The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 15, 1954, Image 3
I 18 f gies ds says that many guages are related can speak so that ese students what onfined her friend- gn students either, years she has been s dinner to all the nain on the campus ays. Also, she gave iod for this year’s oses live at 6005 in Bryan. They nmy who attended daughter Nell, a as University, who Uurope. il ly Cash ipot’s BERING r. Surveys dd Engr. •. of Materials raulic Tables ib Man for Iraulic Tables a ter Supply & lNDRY m. of Dairying Butter Industry ticrobiology of s, Mod^i'n Survey of Labor 4mer. Eco. Hist. to Educ. in nerica & Prac. of n Sec. Schools m, Teacher & Student Teach- Basic Test for io-visual Meth. lem. Ed. Psy tal Hygiene . of Adolescence DBA WING ■h. Descrip. es on Print ENGINEER- Intro. Prob. elding Fund, ngr. Meeh. p. Thermo. ;cha nism 3. Mach. Elem. >b. in Design Problems rdbock 'ech. Engr. leaf Power ’eat Power . Metallurgy tJCATION isrs Bible ro. to Com. Teach in P.E. Track & Field amp Counseling aseball Physics v. Physics ysics in Mod. BANDRY ultry Sc. & urkey Mgmt. atchery Mgmt. Poultry Breed- 3NGR. ndus. Mgmt. in. Analysis Do By A1 Capp 3K1EST ABE. PPED eJEST JG 'NUFP / '’METO ) Ah THET 7 ST DANGER/T- sy Walt Kelly OW ! A/A ?/-/£%/ ) iv/r/Y ' t(? ElAM/MS ? cejMCtiY W— J Z 2^—^ 9 ■ c * Ags Play Potent Friday,. January 15, 1954 THE BATTALION Page ere Tonight; Fish Idle When the TCU Horned Frogs invade DeWare Field House to night for a Southwest conference basketball game with Coach John Floyd’s Aggies, the scoring ace to stop will be Ray Warren. Radio Station KORA will broad cast the game. No freshman game is scheduled. Sidelined with an injury early in the season, Warren was expected to lead the Frogs back into the win ning column, but TCU has dropped four of five games since his re turn. Big disappointment to Coach CSiCLi ENDS TODAY ALSO SATURDAY ONLY o N Y EXPRESS’’ Charlton Heston Rhonda Fleming — A L S O — 5 A Slight Case of Larceny Mickey Rooney Eddie Bracken TODAY & SATURDAY Sweeps t!>s fl.rizo"} FrentkB m sW'--liasas! Tbe APACHE adams ‘Technicolor PBEVUE FRIDAY SUN. — TUBS. JTG/ PBEVUE SATURDAY - \ : ‘ UA.V Byron (Buster) Brannon in recent games has been Henry Ohlen, 6-7 center, wdio has fallen off his usual scoring pace. Tuesday night the big center tallied only five points in the game with Rice. Indications are that tonight Brannon will bench Ohlen and start Charles Brown at center. Brown is a 6-4 junior who trans ferred from Wharton junior col lege, where he was all-America in 1952. Registering losses in their first two conference games, the Horned Frogs will be seeking a win to stay out of the league cellar. Starters for TCU tonight pro bably will be Warren 6-7, and Son ny Lampkin, 6-2, forwards; Brown, center; and Buddy Brumley 5-11, and Virgil Baker, 6-1, guards. For the Aggies, it will be James Addison, 6-6, and Howard Home- QUEEN NOW SHOWING Bing’s most BING CROSBY v CLAUDE DAUPHIN with CHWSTla* FftimCADE ce Th. LW. Boy Produced by WU'AW PEPLBERG Dir 6C te(j by GEORGE SEA T 0M 'VriHeo 'or the •j-W" bv GEORGE SEATON £ir«l I'cy Bov Lost" 0, ws-,"1-1(0 ■ ,.u RE'" SOROS - ly-irs b, i,..,, es--v.. -Kxfc.tybRWVKKKaa • A.»A#AMOU!»T’»ICniRE ENDS’ TODAY starring RICHARD TODD»EVA BARTOK Star of "ROBIN HOOD" JOHN GRE6S0N A .» Arthur Rank Organization Present*t!«! Peleased Thru UNITED ARTISTS — Also •— -yith ffilQ HATTIE - A UfUVSRSAL-tNTERNSItONAl piXTURi SATURDAY ONLY Preview Sat, 10,SO P.M. Also Sunday and Monday 5resonta !l -vj. CAijcraa a\' C o..