The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 16, 1954, Image 5
Tigers Blast Bellville; Meet Tomball Here With the play-off series evened at one-all, A&M Consolidated high school’s Tigers last night swept to a 50-44 win over Bellville at Nava- sota for district 25-A’s western zone basketball title. The red-hot Tigers play Tomball at 8 tonight in the Tiger gym in the opener of a two-out-of-three series to decide the district cham pionship. They play again at Tom ball Thursday. The third game, if necessary, will be played at Scaly Friday. Bellville evened the series Fri day night on their home court with a 43-40 victory. The Tigers had won the series opener here, 47-38. Center Bobby Jackson again led Consolidated, scoring 21 points.. In WITH STANDS OUT in play q Harder Smashes e Better Cut and Spin STANDS UP in your racket • Moisture Immune • Lasting Liveliness COSTS LESS than gut APPROX. STRINGING COST: Pro-Fected Braid.... $6.00 Multi-Ply Braid $5.00 At tennis shops and sporting goods stores. the three game series he pumped in 55 points. Consolidated jumped off to a 17- 12 lead at the first quarter mark and led all the way, although the Tigers Avere outscored 18-25 in the last half. By the half-way mark, the Ti gers had built up a 32-19 bulge from which the Brahmas could never recover. Bellville center Largie Sisa scored 15 points but couldn’t make up for all of Con solidated’s advantage on the back- boards. Fred Anderson and David Bon- nen put in 12 and 10 points, respec tively, for Consolidated. Bellville led at the free throw line, tossing in 16 of 19, but could not consis tently break through a tight Tiger defense and failed to solve Consol idated’s offense. Friday night the Brahmas over- Ag Soccer Squad To Play SA Team A&M’s soccer team will play Busy Bee of San Antonio here Sun day in the opening game of the spring semester. The game will be played at 2:30 p. m. on the soccer field west of Law hall. The Aggies won three out of four games last semester. Their only loss was to Chance-Vought of Dallas. A&M later edged the Dal las team, 1-0, in a return match here. Probable starters for the Aggies will be: Forwards—V. M. Artecona, Juan Letts, Guillermo Cardenas, M. LeSage and Lee Blocker; Backs— Emilio Medina., Dudley Swofford, Jorge Ducos, Terry Wilson, A. Casas and E. Pabon; and Guy Fernandez, goalie. Other home games will be play ed with the University of Houston, Texas, Chance - Vought, Allen Mulhauser of Dallas and another with Busy Bee. King’s College, precursor of Columbia University, is believed to have been the only college in Colonial America which did nol have a theological faculty. took Consolidated with a second half rally after trailing by three points at half-time. Jackson scor ed 18 points, and Sisa had 15. Bellville held the Tigers to 7 points in the last quarter, after pulling up to Avithin one point at the end of the third period. Tiger Box Scores Consolidated (50) Cooner 0 Beasley 0 Bonnen 3 Jackson 9 Anderson 5 Carroll 3 fg. ft. fl. tp. Bellville (44) fg, ft, fl. tp. Wright 4 5 1 Veckert 1 2 4 4 Sisa 4 7 2 15 Koehn 2 1 3 5 Witte 3 1 17 Luhn 0 0 2 0 TOTALS 14 16 13 44 Free throws missed: Consolidated: Cooner 2, Bonnen 2, Jackson 5, Anderson 3. Bellville: AVright, Sisa, Koehn. Officials: Tex Thornton and S. w. Lynch. Consolidated (40) fg- ft. fl. tp. Cooner . . . . 1 0 3 2 Bonnen . ... 3 2 2 8 Jackson . 8 2 1 18 Anderson . 4 1 1 9 Carroll . . . . 1 1 1 3 TOTALS . 17 6 7 40 Bellville (43) fg. ft. fl. tp. Wright . . . . 2 3 5 7 Veckert . ........ 2 O 1 4 Sisa 7 1 4 15 Koehn . . . . 2 1 14 Witte . . . . i 0 0 2 TOTALS . . 13 7 12 43 Fish Tennis Team Has Bright Future A&M’s freshman tennis team may be the best in recent years, said W. M. Dowell, Aggie tennis coach. “The Fish team has better pro spects this year than in the last two or three seasons,” said Dowell. He listed Don Dixon, Gordon Glover, Jake Harper, Tommy Mor rison, Therman Watson, Alton Kremvelge and Bill Davis as the best prospects. Dixon now is the team’s number 1 man. The Fish open the season Friday, meeting San Angelo high school here in a practice match. “I feel that the entire team Avill make a good showing,” said DoavcII. Ags To Enter 38 In Mexico Meet jiriE National Advertising Service, Inc. AMERICA’S LARGEST COLLEGE NEWSPAPER REPRESENTATIVES GRADUATION... iVhat kind of a job do YOU want? If you still haveiVt made up your mind, here's how to get practical information that may help you decide All over America there are thousands of young men and women in college who are genuinely uncertain about this question of a business career. Perhaps