The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 31, 1953, Image 2

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    Page 2
Thursday, December 31, 1953
Police School Qualifies
Men for All Departments
Three poliecmen who have at
tended the Texas Municipal Police
School were voted the most out
standing- in their respective de
partments, ?ind 89 others are bet
ter qualified because of the tr-ain-
ing- received at the Police School,
which is conducted at the A & M
Colleg-e under the direction of the
Texas Engineering- Extension
Five sessions were conducted
during 1953, according to Wallace
D. Beasley, co-ordinator of t h e i
school. Purpose of the school is
to make a g-ood policeman better.
The subjects covered in the five
schools were taug'ht by 24 out
standing Texas policemen f r o m
various departments in the state.
The courses of instruction were
supplemented with assistance from
the following- agencies: National
Automobile Theft Bureau, State
Youth Development Council, Tex
as Liquor Control Board, Texas
Department of Public Safety, coun
ty attorney and Bryan district
Economists Rap
Pension Proposal
ed States Chamber of Commerce
today found its proposal to qualify
five million more older citizens for
social security pensions attacked
in an'economists’ debate as a “baby
Townsend Plan.”
The proposal, part of the Cham
ber’s plan to put social security
on a pay-as-you-go basis and halt
federal aid for direct relief of the
aged, was argued before two of
the 10 economic societies in ses
sion here.
All the speakers—including W.
Campbell, research economist of
the Chamber—agreed that the so
cial security tax should be allowed
to rise to 2 per cent as scheduled
on Saturday.
President Eisenhower last year
asked congress to freeze the con-
tilbution at 1V> per cent each on
workers and employers. Congress
<Jid not act. Some have speculated
he might again ask for a freeze,
retroactive to New Year’s Day,
after Congress reconvenes. The
boost would nullify the benefits of
the income tax cut, also due Jan.
1, for many low income families.
Evidence that professional econ
omists believe the country is in for
a mild recession throughout 1954
was the highlight of yesterday’s
sessions of the American Statisti
cal Assn.
Sen. Knowland, B-Calif., the
Senate GOP leader, took issue with
the view that a recession is in
progress and with Sen. Douglas
D-Ill., who contends the govern
ment shoidd be moving in with
plans for further tax cuts and pub
lic works.
“There are no indications of a
substantial recession or depres
sion,” Knowland told reporters to
day. “There have been some ad
justment from the wartime highs,
but no one expected an economy
based on wartime peaks,”
A Ford Motor Co. official said in
remarks prepared for the econo
mists’ meeting that “prospects for
the automobile industry are good.”
It. J. Eggert, program planning
manager, noted that consumers
hold 60 per cent more liquid as
sets than before the war, and that
consumers’ spendable income is ex
pected to continue in the next
three months “at its present rec
ord high level.”
“The movement of population is
toward the suburbs, thus creating
an increased need for cars,” he
added. “One eighth of car-owning
families now have two cars.”
The economists’ attention swung
to social security at a joint session
last night of the American Eco
nomic Assn, and the Industrial Re-
At one meeting of some 300 of | lations Research Assn.
judge’s office, Texas A&M library,
and law instructors at Texas A&M
College. The accumulative law en
forcement experience of the in
structors amounts to well over 400
Upon completion of each subject
covered in the school, each student
is given material contributed by
the instructors. The material is
multigraphed and placed in a note
book that becomes an invaluable
reference for future use. The Tex
as Municipal Police School fills a
need for basic police training, and
smaller cities have taken advan
tage of the opportunity to get their
men trained. Many civic organ
izations now are establishing schol
arship funds within the police de
partments to enable one deserving
man each year to attend the Mu
nicipal Police School.
The instruction at the police
school is designed to give the of
ficers basic knowledge in the laws
they are required to enforce, the
authority of an officer, the tactics
and procedures of law enforce
ment, public relations, basic prin
ciples of criminal investigation and
traffic control. Public relations is
emphasized with each subject. In
order to gain practical experience,
actual demonstrations are used on
streets and in the classrooms. Field
trips are made to the State Peni
tentiary at Huntsville and to the
Department of Public Safety at
The student policemen observe a
rigid schedule while in training at
the school. They attend classes
six hours a day for five days per
week. Since the school lasts a
month, the students get at least
120 class hours. In addition to
classroom work each man is re
quired to do library work at night
and turn in at least one book re
port ji week concerning some phase
of police work.
The next school will begin Feb-
ruary 1, 1954, and will end Febru
ary 26. This next school is ex
pected to be better than any of the
previous sessions. Applications
are being' received now tit: Texas
Municipal Police School, Eigineer-
ing Extension Service, P.O. Box
236 F.E., College Station, Texas.
the economists, the delegates in
dicated by a show of hands that
they expect a 1954 production de
cline of 5 per cent or more from
1953’s record.
This drop still would leave 1954
the nation’s second and most pros
perous year, but it contrasted with
the expressed view of Eisenhower
administration statements that the
autumn dip in business activity is
a “readjustment” of probably only
a few months’ duration. None of
the economists, however, forecast
the decline would progress into a
serious depressiorr.
Film Critics Pick
llest Film of 1953
NEW YORK—(SP> — The New
York film critics have picked
“From Here to Eternity” as the
best film of 1953; its director, Fred
Zinnemann, as the best of the year,
and its star-, Burt Lancaster-, as
best actor of the year-.
The 15 critics from nine metro
politan newspapers voted these
three honors yesterday to the Co-
Jumbia Pictures production.
Audrey Hepburn was selected as
best actress of the year for “Ro
man Holiday.”
