The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 1954, Image 1
Circulated Daily To 90 Per Cent Of Local Residents Battalion Published By A&M Students For 75 Years PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE Number 210: Volume 53 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1954 Price 5 Cents General Weyland Believes If--Bom b Will Insure Peace Cy TTARRT RAKER Battalion Co-Editor The former commander of the Far East air force believes that the hydrogen bomb and progress in nuclear weapons are the “greatest assurance of peace in the world we have.” Gen. O. P. Weyland, visiting here yesterday for the annual federal inspection re vie tv, said that he had passed through the hydrogen bomb testing site after the first bomb test was made. “It was a big bang,” he said. Weyland,, who is on his way to take command of the air force’s tactical'air command, said he be lieved we should keep out of the war in Indo-China “under the pre sent status.” “We are already providing them with the sinews of war—-guns, planes, tanks, and money,” he said. “It is primarily a. problem of the French — let them do the fighting.” He called the Indb-china war “a part of the world conflict of which Korea and Malaya were the other parts.” Weyland said that the Far East air force, his former command, was “oil alert. . . to guard against any new act of agression in Korea.” “They are ready for any even tuality.” “But I don’t think the com munists will start anything,” he /aid. “They have been warned by »ur government’s statements that A’e will not be bound by the Yalu river and will not restrict our selves to conventional weapons.” Weyland said the Communists in Korea have been active since the armistice. They have re-established airfields and moved aircraft to them, he said. “We wouldn’t let them do that before the armistice,” Weyland said. “There is no question in my mind but that Russians were active In the Korean war,” he said. “They furnished modern equipment and airplanes for the Communists forces. I’m sure that some of the planes were flown by Russian pilots and that there were Russian advisory teams with the ground forces.” He said that he couldn’t prove this because they never captured any Russians. The general flew in combat him- jelf during the early part of the tvar. He was grounded because he tv ns considered too important. “I guess I’m about the only general officer that has ever looked down the business end of a MIG that was mad at me,” he said. , Talking about political conditions in Korea now, Weyland said he believed Syngman Rhee, Korean piesident is a “very dedicated, very patriotic” man. “Korea revolves around him,” he said. “He has done many things for the country. They respect him for it, and we should too.” Weyland was in Korea for al most four years. He will take com mand of the tactical air command, with headquarters at Langley field, Va, about May 1. He said he has no particular plans for the command. “I’ll just carry on the fine work of Gen. Joe Cannon. Some changes will probably take place, but I’m not going in there to change things,” he said. A graduate of the class of ’23, Weyland said he was pround of the A&M former students that had served with him in Korea. “Whei'e ever there’s a war you’ll find Aggies,” he said. Senate Motion Asks o Election Posters Proposal Goes To (Committee THE GOOD OLD DAYS—Gen. O. P. Weyland, class of ’23, talks things over with Ike Ashburn, who was commandant here in 1923. Weyland is on his way to take command of the tactical air command. Ashburn is now executive direc tor of the Texas Good Roads association. Says Former Roommate Weyland Leader in School my “Gen. Weyland was a leader of men even while he was in school here. He guided the 2,000 men of the cadet corps in their every move. “They had to follow him. He was the bugler.” With this fascinating fact, the former roommate of Gen. O. P. Weyland, ’2<>, introduced him to a luncheon audience that included college officials, inspecting offi cers, cadet officers, and members of the general’s class. The roommate, Dewitt Greer, Texas state highway engineer, said that he and Weyland came to A&M and “thought they’d like to join the band.” “Opie started off as ninth cor- netist and I stalled as ' fourth trombonist. Soon Opie was first cornetist, but I stayed on as fourth trombonist,” Greer said. The band, 36 men strong, was living in Pheiffer hall at that time. “It was very nice,” Greer said. “Running wood and water in every room.” • In 1921 Weyland and Greer were transferred to the newly-organized Air Service, which later became the army air corps. “I guess Opie liked it,” Greer said. Weyland, four-star general, is on his way from his command as head of the Far East Air Com mand to his new air force job as head of the tactical air command. Sitting at the head table was Ike Ashburn, former A&M com mandant. Now executive director of the Texas Good Roads associa tion, Ashburn was commandant when Weyland and Gi’eer were stu dents. “You can’t ram us now, can you, Col. Ike?,” asked Greer. “I want to tell these people about some thing you wouldn’t have approved of.” Greer said he and the general kept an electric toaster in their room, which was against a college rule that said students would have- no