The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 07, 1954, Image 1

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    Circulated Dally
To 90 Per Cent
Of TiOcal Residents
Published By
A&M Students
For 75 Years
Number 170: Volume 53
Price rive Cents
special Group I
Mitchell Begins
Corps 1 wal u at i on
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CITY’S NEW SCHOOL—Work started yesterday on the
new school building for A&1VI Consolidated high school.
C. L. Andrews of Andrews—Parker Inc., general con
tractor, surveys the location while a bulldozer begins level
ing. The Consolidated gymnasium is in the background.
Des ign erI lbrcoupe
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Weick s
Feu lured i n P la nes
Battalion Staff Writer
“I saw the first airplane that
flew faster than 100 miles an
hour,” said Fred E. Weick of the
department of aeronautical . engi
“1 was still a small boy when
this event took place, but even to
this day I still find new and inter
esting developments in the field of
With the development of some of
his pet ideas on what the personal
light plane should do, he was given
the chance to put his theory into
practice when he designed the Er-
The Ercoupe featured a coordi
nated control system and could not
be spun or stalled out. This was
the answer to private pilots’ wish
An important feature of modern
airplanes perfected by Weick was
the tricycle landing gear. The
tricycle landing gear provides more
ground stability and eliminates the
tendancy for the plane to grounjd-
Weick explained that the Wright
brothers used ~a tricycle gear on
their first airplane because there
was no other place to mount the
Until Weick’s gear was perfect
ed most planes had been using the
so-called conventional gear, with
a tail wheel instead of a nose
The first airplane to use Weick’s
tricycle gear was the Douglas DC-4
airliner, still in use by major air
The military’s.high-speed jets al
so use tricycle gear.
Weick is now working on the
problems of spraying and planting
Southwesteim rice fields. He is
also trying to design a better
spraying and dusting system for
aircraft now used for spraying.
As an experiment in an air
plane designed specifically for ag-
Weather Today
ricultural work, Weick designed
the Ag-1, which was used as a
test plane for new ideas in wing
structure, spraying methods, load
capacity, safety factors, and other
As head of the aeronaltical en
gineering department’s research
center, Weick will continue to work
on airplanes for farm, industry and
personal use.
Committee chairmen
corps evaluation have
pointed by Fred Mitchell, cadet
colonel of the corps and chairman
of the committee of the whole.
These committee chairmen will
appoint their committees from
cadet ofYicers and noncommissioned
officers, said Mitchell. There will
be subject to approval of the com
mittee of the whole, he said.
Chairmen appointed were
Charles Gary, uniforms, Richard
Porter, physical structure and
duties and responsibilities of
cadets; Pat Wood, corps tradi
The committee of the whole will
supervise, assist, and direct the
work of subordinate committees in
the evaluation. Members of this
committee are John K. Goode, Gai’y,
Porter and Wood.
The uniforms committee will in
vestigate all phases of the cadet
uniform and, if necessary, redi
sign a uniform for the corps, Mit
chell said.
The physical structure and duties
and responsibilities committee will
have three functions, he said.
They will analyze physical struc
ture of the corps and determine
whether or not it is the most ef
ficient; design a structure that
will facilitate most efficient opera
tion of the corps; and outline the
duties and responsibilities of cadets
to themselves, each other, then
unit, the corps, the college, and the
state and the nation.
The corps traditions committee
will analyze traditions now existing
in the corps and determine whether
or not they will fit into the concept
of an ideal corps, Mitchell said.
“While the subordinate commit
tees are conducting their investi
gations, the committee of the whole
is designing the objectives of the
corps,” he said. “These are to be
in line with the objectives of the
Aircraft Research
Air Force Gives
283 Cadet Flights
Two hundred and eighty-three
air force ROTC students have
flown familiarization flights this
Most of these flights were made
by juniors because most seniors
made similar flights at camp last
The purpose of the flight is to
acquaint the cadet with the air
plane’s controls and the feel of fly
ing, accoi’ding to Sgt. T. E. Buford
of the air science department.
Barring bad weather, all the
seniors and juniors and most of the
sophomores will have had a chance
to take a flight by the end of next
semester, Buford said.
Cadets who have taken orienta
tion flights this semester should
check by room 206A, Military
Science building, and pick up the
picture that was made of them at
the time of their flight, he said.
CIVIL SERVICE examination
for a junior Agricultural assistant
will be given Saturday at 8:30 a.m.
in the lecture room of the Agricul
tural Engineering building. Any
person who passes the quiz and
meets the requirements for the
position can receive a GS-5 civil
service rating.
* *
given to Lt. Col. Willis Nolan ’33,
for “meritorious service” with the
eight army civil affairs section. He
was chief of the section’s plans
and policy division.
sH -K
M A UR INE HEARN, state home
demonstration leader for the Agri
cultural extension service, has re-*
turned from one year’s work under
the Point IV program in Bolivia,
South America.
