The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 19, 1954, Image 1

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    Oirciilated Dally
To 90 For Cent
Ol Focal Residents
Published By
A&'M Students
For 75 Years
Number 203: Volume 53
Price 5 Cents
In I luval
Promised Soon
battle of Duval. County had many
fronts Thursday.
Cov. Shivers promised anew to
clean up corrupt conditions in the
turbullent South Texas county.
A tty. Gen. John Ben Sheppard
said you, could look for “new and
interesting” developments there.
A Senate battle loomed over ap
pointment of a successer to oust
ed 79th Dist. Judge Woodrow
A group of Duval County mothers
likened the county to a vist of
“judge, grand jury and prosecuting
attorney, with George B. Parr
turning the screw.”
Parr is the long dominat politi
cal boss of bloc voting Duval coun
Testimony has* been that it was
Pair who was at the root of the
trouble that brought about the ous
tin' of Laughlin by the Texas Sup
reme Court. The millionaire has
also been accused of being the
cause of all the discontent that
has rocked Duval County for
Parr, 52, has accused Shivers
and Sheppard of furthering their
own political ambitions by making
Duval County a target of investiga
Laughlin brushed off questions
of whether he would appeal his
ouster to the U. S. Supreme Court
or seek re-election.
The hint by Sheppard of new
things to come meant new legal
actions to be taken by the state.
The attorney general has already
taken one series of moves and has
said misuse of public funds is
under investigation.
He said in Houston the people
of Duval County were “not afraid
any more” of Parr.
The 1 1 attorneys who signed the
petition for Laugh! in’s ouster of
the four' county 79th District of
fered themselves to fill the vacan
Qiai •ges
In Fort Worth
(lourt Assault
FORT WORTH, March 19
(/P)—The defendant in a cus
tody suit was accused of land
ing a hard right to the jaw of
it television cameraman today,
knocking his camera and light to
the floor.
Key Herbert, a cameraman for
WRAP-TV, said Gaylord Ray
then stomped on the camera and
light. Herbert said he was not
seriously hurt by the blow.
The fracas occurred in a hall
way of the Tarrant County court
house where Herbert was taking
moving pictures of the crowd wait
ing to attend a hearing on a di
vorce and custody suit brought
against Ray by his wife, Hubye
Mrs. Ray was convicted last year
of murder in the beating death of
her foster son, Johnny Ray, 6. She
gave birth to a daughter, Judith,
while in custody awaiting outcome
of an appeal. Her suit asked the
custody of the girl be taken from
Ray and given to her.
Herbert said Ray walked up to
him, cursed him, struck him in
the face, knocking his camera and
light to the floor, and then stomped
the equipment Two deputy sher
iffs jailed Ray at once on an as
sault complaint.
State Sen. Abe Kazen Jr. said
he was opposed to any one of the
11 being appointed.
Jacob Floyd, one of the 11 and
bitter foe of Parr, said Kazen
might be prejudiced regarding the
appointment of Laughlin’s succes
“It may be that since Sen. Kazen
is the son-in-law of Judge Manuel
Raymond of Laredo, who is the
attorney for Duval County, the
(See DUVAL, Page 4)
Composite Sets
Will Hold
Western Ball
The First Composite Regi
mental Ball will have as a
theme, “The Great South
west”. Everyone attending
the dance will wear loud west
ern clothes and no corsages will
be permitted, said Vic Kennedy,
Commander of the First Composite
The ball will be held in Sbisa
hall from 9 to 12, Saturday, March
“The arrangements for the ball
were agreed upon yesterday after
noon at a meeting of the dance
committee in Pete Hardesty’s of
Free soft di’inks and cookies will
be passed out at the dance.
Kennedy hopes for a good turn
out of the seniors from the corps
area. “This will be a stride to
ward corps unity,” Kennedy said.
“We want all the seniors in the
co7'ps to come; they are more than
welcome”, he said.
