Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1953)
Thursday, December 17, 19&3 THE BATTALION Tm ye h Texas Tech 1 ops Aggies, 58-55 Freshmen Defeat Allen, 56-53 The Aggie basketball team last night watched an 8 point fourth quarter lead melt away into a 58-55 defeat by Texas Tech, after the Freshmen had won the pre liminary game from Allen Acad emy, 56-53. Playing before a sparse group of some 600 Aggies sitting on the corps side of DeWare field house, and about 1200 fans on the north side, the Aggies fought a losing battle with the Raiders’ tremen dous height advantage. Roy Martin paced Aggie scorers with 15 points, closely followed by Rodney Pii tie with 14 and James Addison with 12 points. Scoring honors for the game, however, went to Tech’s Durward Bolding, who dropped in 17 points. The Aggies held the tall Raiders to three field goals in the first period, but Tech picked up five points on Aggie fouls to hold a narrow 11-10 lead at the end of the period. In the second period, A&M bat tled the Raiders on even terms to leave the court at halftime trail ing by a single point, 29-28. With Addison and Pirtle spark- i ism <r,<n Mclinffcy Jilooil Guttls . . Ihirvey Hurrod Penfield Smith . . r<; ft i i. ti* ing play in the third period, the Aggies raced out to a 9 point lead with one minute left in the period, and held an 8 point margin as the final period began with the Aggies out in front, 46-38. Pirtle worked in for a lay-up with 8:29 left in the game to main tain the 8 point margin at 50-42, but with the Raiders controling both backboards, Tech tied it up at 51-51 and took a one point lead on a free throw moments later. A field goal by Mar-tin put the Aggies back in the lead for the last time at 53-52, but two Tech field goals iced away the game for the Raiders in the final two min utes. Last night’s game gave the Ag gies a one won and five lost record as they await the pre-conference Southwest tournament in Houston during the Christmas holidays. • The scrappy Fish, after trail ing for over three quarters, tied the score at 45-45 Avith six min utes to play. Guard Lee Smith stole the ball after he had sunk a free throw and drove in for his only field goal of the night to tie the game. Guard Ted Harrod led all scor ers for the night with 26 points. Center Wayne Lemons dropped in 18 to lead Allen. The Ramblers led 13-12 at the end of the first quarter, 21-26 at the end of the half and 36-43 at the end of the third period. Through much of the first half, the Fish used three guax-ds in an attempt to outspeed the taller and slower Ramblers, but Coach Larry Hayes changed his stx-ategy in the second half and the freshman pull ed out in fx-ont, 53-50, with 1:38 to play. In the fourth quarter Fish i-ally, Harrod; a former all-stater at North Little Rock, Ark., sank four of his driving layups and scox-ed 12 points. Foi-wai'd George Mehaffey, 6 5, netted 11 points in the second half, including four third quarter field goals that gave the Fish a big lift. He was the second high scorer for the freshmen with 14 points. Entering the last period with their 7 point deficit, the Fish pulled up to 42-45 at 6:28 as Hari’od poux-- ed in three baskets. Smith sank a free thi-ow and his field goal to tie the scox-e, but Lexnons nudged in a tip-up for a 47-45 Allen lead. With 4:08 left to play, Harrod dropped in a fx-ee throw to give the Fish a 51-50 lead. Allen’s Bill Bx-ophy banked in a basket to make it 53-52 after A&M’s Bob Gattis made a pair of free throws. Here Harrod drove in, sank a layup, axxd the Fish had a 55-52 lead with 58 seconds to play. 