The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 25, 1954, Image 1

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    Circulated Daily
To 90 Per Cent
Of Tocal Residents
Number 193: Volume 53
Published By
A&M Students
For 75 Years
Price Five Cents
World Premier
Tickets on Sale
Tickets for tho World Premier
of "We Are the Aggies” are now
on sale, accoi'ding to Carroll Phil
lips, Ticket Chairman. The tickets
have been distributed to the first
sergeants and are available in Stu
dent Activities Office, Phillips said.
“We Are the Aggies”-is a 30-
jminute motion picture of A&M stu
dents at work and at plhy. It was
filmed here on the campus during
the last three years.
All proceeds from the -emier
go to the Twelfth Man Scho 'hip
Fund which provides four yea. of
college education to some student
who otherwise would not be able
to attend college.
The Premier will be held in
Guion Hall, N Friday, March 5 at
7:15, 8:15, 9:00 and 9:45 p.m.
The uniform for the combat Ball
will be acceptable for the World
Premier, said Col. doe E. Davis,
The premier will be a “Holly
wood Style” affair with outdoor
spot lights, college and campus
dignitaries arriving in limousines,
and a public address system from
which the honor guests will greet
the crowd.
Senate Reps
Are Named
In Election
Residts of the election for Stu
dent Senate representative for the
senior, sophomore, classes, Mitchell
and Bizzel halls were released last
Dight by C. D. (Buddy) Foxworth,
Flection Commission chairman.
The senior class elected as their
representative Elmer E. Kilgore,
civil engineering major from Lu
ll ng, who received 25 votes. Run
ner up was Blase P. Pantuso, chem
ical engineering major from San
A ntonio, who received 24 votes.
Bobby Touchstone from Brown-
wood-was third with 20 votes.
Paul W. Holladay, pre-med. ma
jor from Baytown, was elected the
sophomore class student senate
representative with 39 votes. Frank
Waddell from Roby came in sec
ond with 37 votes.
Senate representative from Biz-
zell was Bei't Sorele, agricultural
education major from Canyon, who
received 7 votes.
The senate representative from
Mitchell is still undecided since
Carl C. Livesay and Jerry C.
Schnepp tied with 21 votes each.
The senior class cast 157 votes,
Ihe sophomore class cast 259, the
)ion-regs in Mitchell 42 and Biz-
le\\ 19.
There will be a run-off election
for the Mitchell hall student sen-
ftte representative between Call C.
Livsay and Jerry C. Schnapp, Mon
day, March 1, between 4 and 6
p.m. The voting booth will be lo
cated near the bulletin board in
Mitchell hall.
LT» Confab Starts;
Craneman to Talk
The sixth annual Industrial
Teacher Conference will be held
at Texas A&M College Feb. 2G-27.
Two hundred are expected to at
Walter R. Williams- jr., director
of Vocational Education and Prac
tical Arts, State Department of
Education, Tallahassee, Fla., will
be the conference consultant, Chris
Groneman, head of A&M’s Indus
trial Education Department and
general chairman of the confer
ence, announced today.
Registration will be held from
4 to 7:30 p.m., in the lobby of the
Memorial Student Center, Feb. 26.
H. D. Bearden, assistant to the
vice-director of the Engineering
Extension Sei-vice, will pr-eside at
the 7:30 p.m. session.- Dr. David
H. Morgan, president of the col
lege, will give the welcome address.
Elmer Westfall, president, A&M
Industrial Education Student club,
will also give a talk.
“Mid Century Trends in Indus
trial Education,” will be discussed
by Dr. Williams and “The Admin-
istrator’s Concept of Vocational
Education and Industrial Aits,”
will be discussed by Dr. Tommy
Singing Cadets
Announce Tour
The Singing Cadets with their
director, Bill Turner, will leave the
campus at 1:00 p.m. March 11th
to perform concerts in Alice, Yoa
kum and Bay City.
The concert in Alice is being
sponsored by the A&M Mother’s
Club and will be in the high school
auditorium. The concert in Yoa
kum is being sponsored by the local
Red Cross chapter. The former
students of the Yoakum area plan
to entertain the cadets with a bar
becue preceding the concei-t and a
reception and dance following their
The Bay City concert is being
sponsored by the A&M Mother’s
Club of that area.
Thompson, superintendent, Kermit
schools and vice-president of the
Texas State Teachers’ Association.
A tour of the A&M shop facili
ties will be had at 8 to 8:30 a.m.,
Feb. 27.
