The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 09, 1954, Image 3

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    INiglil Drills Set
For Football Squad
A squad of 104 reported Mon
day night for the opening of spring
football practice. Coach Paul
(Bear) Bryant announced night
workouts for his Cadets Monday
through Thursday. There will be
DeRouen To Be
Track Captain
For Next Year
Dale David DeRouen, sen
ior business major from Port
Arthur was elected captain of
the 1954 Aggie Track team by
t h e varsity lettermen on
March 1. DeRouen is a railer and
2 miler on the team and also runs
half mile on the Ag relays. lie is
a 3 year varsity cross-country let-
DeRouen’s past track career is
almost completely post-high school,
having never competed in a major
high school meet and never
specializing in any one event. He
“participated” in a few small
meets as a senior in Bishop Byrne
High School in Port Arthur.
DeRouen was recruited from the
fish area into Kyle Field and the
Athletic dormitory on the basis of
his showing of promise on the
cross-country course. From here he
developed into the top freshman
miler at A&M and in the South
west Conference.
As a sophomore, he lettered on
the varsity cross - country team,
having to finish in the top ten in
the 1951 conference meet to do so.
He ran the mile the next spring,
finishing third in the conference
track meet and lettering on the
conference championship team of
During his junior year, DeRouen
was runner-up in the conference
rross-countfy meet and came back
Yist spring to win the Southwest
Conference mile championship, and
Von his third major, varsity letter
on last year’s undefeated cham
pionship team.
This past fall he was plagued
with a chronic foot injury and
never did round out into shape for
the cross-country season.
no workout Friday, but drills will
resume Saturday afternoons.
Spring sports day will be March
27 with the intrasquad game set
for 7:00 P. M. on that day.
Seventeen lettermen are among
those squadmen working out.
Players on scholarship ate at
5:15 P. M. yesterday and reported
to Kyle Field at 6:30 for*a meet
ing with the coaches. One hour
later they were working out.
Drills will be scheduled at 7:30
each night.
Yell practice was held in Kyle
Field Stadium shortly before prac
tice officially started. While the
“12th Man” sang the Spirit Coach
Bryant stood at attention, hand
over heart, then sounded a long
loud blast with his whistle and
spring practice was underway.
At Kentucky only boys on
scholarship reported for practice,
but last night over 100 boys wore
maroon and white. Only half of
that number are on scholarship.
This was Bryan’ts first contact
with the Cadets as head coach.
Two years ago his Kentucky Wild
cats beat the Aggies 10-7 on Kyle
Field, and lost last year 7-6.
Temporary addition to Bryant’s
staff is Vito (Babe) Parilli, All
American quarterback at Kentucky.
Parilli will work with the quarter
backs for two weeks. Babe is on
leave from the Green Bay Packers.
After seeing the A&M-Texas film,
Parilli was impressed with the
material. After seeing “We Are
the Aggies.” he said that Coach
Bryant could do “as good a job as
is expected of him, and probably
better. “Babe evaded forecasting
the identity of a starting quarter
back for next season.
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HERE’S HOW—Quarterback Charles Ritchey watches
while Vito (Babe) Parilli demonstrates exactly how the
ball should be handled. Ritchey is one of the six con
tenders for the quarterback post.
Tuesday, March 9, 1954, THE BATTALION ' " - Pa|g 0
Varsity Swimmers
Enter Last Meet
Aggie Soccers
Beat Champions
The Texas A&M Interna
tional Soccer team added an
other triumph to its list of
victories this season. Follow
ing a win over the University
of Houston last week-end, they
defeated the Dallas champions
Sunday by 1-0.
Early in the first half of the
game Cardenas, after some brilli
ant dribbling, smashed through
the Chance Vought defense to
establish a one point lead, which
was maintained throughout the
Though there was no further
scoring during the first half of the
game, the excellent passing tactics
of the Aggies kept the ball con-
tiniously in the Chance Vought
section of the field.
Among the players who disti-
guished themselves in the first
half of the game were Dudley
Swofford. Mauricio Lesage, Emilio
Medina and Ignacio Rangel.
Toward the end of the second
half the Aggies redoubled their
efforts to increase their lead, but
were unable to get past the ex
cellent defense presented by the
Chance Vought goal-keeper, who
played an execellent game. Lee
Blocker and Juan Letts were the
outstanding players of the second
The varsity swimmers will close
out their season this weekend with
the conference meet in Austin
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The Aggies will not field a
strong team but will enter nearly
their limit in each event, hoping
for breaks and also to split up the
points. In the breastroke it will be
Ben Allen, Bill Bedford, Casey
Snell and Deul Wallin. In the back-
stroke it will be Roland Baird,
Tom Devenport, and Carl Maynard.
In the freestyle events there will
be Jim Burns, captain, Frank
Gajewsky, Don Horne, Gale Klip-
ple, Burt Koegl, Don Beutelschies,
Aggie Golfers Win
Meet Saturday
The Aggie golfers won their
opening meet 6-0. against Stephen
F. Austin College, here Saturday.
They travel to Laredo for the
Border Olympics this Friday.
John Kubitz was medilist for the
cadets, with a two over par 72, in
their win over S. F. A. Homer Cal
loway, Bill Franklin, and David
Vandervoot were also victorous.
Lee Pepping, and John Speich.
Diving for the Cadets will be John
Cameron, George Parr, Erwin
Stawicki, and Bill Tutor.
Charlie Hadden looks like the;
only possible triple victor to come
out of the meet. He is expected to
take the 1500 meter, 440 yard, and
the 220 yard freestyle for the
Steers. Behind him in the distance
events will be his team mate,
Alberto Yariat. Bobby Brodanax,
SMU will show one of the finest
teams to come out of the South
west Conference in many years.
They also have the depth that
teams so often need but don’t have.
Special Meeting
and all interested in joining the
club — at
8:00 P.M., TUESDAY
in the
of the MSC
Please be present to discuss
tournament and trip to San An
tonio this weekend.
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