird, and Narman Hill.’Circulation Staff Wh a t’s Cooking FRIDAY United Nations club meeting, YMCA, Pan American film. Key Club organizational meet ing, 7:30, room 2C, MSC. SATURDAY South Louisiana club bar-b-q postponed. THE TIME IS . . . Running Short Buy your UNIFORMS LAUTERSTEIN’S 214 Varisco Bid. — Bryan P O G O By Walt Kelly 6RA& THAT X 0UT, N eVgR’BCPVTAKe , (AI#£i?T, •TPCKIS WHACKIW NiuMoug-rmeus WKERgPyp voo isr -XU EVERYONE IS INVITED! COME BY AND SEE US AT OUR NEW LOCATION SHAFFER'S COLLEGE BOOK STORE • - Open Monday, April 12th ’Till 9 P. M. - BE SURE TO REGISTER FOR FREE PRIZES r * • $20 WORTH OF BOOKS—YOUR CHOICE ^ ~ 1 • MODEL AIRPLANE MOTOR KIT . m R C A yicTOR RECORD CHANGER — You Do Not Have to Be Present to Win — Register for As Many Prizes As You Wish TWO DOORS EAST OF PRESENT LOCATION an«MSBBaBW—IIMi 11 j jjpp—gsawf" 1 "I III I "|iWMBBBMP5g^ra—B——BMMH———EMM • REIFLER DRAWING SET " • SHEAFER SNORKLE FOUNTAIN PEN Drawing 9 P. 31. Mon day NORTH GATE-