The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 06, 1954, Image 1

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    3 COPIES
Circulated Daily
To 90 Per Cent
Of Local Residents
j$rik # # w #
7/ie Battalion
Published By
A&M Students
For 75 Years
Number 211: Volume 53
Price 5 Cents
Alpha Zeta Holds
Initiation Ceremony
War Not
^Russia Risks
Losing Power
The A&M Alpha Zeta chapter
held its formal initiation ceremony
and elected officers for the coming
year last night in the assembly
room of the Memorial Student Cen
SOPH BEAUTY—Miss Patsy Carter, chosen Sophomore
Class sweetheart at their ball Saturday night, stands with
sophomore president Frank Waddel. Miss Carter’s date
was John Schueneman.
Scouts Attend
Weekend Stay
At Bryan AFB
Fifteen scouts from College
Station atended an explorer
encampment at Bryan air
force base Friday and Satur
The purpose of the encampment
was to become familiar with the air
force and its facilities and to in
crease explorer scout activity in
this district.
The scouts were given instimction
in weather observation, the link
trainer and base operations.
Jet plane controlling and “sur-
vivaP films were also shown to
the group.
The air froce made a very fine
showing as hosts, said R. H.
Fletcher, mechanical engineering
department, commissioner for this
scouting district.
National honorary agricultural
fraternity, Alpha Zeta also selected
the outstanding freshman in the
School of Agriculture. The selec
tion will be announced at the spring
banquet May 3.
Dr. R. E. Leighton of the dairy
husbandry department and member
of Alpha Zeta spoke at the cere
The officers for the coming year
are Feholin E. Tutt, chancellor;
Page W. Morgan, censor; Frank
Ford, scribe; Samuel D. McAnally,
treasurer; Muray H. Milford,
The new initiates are as follows:
Murray Brown, Luther Bird,
Jesse Fletcher, Garlyn Hoffman,
Don Huss, Emer Nard, W. S. Blair,
W. S. Domes, J. W. Gossett, Wid
Crawford, W. T. Berry.
Billy Welch, James Wendland,
Gus Cain, Ted Cranford, Milton
Crenwelge, J. W. Dewbre, Clifford
Hobbs, Dan Timmermann, John De-
Wald, Tadlock Leifeste, Eugene
Bockholt, Max Faulkner, Sehon
Warneke, Charles Bouse, John
Albert Jenkins, Edward Joyce,
Theo Lindig, Billy Oglesby, Cai-roll
Pearson, Sam McAnally, Billy
Goldsmith, George Munns, Morris
Bailey, Caidton Ranney, Richard
Saunders, Eugene Rozacky, Don
Cummins, Robert Landrum, Mark
Nash, Earl Robison.
WASHINGTON, April SUP)—President Eisenhower said
last night as long as Russia knows this country can retaliate
the men in the Kremlin won’t lightly start a war.
Whenever the men in the Kremlin start a war, he said,
“they run the risk of losing” their power.
“We’re not going to start a war,” the President declared,
regardless of this country’s advantage in atomic weapons.
And as long as they know we can retaliate, Eisenhower
said, war is not a course the Russians would embark on
Yet, “they might do this, in a fit of madness or a desper
ation” and this nation must be vigilant.
Asserting the Russians
have satellites, the President
Duncan Gels
Ring Back
William Duncan, ’40 end
coach of the 1953 football
squad, lost his senior ring and
had it returned to him.
Duncan lost his ring in
December, 1945, on Lake
Kemp, 65 miles north west of
Wichita Falls while duck
L. S. Reppond of Vernon,
Texas found it near the edge
of the water while fishing
Reppond got
Dick Hervey
in touch with
secretary of
former students, who in turn
passed the ring on to Duncan.
Vanity Fair
Announces Six
1954 Winners
Six winners have been se
lected for the Vanity Fair sec
tion of the 1954 Aggieland.
Allan Hohlt and B. C.
