The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 31, 1954, Image 1
Circulated Daily To 90 Per Cent Of Local Residents Number 208: Volume 53 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1954 Published By A&M Students For 75 Years Price 5 Cents tApplepolish ing ’ To Gel New Name In Balt Contest “Applepolishing night” is on the schedule again, this time at a new time and with plans for a new name. The night, planned by the stu dent-faculty relations committee of the student Hfe committee, is de signed to bring faculty and stu dents close together by having the professors invite students to then- homes. It will be Tuesday, April 27. The committee originally scheduled the night for last night, but the date was changed because of fed- eral inspection, said Carl Landiss, chairman of the committee. 'The Battalion will sponsor a con test next Wednesday to suggest a new name for the night. The con test will be held in the Memorial Student Center lobby. “Too many people felt the name ‘Applepolishing’ was not right,” Landiss said. This is the way the night will Operate: Professors who want to invite students to their homes will fill '--t# a card in the student activities ^ 'fee, saying how many students want, the hours, and how to to their home. Students will go to the student activities office and sign the card of the professor they would like to visit. When a professor’s card is filled, it will he returned to him so he will know how many students to expect. A&M Leading Texas Colleges In Safety A&M is doing more than any other Texas college in safety education according to the Texas Safety association, said Bennie Zinn, assistant dean of men. Zinn attended a meeting of the association in Dallas last week. Zinn made the statement yester day at a meeting of the accident prevention committee of the col lege. About half of the committee members attended. The committee decided to place n stop sign on the southwest corner of Lamar and Spence streets. This sign is an extra one which How- aid Padgett, manager of physical plants, had on hand. The place ment will be only temporary until the committee on traffic safety has time to meet and make a formal recommendation to the president. Committeeman Roy C. Garrett of the agricultural engineering de partment said he would “rather see the stop sign put up now than in memory to somebody.” Progress has been made in clear ing obstructions such as holes, ditches, low hanging limbs, and low electrical wiring, Zirtn said. Much work has been done to promote safer practices in the handling of chemicals on the college fai-m, he said. The committee will meet the week after the Easter holidays. Chairman Zinn asked the members to consider at the next meeting changes in the composition of the committee and the possibility of getting a college safety coordina tor. Faculty members, staff members and administration personnel are invited k) take part in the pro gram, as well as all students, Lan diss said. Landiss sent out questionnaires to faculty members before the Christmas holidays. He said 115 of the replies were favorable to the plan and 23 were unfavorable. “If it works this year we will try to make it an annual affair,” he said. Other members of the committee are T. B. Fields, Carroll Phillips, Bob Box-iskie and Harri Baker. Kiwanis Club Hears Panel On Government A panel discussion on “The Future of World Government” was given yesterday to the College Station Kiwanis club. The program was presented by the Memorial Student Center forum committee. Bud Whitney, chairman of the MSC forum committee, served as moderator while the panel included Dr. Robert G. Layer, depai’tment of economics; Dr. J. M. Nance, de partment of history; Jim Morton and John Samuels, president of the MSC council. Layer and Samuels took the affirmative while Nance and Mor ton supported the negative. This panel discussion was record ed and will be played back over radio station WTAW Thursday at 5 p. m. A short skit was given Dr. Luther Jones and Phillip Goode, professor of business administra tion, showing their “lofty idea of the Aggies of College Station.” Ac companying Jones and Goode was Mrs. Bill Booth at the piano. UT Students Act Against McCarthy AUSTIN, March 31—UP)—A group of University of Texas stu dents prepared yesterday to circu late petitions among the student body to protest against the sched uled San Jacinto Day speech in Houston of Sen. Joseph McCai-thy R-Wis. The movement was stai-ted Tues day night by about 20 students. Another meeting was called tonight by student President Franklin Spears of San Antonio. The San Jacinto Chapter of