The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 08, 1954, Image 2
Battalion Editorials Page 2 THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1954 Student Voters Face Acid Test Filing began yesterday in the Student Activities office for positions to be filled in the general elections to be held April 27. Deadline for filing is April 21 for student senators, Battalion co-editors, non-military Student Life Committee members and non-military yell leaders. After all the interest shown in the student election held Tuesday and the general buzz of conversation concerning candidates in the run-off election, much of the spotlight will be on the voters in both elections. Most of the non-military students who have talked about the strong showing made by the non-regs stated that they are after “more proportionate representation” in student government. By turning out en masse for both the run-off and the general election, A&M students, both corps and non-reg, can show they have a real interest in who represents them. There are many offices open to non-regs only. Others will be limited to voters from the corps. What will be interesting to watch is whether a student will go to the polls only when he feels his faction is in danger of being stifled, or whether he is genuinely concerned with who is placed in charge of his student government. Air Reserves Hear Andrews’ Address W. H. Andrews, pastor of the First Baptist church of Bryan, spoke to the College Station air reserves at their regular meeting Monday night. He spoke on “Living For Leader ship”, a program presented to cadets at Bryan Air Borce base. The entire program consists of eight lectures given by line officers. A training film was shown and Major Percy M. Goff, training of ficer, described the present organi zation of the national defense establishment. Tax Ciit To Lower SWC Grid Prices DALLAS, (A 5 )—Football prices will be cheaper for most south west conference games next fall. Member schools, polled by How ard Grubbs, conference executive secretary, said they would charge $3.25 for seats on the side of the field and $2 for end zones. For several years, prices were $3.60 and $2.50. The reduction results from elim ination of the 20 per cent tax on football admissions, effective next fall. The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .75 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. x Hntered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station. Texas under the Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally Dj National Advertising Services, Inc., at New York City, Chicago. Lo» Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. BOB~BORISKIE, HARRI BAKER Co-Editors Jon Kinslow Managing Editor Chuck Neighbors- Sports Editor George Manitzas i City Editor Barbara Rubin Womans Editor James Earle ...Cartoonist Larry Lightfoot .....Circulation Manager Tomy Syler, Russell Reed, Pete Goodwin Roland Baird, and Narman Hill . Circulation Staff News Briefs To Meet Phi Kappa THE PHI KAPPA Phi chapter will meet Monday at 4 p. m. to elect oficers and new members. The meeting will be in the Acade mic building. THE AREA III annual live stock judging contest will be held here Saturday. The contest is spon sored by the agricultural edu cation department and other de partments in the School of Agri culture. * * * LAW ENFORCEMENT officers from Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Wichita Falls and the state met here this week to discuss plans for an advanced course of instruction for police officers. * * * A. L. MATEKA of the Agronomy Department won a horse and saddle with all the trimmings, this week. The horse was given away by the Bryan Saddle Club. H-. Sic Sic A PERMANENT reviewing stand will be erected next year, according to Lt. Col. Taylor Wilk ins, assistant commandaqt. The stand now on the field is only temporary, he said. :K =1= * W. W. McILROY of the agricul tural education department spoke to the Burton Farm bureau Tues day. The Burton