The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 26, 1954, Image 4
Page "4 THE BATTALION Friday, March 26, 1954 WhaVs Cooking 7:30 p. m.—South Louisiana club meeting - , room 2C, MSC. Aggieland picture to be taken. HE’S MR. FIX LA JOLLA, Calif.—(A 5 )—The man who heads the repair department of the Carlson garage here is nam ed Nick Fix. TODAY & SATURDAY A *> cost ea&l Richard CARLSON Julia ADAMS PREVUE SATURDAY SUNDAY thru THURSDAY starring TECHNICOLOR TonyCURTIS-SH ENDS TODAY , Deborah _ PlDSEON PfCtM H’lla SATURDAY ONLY THE new UPPITY-ho - ? Jjii f, '! - CjJRIt a Dqroihy Cooper and Dorothy Kingsley ___ ^slie Karoos • Joe Pasternak PREV 10:30 p.ivi «at~ Sunday and Monday T- Mi f iS \ 1 ■ « ■ HhI . mSm m M ® wmM m ; , | ; NEW CITY SCHOOLS—Completed is a new all-purpose room and gymnasium, left, for College Station’s Lincoln high school for N egroes. The building is near the school build ing. Under construction is A&M consolidated high school s new classroom building, light. The building will also contain shops and an auditorium. CIRCLE ENDS TODAY / Leslie — ALSO Paul Henreid Patricia Medina SATURDAY ONLY “THE NAKED SPUR” James Stewart —ALSO— “FLAME OF AKABY” Jeff Chandler Maureen O’Hara • • •• k. • - GrandChampionNamed By Little Southwestern Dick Thomas, sophomore animal husbandry student from Robstown, won Grand Champion showman honors at the annual Little South western Ham Auction and Live stock Show Saturday night. Thom as was presented a pair of cowboy boots by Frank C. Litterst, jr. of the Litterst-Moore Cattle Co. of Buda. Allen Turner, junior AH major from Brady, was Reserve Grand Champion showman. He received a $25 hat certificate from Whit ten’s hat shop. Billy Joe Oglesby, senior AH ma jor from Waxahachie, was selected Champion showman in the cattle classes. William F. Rheman, sen ior range and forestry major from Brookshire, was named the Reserve champion. J. B. Riley, junior AH major from Wichita Falls, was the Cham pion showman in the horse classes while Don Correa, senior AH stu dent from Raymondville, was nam ed Reserve champion. In the swine classes, Dick Thom as was chosen Champion showman and Leroy Williams, sophomore AH student from San Antonio, was Re serve champion. Champion sheep showman was Allen Turner. Edward Goodbrake, senior AH student from College Station, was selected the Reserve champion sheep showman. -k Barret Named Ham Show Winner Ray Barrett, junior animal hus bandry m.ajor from San Angelo, was named Grand Champion show man of the Little Southwestern’s ham show held here Saturday. The grand champion ham was pur chased by Mrs. J. A. Arhopolus, 12th Man Inn, for $150. Donald B. Horne, senior AH ma- jar from Corpus Christi, was Re serve champion ham showman. The reserve champion ham was pur chased by J. L. (Roy) Newlin Trucking Co. of Houston for $80. “There were 54 hams auctioned for a total of $1,488,” said Lloyd Joyce, chairman of the ham sale committee. TuRNEa- Douglas fl 4, Ptoceon- Powell PlairYHsW® \ * j&ASW'ft® \ LACE PREVIEW TONIGHT 11 P. M. All Seats 80c — Starts Saturday TEXAS GALS! TEXAS OIL! TEXAS FUN! This Show Is A Dilly . . . und It Will Make You Laugh Silly It’s About Something Higher Than Taxes — You Guessed It . . Texas! HOWARD HUGHES presents JANE RUSSELL FRE/VCH HNE co-starring GILBERT ROLAND * ARTHUR HUNNICUTT with MARY McCARTY I fF; ps&p . An EDMUND GRAINGER Production • Dnitini bj LLOYD BACON • laimpii! bj MARY LOOS S RICHARD SALE • rradiictii t; EDMONO GRAINGER r x O PALACE LAST DAY - “Blood On The Moon” SATURDAY PREVIEW — 11 P.M. Released thru United Artiste QUEEN JUST TWO MORE DAYS iWAU-l? MONEY FROM HOME CC/l-UiR 6r'. TPOHNIPPCOR MAMIE MILIAR PAT CROWLEY- RICHARD HAYDN x M ' "" w, -- ;^ * s Policemen Can’t Trust Anybody ROSELLE PARK, N. J., March 26—(A 3 )—Patrolman Robert Pudan- ish was frisking a man arrested on a drunk and disorderly charge last night. Pudanish stuck his hand in the man’s coat pocket—and was stung by a wasp. BURGLARY IS SO-O-O TIRING ATLANTA (A 5 ) — Reconstructed from the evidence, here’s what hap pened: A burglar broke into a chemical company’s office, armed with burg lary tools and