From 8:30 to 10:40 a demonstra
tion on how to get the most out of
your drill press, will be shown
with Warren Sherman and Ed Mc
Carty of the Delta Power Tool
Division, Rockwell Manufacturing
Company, in charge.
Ralph Barton, director of Indus
trial Education, Wharton Junior
College will be in charge of a
demonstration on how to get the
most out of your wood lathe.
Robert W. Brandt of the Stanley*.
Electric Tools Company, New Brit
ain, Conn., will give a demonstra
tion on how to use the electric
How to spi’ay paint ond other
finishes, will be demonstrated by
James K. Terry of the DeVilbiss
Company, Houston.
A demonstration on some foun
dry practices by Prof. E. D. Kranz
of the Mechanical Engineering
Foundry Shop, will be given from
10:45 to 11:30 a.m.
At 11:40 a group photo will be
taken on the steps of the Chemis
try building.
A conference luncheon will be
held at noon in the ballroom of the
Memorial Student Center.
Terrell Newberry, director of In
dustrial Education, South Park
high school, Beaumont, will pre
side. The invocation will be given
Chris H. Groneman, head of
the Industrial Education Depart
ment will chair the conference.
Sponsors are the IED and the
Engineering Extension Service.
by Elden Werner, supervisor of in
dustrial arts, Waco.
A demonstration lecture on glass
blowing will be given by William
Stein, Glass Fabrication Division,
Dow Chemical Co., Freepoi't.
Distinguished service awards will
be presented by Tom Nelms, vice-
president, Wessendorff, Nelms and
Favors courtesy will be given by
Wessendorff, Nelms and Co., Hous
ton and Beaumont and Frank Pax
ton Lumber Co., Ft. Worth.
MSC Council Elect
To Change Set Up
The Memorial Student Center
Council voted last night to re
organize the MSC Directorate. In
addition they rejected a recommen
dation from the Directorate that
they be allowed to elect a repre
sentative to the MSC Couhcil with
out the Council’s approval.
Under the re-organization plan
the Dh’ectorate will be composed
of eight groups rather than thir
teen committees. The groups are
public relations, forum, dance,
house, games, art, music, and hob
by. Under each of these groups
are various committees, such as
browsing library, Junto, bowling,
bridge, i-adio, camera, and audio.
John Samuels, President of the
Council, explained that the MSC
Social and Educational program
was expanding at such a rapid
rate that the Directorate was be
coming unwieldy. He emphasized
that the new organization will al
low more groups to join the MSC
p rogra m.
Workouts Begin
For Judging Team
Gershwin Festival Tonight
Will Be Town Hall Highlight
“Rhapsody in Blue,” “An Ameri
can in Paris,” “Porgy and Bess”—
these and many other well known
musical scores will be heard to
night as Town Hall presents the
Gershwin Concert Oi*chestra in an
all George Gershwin Festival. Per-
fonnances will be at 7 and 9 p.m.
in Guion Hall.
The Festival boasts an “orches
tra of 30 virtuoso musicians, and
famous soloists.”
Critics proclaimed the Festival
“One of the outstanding events of
the season” as it toured nearly 100
cities from coast to coast. George
Gershwin’s sister, Frances, initiat
ed the idea for the Festival.
Jesus Sanroma, solo pianist of
the performance, was the compos
er’s friend and protege. He will
play the Concerto in F and “Rhap
sody in Blue.”
Ira Gershwin, lyricist for most
of his brother’s songs, is the prin
cipal program consultant, assisted
by Robert Bennett, who did the
original orchestrations of much of
George Gershwin’s music. The
conductor is Robert Zeller.
The junior poultry judging team
has begun workouts in preparation
for the Southern Collegiate Poul
try contest April 22 and 23 in
Jackson, Mississippi.
The team will judge against 12
other land grant colleges in three
divisions of the contest, said C. B.
Ryan, team coach. These divisions
are production judging', breed se
lection and market products. Tro
phies will be awarded in each divis
For the past six years A&M
has placed fourth or higher in team
scoring. In 1952 the team placed
first. •
“The boys work on their own
with no academic credit,” Ryan
said. “We plan on lots of hard
work to produce a winning team
again this year.”
