The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 01, 1954, Image 2
I Battalion Editorials Pago 2 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, APRIL 1, lt)54 iJT Students Defeat Purpose by Rash Action A group of students at the University of Texas have formed what they call a “loose society” to protest the inviting of the con troversial Sen. Joe McCarthy as speaker for the San Jacinto Day ceremonies in Houston April 21. A spokesman for the group said in a let ter to The Battalion that they “see him (Mc Carthy) as the outstanding threat to liberal ism and the American heritage of freedom of thought.” The group is circulating petitions at the University, and plans “if necessary” to or ganize an automobile caravan to visit Hous ton in a “more vocal protest.” We don’t agree with McCarthy’s actions or methods, but that is not the issue here. The issue is that these students are trying to stop a speaker because they don’t agree with what he says. They call McCarthy a threat to liberalism and freedom of thought. Their actions in trying to refuse him the right to speak are also a threat to liberalism and freedom of thought. The quotation attributed to Voltaire sums it up: “I may.not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Morgan Luncheon Honors Weyland Gen. Otto P. Weyland was guest of honor at a luncheon given by President David H. Morgan at 12:15 today in the Memorial Stu dent Center assembly room. Weyland, former commanding general of the Far East air force in Korea and A&M’s highest-rank ing former student, will review the corps of cadets at the federal in spection review at 4 p.m. today. H. L. Heaton gave the invoca tion preceding the luncheon, fol lowed by introductions of guests by Col. Joe E. Davis and Morgan. Chancellor M. T. Harrington welcomed the guest, after which Dewitt Greer, Texas highway en gineer, commented on Weyland’s student life at A&M. Greer and Weyland were roommates of the class of 1923. Weyland gave a response to Greer’s commentary. Morgan introduced Travis Bryan sr., Bryan banker, who gave Wey land an American Legion Gold Life Membership card. Other luncheon guests were Maj. Gen. Gabriel P. Disoway, commander of the flying training air force; Col. Thomas C. Green, senior army inspector; Col. Frank lin G. Pruyn, senior air force in spector; Col. A. E. Olsen, com mander of Bryan air force base; Col. Norman L. Callish, command er of Ellington air force base, and George C. Smith, chairman of the Roth Will Head Play ers Committee Raoul Roth was appointed chair man of a committee to make plans for the Aggie Players annual ban quet which will be May 17 in the Memorial Student Center. Other members on the committee are Don Powell and Harry Estey. Awards and the new officers will be presented at the banquet. It was decided at the business meeting Tuesday night that the Players will do a one-act play for the Aggie Follies. The play will be “A Night at an Inn” with aii all male cast. Tryouts for the play will be at 7:30 p. m. April 5 in the Music hall. The Aggie Players will go as a group to Texas University to see the dramatics group there do the play “Mid-Summer’s Night Dream” April 30. The next meeting will be May 4. Houston Chamber of Commerce military affairs committee. A. H. Weyland, brother of Gen. Weyland and manager of Arkan sas Natural Gas corporation, at tended with five of the general’s classmates of ’23. Fred Mitchell, corps commander; Kert Goode, deputy corps com mander; B. K. Boyd, first regiment commander; Bill Reed, first wing commander; V. R. Kennedy, first composite regiment commander and Harri Baker, Battalion co-editor, were also luncheon guests. Other guests were air force and army inspection officers. PR Class Plans Program For CHS Public relations class 406 will try to promote better public relations for A&M Consolidated high school by setting up a public relations program and helping Consolidated faculty members carry out the pro gram. The class is taught by the journalism department. The 24-member class plans to use local radio stations and news papers to carry