you are one of them. Perhaps you’ve talked with your placement bureau about prospects in transportation, in engineering, or in one of the new, fast-growing industries like electronics or plastics. Only you still find it hard to make up your mind when you’ve had no personal experience in considering the kind of facts and figures that might decide your whole business future. As advertising representatives for over 700 college news papers, we’ve long been aware of this campus problem. And, since we deal with some of America’s biggest companies, we also know that there is a good deal of authentic business data available that would be very helpful to college students con sidering a career. So if you’d like to be better informed about a particular field, fill in the coupon and turn it over to the business manager of this paper. He’ll send it to us. Let us make it plain that we’re not establishing either an employment agency or an information bureau. But we will do our best to see that your inquiry is referred to the proper source. In some cases you may hear directly from companies in the field you designate. In others you may receive an industry-wide report. It is entirely possible that, in some fields no information will be readily available. But we do know that American business is keenly aware of its responsibility to American youth and constantly on the alert for promising prospects. So send in your coupon today. You have nothing to lose—and a great deal to gain. TURN IN OR SEND THIS TO THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THIS PAPER I want to know more about career pos sibilities which involve the following: (Please indicate your choices in order of preference) A&M Track Coach Frank G. An derson released the names of 38 Cadets who will participate in Sat urday’s meet Avith the Mexico na tional track team at Kyle field. The international meet is spon sored by the College Station Ki- Play ers Meet New Coaches A&M’s football players and their new coaches met for the first time yesterday as Paul (Bear) Bryant and his assist ants continued work on spring football practice. Bryant has announced that spring workout Avill start March 3 and will last through March 27. He expects about 100 to turn out. Yesterday was the first chance Bryant and ucav assistants — Jim Owens, Phil Cutchin and Jerry Claiborne—have had to meet with the players. Pat James, the other new assistant coach, still is in New Boston, O., Avhere his mother is critically ill. Charles (Smokey) Harper, the new trainer, arrived Sunday night. Seventeen lettermen will be on hand for spring drills, along with several outstanding members of Willie Zapalac’s freshman team of last year. Under the ucav set-up, Zapalac Avill be the chief scout and Avill help Avith the backs. Returning lettermen are: Guards —Louis Capt, Marvin Tate, Sid Theriot and Ray Barrett; Tackles—• Larry Winkler, Jack Powell, Fos ter Teague, and Norbert Ohlen- dorf; Ends — Bill Schroeder and Bennie Sinclair; Center — Fred Broussard; Backs—Bob Easley, Joe Boring, Don Kaehtik, Billy Hud dleston, Ehvood Kettler and Joe Schero. Good prospects up from the Fish team are: Backs Bobby Keith and Jack Pardee and Linemen Eugene Stallings, Dick Munday, Lloyd Hale, Bobby Lockett and Houston Green. wanis club. Tickets are 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for students. A women’s dual meet, featuring the Gulf Coast Women’s AAU team and Mexico’s national women’s team, also will be held. The fe male events will be run off before each male event. Field events will start at 2:30 p.m., with running Gvents sched uled to begin at 3. All events will be in metric distances. Anderson expressed high hopes for A&M’s chances of victory but expects stiff competition in most of the events. “I hope everybody that can pos sibly make it will come out for the meet,” he said. Aggie trackmen scheduled to compete are: 100 meters—Don Watson, Bobby McCarn, Bill Holloway, Pete May- eaux and Kyle Killough. 200 meters — Watson, McCarn, Holloway, Mayeaux, Killough and Frank Norris. 400 meter relay — Harley Har- tung, McCarn, Carroll Goyer and Mayeaux. 400 meters—Carroll Libby, Ger ald Stull and Terry Vetters. 800 meters—Wallace Kleb, Jerry Cashion, and Carl Wilmsen. 1,500 meters — Dale DeRouen, Verlon Westmoreland, Robert Hooper and Bob Boles. 3,000 meters — DeRouen, West moreland, Hooper, and Bill Cocke. High hurdles — Jim Hollings- Avorth, Hartung, and Tom Dollahite. 400 meter hurdles—Kenneth Fry, Don Tedder, Watson and Stull. 