-_ "uMCoa KUil ivlCOCA is or l i-a V vm tR b'.CC, vy b) yer, 6-5, or John Mcllhenny, 6-3, forwards; Roy Martin, 6-8, center; and John Fortenberry, 6-3, and Joe Hardgrove, 6-2, or Pat McCrory, 5-11, guards. After tonight’s game, the Ag gies give up basketball until Feb. 1, when they meet the Arkansas Razorbacks in Fayetteville. Coach Larry Hayes’ freshmen, with a record of five wins against a single loss, also will return to the cage wars on Feb. 1, traveling to Jacksonville to meet Lon Morris junior college. Four To Cel Awards at A&M Sports Banquet Four awards, tomorrow will be made to football players at the annual winter sports banquet honoring the A&M football and cross-country teams. The banquet will be held at 7 p. m. in Sbisa hall. Tickets, which are $2.50 per person, will be sold at the door. About 500 are expected to attend. The following awards will be made to footballers: Bert Phaff award to the best blocker; Lipscomb-Loveless awai’d to the most valuable player and the team captain; Herb Smith awai’d to the best little man on the squad; and the A. M. Waldrop award to the best lineman. The Smith awai’d this year will be pi’esented for the first time, in honor of the little Aggie end on Hie 1939 national champs who was killed in World War IL H, E. and A. O. Nicholson of Dallas will make the award. Louis E. Throgmorton, Dallas in surance executive, will be the speaker. W. N. Colson, Bryan in surance man, will be the toast master. Bowlers Elect Officers To Fill Vacated Posts The Bowling club has elected three new officers to fill vacancies for the spring semester. Tommy Cox was elected vice- president; Bill Shepard was elect ed as club Treasurer; A1 Peck was elected recorder. TONITE — 11 P. M. ILVANA i NO Gaby Moriay • Rat Vallone - Jacques Oumeshil crd featuring VITTORIO GASSMAN NOW SHOWING All its scenes filmert m Seetlenifi. Cornwell end on the Mediterranean t\ Warner Bros, PRESENT itootRi loiis STtnmrs the Master of pilJIMTRAE ceic* By E C H CO LG?«? errol Flynn 'i EEMR'CE CAM PE ELL-WON NE FURNEAUX ROGER LIVESEY '-A! Tl, 0N> STEEL HERS MEADOW 'iLEUvUCC WILLIAM \E:GHLfD) Sat. Nile Pr CiGL05 ?.!31S!C5n He Studies Grass, Too llicCrory Talks Basketball Easily By TERRY MICHAEL Battalion Sports Staff A big box of grass stared ^this reporter in the face when he walk ed into the room of Pat McCrory yesterday. Like a lot of students, McCrory a senior animal husbandry major, who is a junior in eligibilty was studying for a quiz the next day, but he didn’t take long to change the subject to basketball. McCrory, for those who didn’t see the Texas game, is the Aggie guard who made a general nuis ance of himself to the Steers on de fense in his first varsity starting assignment. He scored 12 points to lead Cadet scoring and grace fully dunked in three gU'uight jump shots early in the fourth quarter which jvatfq A&M a 38-37 lead. He is now fifth in team scor ing with 47 points. Texas BIG Game That was the BIG game of his basketball career. “We really wanted to win that game,” Mc Crory said. “Not only because it was Texas, but also because we wanted to win one for the coach. Everyone was playing his heart out.” McCrory said, “I think things are going to straighten out, and that we’ll play much better ball before the season is over.” “We have a great bunch of freshman players,” he continued, “They seem to be well satisfied here and should produce a good ball club in the future.” Basketball Important For a long time, basketball has played a big part in McCrory’s life. When he was in about the sixth grade, he picked up a bas ketball and has been playing with one ever since. His home town of Waelder will sound familiar to a lot of Aggie fans. , Leroy Miksch, captain and high; sscorer of last season’s team, also is fropi ,, r fchei'e.. The. two played together-i,n high school. “Waelder |s,i:^lly a basketball town,” said McCrory. “Everybody turns out when ’ there’ll a’ ga m e . When we went to the state finals in Austin, our city,,police even,.gave us-an escort J’ .The team playedin the* st^te finals twice when Mc- Cfdry jvas oh it. ;s To Compete Ill SWC Relays The Southwest conference swinir ming relays will be held in P. L. Downs