The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 07, 1954, Image 5

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Thursday, January 7, 1954
Page 5
Family Favorites Howard To Lead Board, Cotmcil March on Polio’
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* 1
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By Mrs. C. B. Campbell
(Ed. note—Guest columnist for Family Favorites this week is
Mrs. C. B. Campbell, wife of the former head of the A&M language
department. An active member of the A&M Garden club, Mrs.
Campbell has a daughter living here and a son in Sherman. They
have three grandchildren. The Campbells are members of the A&M
Presbyterian church.)
This first one is a favorite winter dish at our house.
Lima Bean Casserole
Revival Services
2 cups dried lima beans
1 medium sized onion
1 medium sized green pepper
1 can condensed tomato soup
6 slices bacon
1 cup grated cheese
Wash and soak overnight the dried limas, and cook in salted water
until tender but not mushy. Fry bacon slices until crisp and crumble
into drained beans. Cook chopped onion and pepper in bacon fat until
tender, add to tomato soup with the fat, and mix all in a casserole, top
with grated cheese and bake half an hour. Served with a green salad
and fruit dessert, this makes a full and filling meal.
We are especially addicted to strong, hot coffee and
“dips” at our house and the following are our favorites. The
Surprise Ball can be made up and kept in the refrigerator
indefinitely (if the family doesn’t know it’s there).
Surprise Ball
% pound package Kraft’s Old 1
English cheese
% stick butter or margerihe
package wedge
cream cheese
Heinz’ steak sauce
Finely chopped nuts
cut pimiento
Let cheeses and butter stand at room temperature until softened,
then cream together thoroughly. Season wih salt, 1(4 teaspoons paprika,
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce, Mj teaspoon garlic salt and Vs tea
spoon onion salt. This is best done with the hands and is very messy and
must be returned to refrigerator to harden enough to handle. Scrape on
the waxed paper and mould into a ball. If for family use, make into two
smaller balls. With iced teaspoon cut hole in center nearly to the bot
tom and fill hole with steak sauce (this is the surprise part). Cover
top with the cheese removed from hole and smooth rest of it over the
balljHhen roll in the nuts or pat them on. Wrap in foil or waxed paper;
remove from refrigerator at least an hour before serving. Decorate with
a stuffed olive and bit of parsley if you want it “partified” and serve
surrounded with plain Ritz crackers.
Dr. Herbert R. Howard, pastor of
Park Cities Baptist church in Dal
las, will be the leader for revival
services at the College Station
First Baptist church the week of
Jan. 31—Feb. 7.
The Rev. R. D. Longshore, pastor
of the College Station church, an
nounced that Howard will speak
at each of the services.
Howard was the main speaker
for Religious Emphasis week last
year. Longshore said he believes
residents as well as students will
enjoy his messages.
Howard is pastor advisor of the
Baptist Student union at Southern
Methodist university and is active
in YMCA work.
Music for the revival will be di
rected by Gene Layman, minister
of music for the Baptist church
at College Station.
BAFB Wives Set
Officer Election
The Non-Commissioned Officers
Wives’ club of Bryan air force base
will hold their first election of of
ficers at 8 p. m. tonight at the
NCO Mess.
The operating committee, which
has steered the group since activa
tion two months ago, set the in
stallation date for Jan. 21. Col.
Arvid E. Olson, base commander,
will address the group then.
The nominating committee has
recommended two candidates for
each of the seven offices.
Discuss City Planned This Month
Sewer Problem
Avocado Crab Dip
1 large avocado
5 tablespoons lemon juice
1 can crab meat
salt and paprika to taste
Split avocado lengthwise, remove seed. Save skins after removing
pulp carefully to skin. Season with lemon juice, salt and paprika and
what have you, and cream thoroughly. Flake crab meat and mix
lightly with avocado mixture and serve in the skins with cheese
''JfffHtrwrPi g r^li mk <'■>*•'V'mjk 'Hv^v y vf> ««W,0 -
fcctions oi- jiist tidbits, so we call them Quieklets.
Melt one package of chocolate chips over hot water. Add 1 (4 cups
eo:ii' Ty crashed Fritos and ' • cup chopped nuts, ami drop by tea
spoonfills, on buttered cookie sheet r to harden.
Mrs. Delaplane Speaks
At Newcomers Meeting
Mrs. Walter Delaplane gave two
monologue selections at the meet
ing of the Newcomers club yester
day afternoon at the YMCA.
Her readings included “By the
Waters of Babylon” by Stephen
Vincent Binet and “The Conversion
uf a Saint” by Amy Lowell.
The business meeting was pre
sided over by Mrs. K. L. Dixon,
club president. She corrected an
error that appears in the yearbook
that states a person is eligible for
membership during her first two
years of residence. She explained
that the book should have read
“three years.” Mrs. Delaplane
was introduced by Mrs. John A.