out the program. They may use highway billboards, said Otis Miller, instructor. Teaching methods, school board functions and the importance of the Mothers and Dads club high light the plan, Miller said. Members of the class hope Consolidated faculty members will be appointed to head the work after the class finishes its project in May, he said. Five Journalists Will Be Interns Five A&M journalism students will serve ten week internships on newspapers in the state this sum mer. These students have not been named said D. D. Burchard, head of the journalism department. They are a part of a group of 24 students from .nine colleges which take part in a training pro- gi-am sponsored by the Texas Dai ly Newspaper Association. Under this program, students are required to work during the sum mer following their junior year. The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days ol publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .75 per Jnonth. Advertising rates furpished on request. Hntered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas under the Aot of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally bj National Advertising Services, Inc., at Nets York City, Chicago, Lot Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ci'edited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or nt the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. BOB BORISKIE, HARRI BAKER Jon Kinslow Chuck Neighbors George Manitzas Barbara Rubin James Earle Larry Lightfoot Co-Editors Managing Editor Sports Editor City Editor Womans Editor Cartoonist Circulation Manager Wh at’s Cooking THURSDAY 5 p. m.—Pre-Med, Pre-Den so ciety meeting, room 107, Biologi cal Science building. Call meeting concerning lecture of Dr. Alex ander of St. Louis University of Medicine. 7 p. m.—Kawfman county club meeting, reading room, YMCA. Runnels county hometown club meeting, room 206, Academic build ing. 7:15 p. m.—Houston A&M club meeting, room 301, Goodwin hall. Discussion of Easter dance. East Texas A&M club meeting, room 227, Academic building. Easter party plans. Heart of Texas club meeting (Brown and adjoining counties), 1st floor, Academic building. Elec tion of offices. Discuss Easter party, and make final plans for Aggieland picture. Bring a dollar. Pasadena hometown club meet ing, room 305, Goodwin hall. A party needs to be planned, so everyone attend. Red River Valley A&M club meeting, MSG. Called meeting to plan Easter party. Bosque county A&M club meet ing, room 3B,MSC. Hidalgo Starr county club meet ing, YMCA. Important to discuss Cotton Ball and club picture. Golden State club meeting, room 3B, MSG. Important, everyone please be there on time. Caldwell county club meeting, room 3D, MSG. Texarkana Four States club meeting, room 224, Academic build ing. Plans for picture. Rusk couhty hometown club meeting, room 307, Goodwin hall. Brazoria county hometown club meeting, room 208, Academic build ing. Important. Beaumont A&M club meeting, room 104, Academic building. Guest speaker. Austin hometown club meet ing, YMCA. To plan Easter party. Port Arthur hometown club meeting, Biological Science build ing. Ags To Supervise Explorer Scouts Several members of Dr. Dan Russel’s Boy Scout organization class will serve as crew leaders for the spring explorer encampment to be held Friday ahd Satui’day at Bryan air force base. The Aggie scouters will super vise explorer scouts from the Brazos-Robertson district. During encampment, the scouts will be given a tour of the base, eat in the mess hall, and sleep in the barracks. On Friday night at 7:30, a pro gram will be given, and adults are invited to attend. Save Your Money! Save Your Clothes! CAMPUS CLEANERS MSC Sponsoring Radio Programs The MSC forum committee has started a series of radio programs discussing topics of state, national or international interests. Bud Whitney, vice president elect of the MSC council, is the chairman of the committee. The first' program began March 9 at 5 p. m. over WTAW and there has had a program regularly every Thursday. Each week two professors and two