Tickets to the ball may be se
cured by making a contribution of
one dollar to the Composite Regi
mental Fund. Joe Warrick (dorm
15, room 212) and Phil Jacobs
(dorm 15, room 213) will have the
tickets until Friday, March 25. Af
ter that time, tickets will be avail
able in the guard room of Walton
High school students on the cam
pus for High School Day will be
invited to the dance.
As yet no orchestra has been
selected, but we will have one
which will present listenable, dan-
cabile music, said the commander
of the First Composite Regiment.
House V oies 11 own
'Fax Lowering Bill
By Six Vole Margin
The House beat down by a mai’gin
of only six votes yesterday a White
House-opposed Democratic drive
to cut income taxes.
Then it swiftly passed a huge tax
revision bill cutting other taxes by
about $1,397,000,000 this year.
The action was a major victory
for President Eisenhower, who
appealed on radio and television
Monday night for adoption of the
tax bill as it stood and denounced
AGGIE PLAYERS—Tins is the chorus for the forthcoming Aggie Players’ play “Oedi
pus Rex”. They are (1 to r) Carthell Perude, Pat Crosland, Alan Soefje, Don Powell, Vic
Weinig, Harry Gooding, Bill Swann, Bob Zarbock, and Don Fisher.
'Oedipus Rex’ To Re Given
Twenty Students Show
Interest in Missions
At least twenty students at A&M
are interested in becoming foreign
Dr. Ralph C. Lewis, a medical
missionary from China who was
here Sunday and Monday, held
personal conferences with these
students about the different as
pects of missionary work.
The Aggie Players will present
their second production of the
year, “Oedipus Rex” in five perfor
mances beginning Monday after
noon in the ballroom of the MSC.
“Oedipus Rex” is a classic Greek
tragedy by Sophocles based on the
hot-headed royal family of Thebes.
Evening performances of the
play will be held at 8:15 on Mon
day, Tuesday, and Wednesday
nights. Matinees will be held at
3:15 p.rri. on Monday and Tuesday.
Tickets are 50 cents a person and
may be purchased at the door.
Vic Wiening will play Oedipus
and Mary Mackin will play Jocasta,
his wife. Antigone and Ismene,
FBI to Investigate
Anti-Negro Order
Atty. Gen. Brownell said yesterday
he is having the FBI look into re
ports that city officials at Winter
Garden, Fla., Wednesday ordered
seven Cuban Negro baseball play
ers out of town.
The group is training in Florida
with the farm system of the Wash
ington newspapers headed “town
evicts seven Negroe Nat players.”
He noted that city officials at Win-
ter Garden were reoprted to have
told the seven Negroes to “get out
of town by sundown.”
“The story implies a possible
violation of civil 7'ights,” the at
torney general said. “Now, we
don’t kndnv whether federal law
actually was violated. But the
FBI has stai ted a preliminary in
vestigation so that the criminal
division of the department may de
termine if a full investigation
should be ordered.”
Four Performances
Set For Aggie Rodeo
mond will be the 1954 Cotton
King for the annual Cotton
The annual Texas A&M In
tercollegiate rodeo will be held at
the Texas Aggie rodeo arena April
1-3. Performances will be at 8 p. m.
each evening with a 2 p. m.
matinee Saturday, April 3.
The lodeo will be held according
to the National Intercollegiate
Rodeo Association rules and is
sponsored by the A&M rodeo club.
Teams from colleges throughout
Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and
Louisianna as well as some of the
Southwest conference schools will
be competing for valuable prizes as
will as points that will be totaled
at the end of the year to determine
the champion NIRA cowboy.
The rodeo stock is professional
stock and will be furnished by
Duke Gibbs, owner of the Triangle
Bell rodeo ranch at Belton, Texas.
Seniors to Meet Monday
The nenior class will vote for its
choice for a class gift Monday
night. The meeting is set for 8
p. m. in the Memorial Student Cen
ter ballroom.
Other agenda items are the pre
sentation of a proposed senior class
constitution. Senior class presi
dent Pat Wood urges all seniors to
be present so the constitution com
mittee will be able to continue
their work.