'Mural Round up Sq. 9 Outscores A Chem. 13-6 Squadron 9’s Don Wesch took ed company G edge squadron 17, a handoff and scampex-ed ai'ound : 7-6. his left end for 70 yards and a j Paul Cx-eel scox-ed for squadron 17 while Hufaker made the touch down for the winnex-s. Disaster’ To Strike Campus in February touchdown to help his unit defeat A chemical, 13-6, in intramural football yesterday. Perry Beatty scored the only touchdown for A chemical; A1 Davis caught a pass and ran 40 yards for sqladron 9’s second score. A infantry’s Gene Smith gallop- ped 102 yards on a kick-off for a second half scoi'e to help his unit blank a engineex-s, 13-0. Ross Lovell passed to Mlixxx Kimzey for the infantry’s fix-st scox-e. The point after touchdown help- Basketball Tom Longbrake scored seven points to help dormitory 2 slip past Mitchell hall, 19-18. College View’s Bo Smith and Grady Kane each scored four points to help their team edge Leggett hall, 12-8. Bowling Company Ps Bill Shepax-d bowl ed high for the year, his unit won over- squadx-on 24, 515-361. B. R. Ricks scoxed 134 to help company B defeat company D, 372-358. R. D. Hickman was high fox- company D with 124. Squadx-on 20’s Hal Schadel scox-- ed 153 to help his unit beat squad ron 25, 423-383. In horseshoes matches, John Janak scored 10 ringers to help squadron 21 win over company L, two matches to one. In other horseshoe matches, squadx-on 23 beat company H, 2-,l and B infantry won over A ordance, 2-1. Ancient Satchel Paige of the Baltimoi-e Orioles has a favorite hobby - collecting antiques. An Old Time Wish . . . 2 Tot ills 1!) IS 10 5(> AI.I.FN ACADFMV <f>;i) l'<i FT FI. TI* Brophy 5 \ 0 XX MaraU 5 1 5 11 Blakeley 2 2 2 6 I.emons 6 (> 1 18 Johnson 1 1 5 3 Moreno 0 Totals 19 Halftime score*. Kish 21; Free throws missed: Mehaffey 2, Blood 1. Gattis 4, Harvey 5. Harrod (1. Smith 1; Brophy 3. Lemons 6, Johnson 3. Moreno 5. Officials: Herman Segrest and Taylor Wilkins. 15 21 53 Allen 26. Texas Tech (58) Bolding, f Carpenter, c Reed, f Blackmon, g Ince, g Blackshear, f Sexton, g Watts, g Totals A&M (55) Moon, g Pil'tle, g Martin, c Fortenberry, f Addison, f Hardgrove, g FG FT PF TP 20 18 FG FT PF TP 3 10 7 TODAY thru SATURDAY “SON OF BELLE STARR” Keith Larsen Peirg-y Castle Boring, g 0 McCrory, g 1 Totals 2; Score by periods Tech 11 18 A&M 10 18 14 15 4 12 0 1 2 9 19 55 Officials: McAlister, Rossi. FTM—Tech: Bolding 3, Carpen ter 5, Blackmon 2, Sexton 2, Watts A&M: Martin 6, Fortenberry 2, Addison 3, Boring. A mock “disaster” will strike a part of the campus in Febi-uax-y. Buildings -will be crushed, utili ties will be ripped out and water and gas mains will be bx-oken. Human beings wall await rescue, scattered among what is left of a typical Amex-ican city after the fux-y of an A-bomb blast, tornado or other distaster. Thirty-five men, especially in vited by GoA r . Allan Shivers, will serve as the rescue team which goes into the blasted area to save the lives of those in it and to start the area towai'd eventual recovery. All of this, of coux-se, will be planned. It is part of a week-long training pex*iod set up by the