The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 25, 1954, Image 1

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    Circulated Daily
To 90 Per Cent
Of Local Residents
Published By
A&M Students
For 75 Years
Number 205: Volume 53
Price 5 Cents
Runoff Elect lion
For Senior Gift
Will Re Tuesday
'A runoff election will be held
Tuesday to decide what the senior
class will give the school.
The election will he between a
scoreboard for Kyle Field and a
fund to be used for construction
of a west wing for the Memorial
Student Center. The senior class
gift committee decided last night
to hold the runoff.
“Most of- the members of the
committee felt a runoff would be
desired by the seniors,” said
Chuck Fenner, chairman of the
The election will be held in the
MSC from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tables
will also be set up in Sbisa and
both sides of Duncan dining hall
during the noon meal to give more
seniors a chance to vote, Fenner
Balloting in yesterday’s election
Was as follows:
Scoreboard, 122
MSC wing, 75
Student loan fund, 04
Three voting machines, 27
West Gate memorial, 23
The senior class decided Monday
night to hold the election yester
day. The class thought not enough
seniors were pi’esent at the Mon
day meeting to give fair represen
tation on a vote for the class gift.
The scoreboard will cost about
$1,500-2,000. The class has about
$1,500 to spend for a gift. Barlow
(Bones) Irvin told the committee
that the athletic department would
give the class a chance to donate
the scoi-eboard. He said the athle
tic department may build the score-
board even if the class does not
donate it.
The donation toward a west wing
for the MSC will start a trust fund
which must eventually be used for
that purpose, accoi'ding to John
Samuels, president of the MSC
council. This is what the class
of ’39 did in starting the MSC, he
News Briefs
CITY DESK—George Man-
itzas will be city editor of
The Battalion, and will be
responsible for news of
College Station. He is a
sophomore petroleum engi
neering major from San
College Announces
Saturday Events
The schedule of events for High
School Day, Satui’day, has been an
nounced by the college.
They are as follows:
8 a. m., registration, Guion hall
*■' 9 a. m., orientation meeting,
Guion hall. This meeting will in
clude -a welcome by President
David H. Morgan, and a 30-minute
color movie about life at A. and M.
10 a. m., group tours on the
12,dinner, Duncan or Sbisa mess
1 p. m., free time for visiting
with home town friends.
2 p. m., sports day, as guests of
the “T” Association. Baseball
game, Rice vs. A&M, tennis match,
Baylor vs. A&M and a track meet.
5:30 p. m., supper, Duncan or
Sbisa mess hall.
7:30 p. m., intra-squad football
game on Kyle Field.
The more than 1,000 high school
seniors expected for the day will
be guests of students from their
Movie Set
“DARK VICTORY” will be pre
sented by the A&M Film society
tonight in the Memorial Student
Center ballroom. The film, star
ring Bette Davis, will start at
7:30 p.m.
* * *
A THREE DAY shell egg grad
ing school will be held here April
22. The school is sponsored by the
poultry husbandry department and
the Agricultural Marketing service
of the Department of Agriculture.
* * *
E. V. WALTON, head of the de
partment of agricultural education,
pi'esented several awards recently
to Edward Coufal of Temple, out
standing future farmer in the
state. He also addressed a parent-
son banquet.
* *
held Saturday in the games area
of the Memorial Student Center.
The Melo Tones from Sam Hous
ton State college will play. The
Cafe will start at 8 p.m.
Multi-Million Dollar
Mexican School Opens
MEXICO CITY, March 25—CP)—
Mexico’s new 22 million-dollar Uni
versity City opened for classes
yesterday with scant ceremony.
Only 5,000 of the 20,000-odd stu
dents will study this year on the
new campus, 15 miles out of town.
The rest will not be moved' to
University City until all buildings
have been furnished.
Shepardson Talks
To FFA Chapter
Charles N. Shepardson, dean of
the School of Agriculture, spoke
on the relationship of agriculture
to industry to the A&M Collegiate
FFA chapter at its regular meet
ing Tuesday.