Jim Tyree, Traditions Committee
Chairman will report on the work
of this committee.
The events in which the boys
and girls will be competing are;
Saddle Bronc riding, Brahama bull
riding, ribbon roping, bareback rid
ing, girls barrel race and a cutting
horse contest. The cutting horse
contest is something that is new
to NIRA rodeos. This contest must
be: Jjeld in accordance with the
American Cutting Horse Associa
tion rules and must be judged by
ACHA approved judges.
Oedipus’ daughters will be played
by Martha and Texanne Esten.
Rick Black will play Creon and
Gene Stubblefield will be seen as
Carthell Perdue and William
Huettel will play messengers and
Bill Stewart will play the Thebian
Herdsman. Raoul Roth and Joe
Allen will play the guards.
The play will employ the Greek
device of a chorus to carry the
plot along and to keep the audience
informed of what is happening.
Members of the chorus are Harry
Gooding, BUI Swann, Barbara Hird-
well, Don Powell, Pat Crossland,
Alan Soefje, Donald Fisher, and
Bob Zorback. The chorus was
trained by Vic Wiening.
Costumes for the play are by
Eleanor and Betsy Burchard. The
sets are under the direction of Ra
oul Roth.
The director of the play is C. K.
Esten. The special assistant is
Fay Neale and the introduction for
the play was written by Dr. T. F.
The great Greek tragedies which
have lived through 2500 yeai’s are
not the ordinary fare for theater
goers. The plots have universal
appeal and the dynamic characters
go to their doom romantically or
rationally, but always passionately.
“Oedipus Rex” is one of these
great dramas, perhaps the great
Odeipus is the King of Thebes
as the play opens. He has un
knowingly killed his father, Laius,
the previous king, and has married
his mother, Queen Jocasta. A great
famine is upon the land and no
children are being born.
Ci'eon, Oedipus’ brother-in-law,
reports that the Oracle of Delphi
has said the famine would not end
until Laius’ death has been aveng
ed. Oedipus resolves to right the
wrong that has been done.
‘ Little by little the truth comes
out and Oedipus realizes the great
mistake that has been made. In
remorse he blinds himself and Cre
on grabs the throne. In the final
humiliation, Creon banishes Odei
pus from the kingdom.
Cook Will Serve
As Ag Consultant
Ben Cook, assistant to the dean
of Agriculture at Texas A&M Col
lege, will serve as a consultant dur
ing the agriculture session of the
Texas Junior College Teacher’s As
sociation meeting at San Angelo
College, March 18-20.
J. W. Autry, head of the Agricul
ture Department at Tarleton State
College, Stephenville, will serve as
recorder for the session, and Dr.
Neil C. Fine, assistant dean of
agriculture at Texas Tech, Lub
bock, will serve as consultant,
along with Cook.
The session has listed for dis
cussion, ‘Recommended Extra-Cur
ricula Activities,’ ‘Need for Re
vised Curricula,’ ‘Public Relations
in Agi-iculture,’ and ‘Needed Facili
ties in Agriculture.’
Dairymen Hear
Last Wednesday
“We are facing: a changing
situation in the dairy busi
ness,” Dean C. N. Shepardson
of the Texas A. and M. School
of Agriculture, told 70 dairy
manufacturers and their represen
tatives Wednesday morning at
A&M College.
The group attending the annual
Dairy Manufacturers conference
conies from all over Texas and
from surrounding states.
“Formerly we based our industi’y
on butterfat”, Dean Shepardson
continued, “Now we are faced
with the changing value of butter-
fat and now must take greater
recognition of milk solid-non-fat.
“It is the cheapest animal pro
tein food we can get.”
Dr. Bernard Weinstein, research
chemist of the Crest Food Co.,
Ashton, Illinois, told the group,
“The housewife is continually look
ing for better-tasting and more
nutritional foods.
“Proteins have long been known
as the near perfect food”
Ed Nelson, plant superintendent
for the Carnation Co., Houston,
told the group “the determining
flavor is the determining factor in
the purchase of all dairy products.