(Dutch) Dutcher, eo - editors
of the Aggieland said that the
winners are Valorie Goodall sub
mitted by Ned Granger of Waco;
Norma Jean Crow, submitted by
Pete Steinman of San Antonio; Sue
Liles, submitted by Marion Baugh
of Brownwood.
Elaine Rogers, submitted by
Gordon Hrabal of Houston; Linda
Hammann, submitted by Bob Willi
ford of Denison; Ann Jordan sub
mitted by James Roberts of Winns-
Runner-up were June Keith, sub
mitted by Burt Holdsworth; Molly
Sheffield, submitted by William
Bolmanski; Dana Furr, submitted
by Paul Roper; Claudette Brad
shaw submitted by Tom Ski*a-
banek; Annette Dwyer, submitted
by Mark Munster; and Joan Roth,
submitted by Bob Roth.
The winners will be presented at
Ihe Senior Ring Dance.
News Briefs
Morgan Discusses
Army Instruction
President David H. Morgan is
in San Antonio today to discuss
military instruction with Lt. Gen.
Issac D. White, commanding gen
eral of the fourth army.
They will discuss the merits of
the branch method of instruction,
used here now, and the branch
general method, in which all stu
dents take the same coui'se.
Morgan will return tomorrow.
Weather Today
PAUL TRICK, chief probation
officer of Harris county, R. D.
Schoenbncher, assistant chief, and
Stewart Smith, State Youth De
velopment council will speak to the
Council of Social Agencies at 7:30
tonight in the district courtroom.
* ' * *
tion Wives will hold an organi
zational meeting at 8 p. m. to
night in the south solarium of the
* * *
ference on Diseases in Nature That
Are Transmissible to Man will be
held April 12, 13 in the Memorial
Student Center.
* * *
THERE WILL BE a joint meet
ing at 7:30 tonight of the Heating
and Ventilating Engineers, the
American Foundi’y society, the So
ciety of Automotive Engineers, and
the Society of Mechanical Engi
neers. The speaker will be from
Minneapolis Honeywell company.
DURING MARCH, 2,450 visitors
were on the campus. From June 1,
1953 to April 1, 13,728 persons at
tended short courses here.
* * *
GEORGE M. CUSICK jr., ’53,
and Richard R. Phelps, ’53, have
been graduated from the Naval
Offic6i - s Candidate school at New
port, R. I.
* * *
A CONFERENCE for Protective
Relay Engineers will be held here
April 26-28 in the Memorial Stu
dent Center. About 200 persons are
expected to attend.
* * *
has been promoted to first lieu
tenant. He entered the army in
Febi-uary, 1952, and was assigned
battery commander.
* * *
N. M. RANDOLPH extension
entomologist, has just returned
from a series of meetings in south
Texas. These meeting were held
Continued south, southeast winds.
Partly cloudy this afternoon. High
yesterday, 85. Low this morning
with county agents, asst, county
agents, and home demonstration
agents in district 10.
* * *
THE RESULTS of the federal
inspection will not be announced
until the official results are sent
here by mail. The inspection was
last Wednesday and Thursday.
ROY GOUGH, assistant state
conservationist from Temple, will
be guest speaker at the Range
and Forestry club meeting tonight
at 7:30 in the seminar room, se
cond floor of the Agricultural
Engineering building.
* * *
DR. J. P. ABBOTT, dean of the
college, and John W. Hill, di
rector, workmen’s compensation in
surance, served as panel member
and leader at the 15th annual Tex
as Safety conference and Gover
nor’s Highway conference, held in
Dallas this week.
Military Officials
Now Touring East
A&M’s top three military men
ai’e now on a tour of military col
leges in the East.
Col. Joe Davis, commandant; Col.
John A. Wav, PAS&T; and Col.
Shelley P. Myers, PMS&T, will
visit four all-military colleges, in
cluding West Point, the military
“This is just for our infor
mation,” said President David H.
Morgan. “It does not necessarily
mean that A&M will try to pat
tern itself after these schools.”