students are asked to parti- capate in the panel discussion, said Whiteny. Such topics as “Are American College Athletics Over Empha sized?”, “Should the United States Adopt Free Trade?”, “Should Segregation in Schools Be Abolish ed?” “Should Red China Be Admit ted to the United Nations?”, and “Is World Government Desirable?” have been discussed. Persons who have participated in the programs are Coach Paul (Bear) Bryant, Dr. A. F. Chalk, and Dr. R. G. Layer, department of economics, Dr. A. B. Nelson, and Dr. J. M. Nance, department of history, Dr. W. A. Varvel, pschology department and Dr. T. F. Mayo hnd Harry Kidd, Eng lish department. Students who have taken part in the discussions include C. C. (Chuck) Neighbors, John Samuels, Ken Scott, Dick Porter, Clayton Williams, John Wilson, Jim Mar tin, Bill Willis, Jules Vieaux, A1 Lasheen, Richard Black and Fred Mitchell. Letters to the Editors Editors, The Battalion: Last night during silver taps a tradition was disgracefully flaunt ed. A light was present in Good win Hall and the YMCA in plain view of the cadet corps and the non regs that were in front of the Academic Building during this ceremony. The last tribute that can be paid to one of our past fellow Aggies is symbolized by the practice of all lights being turned out, yet evi dently some people think this is too much of an effort. I hope the persons who are re sponsible are as ashamed of it as 1 am, and I hope in the future something can be done to prevent this from happening. Tom Roberts, ’56 Editors, The Battalion: Last night, during Silver Taps three cars with lights on, were driven away from Military walk. One car drove off after lights were out and two others during the ceremony. This incident may be due to lack of forethought or just plain dis respect. It seems much in order for the campus Security Officers and the Officer of the day to ful fill their duties and prevent such actions in the future. Is it asking too much for us to give five minutes of our time to show the respect due to a fellow sfudent ? Who knows you might be next. Also, why can’t the MSC and Guion hall observe this occasion by turning out all lights? T. F. Abbott, ’53 J. J. Hosek, ’53 S. J. Smith, Jr., ’53 CARBON RIBBON PORTABLE TYPEWRITER - THE OLYMPIA - The long awaited Portable with a Carbon Ribbon Tape to give that extra fine print ONLY $105.47 — GUARANTEED — EASY TERMS — Bryan Business Machine Co. SALES—SERVICE—RENTAL—TERMS 429 S. Main St. BRYAN Phone 2-1328 Cadet Slouch by Earle AP2. EL TUHS WAV VOU SURE 15 TiA BEST SlK/l Pf ~~y A SHORE T UNCA\R!j WE 'Akfff MOK.E CONTRW31 PAY/ revolt, PQK. 10-1E WAGEf '“'—•J AGGIES — LET — YOUN G n L O O D’S~ PREPARE THE PICNIC LUNCH FOR YOUR DATE OR FAMILY ON WEEK-ENDS FRIED CHICKEN — FRIED SHRIMP BARBECUE — BEEF — PORK — CHICKEN Packed Complete In Individual Boxes At Prices You Can Afford Special Prices and Arrangements . . . FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION OR CLUB PARTIES •\ - \ -o- VISIT US THIS WEEK END YOLNCBLOOD’S South College Midway Phone 2-80J8 J Cadet Slouch by James Earle. CALL ME ,6055 EC.,.. DOCTOB.! hr—— TAKE. CARE. OF vi this Sick. mamJii NURSE ' VP EVL&Y TIME. UL QOBt> TO SLEEP, DIM UP AN ’ LIVE A PILL 1 DOM'T DISTURB Bust ourA here! .ftwywmfn, V 1 I I I, ABNER HE'LL TELL US WHUT T'PO Vs/IF TH' shmoos '■* W3 --iSoi, - tM E M Pip/M ENT VN DoG pATcH- ivl 196^- — loo% --MO INCREASE iq unemployment WVtH COOP OLD JACK & Meam wwle:-backstage:— IT'S sriluiant.t- phog- BOUWD'S IDEA HOW TO CAMPAIGN FOR VOTES, AND STILL STAY IN ^ Ml AM I - cHuCK 1 -E. r . r - F INVESTIGATING CONDITIONS . r . r GOOD// RAISE THE CURTAIN -I'LL PUT ON THE RECORD// By A1 Capp HOL® ITfr 1 WE FORGOT / TO PLUG UP ^ OUR EARS// P O G O VJ51L,T/Ai£ J:00S I'LL REOPEN CASE — NOW, WMO po you eu^PBcr. OWL? OL'MOLZl TT&ir'S, /E//Q. By Walt Kelly VEE&1S’, ff/M? YOU NOTICE HIM GNOOPlN 7 AZOUN”? GOT A SAP AIN'T UP TO /VZ3 C3COP... AN" PStr.MA** *rN8lWTS I 0AIP TO HIM-.'SEEP THE PUP PQ&?"1 SAVe-AN 7 WHO IN P£S P/- A& &&&&£&/ AN’ALL THE TIME HE GOT THAT SHcAKyiCOK IN ROUMP/ of HOW MANY 'EM! I WOULP YOU 1 SAV? Ar