The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 05, 1954, Image 1

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    To 90 Per Cont
Of Local Besidents
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ine Battalion
Published By
A&M Students
For 15 Years
Number 168: Volume 53
Price Five Cents
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‘Private Business*
Given as Reason
Ray George announced Monday afternoon his resigna
tion as head football coach of A&M to “go into private bus
Third member of the football coaching staff to resign
within a period of 26 days, George said he had considered the
move for some time and that he had no final details on per
sonal plans at present.
First to depart was Dalton Faircloth, who in December
said he was taking the Greenville offer because he was seek
ing “economic stability.’’
Gilbert Steinke was offered the head coach position at
Texas A&I and resigned to take advantage of the offer.
George resigned two days ♦
Ex Head Coach
Ex Rackfield Coach
Two Aggies
Others Hurl
Die Vio ten tly.
WTA W Gels
9 Free Publicity
In Amarillo
Two A&M students died violently
during the holidays, one in a head-
on ear collision, making Campus
Security Chief Fred Hickman’s
warning, that at least one student
might be killed in traffic, come
At least two other students were
injured in holiday traffic accidents.
Silver taps will be played tonight
for Myron Gilbert of Lost Springs,
Wyo. and Don R. Congdon of El
Hunting Accident
Gilbert was killed in a hunting
accident in Wyoming Dec. 27. He
was a junior agriculture engineer
ing student.
Congdon died Dec. 28 from in
juries suffered in a head-on car
collision eight miles noi’th of El
Paso. The accident happened on
Dec. 27. He was a junior animal
husbandry student and a. member
of B field artillery.
Ex Gives Uniforms
To Needy Students
A tropical and a green officer’s
blouse with trousers and a khaki
officer’s battle jacket will be given
to some deseiwing student by the
office of student activities.
The uniforms were donated by
E. W. Berry, ’43, who wanted them
to be given to some student who is
having financial difficulty.
Their size is approximately 32,
and they may be tried on at the
office of student activities. Stu
dents who are interested in them
may then leave their names. If
neccessary, names will be drawn to
Imd out who will receive them,
said C. G. (Spike) White, assistant
dean of men for student activities.
Weather Today
e <1
Partly cloudy and cool today and
tonight. High yesterday 72. Low
this morning 41.
Injured were James L. Trail, Vaught ’52 when they came to
Senior from Kaufman, and Ray
mond McClellan, senior from San
Silver Taps will be held at
10:30 tonight in front of the
Academic building for the two
A&M students who died during
the holidays.
The campus will be darkened
and students attending the
ceremony will remain silent.
Trail had 40 stitches taken in his
face after the car in which he was
riding crashed head-on with an
other. The accident happened near
Gulfport, Miss. Trail was return
ing from Georgia with Steve
some road construction.
They went off the highway to
by-pass the machinery. They miss
ed the turn leading back on the
highway. Their car was on the
left side of the road when they
met the other car coming in the
opposite direction.
They Collided
Trail said that both cars were
going about 25 mph when they
collided. Trail was thrown against
the windshield. He was back at
school yesterday.
McClellan was injured in a mo
torcycle accident in Mexico City.
It was reported that his jaw was
broken in four places and that he
will be unable to return to school
until next semester.
Charlie Parker, WTAW
sports editor, managed to get
A&M’s radio station free
publicity over KFDA, 5,000
watt Amarillo radio station.
He was working for KFRA
during the Christmas holidays.
During a national broadcast
of a symphony, carried by the
Amarillo station, Parker start
ed to make a station identifica
But he identified the wrong
He said “This is WTAW...”.
Then silence fell over the en
tire studio.
The director of the Amarillo
station said, “Charlie, next
time, please read the script.”
Richard Webb, manager of
WTAW, said, “Thanks, we ap
preciate the advertisement.”
Appointed assistant di
rector of athletics under Bar-
low Irvin until Aug. 31, ef
fective date of the resignation,
George said the announcement was
made at this time to permit athletic
officials to contact head coach pro
spects at the National Collegiate
Athletic association meeting being
held in Cincinnati this week.
‘Appreciate Cooperation’
“I deeply appreciate the co
operation 1 have received from my
staff, college officials and the stu
dent body during my three years
as coach,” George said.
He came to A&M as line coach in
January 1951 and was elevated to
the head coach post in April of
that year following the resignation
of Head Coach Harry Stiteler.
All Pacific Coast confe?-ence
tackle in 1938 at the University of
^Southern Califor-nia, George went
on to play pro football with the
Detroit Lions and the Philadelphia
Eagles before returning to Cali
fornia as a high school coach.