Professional Chapter Picks
Area’s Engineer of the Year
The Brazos Chapter of the Texas
Society of Professional Engineers,
Which includes Brazos, Robertson,
Milam, Burleson, Washington,
Grimes, Madison, and Leon Coun
ties, have chosen Spencer J. Bu
chanan as their “Engineer-of-the-
Each year the chapter selects the
engineer who has currently made
the greatest contributions to so
ciety. In 1953 the honor was con
ferred on B. P. Greenwade, city
manager and an outstanding leader
in Brenham. In 1952 the honor
was bestowed on Oscar L. Crain,
Highway Engineer of Bryan.
Spencer Buchanan was employed
by the A. and M. College of Texas
just prior to World War II, but
military service interrupted his
teaching career until 1946, when he
returned as a Distinguished Pro
fessor of Civil Engineering. He
has continued as a member of the
staff of the Civil Engineering De
partment and is the active head of
the consulting engineering firm of
Spencer J. Buchanan and Associ
ates, Inc., with offices in the Var-
isco Building in Bryan. Since 1946
the firm has served in a consulting
capacity for both the Corps of En
gineers, U. S. Army, and the U. S.
Air Force. This work has involved
airfield design and construction in
such places as Japan, Korea, num
erous islands of the Pacific, New
foundland, France, Portugal, and
Africa, as well as the United
States. Engineering projects in
Texas and the Gulf Coast area are
too numerous to relute, but have
varied from designs of small build
ing foundations to multimillion
dollar airfields and wharves.
Mr. Buchanan specializes in soil
mechanics and foundation engi
neering, which involves road and
airfield pavements, dams, levees,
wharves, buildings, canals, rail
roads, erosion control, drainage,
bridges, and similar work.
He has earned respect interna
tionally and was selected by the In
ternational Council on Soil Me
chanics and Foundation Engineer
ing as one of eight engineers to
moderate and direct the technical
sessions in Zurich, Switzerland,
during the conference last August.
He is currently an outstanding
member and Chairman of the U. S.
National Council on Soil Mechan
ics and Foundation Engineering, an
organization which he helped found.
He has long been an active mem
ber of the American Society of
Civil Engineers and is now Chair
man of the Soil Mechanics Group
of the Texas Section. He also
holds several committee assign
ments for the national ASCE or
During World War II, Spencer
Buchanan was Special Staff Ad
visor to Major General Samuel D.
Sturgis, at that time Sixth Army
Engineer and now Chief of Engi
neers, Department of the Army,
and was the engineer in charge of
design and construction of a large
number of airfields built on South
west Pacific islands. He holds an
active rank as Colonel in the U. S.
Army Reserve and is Commander
of the 420th Engineer Brigade (Av
iation). A high level of training
stems from his direction.
Mr. Buchanan graduated from
Texas A. and M. College in 1926
with a Bachelor of Science Degree
in Civil Engineering. He began
his career by working for the San
Antonio and Aransas "Pass Rail
road. The track and bridge foun
dation problems he encountered in
the Texas coastal aiea were build
ing blocks for a great career. Feel-
Local Professional Engineers
select Buchanan as Engineer-of-
t he-Year*
ing that he must get further edu
cation, he left the railroad and
went to the Massachusetts Insti
tute of Technology, where he re
ceived a Master of Science Degree
in 1932. He was employed from
1933 to 1940 by the Waterways Ex
periment Station, U. S. Army, at
Vicksburg, Mississippi, where he
initiated and headed the Soil Me
chanics Division of the Experiment
Station. As their specialist on
levees and dams, he had much to do
with taming the mighty Mississip
pi River.
In 1948 the A. and M. College
of Texas granted Mr. Buchanan a
professional degree as Civil Engi
neer. He is a member of Tau Beta
Pi, the most prominent engineei*-
ing honorary fraternity, having
been elected at Mississippi State
College in 1936.
Professor Buchanan takes an ac
tive interest in directing engineer
ing seniors at the A. and M. Col
lege in the obligations of their
chosen profession. Since 1946 he
has been personally responsible for
arranging a meeting of the seniors
with the Seci'etary of the Texas
State Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers, Dr. Carl P.
Professor and Mrs. Buchanan
live in College Station and are
active members of the St. Thomas
Episcopal Church there. One son,
Spencer J., Jr., is a senior at A.
and M. this year. Another son,
Philip, is a junior at Tulane Uni
versity. ^
A&M Officials Explain
Disciplinary Actions
February 20, 1954
Memorandum to: Colonel Joe E. Davis
From: President David H. Morgan
The delay in this communication to you following our discussion
of Monday, February 15, has resulted from a trip to Oak Ridge, Ten
nessee, on a very important project for the College.