electrical appliances in their rooms. “The college had switched to electricity, and I guess they were short on money, like they always are,” Gi'eer said. “Anyway, some of my happiest recollections of A&M are the times we would put a shade over the lights after taps and have hot but tered toast from the illegal toast er,” Gi-eer said. After the luncheon, which was given by President David H. Mor gan, Weyland and eight of the members of the class of ’23 that were able to be here for the day sat around and talked over old times. They talked about the time they decided to take a holiday for Ar mistice Day. They started walking to Bryan. By the time they were half way there, the college broke down and called the day a holiday. While the classmates were talk ing to each other, former comman dant Ashburn walked up to the group and said, “Alright boys. Break it up!” The group laughed, and remem bered the time he had said the same thing to them when they were wrestling behind the dormi tory after the junior banquet in 1922. Travis Bryan, Bryan banker, gave Weylancf an American Leg ion Gold Life Membership certifi cate at the luncheon. Prof Just Doesn 7 Exist, Says Austin The original anonymous pro fessor has been located in, of all places, A&M’s chemistry department. A. F. Isbell, assistant pro fessor of that department, re cently wrote to Austin for a copy of his birth cei'tificate to keep with his personal records. The reply to his request told him that although he was 37 years old he still didn’t have an official first or second name on his birth record. Isbell can now discard his name of Arthur Furman, which he never has liked, for a more favorable one. Isbell said that any name suggestions anyone might want to submit should be sent to him in care of the chemistry department. Science Meet Will Begin Here Today Approximately 30 college students and a like number of high school pupils will present research papers during the spring meeting here of the Texas Academy of Science today and Saturday. Dr. Charles LaMotte of the biology department is in charge of the collegiate division for under graduates. Mrs. Dorothy Good man, instructor at Stephen F. Austin high school in Bryan, will direct the junior division for high school students. The two-day session will be high lighted by.addresses by Dr. Oiwille Wyss, bactei'iologist of the Univer sity of Texas, and Dr. Conway W. Snyder, nuclear physicist from the Oak Ridge National Laboratories, at 11 a. m. Saturday.- Dr. C. C. Doak, head of the biology department, is coordinator for all progi'ams of the meeting. About 400 scientists, teachei’s of science, and students are expected to attend. Center Schedules Talk About On era By M. A. BAILEY Battalion Staff Writer Reuben A. Bradford’s, “Opera Once Over Lightly”, will be pre sented at 7:30 p. m. Monday in the Memoi'ial Student Center ballroom. In his show, Bradford takes the starch out of operatic stiff-shirts and breaks it down to the man in the street. The show began as a radio show on WFFA, Dallas, and after three years, NBS began broadcasting it from coast to coast. Bradford re ceive many letters from all over the world praising the show. Offers came from various as sociations and institutions for per sonal appearances and lectures. With no campaign or management, Bradford has appeared by request before Rotary clubs, Lions clubs, advertising leagues, Civic Opera associations, students of various colleges, federated music clubs, and others. Since the show’s beginning, Brad- GOME A RIDIN’—Bobby Rankin, senior animal husbandry major from Wills Point and president of the Rodeo club, gives an example of the event at the Intercollegiate Rodeo heie now. There will be a performance of the rodeo tonight, tomorrow afternoon, and tomorrow night. College To Award Scholarships Soon Announcement of the winners of the eight scholarships offered by the college will be made soon, said R. G. Perryman, assistant registrar and secretary of the faculty com mittee on scholarships. Eighty-five students have ap plied for these scholarships and are being screened by a subcom mittee. Winners will be recognized at the Awards and Merits Convocation to be held later this spring. ford, has expended the talks to in clude all serious music. He takes Chopin, Brahms, Wagnei’, Puccini, Stephen Foster, and Verdi over the bumps without offense to the most staid music-lovei'. Cover Originals Displayed in MSC The work of outstanding Ameri can magazine artists are on dis play in the Memorial Student Cen ter. The display will be up until April 14. The work of 25 artists, includ ing Norman Rockwell, Robert Fawcett and A1 Parker, is included in the display. All of the paintings are originals of covei's and illustra tions from the Saturday Evening Post. Kenneth Stuart, art editor of the Posti, selected the paintings as “representitive of good examples of art illustration.” The exhibit is on tour of the United States and Canada. It was brought to A&M at the request of Mrs. Ralph L. Terry, MSC ax-t advisoi'. Joint Meeting Set By Aggie AIIE The A&M chapter of the Amei'i- can Institute of Industrial Engi- neex-s will have a joint meeting with the Houston chapter of the gi-oup here April 6. The program for the meeting in cludes a film on time