* *
will be the subject of a discussion
by the plant scinec colloquium to
night at 7:30 p. m. in the YMGA
cabinet room.
4= * *
department staff members Henry
Ross and J. R. Jackson will assist
in a soil conservation contest at
the Ai-ea TV Vocational Agricultur
al Teachers confei’ence in Stephen-
ville Friday and Saturday.
+• *
organization leader from New
South Wales, Australia, recently
spent two weeks studying farm or
ganization and methods in the
A&M system. He is hei'e under the
state department’s leader exchange
Gets Recommendation
The special group from the Student Life committee was
undecided yesterday in trying to determine if a standing
committee is needed for student publications.
The group decided to postpone its verdict after more
than two hours of discussion which sometimes was heated.
The Student Life members will meet again early next month
after they have given the matter more study.
However they voted unanimously to recommend that
Student Life set up the standing committee on yell leaders
but decided to wait until next month’s meeting to decide its
membership and duties. Head yell leader Vol M. (Monty)
Montgomery who attended in an advisory capacity did not
The group is composed of
four students and four facul
ty and staff members. Stu
dents are Carroll Phillips, T.
B. Field, Doyle Lowery, and Bill
Henderson. Faculty and staff
members are C. G. (Spike) White,
Dr. C. W. Landiss, chairman, S. A.
Kerley, and R. G. Perryman. Per
ryman was not present at yester
day’s meeting.
Battalion co-editors Jerry Ben
nett, Ed Holder and Student Pub
lications Director Carl Jobe at
tended with Montgomery in an ad
visory capacity.
Jobe and Bennett made the fh'st
objections of the meeting. They
questioned Landis s’ suggestion
that the advisory members leave
the meetmg when final discussion
and voting began. It was decided
to let them remain.
News Briefs
professor of geological oceano
graphy, will speak Friday at 7:45
p. m. to the local seminar of the
American Meteorological Scoiety
on “Some Geological and Biological
Indicators of Climate.” The meet
ing will be held in room 107 of the
Biological Science building.
* *
FHA GIRLS of the Bryan chap
ter will hold a hillbilly dance Fri
day in Shiloh hall to finance club
activities. The dance is from 8:30—
12 p. m. Admission is $1.
A PRACTICE corps review will
be held sometime in February, ac
cording to Maj. Edwin Emerson,
army operations officer. Date and
details of the review will be an
nounced next semester, Emerson
Draft Laws—1
Status Changes
Must Be Reported
New Political
Course Planned
A 3-hour course in international
political geography is tentatively
planned for the coming semester.
The course would be a study of
present social and political pro
blems of world powers and weaker
nations, with an effort to find
geographic factors behind pro
blems and possible adjustments.
At present it is not known
whether enough students would be
interested in taking such a course.
Students who are interested in the
course may see Charles Rose, room
402, dorm. 1.
Seats Plentiful
For Town Hall
Says Manager
There will probably be e-
nough seats for everyone at
both performances of the
San Antonio symphony to
night. The program will be
presented in Guion hall by Town
“There will definitely be plenty
of room at the 9 p. m. show,” said
John Akard, student entertain
ment manager, “and there will pro
bably be room at the 7 p. m.
Akard estimated that 1,500
tickets had been issued for the 7
p. m. show. Guion Hall seats 2,000
Students with Town Flail cards
can obtain tickets for either per
formance in the student activities
office, Goodwin hall, until 5 p. m.
Tickets will be available at the
door, accm-ding to Akard.
The 80-piece San Antonio sym
phony, called the “prodigy” of
American orchestras, is conducted
by Victor Alessandro.
Dmitri Mitropoulos, who was
once guest conductor of the
orchestra, said, “The San Antonio
symphony can really compete with
any orchestra in this country and
Yell Leaders
Landiss said that committees on
yell leaders and publications should
be considered as policy making and
not censorship groups. He said
that personalities were not in
volved. Landiss also told the
group to think of the effect of the
committees now and in the future.
Phillips and White agreed with
Landiss that censorship was not
intended. Papers were distributed
to the members concerning other
Texas colleges with publication
committees. White said that a
committee could advise editors on
matters about which they were in
Bennett and Holder argued that
policy making or advisory commit
tees would be the same as censor
ship. Bennett said he thought any
special publication’s committee
was unnecessary. He pointed out
that rules on publications and their
editors are already in the Student
Life constitution and College Reg
Standing Committee
Phillips moved that the group
recommend that the Student Life
committee amend its constitution
to add a standing committee on
publications. In this motion he
also wanted members of the group
appointed to draw up duties for
the publications committee. Field
seconded it.
The entire group would have to
vote on these duty recommenda
tions. The recommendation for
the committee and its duties and
membership would have to be pass
ed by Student Life.
