The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 07, 1954, Image 3
f Special Prices Thursday P s M,, F rlday, Saturday, January 7, 8, 9 -■*■ «*j y,^ „, I, ki;- ;,).;;a' - H&jS5AS56^ u 1 Chocolate Covered I Cherries box :u$&-y ■ Pr, ORANGES c J T'r esh fruits mid vegetables are Nature’s own treasure houses of essential vitamins. And when you buy your fruits and vege tables here, you’re sure that their vitamin content is up to par because they ARE fresh. We bring them in daily and put (hem on sale immediately. They’re fresh as they came—fresh as they go I So get your vitamins this good-lasting way. Get them in fruits and vegetables from ORR’s. RUTABAGAS GARBAGE GRAPEFRUIT CARROTS lbs. U. S. No. 1 Waxed Pound Fresh Green U S* No. 1 Yellow Pound Texas Seedless—Pound Fresh Golden—Bunch KRAFT DINNER % , or SWANSONS BONED CHICKEN * * CUT RITE WAX PAPER »'•*,.' 23c Chicken hloodle Sou pi cttmpk&iis 2^ Tan ca NABISCO CRACKERS * «. i5c COMSTOCK PIE APPLES" ^27,, DOESKIN TISSUE Co/o rod 2 r„,i. 27c BUD WAFFLE SYRUP *», i 9c ORANGE JUICE **2"* *c"«27c LIBBYS CORN BEEF 12 Oz. 4>5c Niblets <*) 12 ox, Whole Kernel All ”19'' Brands Choke 6 pk9s $ 1 Fill Your Deep CORN SIT K.,„e, 2 ZT 33c Froxen Poods QifMlity V Premium Beef LOIN STEAK Baths Sunvale BACON Pin Bone Sliced Pound 59c CHUCK 59 c Birdseye Frozen PERCH 39c 16 oz. BIRDSEYE ( OD FILLETS lb. 47c BIRDSEYE HADDOCK . . lb. 49c BIRDSEYE FLOUNDER . lb. 69c FOR STEAK BROILING ... SALMON Honey Roy Brand Tall Can 29c Short Ribs reef MEATY PORK RIBS Jumbo Bologna baths All Meat Franks baths Rib Chops LEAN, tender ADOLPHUS RICE ~ ° ~ 2 Lb. Box 31c CUT CstdEEN BEANS 2 35c GREEN GIANT PEAS — 19c PINTO BEANS Pound Rag TIDE Washing Powder Large Size ROAST Premium Beeff—lb. 4 5 c Listerine Antiseptic Vicks Vaporub Alcohol 7 Oz. Bottle Small Size Pint Size CHEESE Swift Brook fie LOAF BUDGET FRESH 45c — We Reserve Right To Limit Quantities m Strictly Guaranteed 59c wees DOZ. \ mam POOD CENTER RlOGECUrrABftmOM-HMlMHW6.S«rFB 1.00 EAST 24Fh STREET _ maximum oualitv 66