the Sons of the Republic invited Mc Carthy to make the San Jacinto Day speech. Ariny Graduates May Enter Flying Graduating army seniors may volunteer for army aviation flight training after they have completed their basic training, according to information released by the mili tary department. Army ROTC graduates who are commissioned in the air force must agree to serve three years on active duty, including time spent in training. Academy of Science To Begin Friday Lectures, movies and demon strations will be the program here Friday and Saturday at the spring meeting of the Texas Academy of Science. About 400 visitors are expected, according to Dr. C. C. Doak, head of the biology depai’tment and a director of the Academy. He said the annual conference of Texas high school science teachers will be held at the, same time. Dr. Conway W. Snyder, a nuclear physicist from the Oak Ridge Na tional Laboratories, will offer one of the highlights of the two-day meeting. He will present an illus trated lecture at 11 a. m. Saturday on “Atomic Energy for Space Travel/’ Joe Harris of San Antonio is president of the group. He reported at a recent directors’ meeting that membership has shown a marked increase during the past year. Dr. Orville Wyss, nationally- known bacteriologist at the Uni versity of Texas, will address the convention after a Friday night dinner on “Integration of Young Scientists into the Texas Science Team.” Reseai’ch papers will be present ed in three divisions: high school students, college undergraduate^, and graduate students and teach ers. Doak is coordinator for the en tire program. Dr. James G. Potter of the physics department is in charge of the teachers conference. AND SIX OTHERS—Miss Carmen Hinds of Fort Worth will highlight the Friday night performance of Cafet Rue Pinalle in the MSC. On the program with Miss Hinds will be a chorus line of six girls. The Capers Combo will fur nish dance music. M i! i 1 ary Inspec I ors Arriving On Campus In sped Classes Today, Tomorrow Will He Pass An Inspection Now, Major? Tommy Hendricks, sopho more from Odessa, sat down in the barber’s chair and gave him instructions for his hair cut. The barber cut Hendrick’s hair to his directions and asked him how he liked it. Hendricks took a look and nodded approval. A major in the military de partment, aware of the coming federal inspection, also check ed the haircut from his seat beside Hendricks. “Looks pi’etty shaggy,” he said. Without a word the barber promptly trimmed the duck- tails and sideburns, then said “next.” Deadline Set Today On Dorm Ticket Sale Today is the last day for buy ing Sophomore ball tickets from the dormitory representatives. After today, tickets will be sold in the office of student activities and at the door of the hall. Who Inspects Inspectors Anyhow? Everybody, apd that means everybody, is going to have to get a haircut for federal in spection. Maj. Basil Hoyl was teach ing a junior air science class yesterday. At the end of the class period, he said that he would check everyone as they left the class to see if they needed a haircut. As the last man walked out, Hoyl said, “And you’ll have to get one.” That was fine, except the last man was air science in structor Capt. C. B. Doleac, who had been sitting in on the class. Aggies Reminded About Sign Use Students using signs in student elections should not tape signs to the walls, said Pete Hardesty, as sistant director of student activi ties. College regulations prohibit the use of tape on walls or nails driven into trees, posts, or walls, Hardesty said. Last year the student senate re commended that no signs be used in student elections. Members of the senate felt that the signs were cluttering up the campus with cheap publicity and that the cam paign should be on the basis of how well the candidate presents himself to the students. Signs used in election campaigns should not exceed three by five feet according to college regulat ions. Parades, concerts and other campaign stunts are premitted dur ing non-class and non-study hours. Non-Regs Organize For Elections Race Non-regs at A&M have organ ized in an effort to obtain better representation in student govern ment, a spokesman for the group told The Battalion yesterday. Aimed at coordinating the non military students of the college, the move is “a pi’otest against un equal civilian representation on col lege committees as compared with corps representation,” the spokes man said. Bryan Planning Armed Forces Day A&M is making no special plans for Armed Forced Day, May 15, said Lt. Col. Taylor Wilkins, as sistant commandant. The Mother’s Day