Hostesses for meeting were Mrs.
George Huebner, chairman, Mrs.
John Barlow and Mrs. Charles
The tea table Avas set with an
heirloom embroidefed handkerchief
cloth. The centerpiece and two
matching flower pieces were of
pink carnations accented by Baby’s
breath and a pink spray of maiden
hair fern. Pink mints and pink
iced cake carried out the color
Mrs. Ray George presided at
the tea service, which was of an
tique silver. The service belongs
to Mrs. Charles Workman and is
known to be at least 100 years old.
... 3c a work per insertion with a
t5c mininium. Space rate in classified
•ection .... 60c per column-inch. Send
lii classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES
OFFICE. \11 ads must be received in
Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the
Say before publication.
TRADE EQUITY in 1951 Willis Station
Wagon for clean older car or sell out
right. Bank terms. Call 6-5828. Charles
F. .Williamson.
Y3-33 PHONOGRAPH, 12 in. speaker,
$25.00 512 it. dining table, $30.00,
phone 4-1852.
TWO BEDROOM home with glassed sleep
ing porch. West Park, walking distance.
Only $3,750.00—$500.00 down, balance
like rent. Fair construction, but sure
worth the money. J. B. Lautefstein,
NEW.Smm movie camera: also Rolleicord:
accessories. Rubel. 10C Project House,
or call office 6-6824.
DACHSHUND puppies. 602 Pease St.. Bry.
an. Call 3-2263.
’51 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, clean and fully
equipped. Willie Kopecky, 15-313.
FURNISHED apartment near North Gate.
Walking distance. Phone 3-2964 or
NEWLY DECORATED efficiency apart
ment. In College Park, tj block off
campus. Call 4-4774 before 8 and after
ROOM with private bath and private en-
Irance. Phone 4-4094 after 5.
tEWING machines. Prultt’a Fabric Shop.
RIDE wanted from Bryan to College Sta
tion S a.m. and 5 p.m. each day. Contact
Mary Conklin, 4-7264.
LATE MODEL typewriters tor rent; Bryan
Business Machine Company, . 429 South
Main, Bryan. Texas. Free parking lot.
ANYONE interested in a course next se
mester in Internationa! Political C-esg-
raphyf Sign petition in Dorm 9-121
To prevent food odors in your
refrigerator, wash the interior with
a solution of two tablespoons of
baking soda to one quart of water.
Rinse with clear warm water and
wipe dry.
Baptist Revival Speaker
Fees Payable Now
In Fiscal Office
Corps and non-corps students
may now start paying fees for the
coming semester, according to the
fiscial department.
The corps students may pay for
the whole semester or by install
ments as it has been done' in the
past. The payment for the, whole
semester is $225.95 and the first
installment is .$65.10.
The tickets for the non-corps
students to eat in the dining hall
were received Tuesday and can be
purchased now. These tickets can
only be paid for by the month and
the first installment is the same as
for corps students.
Problems of the College
Station sewage disposal sys
tem were presented last night
to the Citizens Advisory
board at a dinner meeting of
the city council and the board.
The board, appointed by the
mayor and the council, will study
the problems and make recommen
dations for their solutions. These
recommendations will be studied by
the council, who will decide what
action will be taken.
The advisory board set its next
meeting for Jan. 20, at which time
they will discuss possible solutions
to the problems.
These problems, as outlined by
S. R. Wright, chairman of the
board, deal only with the southern
part of the city.
“Residences in the southern part
of the city must use septic tanks,”
he said. “Some house do not even
have these tanks.”
A six-page summary of the pro
blems was submitted by Fred J.
Benson, city engineer. He also gave
the committee an outline of what
could be done to give the city
adequate sewage disposal. Benson
estimated the cost of the pro
posals from $280,000 to $345,000.
“It will be up to the citizens
Advisory board to recommend what
action should be taken,” said Ran
Boswell, city manager. “After the
board recommends a solution, then
the city council will act on the
The Mothers March on Polio will
be held this month, said W. S. Mc-
Culley, chairman of the Brazos
county March of Dimes.
When a date is picked for the
Mothers March, mothers will ac
cept donations from residents who
signify they wish to contribute by
leaving their porch lights on. Mrs.
John V. Perry will be in charge of
the mothers’ drive.
McCulley also announced com
mittee chairman for the drive.
Those appointed are Miss Beverly
Harrell, cards; Leon Hayes, schools
and colleges; Bob Tumlinson and
Jerry Massey, coin collectors;
Ventling Machines
Installed at CHS
Paper and pencil vending ma
chines have been installed at A&M
Consolidated high school. Pencils
cost five cents and paper is ten
cents. Profit from the machines
will go to the athletic council and
the senior class.
“This should do away with stu
dents borrowing pencils and paper”
says J. J. Skrivanek, principal. The
machines were installed in Decem
Jones Ramsey, special events; Capt.