In 1941 he had an undefeated
team at Porterville, Cal. high
Entering the navy as an ensign
in 1942, George was discharged in
1945 with the rank of lieutenant
Advanced AF Cadets Can
Quit Without Money Loss
Any advanced air force ROTC
student may resign from the pro
gram if he is dissatisfied with re
cent modifications in air force
In a statement of policy which
superseded and in some cases com
bined former announcements, air
university, air force headquarters
in charge of ROTC, said cadets
would not have to pay back con
tract checks as was required be
fore this announcement was made.
A spokesman in A&M’s air sci
ence department said the air force
would also benefit if a dissatisfied
cadet resigned from the air ROTC
“We don’t think men who are
dissatisfied with the air force
would make very good officers,”
the spokesman said.
Most graduating advanced
course cadets will receive commis-'
sions this year, according to the
announcement, but no specific quo
tas were made.
Encouraging News
Encouraging news is also avail
able from another source for air
force seniors who will not receive
commissions and who will become
subject to selective service.
A weekly news magazine reports
that indications in Washington,
D.C. reveal that draft calls will
stay small as they are at present.
The magazine also says draft serv
ice time will probably be shortened.
Instead of stressing entrance in
to a field similar to the cadets’ ma
jor college field, which might not
be in demand by the air force, the
air force will now train its officers
on the job to perform, tasks which
satisfy the needs of that service.
Every year, according to the
statement, a forecast will be made
of the needs of the air force two
years later.
From this estimate, contracts
will be awarded on an available
officer space system.
Any advanced air force ROTC
cadet whose contract was terminat
ed as a result of policy modifica
tions or premature grouping or
other non-medical reasons is eligi
ble to return to the program with
no loss in pay or status according
to the report.
The discharge of these cadets
will be considered an administra
tive error by the air force. The
cadets will also be re-deferred from
selective service.
The same policy of re-admittance
applies to any advanced AFROTC
student who requested discharge
from the program during summer
camp as a result of press releases
at that time which predicted dras
tic cuts in the ROTC.
The cadets also will receive cred
it for summer camp.
Played Pro Ball
Returning to football, he played
one more year of pro football with
the Los Angeles Bulldogs and then
joined the USC coaching staff as
line coach.
He remained in that capacity for
five years before taking the same
job at A&M.
David H. Morgan, president of
the college, expressed complete
surprise at the resignation.
“Ray George has made many
friends all over the state for the
college,” he said, “and we regret
his decision to leave.”
President Morgan said there
were no plans for selection of a
new head coach at present.
Backfield Coach Faircloth re
signed Dec. 7 to take a position as
football coach at Greenville high
school. Effective date of his re
signation is Feb. 1.
“This is an excellent opportunity
I have, and I certainly am glad to
get the job,” Faircloth said at the
(See GEORGE, Page 3)
Naval Official Sets
Date for Interviews
A representative of the office of
naval officer procurement will be
here Jan. 7 and 8 to talk to in
terested students.
All January and June graduates
and graduate students under 27 are
eligible to apply. The representa
tive will be in room 3C of the
Memorial Student Center from 9:30
a. m. to 4:30 p. m.
Council, Board
Set Meeting
For Tomorrow
A dinner meeting- for the
citizens’ advisory board and
the city council will be held
at 6:30 p. m. tomorrow in
the Memorial Student Center.
The advisory board was appoint
ed by Mayor Ernest Langford to
study the sewage disposal problem
in the southern part of the city.
The board will make recommenda
tions to the city council as to how
the disposal problems should be
Several Times
“I don’t think there will be any
decisions made at this meeting,”
said Ran Boswell, city manager.
“The board will probably have to
meet several times before they
have their recommendations ready.”
Fred J. Benson, city engineer,
will present three plans the city
could follow to provide the south
ern part of the city with adequate
sewage disposal. The cost of the
project will be between $280,000
and $345,000.
Bond Election
The council will have to autho
rize a bond election when they de
cide which plan they will use, Bos
well said.
Benson will present drawings
illustrating each of the three pro
posals and a five-page report sum-
marizing a study on the sewage
Group to Say
If Publications
Body Needed
A special group of eight
Student Life committee mem
bers will meet sometime this
week to decide if standing
committees are needed on Stu
dent Publications and yell leaders.
The group is composed of four
students and four members of the
college faculty and staff.
Student members are Carroll
Phillips, Doyle F. Lowery, Bill
Henderson and T. B. Field. The
other members are Dr. C. W. Lan-
diss, chairman, R. G. Periyman, S.
A. Kerley and C. G. (Spike) White.
Four other persons representing
student publications and yell lead
ers will be present in an “advisory
capacity.” Representing student
’plblications will be Ed Holder and
Jerry Bennett, Battalion co-edit
ors; Cai'l Jobe, director of Student
Publications and Vol M. (Monty)
Montgomery, head yell leader.