Shepardson said agricultural
must produce products of higher
quality which will attract consum
ers and produce the products more
economically. He told the group
to “first teach the boys the funda
mentals that have made America
what it is, then teach them agri
A student-prof banquet will be
held April 29. The chapter will also
conduct a talent contest to get
entei-tainment for the high school
boys during the State Judging
pontest Maj\ 1.
RULO, Neb.—CP)—Don Ferron’s
car stalled on a pile of corn cobs
on a farm so Don walked to the
farmhouse for help, leaving the en
gine running. The car’s exhaust
ignited the cobs, which then set
fire to the car.
The car’s gas tank exploded, set
ting fire to a hog house nearby.
Both car and hog house were de
College View To Gel
$140,000Impr ovement
New Shower Stalls
Now Being Installed
New Date Set
By Aggieland
For Pictures
The deadline for turning
snapshots to be used in the
military section of the Aggie-
land has been extended tc
April 1.
“The deadline was extended
because only 23 pictures have
been turned in,” said Paul
Roper, military editor. March
20 had originally been set as
the deadline.
“April 1 will positively be
the last date for turning in
snapshots,” said Roper.
LOOKS GOOD—Mrs. Mary Norris inspects the new show
ers now being installed in the College View apartments.
The new showers are part of a $140,000 improvement pro
gram for the apartments.
Lost Aggie Ring
Used as Weapon
A misplaced A&M i-ing has been
used as weapon in Lubbock.
Claude C. Boyd ’45 a teacher in
the Latin-American section of Lub
bock told The Battalion that he
had taken from one of his students
an A&M ring of the class of ’45.
The boy, 10-year-old John Joe
Conterras, said his big brother
found the ring “maybe thi'ee, may
be five months ago.”
John Joe had been keeping the
ring on a watch chain. Boyd let him
keep it, ‘until he started using the
ring on the end of the chain as an
offensive and defensive weapon
against older boys who bothered
Boyd is holding the ring until
the owner can be found. He said
the name “Jim H. Cass Jr.”, is
engraved inside the ring. Boyd has
been unable to locate anyone by
that name.
Traffic Committee
Met Yesterday
The traffic committee of the
Academic council met yesterday to
propose recommendations on the
traffic situation.
Campus Security Chief Fred
Hickman, chairman of the com
mittee, would not release the com
mittee’s recomendations for publi
“It would be unfair. They ai’en’t
definite yet,” he said.
The recomendations will go
through the president to the
Academic council for consideration.
The former students directory
identifies Cass as a doctor of veteri
nary medicine and a practicioner of
veterinary medicine. His home is
listed as Buckeye, Ariz.
The former students office has
Cass listed as overseas now. The
Battalion has given the informa
tion on the w'hereabouts of the ring
to the former students office, and
they will contact him about it.
So Cass will probably get his
ring back, and the boy in Lubbock
will have to look for some other
type of weapon.
Filings Increase
For Class Election
Twenty-nine persons have filed
for the class elections which will
be held Tuesday, April 6. Filings
close March 30.
Filings for senior class president
included J. B. Lilley, K. R. Nauck,
Charles Minter and Bob Rowland.
Bill Bradshaw and Charles Seely
have filed for senior class vice-
Senior yell leader filings include
Howard Childers, Glenn Langford,
J. R. (Bubba) Plumlee and Sam
Other filings for senior offices
include Clarence Hatcher and Ro
main Slabbaei't, sergeant-at-arms;
W. V. Johnson and Bill Ut^man,
student entertainment manager
Harry Espey, Tony Specia, and
Thomas Schmidt, social secretary;
and Wallace Eversberg, secretary.
Ray Howdeshel and Gaines God
frey have filed for junior class
Others who have filed, for junior
offices are James Braentigam, vice-
president; John Cunningham and
David Bailey, yell leader; B. A.
Local Magazine Dealer
Finds Aggies Are Honest
Battalion Staff Writer
One of the College Station’s most
colorful and interesting citizens is
Mrs. Juanita Kearby, founder and
operator of Nita’s News stand at
North Gate.
In her day-to-day contact with
Aggies, Mrs. Kearby, who prefers
to be called “Nita,” has assumed a
motherly attitude toward them.
She constantly receives cards, let
ters and marriage announcements
from former students all over the
In her years at the stand she
has had very few magazines stolen.