“Milk is naturally endowed with
a fine, light, delightful flavor. All
we have to know is preserve it.”
The two-day conference will
touch on most of the current prob
lems of the dairy monufacturing
industry., both promotional and
technical. Among sessions fea
tured on the program are scoring
clinics, milk, cottage cheese, but
termilk and ice cream and mellor-
Dr. A. V. Moore of the Dairy
Husbandry Department at A. & M.
College is chairman for the con
ference, which is sponsored by the
Department of Dairy Husbandry.
Rue Pinalle Op ens
After Talent Show
The Rue Pinalle, located in the
ping pong room at the M. S. C.,
will open immediately after the
Intercollegiate Talent Show on Fri
It will last until 12 p. m. and
there will be an enjoyable floor
show. Don Friend, a junior from
Brownwood, will act as the even
ing’s emcee.
Julia Ann Ferguson from
Stephen F. Austin College in
Nacogdoches will present a unique
dance. Corland Thurman, a torch
singer, and Fannie Lou Mainei’, an
organist, will also be featured in
the entertainment.
The Caper’s Combo will provide
the evenings’ music. Tickets can be
purchased- after the talent show at
the bowling alley desk. Admission
is $.60 per person. Soft drinks will
be sold.
Tension Grows
In Middle East
Jew-Arab Row
TEL AVIV, Israel, Mar. 19
Reports of Israeli and Arab
troop movements and an an
nouncement that Israel will
demand United Nations ac
tion for the slaying of 11 Jews by
marauders tightened the tension in
the Middle East today.
An Israeli spokesman blamed
neighboring Jordan for the killings
by an armed band that boarded
the Israeli bus in Scorpion Pass
in the Negev Desert yesterday.
Jordan “bears all responsibility”
for the slaying, the spokesman de
Israeli sources said bloodhounds,
put on the trail at the secene,
tracked the marauders to the Jor
dan bordei*, 12 miles away, and
declared an Arab headgear of the
type worn by Jordanians, was
found in the blood-smeared bus.
But in Amman, a Joi'dan gov
ernment representative denied his
country was to blame, and de-
clai-ed Jordan was ready “politi
cally and militarily to meet any
developments that might arise.”
The Isi-aeli spokesman called the
incident a “warlike act” and said
“the evidence points to the fact
the outrage was organized and
committed by Jordanians from Jor
dan territory.”
He added that the Israeli gov-
ernment intends to take the mat
ter up with the United Nations
probably in the form of a protest
and a demand for action by the
Security Council.
the Democrats’ income tax cut
plan as unsound election year poli
By a 210 to 204 roll call vote,
taken amid volleys of applause
’rom packed galleries, the House
rejected the Democratic move to
raise the individual exemption for
each taxpayer and dependent from
$600 to $700 a year. This would
have meant a tax cut of $2,400.-
000,000 this year.
This test vote was overwhelm
ingly along party lines. Support- ,
ing the income tax cut were 193
Democrats, 10 Republicans and 1.
independent. Opposing it were 201
Republicans and 9 Democrats.
The revision bill, as passed,
carries a variety of tax reduc
tions in the form of many bigger
deductions for individuals and busi
On final passage of the bill, the
vote was 339 to 80. Voting for it
were 208 Republicans and 131 Dem
ocrats. Against it were 5 Republi
cans, 74 Democrats and 1 inde
Both sides worked strenuously
to corral votes to the very last,
and tension rose in the crowded
chamber when the r’oll call on
the income ■ tax reduction at last
got under way. Adding to the sus
pense over this hot election year
issue, nine members reversed
themselves after casting votes for
oi' against the Democrats’ pro
Rep. Fulton (R-Pa.) announced
he was going to vote with the
Democrats and started to explain
why. Speaker Martin R - Mass
told him sharply speech - making
was out of order. Fulton shrugged
and said in that case he’d vote
with the Republicans.
Democrats weren’t giving up.