As I pointed out to you in our conveivsation on Monday, the story
in the Friday Battalion relative to the suspension of three freshman
cadets involved in stealing was of such a nature that it would cause
misunderstanding and would work against a positive program since it
was designed to cause doubt in the minds of students concerning the
administrators of the College. The Battalion failed to report that the
sentence was “indefinite suspension” which is a considerably more
severe penalty in our understanding than mere “suspension” as reported
by them. Suspension does mean that “a man is eligible to i-e-enter at
some future date” as reported in The Battalion; however, indefinite sus
pension, according to our discussions, means the same as dismissal if
one removes from the definition of dismissal that a student may never
at any time in the future be permitted to re-enroll at A. and M. College
on the basis of his subsequent record.
As you know, none of us favors a penalty which does not permit
appeal, either immediately or at a future date. In order to guarantee
to the students that there is a difference between suspension and in in
definite suspension, I would appreciate having a notation made on those
cases that re-entry is subject to the approval of the President on
recommendation of the Commandant and the Dean of Men.
College Station, Texas
22 February 1954
SUBJECT: Clarification of Disciplinary Penalties
TO: All Cadets
1. The account in The Battalion, Friday, 12 February 1954, rela
tive to the suspension of three freshman cadets involved in stealing
has caused considerable misunderstanding.
2. The account did not convey that the sentence was “indefinite
suspension”. Therefore, it is understandable the comments made in The
Battalion, in light of the wrong terminology which was used, and we
regret this misunderstanding. “Indefinite suspension” was recommend
ed by the Commandant and approved by the Dean of Men, and is a
more severe penalty than mere “suuspension” as reported.
3. “Suspension” does mean that “a student is eligible to re-enter
at some future date” as reported. “Indefinite suspension” means that
a student will not be considered for readmission to the College until
he has proven himself to be a good citizen which is the same as dis
missal except that it does not necessarily imply permanent separation
from the College.
t 4. “Indefinite suspension” was recommended by the Command
ant because he does not favor any sentence which completly closes
the door and does not permit an appeal, either immediately or at a
future date, if the case should merit.
5. In “suspension” it is the intention to punish in hopes that the
student might return at a specified date without application for re
admission a stronger individual. While in “indefinite suspension” it
is the intenton to remove from this College community students who
by their conduct have made themselves undesirable as Aggies.
6. “Dismissal”, as it has been interpreted in the past, is the same
as the “indefinite suspension” described above, except that in no case
is the individual entitled to make application for readmission.
Lt. Col. Inf. NG
Asst Comdt.
JNo Action Is Taken
By Academic Council
Local Unit Of
National Guard
Keeps Growing
College Station’s own National
Guard Unit is continuing to grow
each week. The Unit moved to
College Station only a month ago
and has increased its membership
by 40%. New recruits are coming
in each week.
Many men between the ages of
17-35 are beginning to realize the
tremendous benefits and opportuni
ties of belonging to the Guard.
Not only do they get excellent
training, but they get a full days
pay for each two hour drill, held
on each Monday night.
Local boys as well as many A&M
students are realizing the benefits
of belonging to this unit. A&M
students like the pay and the op
portunity to learn moi*e about their
branch, but they also like the long
evity they are accruing. When a
student is commissioned on his
graduation, he is going to be mak
ing from .$180.00 to $360.00 more
a year because he was in the
Guard from 2-4 years while in
High school boys are finding out
that as long as they stay in the
Guard they will not be drafted,
because a boy who enlists in the
guard before he is 18M> years old
is not subject to the draft. This
is in addition to the fact that he
is getting paid and having all his
uniforms furnished for him. A
private drills only 48 times a year
and goes to camp for 15 days and
still gets over $150.00 or about
$1.30 per hour.
The Guardsmen are learning that
they can get top military training
in their own home town and will
not have to interrupt their school
ing or quit their jobs. They asso
ciate with men. they know and
trust, plus making new friends that
have the same interest as they.
They are learning to be leaders,
because the Guard stresses leader
ship. It shows how to not only
give orders but take orders and to
respect the rights of others.
Men with prior military serwice
like the Guard because they can
enlist in the rank they held while
on active duty.
Swedish Team
Gives Great Act
Of Gymnastics
Climaxed by a two minute long
standing ovation the Swedish In
ternational Gymnastic Team per-
formed Wednesday in DeWare
Fieldhouse to more than a thous
and highly appreciative gymnas
tic fans.