review takes the place of any Armed Forces Day activities, he said. The day is set aside by presi dential proclamation to pay tribute to the nation’s armed forces. There will be an Armed Forces Day parade in Bryan. A committee of officials from A&M, Allen Mili tary Academy, Bryan Air Force Base and the National Guard units will begin planning on the parade soon, said Jack Springer, manager of the Bryan Chamber of Com merce. Students Offered Navy Job Training Opportunity is being provided by the U. S. Navy hydrographic of fice for students in the engineer ing sciences, physics, chemistry, geology, biology and meteorology to combine on-the-job training for about $250 a month with their academic program of study. “This is made possible through the student aid trainee program of the Potomac river command which employs students who qualify by taking civil service examinations in their fields,” said Dr. Dale F. Leipper, head of the oceanography department, employment is ar ranged to alternate with campus academic work throughout the year. Agronomy Group To Appear on TV Several agronomy students will appear on television, April 14, said Dr. J. E. Adams, head of the agronomy department. The director of KPRC-TV has notified Adams that the students making the agronomy tour April 10-14 will be served a box lunch April 14, by the station. Several of the best speakers will be interview ed for the noon program, RFD-TV. The tour will be taken by the junior and senior Agronomy stu dents. A check of February enrollment figures show a total of 5,480 stu dents, of which 1,710 were non corps, representing 32 percent of the enrollment. “The figure is representative of the past several years,” the spokes man said, “but there hasn’t been a non-corps senior class officer since 1951. We believe there should be a closer relationship between the non-corps and the corps.” Among the objectives sought by the non-military group is more equitable representation on all com mittees, equal consideration of corps and nomcorps students in the seating arrangements at home football games and cooperation with the corps in a mutual effort to promote a greater A&M. Texas Will Send Cattle To Germany Texans will send 100 head of cattle to the refugees in Germany, according to Dr. Dan Russell, Tex as CROP chairman. Wheat, lard and clothing ai’e other goods that will comprise a $150,000 cargo which will leave July 15 for Germany. “The shipment will be distributed to the needy refugees who have fled from Iron Curtain countries”, Russell said. “These people have no way to survive unless others help them.” Other countries besides the United States helping these re fugees include Germany, Italy, Mexico, England and Scotland. Texas leads the U. S. in contri butions, donated by various organi zations, churches and clubs. The purpose of CROP is not merely for better friendship, but that of doing our part as a Christ ian nation and state, said Russell. Final plans for the July shipment will be made in San Antonio May 6 by the Texas CROP leaders. Weyiand Will Hear Talk About His Life Gen. Otto P. Weyiand, A&M’s highest ranking former student, is going to hear a commentary on his life at A&M from his roommate of the class of 1923 tomorrow at a luncheon given in his honor by President David H. Morgan. Dewitt Greer, Texas highway en gineer, will tell the 65 guests at the luncheon what happened while he was the general’s roommate. Weyiand will give a response to Greer’s commentary. Greer will be introduced by Chancellor M, T, Harrington. Mor gan will introduce members of the Federal inspection team. Also at the luncheon, which will be at 12:15 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center ballroom, Travis Bryan, Bryan banker, will give Weyiand an American Legion Gold Life certificate.’' Guests at the luncheon will in clude members of the executive council and high-ranking cadet of ficers. The general’s brother, Alvin Weyiand, will fly from Arkansas and bring some classmates of the general’s for the luncheon. Members of the military inspection teams for federal inspection today and tomorrow began arriving on the cam pus yesterday afternoon. Today the officers will inspect classrooms, records, files and facilities. Tomorrow they will continue these inspections and also inspect cadet rooms from 8 to 10 a.m. Cadets will be excused from classes for these two hours. The inspection will end with a critique after a corps re view tomorrow at 4 p.m. Gen. O. P. WeylaTid, ’23, former commander of the Far East air force, will be guest of honor at the review. Head of the army board for the federal inspection