They planned to try again in the
Senate, where Sen. George D-Ga.
is sponsoring a proposal to raise
(See TAXES, Page 4)
Brock To Explain Laws
At Mineral Wells Meet
F. D. Brock, chief of the Texas
Feed Control Service, College Sta
tion, Texas, will leave for Mineral
Wells, Texas April 11, where the
Texas Feed Manufacturers are hav
ing a meeting.
Mr. Brock will explain to the
members the functions of the new
Texas feed laws that will affect
The meeting will last through
April 14.
Faculty Discusses
I Mvision I Problems
At its March 16th meeting the
Arts and Sciences Faculty learned
of the problems and progress of
the-Basic Division since its organi
zation in 1950.
The report took the form of a
Two Cattlemen Get
Jail for Smuggling
WACO, March 19—UP> — Two
Southwest .cattlemen were given
federal prison sentences and heavy
fines in a Federal Court yesterday
after lieing convicted of smuggling
a rare breed of cattle into the Uni
ted States from Mexico.
Judge Ben Rice jr. gave a five
year prison sentence to Alph
Broussard, Lafayette, La., who had
pleaded guilty to conspiring to
smuggling the cattle. He fined
Broussard $10,000 and gave him
30 days to straighten out his af
fairs before the sentence begins.
William Babb of Del Rio, was
sentenced to three years and fined
$5,000. If the fine is not paid
within 90 days, two more years
sentence will be imP osec ^
Babb filed an appeal-
eminent had charged the tv o men
took part in a smug£l' n £ P °
which 69 head of rare and costly
Charolaise cattle were ,,,
to the United States. The cattle
was valued at more than 1
million dollars.
panel discussion under the chair
manship of Dr. Ralph Steen. Dean
Bertrand served as target for
questions by the other members of
the panel, wdio were Professors
Hays and Durst, Assistant Pi’o-
fessors Medlen, Stack and Burk-
Dean BerGand expressed a firm
belief in three basic principles: that
what is best for the student is best
for A&M; that students should be
helped to make decisions, rather
than be told what to do; and that
a freshman student with serious
intentions should have time to
make academic adjustments.
In other business Dean Dela-
plane made appointments to com
mittees for study of the by-laws
and for study of the operation of
faculty government. Also Dr. Jen
sen gave a progress report on the
work of the Research Committee.
April Science Meet Set
A regional meeting of the Texas
Collegiate Academy of Science will
be held here on April 2 and 3. Col
leges and Universities from all ovei
the eastern portion of Texas will
send representatives to the meet
One of the most interesting parts
of the program will be the pre
sentation of ten minute papers on
tooics from many of the various
phases of science. Several Aggies
will present papers. ,
Livestock Show
Starts Saturday
In Cattle Center
The Saddle and Sirloin club’s an
nual Little Southwestern livestock
exposition will begin at 1:30 p. m.
Saturday, March 20 in the Beef
Cattle Center following presenta
tion of the judges.
Gene Turnbow, class of ’40 and
former A. H- student and ex-judg
ing team member, will judge all
hqrse classes. Tommie E. Stuart,
class of ’42 and assistant manager
for the Essar Angus ranch at San
Antonib, will judge the cattle clas
Sheep classes will be judged by
J. M. Jones and Marvin J. Bridges
will judge the swine classes. Roy
Snyder, extension service meat
specialist, and Roy Simms, A&M
locker plant manager, will judge
the hams at the ham show. The
judge of the Grand Champion an
imal will be Walter Rice.
The champion showman of the
Little Southwestern will receive a
handsome pair of cowboy boots
coui'tesy of Mr. A. C. Litterst, Jr.,
shorthorn breeder from Buda, Tex-
The annual ham sale will climax
the Little Southwestern and the
auction will begin at 7:30 p. m.
in the Beef Cattle Center with
Walter S. Britton, nationally
known livestock auctioneer, doing
the auctioning.
Weather Today
Fair today with dust; clearing m
late afternoon. High temperature
yesterday 70. Low temperatur*
this morning 61. __ ~