Her implicit trust in Aggies has
even led her to leave the store in
their cai-e while she goes for coffee.
She repays them for their hon
esty by allowing the boys to come
in and read magazines without buy
ing them.
Mrs. Kearby has had two sons
attend the college and has a neph
ew who is now a freshman.
It was at her son’s request that
she came to College Station from
Mineral Wells and opened her stand
on Dec. 2, 1947.
She calls her stand “the only
complete newsstand in the College
Station area.” The only types of
magazines she does not sell are
technical magazines and nudist
She said she doesn’t read many
of her magazines, but that she does
“put away a few good ones for
my old age.”
Civil War Veteran
Old Warrior Will Head Base
Battalion Managing Editor
Bergstrom air force base in Aus
tin will change commanding offi
cers Sunday, but only for the day.
Col. Walt Williams, 111-year-old
Confederate veteran from Frank
lin, will be honorary commanding
officer for the day in connection
with Bergstrom’s annual sports car
i-aces. Williams will wear the Con
federate gray unifoi-m with a
plumed cap and a sash.
He is the oldest surviving veter
an of the Civil War and might
have his musket with him Sunday.
Williams will leave his home in
Franklin, 25 miles north of Bryan,
by car and will be met in Bryan
with a military escort. He will
board a plane at Easterwood air
port at 11:06 a.m. and will fly to
Austin by Trans-Texas air lines.
Accompanying Williams will be
his son, Gene, a veteran of World
War II, and his nurse, Mrs. Frances
Those staging the races did not
expect the Confederate veteran.
He simply wrote and asked to pur
chase tickets. After further in
quiry, the base officials decided to
honor him as a special guest. Maj.
Victor W. H. Rankin is in charge
of details for Williams’ visit.
Williams said he had never seen
Ex-Aggie Publishes
First Novel Soon
A 1943 graduate of A&M will
publish his first novel Apx-il 30.
Vurrell Yentzen, of Nederland,
is the author. The book, titled “A
Feast for the Forgiven,” deals with
the Cajun-French people of Bayou
du Sang, La. It is released by
Appleton-Centui'y-Crafts, Inc.
Yentzen majored in dairy hus
bandry here. After serving in
World War II, he was editor of the
National Dairy Products corpora
tion’s farm publication.
a sports car, and he just wanted
to be a spectator.
“I have heard about those cars,”
he said, “and I want to see them
in action.”
Williams is one soldier who has
neither died or faded away. He
took a plane trip last fall to the
State Fair in Dallas. He has as
tounded physicians with his re
markable health. He lives with
his 84-year-old wife, Ella Mae.
Williams was 18 years old when
he left as a volunteer with “Hood’s
Texans.” Hood was a Kentuckian
who had seen military service in
Texas prior to the war.
The soldiers are perpetuated in
history by an unusual incident.
Williams was one of the soldiers
who disobeyed orders at the battle
of Chancellorsville. The Texans
would not attack until Gen. Robert
E. Lee went to the rear. When
they did attack, they won one of
the most important battles of the
The colonel is scheduled to ar
rive in Austin at 11:45 Sunday
morning. He will have a military
escort from the airport to the air
base. After his arrival, Williams,
who last went to war more than
90 years ago, will take command.
Another tidp he wants to make
is to see the monument to Hood’s
Texans on the capitol grounds. Few
soldiers can say they left as many
of their buddies behind them. Some
5,000 Texans marched off to fight
in Hood’s brigade. Only 557 of
them came back.
The brigade seiwed in Virginia
under Robert E. Lee’s command,
and was in Tennessee and Georgia
when Hood took command of the
West. The brigade fought in more
battles than any other Confederate
The one man left of that brigade
is Williams, and he will take over
a 20th century air base Sunday
and see his first sports cars.
More than $140,000 in improvements are being added to
the College View housing units.
Now being installed are new shower stalls for each
apartment. The first shipment of the stalls arrived last
week and installation was begun Thursday. When the job
is completed, 466 stalls will have been put in.
“We are starting with the front row of apartments and
going down the line/’ said Calvin Moore, manager of student
apartments. “We are installing about six or eight stalls a
The project will cost about $35,000, including labor.
