-1 I ■ '/ and put on a Ladgie fSisa le and scored half. 13 of 21 free ado good on ?ers now have >re . Ross, Walton, B-15, between 7:30 and 10’5(t r.m. Phono 6-3660. 1950 STU DEB AKER, door, good condition. Bizzell. $495.00, proen, / 1- See Caldwell,’ 107 7 FT. REFRIGERATOR, good condition,- 504 Park place, phone 6 1122. 1953 JAGUAR Sports XK 120. Best offer. Capt. J. R. Kenyon, Box 352, Bryaii AFB, BOQ, B-22, Apt. 4. SENIOR BOOTS To % C, 15~to 15% inch calf, 2 pairs boot pants (kakhi and pinks) 30-31 inch waist, one green shirt. Call 6-2561 after 5:30 p.m. '53 MERCURY MONTEREY HARDTOP 12 weeks old, 3300 miles. Fully equipped. Will lake a trade-in and can finance. “ BOX 557. A-l-X College View, 6-1703 WANTED GOOD used Cornet. Phone 6-3697. • SPECIAL NOTICE ' MOTHERS—Leave your girls (2 years and oideri in rare of competent Mother. Vr»kiy or dally rales. For further In formation, contact. Mrs. G O William son, B-20-C College View. U Am c A 3 K 7 r A „ RK C l chl,d 111 “y home, Apt. ( -3-Z College View. TO TYPE your ihemes and reports iTIiT RnsInU!""™ ' 1 'r Pe V i ' er froni Bryan Business Machine Co., 429 s Main st Calculators. Add “ ,e Uacl,ines a,ld Brid'e.i CALL 4-9099 for typing and related work' WANTED: Typing. Reasonable Phone: 3-1776 (after 5 p.m.) rates HELP WANTED ■MEN (o solicit subscript Chronicle in new are? College View. Commission of subscription. See Carter Pr Guernsey St . or phone 3-3905. Prompt Radio Service -- C A L L — Sosolik’s Radio Servicfc 712 S. Mam St. PH. 2-1941 BE TAN medicine student, has sold some he has made. Rufus Turner and Louis Dabney, architecture design students, built the mobile that hangs in the main lounge of the Memorial Student Center and two that are on display at the architec ture department. " Tomorrow—How to build your own mobile. Family Favorites By Mrs. Charles Byrd (Ed, note Mildred Byrd is well qualified to edit our Family favorites column, since cooking is part of her job. She is (he home economics teacher at A&M Consolidated high school. Mrs. Byrd is alt r ende / 1 North Texas st ate college. She has lived n College Station for three years. Capt. Byrd is a dorm counsellor the freshman area, and is doing graduate work toward his masters degree m agricultural education. The Byrds have two children, 1 at, 13, and Chic, 10, both students at A&M Consolidated school. They arc members of the First Baptist church.) , rm T hls , °, ne served as a summer dessert. It’s one of our vciy best favorites; 1 think the kids could eat it every day. Pineapple Ginger Ale Sherbcrt pkg. of lime or lemon jcllo % cup lemon juice %c?n suVar 101 ' o CUPS un f wc «tended pineapple juice 74 cup sugar 2 cups pale dry ginger ale Dissolve jello and sugar in hot water; add lemon juice, pineapple K™ an< ? gmgei j a J e ‘ Pour int0 feezing tray. Set refrigerator at coldest temperature and freeze until thick. Turn out in cold mixing bowl and beat with electric or rotary beater. Return to cold tray and freeze until This one is used as a main dish. It’s one of my few original re- cipes, 1 discovered it back when I was a bride. Although I’ve entered it into seveial contests, its never won a prize, but my family likes it. Pepper-Pot Soup Meat Loaf % cup dry bread crumbs % cup grated onion 1 can pepper pot soup 1 teaspoon salt Iva Pounds ground beef dash pepper Mix all ingredients well. Place in shallow pan and bake in mode rat 6 oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Thursday, February 11,1954 THE BATTALION Page 5 Art Work Advised For Taming Youths Young Adults Class Plans Dish Supper There will be a covered dish sup per and social at 6:30 p. m. Satur day for