bureau is one of the largest in Texas. Sic sic Sic GORDON GAY, YMCA secre tary, and six A&M students pre sented a special program Tuesday for members of the Port Arthur Hi-Y and Tri-Hi-Y Inter - Club council. The six students were Charles Beagle, Norman Hill, Richard McGlaun, Louis Benauides, Alan Soefje and E. B. McGowan. sic Sic Sic DEADLINE for ordering senior invitations is 5 p. m. Monday, April 12. Invitations may be ordered in the student activities office, second floor of Goodwin hall. Sic SH Si: THE HOUSTON A&M home town club will erect a hitch-hiking station during the Easter holidays. The station will be on the Hemp stead highway, one block west of 18th street. NOTICE! Graduating R.O.T.C. Cadets can buy their complete Uni forms from Lauterstein’s without a deposit and using their Uniform Allowance as payment upon being called in to service. Balance, if any, to be paid in thirty, sixty and ninety days after induction. Watch for our showing at Room 204, MSC, Monday night and all day Tuesday, April 12 and 13. LAUTERSTEIN’S of San Antonio BRANCH OFFICE 214 Varisco Bldg. BRYAN Cadet Slouch by Earle Would'nt it &e great ip WE COULD 5NEAR THIS CUAIB. IM CLA^>t> f=CL TU WEXT QUIZ. r ' DYEBS-PUfc STORAGE HATTERS Mi-o^ican 210 S. Main Bryan Pho. 2-1584 What’s Cooking THURSDAY 5:15 p. m. — Shreveport cjub meeting, MSC. Picture for the Ag- gieland will be made on the front steps of the MSC. Class “A” uni form. 5:30 p, m.—Panhandle A&M club meeting, front of the MSC. To have picture made. 7:15 p. m.—Rio Grande Valley club meeting, YMCA. Discuss Easter party and club picture. Abilene hometown club meeting, room 128, Academic building. Final plans for Easter Egg hunt and party. Houston hometown club meet ing, room 125, Academic byjlding. Call meeting, very important, dance plans have been completed. Amarillo A&M club meeting, room 125, Academic building. Final plans for Easter banquet. Rusk county hometown club meeting, room 307, Goodwin hall. Plans Avill be completed for the party. Fayette - Colorado county club meeting, MSC. Take picture in meeting. Bell county club meeting, room 123, Academic building. Red River Valley club meeting, senate room, MSC. Discuss Easter party. AVMA auxiliary meeting, social room, MSC. 7:3!) p. m.—Corpus' Christi club « meeting, MSC. ? South Louisiana club meeting, room 11, C. E. building. Final plans for bar-b-q. Range and Forestry meeting, 2nd floor, Ag Eng building. Mr. Goff, guest speaker. ■ FRIDAY 7:30 p. nl.—United Nations, club meeting, YMCA. Pan' American filfn. MEET ME AT THE Aggielancl Pliuimacy lM*r The Rexall 1c Sale WKI). - SATi, Al'*i. 7.«8, », 10 North liiite &'■: rho. 4-1:514 Notice — June Graduates F OR S A LIE Used Tailor-Made UiiO Q r t BLOUSES .. . Used Government (1& 1 jO TO Reg. BLOUSES Like new OD PANTS anti “Ike” JACK- 01? I O QP ETS . Set V 2 —-L) LOU POT’S TRADING POST North Gate Texas A&M June Graduates Army and Air Force KOTO To help yon conveniently select all your military needs, we have arranged to display our fine line of regulation — Made-l o-Mcasiire U11 i fori bis MONDAY, TUBS., WED. 12, 13, 14 APRIL Memorial Student Center — Room 233 Our representative will be happy to take your order and explain our easy payment plan which requires no deposit, and no remittance until you receive your clothing allowance check. A. JACOBS & SONS, INC. TAILORS OF FINE UNIFORMS SINCE 1891 107 W. Fayette St. — Baltimore 1, Maryland We Also Carry a Complete lane of Accessories LI’L ABNER By A1 Gapp M Of-SO TWASS WHUT HH >«' \flere ro , re d carpet for our eo/o^ a/ EVERYON INVIT COME BY AND SEE US AT OUR NEW LOCATION SHAFFER S COLLEGE BOOK ST - Open Monday, April 12tli ’Till 9 P. M. - BE SURE TO REGISTER FOR FREE PRIZES REIFLER DRAWING SET • SHEAFER SNORKLE FOUNTAIN PEN Drawing 9 P. M. Mon day ® $20 WORTH OF BOOKS—YOUR CHOICE — You Do Not Have to Be Present to Win — ® MODEL AIRPLANE MOTOR KIT ^ • R.C.A. VICTOR RECORD CHANGER Register for As Many Prizes As You Wish NORTH GATE TWO DOORS EAST OF PRESENT LOCATIO