and motion study and a supper at the clay pits. A motion to prohibit the use of signs in student elections was referred to the senate executive committee by the stu dent senate at its meeting last night. Carroll Phillips moved that the senate recommend to the academic council that signs for student elections be pro hibited. The senate could not agree on the wording of the motion. The executive committee was instructed to meet before next Tuesday so any recommendations to the academic coun cil could be considered by the council’s executive committee at its regular Tuesday meeting. Earlier, Don Sheffield had moved that all classes be asked to introduce candidates 4 ^ for class meeting. The motion was defeated. The senate will send flow ers to Mrs. Irene “Mom” Claghorn who is recovei’ing from an opei’ation in a Houston hospital. Mi’s. Claghorn is the superintend ent at the college hospital. Wallace Evei’sberg, chairman of the hospital committee, urged any one with complaints about the col lege hospital to refer them to him. Bill Rowland moved that the senate have a smorgaihord style banquet. The motion passed. The banquet will be held in the MSC May 11. A motion to invite to the ban quet the membei’s of next year’s senate was referred to the banquet committee. The new senators will be elected before the banquet. Monty Montgomery, chairman of the muster committee, repoi’ted classes will be let out at 4 p.m. on Apxil 21 for the muster. Sheffield said he had seen As sistant Commandant Taylor Wil kins about the policy prohibiting the wearing of fatigues in the fountain room of the MSC. Wil kins x’efex’i'ed him to Colonel of the Coi'ps Fred Mitchell. Sheffield recommended that a committee be appointed to see Mitchell. The senate took no action on the rec ommendation. « Gilbert Stribling said the Moth er’s Day service in Guion Hall would include more religion than in past years. Journalism Class Goes to Lufkin Eai'l Newsom’s journalism 306 class ai'e in Lufkin today to study newspaper management and pro duction class. This morning they were the guests of Southland Papei' Mills. In the aftei’noon they visited the Lufkin Daily News and W. R. Beaumier, publisher of the Daily News. The class was to attend a ban quet at noon sponsoi’ed by their two hosts. Membei’s of the class who ■ went to Lufkin were Jim Ashlock, Harxi Baker 1 , Gardner Collins, Jein-y Wizig, Jerry Estes, Bob Hendx-y, Bob Mayo, Jei'ry Sonnier, A1 Biuton, Jon Kinslow, Bill Shepai’d, and Ray Smith. House Speaks To AVMA Tomorrow Boyce House, Texas humo rist, will speak tomorrow night at the American Veteri nary Medicine association banquet and ball at Maggie Parker’s dining hall. House has written 11 books about Texas, including “Tall Talk from Texas” and “I Give You Texas.” One of his books is on the all- time Texas best-seller list. His .Texas humor books went to Texans in the armed fox-ces in World War II. One commentator Five Aggies To Go To Tarleton State Five A&M students will make a goodwill trip Monday to Tai'leton state college in Stephenville. Students making the trip are Glen Daxding, collegiate FFA chap ter px-esident, and former Tarleton students Heni-y L. Ayres, Herb Wax'i'en, Sammy Tatum and Noel Holland. The students will present a pro gram at Tarleton to interest stu dents in coming to A&M. In cluded in the progi'am will be the movie “We Ai’e the Aggies.” Each of the students will make a talk about A&M and answer questions. J. R. Jackson, FFA chapter ad visoi', will accompany the students and speak on the “Opportunities in Agricultui’e for College Txained People.” Campus Club Gets Jersey Heifer The Ki'eam and Kow Klub has been given a Jei'sey heifer by Evans Reese, owner of Reese Jer sey farm of Waco. The heifer was selected by a committee of Club members at the invitation of Reese. Boyce House said, “He set in motion a wave of laughter which encircled the eai’th.” House has also wi’itten several sei'ious books about Texas. Some of his ai'ticles have appear ed in the Saturday Evening Post and he spent four months in Holly wood helping write the movie “Boom Town.” Life magazine call ed him “Texas’ number one boost- er,” and he was recently the sub ject of an article in Pai'ade, Na tional Sunday magazine. House writes a weekly column and is in “Who’s Who in America.” As a newspaperman, he gave the stox-y about Old Rip, the Eastland horned fi'og. Agronomy Group To Take Tour Soon Agi'onomy juniox-s and seniors will take a field trip to South Tex as Apx-il 10—14. This ti'ip for all classified men in the depai'tment desii'ing to go has been substituted for the cot ton tour, which was made in pre vious yeai's by only a few stu dents selected on competitive ex aminations. Proceeds from last year’s Cot ton pageant will be used to help finance the trip, which will in clude points of agricultural in terest in the southern pax-t of the state. Hal Hegi is coordinator of the planning committees, and Dr. R. C. Potts is sponsor for the group. Leaving by bus fxom College Station at 8 a. m. Saturday, April 10th, the gi-oup will stop first at Hai'pei'’s cotton and hybrid seed farm at Martindale. Weather Today Clear to partly cloudy and a lit tle warmer today, tonight and to morrow. High temperature yes terday 68. Low this morning 43,