will be Col. Thomas C. Green, deputy chief of the Texas military district. Head of the air force board will be Col. Frank- lyn G. Pruyn. Each dormitory will be inspected by an inspecting officer, a military instructor, the military counselor, and a cadet officer. Dormitories and the inspecting party for each are as follows: Dormitory 1: Maj. Thompson, Maj. Parrish, Capt. Trant, Cadet Lt. Col. Carl Wilson. Dormitory 3: Maj. Mclnerney, Maj. Waddell, Capt. Trant, Cadet Lt. Col. William Dark. Dormitory 5: Maj. C. W. Coyne, Maj. Brown, Capt. Shipley, Cadet Lt. Col. Bruce Sterzing. Dormitory 6: Maj. Klerk, Capt. Mitchell, Maj. Goff, Cadet Lt. Col. Bill Wiseman. Dormitory 7: Lt. Col. Gates, Lt. Col. Phillips, Capt. Shipley, Cadet Lt. Col. W. R. Bowdoin. Dormitory 8: Capt. Robinson, Maj. McCannon, Maj. Goff, Cadet Lt. Col. Duane Scott. Dormitory 9: Lt. Col. Sasse, Maj. Winder, Lt. Neelley, Cadet Lt. Col. Jack Garrett. Dormitory 10: Lt. Col. Thomp son, Maj. Westbrook, Lt. Neelley, Lt. Col. Larry Hoffman. Dormitory 11: Lt. Col. Killman, Maj. Birkner, Lt. Col. Adams, Ca det Lt. Col. Dick Porter. Dormitory 12: Col. Pruyn, Col. Way, Maj. Taylor, Cadet Lt. Col. Leonard Eddy. Hart hall: Maj. Saxby, Maj. Sims, Maj. Davis, Maj. Willets, Lt. Cashion, Cadet Maj. Eric Miller. Dormitory 14: Capt. Farrell, Maj. Burt, Capt. Sparks, Cadet Lt. Col. E. L. Thompson. Dormitory 15: Capt. Laird, Maj. Lowell, Capt. Crow, Cadet Lt. Col. Phil Jacons. Dormitory 16: Lt. James, Maj. Franks, Capt. Brusse, Cadet Lt. Col. Bob Manner. Dormitory 17: Engineer inspec tor, Capt. Thigpin, Capt. Coffer, Cadet Lt. Col. J. M. Hickman. Walton hall: Maj. Mathis, Maj. Schelter, Maj. Emerson, Capt. Bloom, Lt. Col. Melcher, Cadet Lt. Col. T. H. Keese. Law hall: Col. R. R. Danek, Capt. McNeil, Capt. Byrd, Cadet Lt. Col. George Skladal. Puryear hall: Maj. Cooper, Capt. Phillips, Capt. Byrd, Cadet Lt. Col. R. D. Hickman. Milner hall: Lt. Col. Cox, Lt. Col. Hall, Lt. Col. Vaden, and Ca det Lt. Col. Terry Wilson. Davidson Lectures To Air Reservists Second Lt. Steve E. Davidson delivered a lecture on radiological defense planning at the Monday night meeting of the 9807th air reserve squadron. Davidson described the results on an atomic explosion an an area and explained how the survivors could mobilize to recover. The members were divided into groups to discuss and make recommenda tions on a theoretical problem for mobilizing the survivors of a bombed air base for quick recovery. MSC Wing To Be Gift - Of Senior Class For their gift to the college, the senior class will start a fund for a west wing of the Memorial Student Center. In a special run-off election held yesterday, the class decided to start the MSC fund instead of donating a scoreboard to Kyle Field. The vote was 296 to 212. The senior class gift committee did not know when the gift would be presented to the college. They said they did not know what proce dures they would have to go through to make the presentation. An election was held last Wed nesday to pick the class gift. After counting the ballots, the committee decided to hold the run-off elec tion yesterday. The gift will start a fund that must eventually be used for build ing the wing for the MSC, said John Samuels. This is what the class of 1939 did when they started the campaign for a student union building. Chuck Fenner is chairman of the gift committee. Two Speakers Set Talks For Students Two speakers are Scheduled to be at the YMCA to relate to A&M students their work and exper iences with the YMCA in foreign countries. Harold H. Horne, associate gen eral secretary of national council of YMCA’s of India, Pakistan, and Ceylon, will be here April 23. Har ry A. Brunger, YMCA world ser vice secretary, Hong Kong, will be here May 7. Both men are on leave from their jobs. Horne, besides directing the YMCA program, also helps with the agricultural problems of these countries. Brunger, who is sta tioned in Hong Kong, has had many experiences with the Com munists and communist principles. “Every one who can should come by the Y on these two occasions to hear these men speak”' said J. Gordon Gay, secretary of the A&M YMCA. Weather Today THAT’S A BEAR! ATLANTA—hP>—J. Paul Cobb was driving along a highway in South Georgia when he banged into a 250-pound black bear. The im pact killed the animal and threw Cobb’s car against a bridge rail ing. After raking the bridge for many yards, it cost him $1,090 to get his car back in shape. POSSIBLE SHOWERS Continued cloudy today and to morrow. Possible showers and thunderstorms late today. Clear ing slightly early tomorrow. High yesterday 71; low this morning, 47.