some whisky. He took a drink or two then ransacked some drawers with no results. Another nip and he broke open a metal box. No money. Whisky low, he built a fire from trash. Then he went into an ad joining office, built another fire, tried unsuccessfully to open a safe, finished his whisky and wieht to sleep. An early-arriving employe found him asleep beside the dead fire awoke, yawned, asked “Is there any place 1 can get to taxi around here at this time of day?” Then he walked away before the flab bergasted employe could stop him —leaving his burglar kit behind. Filings Still Open For Class Elections Filings for class elections will close Tuesday at 5 p.m. As yet, no one has filed for co-editor of the Aggieland or class agent for the class of ’54. Several sopho more class offices still lack appli cants. Persons interested in filing for these, and any other class offices, may file at the student activities office on the second floor of Good win hall. Additional filings listed today were as follows: Senior class president, Conrad Cummings; vice president, John Benefield, Roy Cline, Theo Lindig, Lolan Pullen; treasurer, John (Cookie) Brannen, James Caffey, Allen Ezel, Thurman Johnson, Dick McCasland, Thomas McDade; sec retary, James Gaffney; social sec retary, Chuck Newman; parliamen tarian, John Shelton; sergeant-at- arms, Thomas Durdin, John Saun ders; yell-leader, Bobby Carpen ter. * Filings for junior class offices are as follows: president, Robert Barlow, Frank Westmoreland; vice-president, Glenn Buell, John Liddy, Hughes McCrary, Bill (Red) Swann; treasurer, Larry B. Kennedy; parliamentarian, J. M. Bower; yell leader, Paul Holliday, Gus Mijalis, Alfred (Fred) Nasser, Harold Sellers. Jon Cobb and James Willborn have filed for sophomore class vice-president. Air Force Academy Given Senate O.K. WASHINGTON, - March 20—(A J > The Senate today approved and sent to the House a compromise bill to establish an air three acad emy similar to the ai'my’s West Point and navy’s Annapolis. Approval was by voice vote and without opposition. More than 400-• communities, in cluding Bryan, arc ’ in the wide- open race for selection as the home of the new academy for air force officers* President Eisenhower has declar ed his approval of the academy proposal. Both file House and Senate pre viously had approved the bill by wide margins and tonight’s action was on a compromise of the dif ferent versions. Early House ap proval appeared likely. A CAMPUS-TO-CAREER CASE HISTORY e ’ i Emmett Smith, E. E., ’50, never heard of telephone traffic work, hut what he saw of the job intrigued him. He explains how it worked out. (Reading time: 40 seconds) Emmett Smith supervises operation of this trainine switchboard, which he originally helped to design. 4 “Communications have always been one of my main interests — in the Navy and at the University of Michigan. So I was very happy when the Michigan Bell Telephone Company invited me to visit their headquarters to talk about a job. “In Detroit I had a chance to look at a number of departments, including one I’d never heard of before, the Traffic Department. I found that, in addition to the engineering of switchboards, its work involved the supervision and the actual handling of customer calls. It struck me like a wonderful opportunity to combine staff engineering and field management. 1 “My first impression was rlAit inr, because my work covered both. First T had on-the-job training assianm • Ln V Z a !,-‘.' rCrC " 1 , ki '! ds ,A offices "" * m 1 worked in engineering, translating csti- number of ci e S ™ Wth i,U ° ‘ he acluaI positions required!^ ^ SWUchl ’““ d of oneVtiw boarclsl'h l thC | 0peration Briefly, my job i s lo sce ^^ cn S‘»cer. including gets the kind of emiir* ' • c lslrict he Traffic that what we havr ^ n eeds and erly. Working prop, major part of my • ple 13 another serve in an advisory r-? ^ !° 0 ’ be cause I visors of the Long n? 3 . 01 ' 5 ' to ,he super- “Needless to s av v A i° b- Ajobldy^^happy wiA . f ea k uow existed. Emmett Smith’s io t*. * Compand Thl'"" 1 ’ 3 15dl Tel, - and Sand,a Corpo^ Elcctri .£§3) SELL Tei ~ ' W . y#TBm