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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1953)
"Page S' THE BATTALLION Thursday, t)ecemSer 17, 1958 The Kell Players Kell Group Sets Date The Reginald Kell players will present a concert for members of the College Station - Bryan Civic Music association at 8:15 tonight in the Stephen F. Austin high school auditorium. The chamber music group is composed of Kell, clarinetist; Joel Rosen, pianist, Melvin Ritter, vio linist; and Rurora Natola, cellist. The group’s program will in clude modern and traditional music. The program will open with a Beetoven trio for the clarinet, cello and piano. Other selections will include Handel numbers, “Banjo and Fid dle” by William Kroll, Chopin’s “Cherzo”, “Pocket Size Sonata” by Alec Templeton and “Ritual Fire Dance”. The final number, which will be presented by Kell, Rosen and Miss Natola, will be a modern suite for clarinet, violin and piano by the French composer Milhaud. Frank Coulter, president of the Civic Music association, urged members who would be unable to use their memberships to give them to a friend for this concert since no tickets will be sold at the door. He added that persons who were not in the community during the membership drive could purchase memberships for the balance of the season by contacting him. The next concert in the series will be the Singing Boys of Mexico during the latter part of February. Flights Daily to F Lv. 7:05 am, 2:15 pm Excellent connections to CHICAGO, WASH INGTON D.Cv, NEW YORK, MEMPHIS, and CALIFORNIA For Reservations — Phone 4-5054 Family Favorites By MRS. MARION PUGH (Ed. note—Guest editor for this week’s Family Favorites is Helen Pugh, wife of Marion Pugh, owner of Pugh Lumber company. Since both her husband and ten-year old Condy are avid sports men, Mrs. Pugh is often called upon to prepare game recipes. She is president of the A&M Garden club and former superintendent of the beginners department at the First Baptist church, where the , Pugh’s are members.) With a family that loves to eat like ours does, and will eat anything from fried turtle (which I have prepared on more than one occasion) to heavenly hash, it’s hard to say just what our favorite recipes are. Since they are easily satisfied, I naturally prefer the easiest and simpliest ones. Wild Rice Dressing Here is one that is very tasty with wild duck or doves. % cup diced green peppers % cup chopped onion 4 tablespoons butter 2 cups cooked wild or brown rice cup chopped olives 14 cup canned mushrooms 14 cup hot water dash paprika Cook the green peppers and onions in two tablespoons butter until tender. Add rice, olives, mushrooms and paprika. Mix well. If mixture is not sufficiently moist, add additional melted butter. Put in greased baking dish and bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Refrigerator Whole Wheat Rolls Brown and serve rolls have spoiled us, but remember there is no substitute for the real thing. This is my mother’s recipe for whole •wheat rolls. Those can be baked immediately, or the dough may be stored in the refrigerator. They’re easy to make and always good. Texas A&M All College Dance Music Ry The Aggieland Orchestra At Longview's CLUB 2 Miles South on Longview-Kilgore Highway 26 Tuesday, Dec. 29 9 P. M. till ? — Sponsored By — THE DEEP EAST TEXAS A&.M CLUB for Scholarship Fund Tickets $2 Per Person Tax Included Advance fickets on Sale, Hollywood Cafe, Longview, Tex. 1 cup all-bran 1 cup hot water % cup sugar 7 tablespoons melted bacon drip pings 1 teaspoon salt % cup hot water Vs cup milk 1 yeast cake 1 egg (beaten) G cups flour Combine first five ingredients in a bowl and let set until luke warm. Pour together y 2 cup hot water and milk and let cool. Add yeast and egg. Add this and flour to first mixture. Mix well. Let rise until double in bulk. Then work down dough and cover and put in the refrigerator or make into rolls immediately. Cherry Coke Salad No. 2 can pie cherries 1 cup sugar Vs cup water 2 packages cherry gelatin ,1 Coca-Cola 1 cup chopped nuts Put in pan and heat to boiling, cherries, sugar and water. Pour liquid over gelatin and stir, until dissolved. Add Coca-Cola. Chill till mixture thickens. Then add cherries and nuts. Pour into molds and chill. Cole Slaw This is one I always use for football guests. It’s especially good served^with Italian,spaghettj. It can be prepared the day before. 