The three men will return Thurs
day. M
Allen, Brown
Elected To Board
Henry L. Allen and E. E. Brown
were re-elected to a three year
term on the A&M Consolidated
School Board Saturday.
Unopposed, both Allen and
Brown received 98 votes, all that
wei’e cast in the election.
They are both former students
of A&M Consolidated high school.
R. E. Leighton, also unopposed,
was re-elected to the Bsazos county
School Board.
Jensen To Lecture
This Week in Mexico
Dr. Fred W. Jensem, head of the
Chemistry Department, will give
a series of lectures and hold con
ferences in Mexico.
He left Monday for Monterrey
for four days at the Institute
Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores
de Monterrey.
He will give a series of lectures
and hold conferences at the Uni-
versidad de Nuevo Leon.
The lectures and conferences will
be on Jensen’s research work in
the fields of high frequency
methods of analysis and of the
application of microwaves to
chemical problems and also on the
problem of pollution.
Jensen has been invited to speak
at the Monterrey Rotary club
luncheon Wednesday. He has also
been asked to preside at a dinner
at the Casino for the organization
of a former students club at Mon
The initial plans for the visit
were made by P. S. Montemayor
jr., who is an A&M graduate.
Jensen will be accompanied by
his wife and return at the end of
the week.
Class Elections
Being Held Today
Student elections are being held
today from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. in
the Memorial Student Center.
Offices that are up for election
are president, vice president, treas
urer, secretary and social secreta
others are parliamentarian, ser
geant-at-arms, entertainment man
ager, yell leader, and MSC council.
Journalism Class
To Begin Program
News broadcasts by the radio
news writing class begin at 7:30
a. m. April 12 over WTAW.
A 15 minute campus and local
news program will be prepared and
broadcast each day except Sunday.
“Each day the task will be placed
in the hands of two of the 16 class
member's,” said H. O. Miller, in
structor of the class.
News will be obtained from such
sources as the Battalion and local
listeners who write WTAW. The
news will cover the immediate
trade area of College Station and
“The purpose of this program is
to prepare men for writing and
organizing news for radio broad
casting”, said Miller.
He said the listeners should not
expect the men to be as good as
professional broadcasters because
they have had little or no previous
experience, and they are more con
cerned with writing the news than
presenting it to the listeners.
said that kind of system, in
a war of exhaustion, could be
‘a very great source of weak
ness.” He recalled that Napoleon’s
satellites began to desert when
France became involved in war,
and added:
‘All of these things are deter
rents upon the men in the Krem
lin. They are factors which make
war less likely.”
In a “let’s be calm” talk to the
nation by radio and TV, Eisen
hower also talked about what he
described as “the fear of depres
sion and the loss of jobs.”
Unemployment figures, he said,
show “every sign of leveling off,”
but the government “is ready to
act whenever necessary” to head
off any big downturn.
The government stands ready to
fight depression by public con
struction, further lowering of
taxes, and increasing the spending
of money in many ways, the Presi
dent promised.
But the government “does not
intend to go into any slambang
spending of money” unless it is
necessary, he declared.
Turning to Communist penetra
tion into American institutions—
government, schools and others—
Eisenhower said while there are
only some 25,000 known Commu
nists, the Communists still are
The President said he wouldn’t
detail what the FBI is doing to
ride herd on Communists — he’d
leave that to Atty. Gen. Brownell
in an address Friday night.
Eisenhower said “the great
mass” of people in government
are certainly not Communists but
are just as dedicated “as you and
I” to American ideals.
Civil Liberties Discussed
As for protecting civil liberties
while combating the Reds, the
chief executive said, “I admit that
there can be very grave offenses
committeed against” an inoffensive
citizen who is falsely accused.
But he declared public opinion
will correct any “real violence” to
reputations. -
Eisenhower also discussed for
eign nations now threatened by
communism. Some of these, he
said, are important to the security
of the United States.