Rep. Kean, R-NJ, sponsor of ad-
ministrati on-supported legislation
to broaden social security coverage
by millions of workers and improve
benefit payments, said the proposal
to freeze social security contribu
tions has “political appeal” but
“I’m opposed to a freeze at this
time. Benefits are now greater
than can be supported at the pres
ent contribution rate. Also, it
would raise the problem of whether
to enter a pay-as-you-go plan in
stead of building a trust fund re
serve for payment of future bene
fits. If we freeze today, we would
almost inevitably have to adopt
the pay-as-you-go system in the
Kean criticized the U. S. Cham
ber plan to pay minimum benefits
—increased from the present $25
to $30 a month—to about five mil
lion retired persons over 65 who
are now ineligible for social secur
ity and have not contributed to it.
This would rain the social security
trust fund of $1,800,000,000 a year,
the legislator - said, would “break
faith with those who have paid
into the fund,” and might make of
social security a “political foot
Aids ‘Old Salts’
By Electronics
For centuries men have spoken 1
of the “salty sea” and the “briny !
deep.” But until relatively recent
years, no one bothered to find out ;
how much salt was there or how it
was distributed.
Recent developments in warfare
and research, however, make it j
mandatory that some method be j
found for quickly and easily meas- J
uring not only the precise amount j
of salt present, but also the tiny
but important changes in salinity
readings caused by temper-ature
One example is the submarine
commander. In order to fight ef
fectively—even to steer his ship
safely—he must know the salt con
tent in terms of parts per thous
and, and temperatur-e variations
accurate to two decimal places.
No suitable instrument existed
for this purpose during World War
II, nor even during the Korean ac-
The Battalion
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
“Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan
ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during
the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination
and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of
publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year,
and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods
and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .75 per
month. Advertising rates furnished on request.
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matter at Post Office at
College Station, Texas
under tije Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1870.
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Chuck Neighbors Managing Editor
Harri Baker Campus Editor
Bob Boriskie Sports Editor
Jon Kinslow City Editor
Jerry Estes Basic Division Editor
Bob Hendry Feature Editor
Barbara Rubin Society Editor
.lorry Wizig Associate Sports Editor
Frank Hines, Jerry Neighbors, Bob Domey, Jim Collins, Ray Wall,
A1 Kisenberg, Arnold Goldstein, Bill Parsons, Bill Warren,
Jack Farley, John Union. King McGowan, Jay Ireland,
Charles Kingsbury, Ceofgc Manitzas. E. B. McGowan Staff Writers
Gardner Collins. ; Exchange Editor j
Gob Palmer, Tom Skrabautk . . ... Ad-ertisiag Staff
Tames Earle Staff Cartoonist ;
Seymour Smith, Will liolladay, Jolui McacUer Staff Photographers I
Carry Ughtfool ■ Circulation Manager
Roiand Baird, Jewel Raymond. Monroe Odotu, Tom Syler, Buddy Williams.
Russell Reed Circulation Staff ‘
tion. But it exists now, through
the efforts of a researcher in the
Oceanography Department at Tex
as A. and M. College.
Called a “salinimeter,” w h i c h
means a meter of salinity or salt
content, the device was developed
by Dr. K. E. Harwell, an organic
chemist by training.
Using the electrical conductance
of salt and water—actually meas
uring the increased conductivity of
water as salt is added—the device
is complete except for calibration j
of the temperature coefficient ;
Any electrical frequency useful |
to radio can be used by the salini- J
meter to measure the precise salt ;
content and temperature of a |
stream of watei which flows con- j
stantly through it while a ship is j
in motion, or is pumped through ;
while the ship is at rest.
The device will make it possible j
for the first time for these meas- J
urements to be taken by direct {
reading in a manner even approx- ‘
imating the degree of accuracy |
needed, and within a useful time >
span. Formerly precision meas- j
urements were available only from j
land-based laboratories.
Funds for research on the prob- j
lem were provided by the U. S. J
Navy Bureau of Ships through a j
contract of the Texas A. and M. j
Research Foundation.
Dr. Harwell, the man who devel- |
oped the salinimeter, received his
bachelor of science degree from j
Baylor University, and his master |
and doctoral degrees from the Uni- |
versity of Texas in organic chem- |
istry. 1
Tests Pose Ouestions
On Heredity Concept
SwtfttyJwI -A.-,™.. ■
BOSTON — UP) — Some new ex
periments with brewer’s yeast pose
questions about the validity of cer
tain present-day concepts of hered
ity and evolution, two Southern
Illinois University scientists said
Researchers Carl C. Lingegren
and Dayid D. Pittman reported
that tests on yeast cells have
shown that a trait that is induced
or “added” rather than inherent in
a parent cell may be carried
through successive generations.
This finding, they told the Amer
ican Assn, for the Advancement
of ^Science, is contrary to the con
tentions of modern geneticists who
hold that:
Characteristics acquired by liv-
ng organisms—such as man, ani
mals and plants—because of en
vironmental conditions, are not
passed on to their offspring, ex
cept. for some degenerative trails
I like those induced by radiation
damage or certain poisons.
They said they had been able
to induce in certain yeast cells a
previously unpossessed ability to
feed upon a certain kind of sugar
—and that, the cells were then able
to pass the acquired trait along to
their offspring. The trait was in
duced through immersing the orig
inal cells in the sugar pollution
for a long period of time—in other
words—environmental exposure.
They said their results question
two of the basic theories about
heredity: (1) that evolution is
the result of accidental change;
and (2) that degenrate changes,
like those resulting front'radiation
damage or poisons, are important
to evolution.
Many of the early settlers in
Nova Scotia were Scots and the
inhabitants of Cape Breton Island,
a part of Nova Scotia, still speak
Gaelic often and keep alive the
tradition of the Highland Games.
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By Walt Kelly
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By Walt Kelly
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