Kerley said he thought the com
mittee was acting too fast on the
matter. He thought it needed more
consideration. Lowery and Hen-
SLC to Decide
“Apple Polishing Night” will be
recommended Monday night to the
Student Life committee.
A sub-committee of the SLC
met last night and reviewed more
than 100 questionnaires.
More than 80 per cent of the
questionnaires received from the
professors were favorable toward
this plan which would have pro
fessors entertain students in their
homes on a certain night set aside
next semester.
As proposed, the plan would
have the professors give their
names to the student activities of
fice. Students interested in visit
ing a professor’s home would go to
the office and sign up for the fac
ulty member he desires to visit.
Final approval of the plan will
be up to the Student Life commit
tee Monday night at their January
The purpose of this activity is
not to limit visiting to just one
night during the semester or dur
ing a month, but to encourage stu
dents and faculty members to get
together more often, said Dr. C.
W. Landiss, chairman of the stri
dent-faculty relations committee.
Other members of the committee
who met last night at Dr. Landiss’
home were S. A. Kerley, Carroll
Phillips, Jerry Bennett and Ed
Press Conference
To Hear Bruckhart
R. F. Bruckart, associate profes
sor of industrial engineering, will
present a time and motion study
at the fifth annual newspaper me
chanical conference here Feb. 20.
Bruckart, who has published a
number of research reports and
articles in the field of work
measui’ement and productivity, will
apply his studies to the printing in
dustry in his talk.
About 100 publishers and editors
are expected to attend the con
ference which is jointly sponsored
by the A&M journalism depart
ment and the Texas Press as
“The purpose of the meeting is
the give publishers a chance to get
together and discuss shop practices
and ways to obtain more efficient
operation at less cost,” said D. E.
Newsom of the journalism depart
ment, conference director.
Also speaking at the conference
will be Howard N. King, consultant
typographer for the Intertype cor
poration. He will discuss the use of
type in newspaper make-up and
Clear to partly cloudy today and
tonight with possible fog and driz
zle tomorrow. High yesterday 72.
Low this morning 41.
(Editor’s note: This is the first
of series of ten articles ex
plaining the draft laws and
how they affect men of draft
The draft law requires every
man registered with a local board
to report any change in personal
status to his board.
‘Young men have asked us just
what changes they should report,”
Brig. Gen. Paul L. Wakefield, state
draft director, says. “Generally,
anything which has a bearing on
classification should be imported.”
The state director pointed to
the following things which should
be regarded as change of personal
1. Current change of mail ad
dress should always be sent to the
2. Mannage should be reported
at once.
3. All additions to the family
must be reported.
4. Any and all deaths in a man’s
family should be reported.
5. If a man and wife divorced or
they no longer live together,
must be reported.
6. Pei’manent change of
should be reported.
7. Serious injury or physical de
fect should be repoi’ted. •
8. If a man becomes a student in
a college or university, this fact
should be reported.
9. If a man enters the reserves
or national guard, he should ask
his commanding officer to notify
his board. He should assure himself
that it is done.
10. If a man has attempted to
volunteer for armed forces service
and has been rejected, he should
advise his local board.
Czech Club Sweetheart
Contest Closes Friday
The Czech Club’s sweetheart
contest ends Friday.
Single girls of Czech ancestry
from all over the state have sent
pictures to the club, said Mel Hol-
ubec, Czech club president.
Entries received after Friday
will be disregarded, said Holubec.
The sweetheart will be chosen
Jan. 12.
DEAR FOLKS—Jerry Estes, junior from Wichita Falls, tries out the Memorial Student
Center’s new communications center. Looking- on are clerks Mrs. Eddie Battle and Mrs.
Harold Schildknecht. The center is on the MSC’s lower level, and will contain telegraph
facilities as well as telephones.
Regular Army
Open to Engineers
Regular ai’my commissions are
now open to engineers with a high
degree of technical knowledge,
said Col. Shelly P. Myers, PMS&T.
‘If they have knowledge criti
cally needed for national defense,
they may apply whether or not
they have previous military ex
perience,” Myers said.
A master’s or doctor’s degree is
normally required, but an ap
plicant may substitute a bachelor’s
degree and at least three years of
acceptable civilian experience.
Opportunities are offered specia
lists by the chemical corps in 21
fields, corps of engineers in 17
fields, ordnance in 12 fields, quart
ermaster in 21 fields, signal coi’ps
in 13 fields and rtanspoidation
corps in 10 fields.
Major engineering fields con
cerned are electrical, electronics,
civil, automotive, mechanical,
chemical, petroleum, industrial and
nuclear physics.
Applicants must be between the
ages of 21 and 27, but those with
military experience may apply if
they are under the age of 30.
Those requiring further informa
tion may contact the adjustant,
room 209A Military Science build
ing, Myers said,