“We do not believe that any na
tion, no matter how great, has the
right to take another nation and
submit it to its rule,” Eisenhower
The President continued that
Americans must never make the
mistake of regarding their allies
overseas as “tools” rather than as
Speaking earnestly and more
rapidly, the President declared the
nations of the world must band to
gether and, in cooperative spirit,
I'esist the encroachments of com
He opened his address by dwell
ing on the strong points of the
United States. It is the most pow
erful nation on earth, he said, its
(See EISENHOWER, Page 2)
Council Leaves
Students Out
For Next Year
The athletic council will
start work next fall without
student representatives for
the first time since its begin
The new council origanization
cuts the number of members from .
11 to five. All five councilmen will
be faculty members. The old coun
cil included seven faculty members,
two former students, and two stu
dents. W. L. Penberthy, dean of
men, has been chairman the past
two years.
“This new athletic council will be
a more workable group,” said
President David H. Morgan, and
since the faculty is directly re
sponsible for the actions of the
council, only faculty members have
been included.”
The duties of the athletic coun
cil deal with A&M’s participation
in intercollegiate sports. Some of
the duties of the council include
approving sport schedules, award
ing letters on advice of the coaches, j
approving the budget of the ath- \
letic department, and looking after
the physical education plant.
“There have been no changes in
the duties of the organization,”
said Morgan.
The board of directors will ap
point members to the athletic coun
cil at its meeting May 1.
THIS MUST BE HIM—Ray LaCour shows Herb Cabla how
to get to know the coaching staff. The know-your-coaches
electrical board is located in the MSC near the Fountain
Room and a correct identification of a picture flashes a blue
light. An error in selection gives a buzzo.
Circle K Club
Planned Here
For Students
The organizing of a Circle
K club at A&M was the main
discussion at the pre-organi
zation meeting in Memorial
Student Center Friday.
Tommy Hendrick, sophomore
prepatory law major from Odessa,
and Ernest Golub, junior insurance
major from Houston, were appoint
ed co-chairmen of the organization.
The Circle K club is a service
club dedicated to the bettering and
helping of A&M, College Station
and Bryan, said Hendrick.
Fourteen persons were present aft
the meeting and _ they discussed
considering A&M as a site for a
These same persons will be the
guest of the Kiwanians at their
weekly meeting in the Memorial
Student Center today.
The next meeting will be in
room 2—C of the MSC Friday.
J. B. Longley, chairman of the
Circle K and Key club committee,
and Walter Manning were present
to answer questions from the stu
Mayor,Council men
Election Today
Elections for mayor and three
city councilmen of College Station
are being held today.
Mayor Ernest Langford, city
councilmen Joe Sorrells, A. P.
Boyett and Marion Pugh are run
ning for re-election.
Langford is completing his
twelfth year as mayor of College
Pugh is councilman for ward
one, Southside district; Sorrells is
councilman for ward two, College
Hills district; and Boyett is coun
cilman for ward three, Northside.
The election is being held at the
College Station city hall.
Junior Class Plans
Aggie Pennant Sale
The junior class will sell Aggie
pennants as a class fund-raising
project, said Jerry Ramsey, class
The sales will be handled through
first sergeants and Sgt. majors.
Samples of the pennants will be
received after Easter and orders
may be placed at that time. The
pennants wjll be two piece felt, 15
inches by 40 inches and will cost
$3.50. Normally they would cost
$6.50 if bought from a retail dealer,
said Ramsey.
The pennants may be purchased
with whatever class number is de
sired on them, he said.
Committee chairman for the sale
is Wallace Evesberg.
New Jet Trainer
To Be Shown Soon
A new jet trainer will be shown
at Bryan Air Force Base soon.
The trainer is an experimental
plane designed by Lockeed Air
craft corps, and will replace the
T-33 jet trainer now being used
by training bases.
The plane is similar to the T-33,
but has maximum speed of over
600 mph. It has an adjustable rear
seat so the instructor can see over
the student and observe his re
actions in actual flight. ^