The sixteen man team which was
made up of a world’s champion,
numei'ous national champions and
several Scandinavian champions,
gave one of the greatest demon
strations of athletic ability ever
seen in DeWare Fieldhouse. The
evening was complete with the at
tendance of the Consul General of
of Sweden, Mr. and Mrs. Eunnar
Dryselius and a member of the
Swedish Parliament, Mr. Henry
The exhibition at College Sta
tion was one of a series of gym
nastic shows on the large campus
es of the United States. The
Swedes have already shown before
60,000 American collegians.
Featuring the 1952 Olympic
Champion in free calisthenics, Wil
liam Thoresson, the entire team
was led in individual exhibitions of
free calisthenics and gymnastics
which exhibited the strength of
man and the grace of the ballet.
Each member of the team fol
lowed the outstandng example of
N. Sjoberg on the parallel bars and
horizontal bars doing giant circles,
pirouettes, fly aways, somersault
dismounts climaxed by a double
somersaulting fly away from the
horizontal bars.
When the team was ready for the
high vaulting table the crowd %vas
ready for anything. In a rapid se
ries of vaults and forward somer
saults over the high vaulting ta
ble the fans received a thrill that
brought them to their feet for the
greatest ovation that has ever been
heard in DeWare Fieldhouse.
In response to questions concern
ing the action taken by the Aca
demic council at its regular month
ly meeting on February 23, Presi
dent Morgan stated that no action
has been taken because no recom
mendation had been received by
the Academic Council from the
Student Life Committee. He un
derstood that the recommendation
was coming, but that another meet
ing would be required by the Stu
dent, Life Committee in completing
the recommendation following its
Final Plans Made
For Combat Ball
Final plans were made Tuesday
afternoon in Pete Hardesty’s office
for the Combat Ball to be held on
March 5, 9-12, in Sbisa Hall. The
committee heads submitted final
reports to B. K. Boyd, coordinator
of committees.
This is the third presentation of
the Combat Ball by the combat
arms at Texas A&M. Bruce Sterz-
ing, in charge of decorations, plans
to give Sbisa Hall a closer re
semblance to a combat atmosphere
than ever before. Claude Hands
and his Band will provide music.
Entertainment will consist of a
short musical perfonhance and a
skit put on by members of the
combat units.
Any non-combat Senior wishing
a ticket to the Combat Ball should
contribute $2.00 to the fund by con
tacting either Marvin Ford in dorm
9-117, or Carl Wilson, dorm 1-217.
Deadline Set For
Senior Ring Order
The deadline for ordering senior
rings for April delivery is Feb. 28,
said H. L. Heaton, registror.
Those students who now have 95
hours and wish to receive their
rings in April must put in their
order before the deadline, said
action on Monday night in approv
ing subcommittees for student pub
lications and yell leaders.
According to President Morgan,
“The Academic Council will not act
on the Student Life Committee’s
I’ecommendation for a change in its
constitution until its next regular
meeting on March 23. A commit
tee will be appointed from the
Academic Council to study the rec
ommended change after the pro
posed amendment to the constitu
tion has been received by the Aca
demic Council. • The effective date
will probably be, according to the
custom of the Academic Council,
the opening of the fall semester of
the academic year 1954-55.”
Wh at’s Cooking
7:15 p.m. — Bell county club
meeting, room 123, Academic build
ing. Called meeting.
Fayette-Colorado A&M club
meeting, MSC. Plan dance.
Panhandle club meeting, Aca
demic building.
MSC Crafts Committee meeting,
craft shop, MSC.
Wichita Falls hometown club
meeting, room 128, Academic build
ing. To discuss High School Day
7:30 p.m.—Southwest Texas A&
M club meeting, YMCA. Refresh
Baytown hometown club meet
ing, Academic building. To dis
cuss picture and plans for spring
Port Arthur hometown club
meeting, room 106, New Biological
Science building.
Beaumont A&M club meeting,
room 104, Academic building. Set
date for Aggieland picture.
7:45 p.m.—Camera club meeting,
room 2C, MSC. Bring cameras to
use the charts which will be pro
vided to check lenses.
8:00 p.m.—South Louisiana Club
meeting. Room 11, C.E. Building.
Discuss plans for spring semester
and Aggieland picture schedule.
Out for 9;00 p.m. Town Hall.