the young adults class of the^ A&M Presbyterian church. The supper is sponsored by the seekers class of the church. Hosts for the evening are Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Cech, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harland, Maj. and Mrs. Robert Willets, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Zobel. Landers Elected Student of Month Roger Q. (Jakie) Landers Jr., senior range and forestry major from Menard, was elected the 4-H Student of the Month at A&M by the Collegiate 4-H club. Landers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Q. Landers sr., is president of the Collegiate club and will ap pear on the Texas A&M Farm Review March 20 in Dallas. Junenile delinquency may be cut down by the children’s ability to e x p r e s s themselves creatively, said Mrs. R. R. Lyle at a meeting of the Child Study club. The club met Wednesday morn ing at Mrs. Lyle's kindergarten, 715 Park Place South. While discussing her topic, “Creative Art,” Mrs. Lyle said that artistic talent, which was once thought to be hereditary, can now he found and should be encouraged in children by parents and teachers. Students to Install Officers Sunday Officers of the Presbyterian Stu dent league will be installed at 6:30 p. m. Sunday at the Presby terian Student center. Officers are Fair Colvin, mode rator; Bud Whitney, vice- mode rator; Murray Milford, fellowship chairman; Bill Minor, clerk; and Martin Burkhead, treasurer. Freshmen elected to the council were Fritz Landers, Murray Milner, and Ed Burkhead. I he installation will be followed by a debate on the proposed plan for uniting the three major Pres byterian churches into one church. Grass Fire Here Causes No Damage A grass fire yesterday at 11 a. m. caused no damage, said Ran Boswell, city manager. The fire was at 1017 James Parkway in College Hills. The fire started when some trash in the alley caught fire, Boswell said. She feels that this creative I ability should be encouraged early) and continue through adolescence. The creative instincts expressed I through dancing, art, and music, she said, can aid older people after retirement because they will be| more content. Mrs. Lyle’s talk was illusti-at’eil by demonstrations of children’ art, dancing and music. She wat assisted by Mrs. A. D. Medlcn, 61o| Welch S. After the meeting refreshments! were served with Mrs. Lyle as| hostess. IE Wives Hold First Meeting o The IE Wives club held the first meeting of the spring semester! Tuesday evening in the YMCj cabinet room. The club is composed of thu wives of all Industrial Educatiorl and Industrial Technology majors] The meeting was called to order by the new president, Betty Fostr A fund raising project for tlu club was discussed, and member ;| decided to bake for a basket to bi passed among the club. The officers announced that thil next meeting would feature rf demonstration of the Necchi sewiml machine. After the meeting ginger ale anti cake squares were served by I hi hostesses, Jo Ann Richardst Joan Mitchell and Martha Hall. Hostesses for the next meetinjl are Betty Foster and Laver Lipps. It will be Tuesday, Feb 2l at the YMCA. Extraordinary Meats at Ordinary Prices FRYERS VELVEETA Fresh or Smoked Vf PICNICS . . . . II,.39c • LOST • GKKKN Samsonite overnite bag, possibly in College View or campus. A-6-D Col lege View, Call 4-1281. • FOR RENT • Four. ROOM botiso with screened porch. 102 Park Place, Phono 4-7411. LARGE partly furnished apartment. North gate. Utilities paid. $50.00 per month. Phone 6-2332. PRTVATK ROOM and bath for two men Outside entrance. Phone 6-6188. ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom unfurnished du plex apartment with o,arport and utility room near Millers Shopping center on Ilwy. 6, phone 4-1162. ONE nice comfortable bedroom in my home. Phone 4-7054 or come by 401 Dexter South, College Station. •EWING machines. Pruitt’s Fabric Shop. • Notice • Important Meeting SOUTHWEST TEXAS A&M CLUB Lounge YMCA 7 p.m Tonight AH members urged to be present Official Notice CANDIDATE FOR DEGREES Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirement:-: for a degree by the curl of the current semester should call by ihc Registrar's office NOW and make formal application for a degree. March 1st is the deadline for filing an application for a degree to be conferred at the end of the current semester. This deadline applies to bolh graduate and undergraduate .sludcnls. It. L. Heaton Registra.’ Changes in the list of courses for which any student is currently registered may be made only on the recommendation of the head of each department concerned and wdh the approval of the dean of the stu- den s school. A student may not add courses after Feb 6, Any course dropp»d after Saturday. Feb. 13. shall normaliv cany a grade F. • T F. Abbott. Dean of the College • Blue line prints • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 Hormel Midwest BACON..... Hormel All-Meat FRANKS. Freshly Ground Wholesome GROUND MEAT Choice Baby Beef wwm* Feet Off—Heart o’ Texas lb. 49? lb. box T9c Hormel All-Meat—Big BOLOGNA lb. 39c I ft ' . I . V - ■ ( 'mi t i i Krafi’s Cheese Food Choice Baby Beef lb, 69c SEVEN -STEAK Choice Grade lb.49c ROUND STEAK. lb. 35c 3 lbs.. . . - lb. 49c • lb. 69c - - $1.00 * Grocery Spedals February Issue Belter Living Magazine Contains Entry Blank for Nationwide MRS. AMERICA CONTEST. MORTON’S ANNIVERSARY SALE L-g’ Jar—MOKTON’S STKINED HONEY- With Purchase 39c Size -FREE* Potato Chips ..... pkg. 35c Jar—SANDWICH SPREAD—FREE! Mith Purchase Morion’s Salad Dressing pint 27c POTTED M 1 4T :i ' /j0 ” €ans Red Crown ... CAN 6 C ADMIRATION COFFEE 3?,,“” HORMEL 0LE0 BISCUITS KIMBELL’S BEST FLOUR C RIS C 0 SUGAR I Oz. Cans Red Crow,, Vienna Sausage ..... can 15e 14 n-r ii..;.,.. FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES No. 5 Size—Iceberg LETTUCE Fresh Firm Green CABBAGE No. 3 Size CELERY - . heat! 5 C . . lb. 2c stalk 13c No. I While ONIONS .... Nicest Fruit, Central American BANANAS . . . lb. 9c 2 lbs. 27c (Limit 2 Please) l POUND ... ... Limit 3 While They Last Pillshury’s or Ballard’s _ 5 Lb. Bag KimbelPs Best EACH c For Better Baking. Limit One Please Imperial CancL— —- B LB. can 10 LB. — bag 79c 89c Oz. Heinz Catsup ...... bottle 23e m a * i, i£ y Pasteurized—G Gallon Boltles Milk 2 hollies 75e (Plus Bottle Deposits.) factory Deal. White, Yellow, Devil’s Food Swansdown Cake Mixes 2 pkgs. 39c 15 Oz- Pkg. Suomaid^ Red or Blue Package Seedless Raisins .... pk<*. Large, Fully Guaranteed, Local—(In Paper Bags) kggs doz. I Lb. Box—Sunshine Krispy Crackers .... each 1 optilar Brands—(Others Proportionately) Cigarettes ..... carton $2.09 pkg. 23c 6 Oz. Pkg. Chocolate Chips Herslicy Dainties . EldCrbt ’ lry ’ - Gherry Jellies jar! No. I Cans—Standard Tomatoes . . FROZEN FOODS 6 Oz. Oils—Sndwcrop ORANGE JUICE. 13* Three-for-ihe-price-of-two sale. (Arriving Friday Noon)—DOWN YFLAKE WAFFLES 3 pkgs. 43c Two-for-the-price-of-one Sale. TURKEY PATTIES . . i’t EAST’S 2 pkgs. 61c Vz Gal. Holiday or Lilly MELLORINE pkgi 59( . 1 Lb. Pkg. Rirdseve PERCH FILLETS . . ean 10c Sfokely’s Honor Brand CHOPPED BROCCOLI Birdseye GREEN PEAS . . • Pkg. 4Jc 12 Pkgs. 35e 2 pkgs 9c 19e ) 49c !5e Southside Food Market Specials 4 p.m. Thurs. Afternoon — Friday & Saturday, February