Chairman Landis told The Bat
talion that the group would meet
sometime this week, possibly to
If the group decides publication
and yell leader committees are
needed, it will detei-mine their
membership and duties. These rec
ommendations will be presented
before the Student Life committee
in the form of an amendment to
the organization’s constitution.
The Student Life committee will
decide whether or not to make the
amendment. This action will
probably take place at its next
meeting on. Jan. It.
The motion to form the group
which meets this week was passed
at Student Life’s December meet
ing. Battalion co-editors Holder
First Foreign Film
Scheduled Monday
“Two Anonymous Letters,” an
Italian film, will be shown at 7:30
Monday night in the Memorial Stu
dent Center ballroom. It will be
the first foreign language film
shown by the A&M Film Society,
this year.
The film society will also show
“They Died With Their Boots On”,
starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de
Havilland, at 7:30 Friday night in
the ballroom of the MSC.
Shortage of Money
Cuts MSC Services
Lack of funds has forced the
Memorial Student Center to elimi
nate several of its services, with
the chance of more cuts in the fu
ture, The Battalion learned today.
J. Wayne Stark, MSC director,
said the lack of funds was caused
because the MSC received no mon
ey from the student activity fee
this year and because the surplus
funds the Center had previously
drawn on were now reduced.
Some of the changes went into
effect during the Christmas holi
days. There are now no flower ar
rangements in the Center. Table
cloths are no longer used on the
tables in the dining room. Four
members of the foods staff have
been released.
The furniture upholsterer and
the refinisher who formerly work
ed full time on MSC furniture are
now working part time.
As soon as a new cafeteria coun
ter is installed in the fountain
room, the coffee shop will close at
noon and will stop serving lunch.
The candy and cigarette counter
in the fountain room will be dis
continued Sunday.
Other changes being considered
by Stark include not having air
conditioning in the meeting rooms,
reducing the cleaning services, and
other cuts in the maintenance of
“Some of the cuts that have al
ready been made are tentative, and
the others are just proposed,”
Stark said. “We’ll have to see how
we come out on the budget.”
We Want Your Girls’
A&M Students Attacked, Beaten
Battalion Staff Writer
Two A&M students were attack
ed and beaten Sunday by four hood
lums armed with knives and a club
who threatened they wanted the
Aggies’ dates.
Beaten were brothers Hubert and
Edward Wyatt of Houston. Anoth
er A&M student, Max Walker of
Galveston, managed to get away
unhurt by holding off the thugs
with a 4x4 piece of wood.
Hubert is a junior and Edwaixl
and Walker are freshmen. None
of the three were in uniform.
Hubert suffei’ed five cuts on, the
head and multiple bruises on his
body after being struck with a club
and then kicked and slugged. Ed
ward was hit in the face with the
hilt of a knife.
The attack occurred about 5:15
p.m. while the Aggies were driving
with their dates on the Galveston
highway. A green ’53 Pontiac con-
A^ertible pulled up beside the stu
dents’ car, cutting in front of them
and honking.
“The four boys in the car were
yelling, pointing at the car and our
dates and motioning for us to pull
over,” Edward said. “We thought
something must be wrong with our
car so we stopped.”
The Pontiac pulled up behind the
Aggies and four boys got out. Hu
bert and his brother walked to the
car to ask what was the matter
while Walker stayed with the
Edward asked the four what they
wanted. “We want your girls.
What the hell do you think?” one
He then slugged Edward with
his left fist.
“I wasn’t expecting anything
when he hit me,” Edward said. “I
had my hands in my pockets.”
Uses Club
When the hoodlum hit Edward,
Hubert grabbed his arm and asked
“What’s the idea?” The boy had
a club in his right hand and hit
Hubert over the head.
The Aggies were shoved into a
ditch and beaten. Walker saw
what was happening and got out of
the car.
“One of them was walking to
ward the car with his knife open
ed,” Walker said. “He must have
thought the girls were by them
selves. I picked up a. 4x4 laying
beside the road and held it across
my shoulder. He didn’t come any
Hubert was bleeding from cuts
caused by the club. “I called to
my brother to take me to the hos
pital,” he said. “The gang saw I
was bleeding pretty badly, so they
didn’t try to stop us.”
“One of them had his glasses
knocked off during the fight,” Ed
ward said, “and all four of them
stopped to look for them. Hubert
was holding his neck instead of his
head and he was covered with
blood. I saw the knives in their
hands and thought one of them
had slashed Hubert’s jugular vein.”
The Aggies returned to the car
and rushed to St. Joseph’s hospital
in Houston. The hoodlums did not
attempt to follow.
“Hubert had the cuts on his head
(See “STUDENTS BEAT’ p. 4)