Joe Brusse, police protection.
Mrs. T. W. Leland, Joe Vincent,
C. G. White, clubs; Mrs. Jack
Marsh, Mrs. J. O. Alexander, Miss
Emily Ritter, mothers march; Dr.
John J. Sperry, research progress;
Miss Louise Dishman, scrap book;
Lt. M. V. Vaskov, Bryan air force
Mrs. John Bishop, stenographer;
Howard Berry, photographer; John
Vitopil, advertising; Red Smith,
telephone; Rev. R. L. Herring, min
isterial; Sol Klein, theater.
There’s nothing like mushrooms
—canned or cooked lightly in but
ter—to dress up a meal. Combine
them with cooked peas; or add
them to a soup; or glorify hambur
gers with them.
Student Loan Secretary
To Leave A&M Soon
Mrs. Dorothy Gray, secretary to
George Long, manager of the stu
dent labor and loan office, will
leave A&M at the end of this
semester to join her husband
Charles, who is doing research at
Lake Caddo.
Mrs. Gray has woi’ked for the
student labor and loan office for
the last two and a half years. Dur
ing that time, she has filled out
many student loan applications and
assisted a large number of stu
dents in obtaining jobs.
Pho. 2-1584
Vz Gallon BoUlcs Sanitary—Grade A
Pasteurized Milk .... 2 for 75c
(Plus Bottle Deposits)
No. 2 Cans—Dolly Madison—Bing Type.
Dark Sweet Cherries . . can 38c
Buffet Cans—Libby’s
Kadola Figs can 15c
No. 5(4 Jar—RRio Grande Stuffed
Salad Bowl Olives , . . . ea. 15c
Factory Deal—47c Value—Gebhardt’s—300 Can
Plain Chili
Three Kinds—Assorted to Suit—39c Kinds—Betty Crocker
Cake Mixes 3 for $1.00
Factory Deal—-Save 10c—Armour’s—3 Lb. Cart.
Vegetole Shortening . . . .67c
1000 Single Sheets—High Quality—Softex
Toilet Tissue ...... roll 10c
Regular Pkg.—8 Minute
Oats with Raisins .... pkg. 18c
Bath Size—Cashmere Bouquet
Toilet Soap 2 bars 23e
14 Oz. Bottles
ropuia,-B ri ,nd S Heinz Catsup each24c
Cigarettes carton $2.00 1
New Shinment—Fine for Bakine mid Candv Alabin
No. 5 Size
Cello. Pack—Fresh
Green—-Hard Head
U. S. No. 1—Yellow
0 N 10 N S . . .
Large Texas Ruby Red
head 7c
pkg. 9c
. lb. 4c
, . lb. 5c
each 9c
Mrs. Tucker’s—Improved Creamier
Shortening 3 lb. can 79c
For a New Taste—8 Oz. Bottle—Wishbone
Salad Dressing ea. 39c
1 Lb. Krispy Sunshine
Crackers.......... box 25c
Nabisco—8 Ob.
Ritz Crackers . 19c Coffee . . .
New Shipment—Fine for Baking and Candy Making.
U. S. No. 1—Cello. Bag—Raw Spanish
Shelled Peanuts .... 2 lbs. 57c
New Shipment—-Large Pieces—Lb. Bag
Shelled Pecans 97c
Limit One, Please—Imperial
1 lane Sugar 10 lb. bag 89c
Vacuum Cans—Admiration or Maxwell House
(Limit 1, Please)
Better Living
Magazine . ,
lb. can 87c
Watch for the “MRS. AMERICA’
Contest next issue.
★ frozen Foods ★
10 Oz. Pkg.—Snowcrop
Strawberries.... each ;
6 Oz. Cans—Snowcrop
Orange Juice . . . 2 cans 35c
Green Peas .... 2 pkgs. 39e
Birdseye 2 PKGS.
Mixed Vegetables , , . 39c
Vt; Gal.—Holiday or Lilly
Mellorine . . .
each 59c
Hormel Midwest.
Hormpl All Meat
FRANKS . . . . lb.49c
Sliced^—All Meat
BIG BOLOGNA ..... lb. 39c
Freshly Ground—Leani&li ,
GROUND BEEF .... lb. 35c
(In lots of 5 lbs. or More—G1 lbs. $1.0U)
From Choice Beef
BRISKET STEW . 4 lbs. $I J0
From Choice Baby Beef
7-STEAK . .....
2 lbs. $1.0(1
Heart o’ Texas
1 R Y E R S ,
Armour’s Star
Armour’s Star—1 Lb. Roll—Pure
Choice Babj- Beef
f'hoke J?aby Beef
No. f Lpi'i End
lb. 53e
lb. 55e
. . 49c
lb. 67c
lb. 45c
lb. 59c