1,600 meter relay—Norris, Stull, Vetters and Libby. High jump—Marvin Swink, Jer ry Thomas and Bernie Post. Broad jump—Howard Robinson, Jim Stansel and Tommy Strait. Pole ' vault—Billy Tutor, James Earle and Ed Reeder. Shot put—Bobby Gross, Tom Bo norden and Fred Hartman. Discus—Gross, Bonorden and Jim CavitL Javelin —■ Mayeaux, Dollahite, George Knipple and Joe Wilson. Hop-step-jump—Robinson, Stan sel, Strait and Dollahite. Harper Carries Gold Dust, Too By RONNIE GREATHOUSE Battalion Sports Staff If precedent is followed, some of the gold dust that Charles (Smoky) Harper carries in his liniment bottles should rub off on A&M’s football teams. Harper, A&M’s new trainer, ar rived here Sunday night. The 55- year-old native Georgian (you can tell it by his accent) comes here after four years at Kentucky. Success seems to be a habit with the football teams that Harper has taken care of. Four have played in bowl games, and three have won the Ncav Year’s Day classic in Avhich they appeared. Three teams have won championships, and at least SIX of his players have been chosen on all-America selections. Yesterday ivhen The Battal ion’s photographer went to take his picture, Harper said, “Wait until I put on my Texas Aggie jacket—I’m an Aggie now.” “I am very much impressed with the spirit and the friendly people here,” said Harper. “I’m glad to come to A&M.” His first contact with the Aggies came in 1952, when the Wildcats outscored the Aggies, 10-7, on Kyle field. “In 1952 I was really impressed with the student body’s spirit,” he said. “This spirit is one reason we came to A&M.” While Harper Avas at Alabama, the Crimson Tide won the 1945 and 46 Rose Bowl games. Kentucky won the 51 Sugar Bowl and the ’52 Cotton Bowl games Avhile Har per was there. The list of players that Harper has administered to reads like a list of football’s Who’s Who— Vito (Babe) Parilli, Harry Gil mer, Bob Gain, Doug Moseley, Vaughan Mancha and Steve Mei- linger. All were all-Americas. Parilli and Gilmer rewrote the passing record books. Gain, Mose ley and Mancha were among the I outstanding linemen of the nation during their playing days. Mei- linger was the one-man team of | the ’52 and ’53 Kentucky eleA^ens. Harper considers the unbeaten I 1950 Wildcat team which rolled) oA r er Oklahoma in the ’51 Sugar Bowl the best he has ever trained. I He first met Paul (Bear) Bryant, the neAv Aggie head football coach and athletic director, at Vanderbilt in 1940. Bryant then Avas an as sistant coach. Starting his 28th year as a train er, Harper was employed at six other schools before coming here. He started in 1926 at Clemson and moved to Vanderbilt, where he was employed three different times, | Florida, Alabama, UCLA and Ken-| tucky. Harper is a 1923 graduate < Mercer college at Macon, Ga., wheroj he earned four letters each in base-| ball and basketball, Mercer thenj avus an all-male college. DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS 210 S. Main Bryan Pho. 2-1584 NAME: I N THE still of the night—high above a sleeping American city—an unidentified aircraft is spotted. In a matter of seconds a lightning-like jet interceptor takes to the air. Unerringly, with an Aircraft Observer showing the way, the Air Force F-94 Night Fighter speeds to intercept the stranger. The Aircraft Observer is the man behind the pilot —the officer who keeps America's planes flying on course and on target. Without him the Air Force couldn’t do its job. What is the Aircraft Observer? He's a Radar Officer . . . employing an all seeing eye that penetrates where human sight fails. He’s an Aircraft Performance Engineer Officer ... know ing everything there is to know about his plane . . . keeping it fit for the skies and ready for action. He’s a Navigation Officer . . . plotting his plane’s course . . . with an entire crew depending on him for a safe flight. He’s a Bombardment Officer ... in full control of the plane over the target area . . . the Air Force Officer who “lowers the boom” on the enemy. What the Aircraft Observer gets He earns over 55,000 a year. His silver Aircraft Observer wings give him prestige and distinction, and he wears the bars of an Air Force Lieutenant. They mark him as the eyes, ears, and brains of America's Number One flying team. What it takes to be an Aircraft Observer The Aircraft Observer must be sound of limb, keen of mind, and above all, must have the determination to be the best. To qualify as an Aircraft Observer you must be single, between 19 and 261/2 years old, and a high school graduate. However, it will be better for you and the Air Force if you stay in college and graduate before you apply. Then you, too, can be one of the best ... as an Aircraft Observer.