Texas Defense and Disaster Relief office and operated by the Firemen Tx-ain- ing division of the Engineei'ing Extension sex-vice, under direction of Col. H. R. Bx-ayton, director of fii-eman training. Those trained in the specially- consti-xictcd “x-escue street” will serve as instructors of others when they return to their homes all over the state, so their city can be pre pared for disaster. The latest and best equipment will be provided and will i-emain on call after the school is over. Train ing facilities will be made avail able to the police fox-ces, industrial safety pei-sonnel, plumbers and electriciaxxs of the state. For A MERRY CHRISTMAS And A HAPPY NEW YEAR To All of You From All of Us Bullock-Sims Clothiers Bryan HEART OF TEXAS TURKEYS * . FR . 6 . s .?_E B . u JTi.» PLACE ORDER EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION CIRCLE TODAY A FRIDAY “RATTLE ZONE” John Hodiak Linda Christian — A L S O — “RED STALLION” Robert Paige Peggy Nash A Beintunj-Vido' Presentation • Directed by < KING VIDOR • Release I by 20th Century-Fo* xA. ' Baby Beef lb. Baby Beef ib. Toms 55' Hens * 67' The excellent response to our Thanksgiving Turkey offering is a tribute to the fine quality of Heart o’ Texas Turkeys. Buy them and KNOW your meal is set. Large Size Florida TANGERINES doz. 35c Fancy Texas Ruby Red—80 Size GRAPEFRUIT . . . Jumbo—No. 4 Size LETTUCE * MARKET SPECIALS * BA TTALIGN CLASSIFIED MiY, SFI.r., KENT OB TRADE. Kates ... 3c » work per InHi-rlion with n 15 c minimum. Space rate In classified lection .... 60c per column-inch. Send 111 classir*c<l to STCmCNT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. Ml ads must lie received In Mudriit. Activities office by 10 a.m. on the flay before publication. • SPECIAL NOTICE • AGO IK wife would like ride to Virginia, leave Dec. 19, return after Jan. 1, will help drive and share expenses. Call 6-3578 after 5. FOR SALE ’31 MODEH A Coupe, excellent condition. 600 x 16 upholstering. Bob Black. 204 Ay shirr. MATCHED pet Johnny Rrvolta coif clubs made: by Wilson includes 3 woods. 8 irons. X puffer and ail leather bag Con- fact J, K Warrick. Dorm 15-3X2. Leave message if not. there 5125.00 toil STUDEBAKEB. •( door. D'.S-V. College View SPECIAL for Christinas—Baby Parakeets and cages. Phone 6-2048. HEY AGGIES—Would you like a new -.53 ?l£rcurv or a good used car for Christ mas- We ha-e a number of 53 MeB curys on hand and will make You a wonderful deal at this time, with or without a trade-in. For further inform ation contact Johnny Abbott, 6-1703, A-l-X. College View. R E A D M A T T A L 1 () N CLASSIFIED WANTED: Typing. Reasonable r rates Phone: 3-1776 (after 5 p.m.) • FOR RENT • AVAILABLE Jan. 4 to couple. Southeast downstairs t-roorn furnished a part men near cast gate in College Hills.. $55 Phone 6 3312 or inquire 103 Francis drive. Hoar! o’ Texas FRYERS BAKING CHICKEN HENS Freshly Ground GROUND BEEF . . . (In lobs of 5 pounds or more From CHOICE HEAVY BEEF Round Cut SHOULDER ROASTS . . Square Cut SHOULDER ROAST . . Frpnt Choice Heavy,Beef ROUND STEAK . . . From Choice Heavy Beef SIRLOIN STEAK . . . . Ih. 55c . . lb. 55c . lb. 29c i. 28c) . .11), 49c . lb. 43c . lb. 65c . lb. 65c From Choice Heavy Beef SEVEN STEAK . . Fresh Home Made Pure PORK SAUSAGE . . Uormel Pre-Cooked HAM—U to 5 lb. pieces . Hormel All-Meat FRANKS . . . . Hormel Dairy or Swift’s Premium BACON .... Decker’s Tall Korn BACON .... Kraft’s Old Time Mild Hoop CHEESE . . . Kraft’s Cheese Food—2 Lb. Box VELVEETA . . . . . U). 