A contract will be let April 1 for kitchen sinks and cab-
■♦■inets for the apartments,
Moore said. Youngstown cab
inets and sinks were used in
the specifications for the con
tract bids.
The bottom cabinets will be 66
inches long, and the top cabinets
will be 30 inches tall and 54 inches
long, Moore said.
Cost of this project will be
about $72,000.
New light fixtures will also be
installed this year. The fixtures
for the living rooms, bedrooms and
kitchens will be of the bowl type.
Bathroom type light fixtures will
be installed in the bathrooms.
These fixtures will cost about
$9,000 when installed.
“This is all the work we will be
able to do on the apartments this
year,” said Moore. The buildings
and college utilities are doing all
the work.
Already nearing completion is
the leveling of the buildings in
Colege View. New concrete piers
are being put under the buildings
and the underpinning is being re
paired. Moore said there are
about 20 buildings to be completed.
“As soon as the leveling is fin
ished, the doors and interior parts
of the buildings will be leveled,”
Moore said. This work was begun
in the fall.
Cost of the leveling will be about
$25 - 30,00, Moore said.
Parham, Richard Tackibana, sec
retary; and Jan Broderick, social
Filing for the sophomore class
president are Brad Crockett and
Dick Wall.
Other sophomore filings are Joe
Dixon, vice-president; and Bob
Marshall, sergeant-at-arms.
No one has filed for class agent
or assistant class agent for the
class of ’54.
Plan May Benefit
Civilian Engineers
Non-military engineering grad
uates of A&M may benefit from a
new program of the Department of
the Army.
The program is open to engineer
ing and scientific graduates who
can meet the requirement for the
special Scientific and Professional
Personnel program.
All graduates of the major engi
neering fields are eligible, and also
graduates in chemistry, physics,
mathematics, geology and certain
The candidate must have a BS
degree and at least one year of
experience in his field.
Candidates will serve the initital
basic training course and then will
be assigned a military occupational
specialty number according to the
results of aptitude tests, experience
and formal education.
Most of the men then will go to
officers candidate school or serve
where they ai ! e needed the most,
said Maj. R. T. Willets of the Mili
tary science department.
Miss Marschall
Is Ag Editor
Marie Marschall has begun her
duties as assistant editor with
headquarters here in the Agricul
tural Information Office.
Miss Marschall, according to the
announcement made by Director G.
G. Gibson of the Extension Service,
is a native of Mason but grew up
in San Angelo. She is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Marschall of
San Angelo. Her father prior to his
retirement served as a district ex
tension agent.
She graduated from San Angelo
high school and Baylor University
in 1950. Her majors were journal
ism and english. She taught school
for one year in San Angelo and
since August 1951 has served as
editor of Shellegram, a publication
of the Shell Oil Company in Hous
She will handle home economics
information in the Agricultural In
formation Office and work with
county home demonstration of the
state in developing the information
phases of their work.
EMMETT, Idaho UP)—R. O. Me-
Maham, a real estate agent, figur
ed it was just a routine request
when he asked the city council for
permission to put up one of those
wooden signs he’d seen over the
sidewalk in front of other business
The council looked in the statute
book to make sure, found a 36-
year-old fire ordinance on the sub
ject, and had to order all the
wooden signs taken down.
Wonder Who
Will Do All
The Work?
ROCKFORD, Ill., March 25
(A 5 )—A new Illinois national
guard company was activated
in Rockford this week with
this roster:
One lieutenant colonel, four
lieutenants, seven sergeants,
one corporal, one private first
class and no privates.
Air Reserve Unit
To Change Trainin
Specialized training will soon be
added to the air force reserve train
ing in this area, said Lt. Col. W. S.
McCulley, commander of the 9807th
Air Reserve Squadron.
The training is now generalized
to give non-specialized training and
information, he said.
“If enough officers and airmen
in such fields as administration,
supply, operations and other fields
request training, a program will be
established,” McCulley said.
Weather Today
Outlook tonight is clearing skies
with dust decreasing by tomorrow.
High yesterday 85. Low this
morning 65. _