jr. natatorium Saturday at 3 p. m. No admission will be charged. A&M, Texas, and SMU are the only teams expected to participate, but Rice may compete also. A&M Coach Art Adamson says, “SMU, the defending champions, will probably win. TU will have a strong team, and we have a pretty good team ourselves”. Coach Red Barr of SMU has said that the Mustangs may be even stronger than last year. Aggie competitors in the free- style will be Don Horne, Jim Burns, Burt Koegl, John Speich, Gayle Klipple and Frank Gajewsky. Breaststrokers will be Casep Snell, Bill Bedford, Ben Alleit; and Paul Wallin. I , •' '■ $ Backstrokers, will be , Tommy Devenport, Roland . Baird, and Sherwin Rubin. Divers will be-' Jdhn ; Cameron, Jrmin ^Staw-iek, Billy Tutor ,;and George Parr. ; Evehis will bc:40(i yd. relays in freestyle, 'breaststrokb, and back- stroke^:-with each ; insui swimming ICR) yd’s; diving (three men to a teamV; a distance mqdlejr relay of ‘ 4 U — three men with the first swimming 100 yds, the second 200 yds, and the third 400 yds; and a double medley relay consisting of 6 men, each swimming 100 yds. Scoring will be on the basis of 14 points for first place, 10 for se cond, 8 for third and 6 for fourth. SMU has two top SWC breast strokers in Bayle and Bollen and a SWC 100 and 200 yd. backstroke champ, McMillin. Texas has Bobby Broadnaux, low and high board diving champ; freshman star Richard Lawler, and last year’s first, second, and third place winners in the freestyle 440 yards and 1,500 meters. Webb, Wilson Give Last Acts Tonight Conrad Webb and Bud Wilson, seniors, will give their last perfor mance for the A&M tumbling team tonight at halftime 6f the TCU ’basketball .game.. ; V ’ Webb, who - has been clown for tbe past .year and a half, is from 'EP Paso and has been on the team for four years. Wilson is from Houston -and has been on the team for three years. at % ® « Vi •. .,, Gypipte -fo GOOlD FOOD & DANCING every uiglit for the past 14 years %§!■ F-9 f: * M ’’l v. l.lf ? JjHT V ; ' ~ EM - 2688, Dallas Greenville Ave Oil Central Expressway Four great NEW Firsts Chevrolet for ’54! 33 o. AC*-'-. C/' ft 7 ; Cotin* on Chevrolet to bring you the newest features first. Once again Chevrolet is first in Its field with these four great advances for ’54! Trr^prrr' *t«—•- v , -'yu /Au Vi' ■■ ’ v-7:-,v. , itA•’. /j!j-.• j 'Ji'77 j/} L \ / /•* 'J ' '-y ./■/>>; /• 1 ■'v ■ ■ These other famous Chevrolet “Firsts” in the low-price field offer you more than ever today! FIR^T OVERHEAD VALVE ENGINE ® ® .. e finest ones today FifilT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION* ■ I ilw ■ s e e most advanced one today FI SIT POWER STEERING* ■ I il«l 1 ,, c lower priced toda\ r f jO§T ''HARD-TOP” COUPE 1 I Is© I o a e most beautiful one today UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION ■ III© I ; 0 c e orify one today IN OVER-ALL ECONOMY “ * ® 5 „ lowest priced fine iodayl (‘SSL NEW HIGH. COMPRESSION POWER Two more powerful high-compres sion engines in Chevrolet for ’54! Both of these great valve-in-head engines deliver finer, smoother, more quiet performance with im portant gas savings! NEW ' ''| POWER BRflSiiS You simply swing your foot from accelerator to brake pedal for a smooth, amazingly easy stop. Op tional at extra cost on all models equipped with Powerglide auto matic transmission. _ M6W ASTeMATJS SEAT SQATR0I You just touch a button to move the front seat up and forward or down and back! Optional at extra cost on Bel Air and “Two-Ten” models in combination with Auto matic Window Controls., u AU J . Sii YOUfe 'SSAilk ftS'R AiUt * Usfd wxht _ in >vt HEIM AOTOMAfie wtMJNM OOITSOLI Touch another button to adjust front windows to suit your liking! Optional at extra cost on Bel Air and .“Two-Ten” models in combi nation with Automatic Seat Control. ' Optional at extra cost. ©yi. AUr&M&IWE t ' i