49c . lb. 55e . . lb. 59c .lb. 49c . lb. 75c . lb. 65c . Ib. 59c . each 69c v GROCERY SPECIALS * SEWING machines. Pruitt'a Fabric Shop ' * WANTED « M.ANTED—-good used girl’s bicycle. 20”- 22”. Call 4-1273 after 1 p tu. Official Notice V? are thinking of giving Biology 211 again in the spring semester It as mant as 12 students indicate previously thai they will take the course. Please let. Dr George 1*:. Potter know by December It if you intend to take the course. George E. Potter Professor of Biology GUY H. DEATON, ’20 T Y PE WRITER EXCHANGE We IJuv, Sell, Rent, Repair 116 S, Mam Ph. B R Y A N Prompt Radio Service 4 — C A L L — SoBolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Mam St, FH, 2-1941 BRYAN Bulk Ccdlo. Packaged Hallowii—Fresh Stock PITTED DATES lb. Vi Gal. Sanitary Bottles PASTEURIZED MILK .... 2 for Limit One—Please FOUGER’S COFFEE . . . 1 lb. can New Formula—Spreads at Icebox Temperature KEYKO OUEQ lb. Note the Cheaper Prices When We Buy in Bulk and Package Here Excellent Quality—Fill! 16 Qz. SHELLED PECANS Raw Spanish—2 Lb. Cello. SHELLED PEANUTS Clearing decks for new packs, tion of Lemon juice when cookilv DRIED APRICOTS . Factory Deal—We Keep Coupon. C R 1 S C O . . . . Limit One Pleased-Imperial Cane S U G A R 2 Vi Cans—Del Monte PUMPKIN . . . 15 Oz. Pkg. (Red) Sunmaid SEEDLESS RAISINS . Pkg. Will brighten with G3f. Pkg.—12 oz. . 3 lb, can 10 lb. bag . can . . each 24c 75c 85c 23c 95c 55c addi- 49c 75c 89c 24c 21c . bottle 24c . carton $2.09 14 Oz. Heinz CATSUP . . . Popular Brands CIGARETTES . . . 69c Values—Cinnamon or Peppermint—Red or Green Premier 2 , /z Glass—SPICED BARTLETT PEAR HALVES . each 49c Factory Deal—3c Off—Gcbhardt’s—300 Can CHILI—No Beans .... each 37c Sunshine Krispy—1 Lb. Box CRACKERS . . . . I lb. box 25c Fine for Christmas Wrapping—12” by 25’—Wearever ALUMINUM FOIL .... roll 27c 49c Value—-PATIO BEEF or CHICKEN ENCHILADAS . choice 43c 390 Sizes Assorted Betty Crocker CAKE MIXES 3 pkgs, $1.00 With Tomato Sauce and Cheese—15% Oz. Cans V1VIANO SPAGHETTI ... 2 for 25c Standard, Pack No. 1 Cans TOMATOES can 10c 59c Sizes Heinz PLUM PUDDING, FIG PUDDING MOIST MINCEMEAT . . Choice 49c US No. 1—Idaho Russett POTATOES . . 3 for 28c . head 10c . 4 His. !9c #* m CHRISTMAS TREES # & « ^ Popular Size ^ § 5-6 Ft. $1.85 § ©> iy Jf FROZEN FOODS -¥■ New Crop Snowcrop ORANGE JUICE . . 2 cans 37c 10 Oz. Snowcrop or Birdseye STRAWBERRIES . . . pkg. 29c Birdseye GREEN PEAS . . . . 2 pkgs. 37c 1 Lb. Pkg.—Birdseye Fillets of PERCH •. each 43c Vi Gal. Holiday or Lilly MELLORINE each 59c & A T T E N T I O N g HUNTERS! % m 0 id 0 0 Shotgun Shells C7 At Strictly WHOLESALE PRICES f# $ • Blue line prints • Blue prints • Photostats SCO AXES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 Dr. N. B. McNutt DENTIST Office Over Ellison’s Pharmacy Entrance—107 E. 26 St. Ph. 3583 Bryan Southside Food Market Store Hours: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Daily. Open 30 minutes earlier on Fridays and Saturdays At Southwest corner of Campus SPECIALS STARTING 4 P.M. THURSDAY, THROUGH SATURDAY.! WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Specials 4 p.m. Times. Afternoon, Friday & Saturday - December 17 -18 -19