1 cup sugar i 1 small bottle stuffed olives (chop- 1 cup vinegar pod) 1 medium head cabbage (shredded) celery seed and mustard seed to 1 green pepper (chopped) taste Bring sugar and vinegar to a boil andcool. Combine other in gredients and pour cold syrup over mixture. Chill overnight. Mrs. Hillman Reviews Book For WSCS Christmas Meet Mrs. John Hillman reviewed the book, “A Star is Born”, by Kenneth Phifer at the annual Christmas meeting of the Women’s Society of Christian Service of the A&M Methodist church at the home of Mrs. Ran Boswell Monday even ing. The first part of the meeting was devoted to a business session presided over by the president, Mrs. J. S. Mogford. After an interlude of recorded Christmas carols, Mrs. W. R. Hors ley read the beginning of the Christ story from Luke 1: 26-56. After Mi's. Hillman’s book re view, Mrs. Nolan R. Vance closed the meeting with a Christmas prayer dedicating the many gifts of toys brought by the members to the meeting for less fortunate children. A social hour followed with re- Do your small fry like to make gingerbread men with you, before Chi-istmas, for tree decorations ? After you have the cookies cut out, press small cord loops into the back of the heads before baking, so the little figures will be easy to hang on green boughs. freshments served by the hostess, Mrs. Boswell, and her co-hostesses, Mrs. L. A. DuBose and Mrs. R. H. Schleider. Students Name Church Choice The religious census of A&M students, announced today by J. Gordon Gay, executive secretary of the YMCA, is as follows: Baptist, 1,788; Methodist, 1,463 Catholic, 784; Presbyteidan, 458 Church of Christ, 291; Episcopal 272; Christian, 247; Lutheran, 221 no preference 212; Jewish, 63 Christian Science, 29; Islam, 25. Assembly of God, 18; Latter Day Saints, 10; Nazarene, 10; Hindu, 8; Independent, 5; Greek Orthodox, 4; Church of God, 4; Evangelical and Reform, 2; Seventh Day Ad ventist, 1; Hellenic Orthodox, 1; Society of Friends, 1; Sikh, 1. “There were 6,188 students en rolled in the fall of 1953,” Gay says. “Five thousand students turned in YMCA cards; 270 stu dents did not fill out preference cards.” HEADQUARTERS FOR BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Dollar for dollar, the best and most beautiful watch you can buy! A) WITTNAUIR. Dependable timing, charm ingly styled to bring joy at Christmastime. Exclusive hand-rjetailetl, gold-filled case. $51.50 m B) WITTHAUER. Impressive styling in a most unusual design. Square gold-filled case, hand-lapped to a high finish. A wonderful surprise for your man. $52.50 fTI Caldwell Jewelers Bryan AUTHOR 12t0 AGENCY LONGINES-WITTNAUER WATCHES What’s Cooking "hurrday do p. m. —— bhreveport c i : meeting, YMCA chapel. Discuts Christmas party. Runnel’s county hometown club meeting, room 106, Academic build ing. Rides home-important. Kansas-Missouri club meetipg, room 104, Biological Science build ing. Details on Christmas party. Tyler-Smith county club meet ing, Academic building. Christmas party plans. Fayette - Colorado A&M club meeting, room 2C, MSC. Christmas party. Rusk county club meeting, room CHS Chorus ToSingCarols Over WTAW The A&M Consolidated high school chorus will give a pro gram of Christmas music at 12:15 p. m. Friday over sta tion WTAW. The program is dedicated to the Christmas seal sale now being conducted by the Brazos County Tuberculosis associa tion. The 38-voice choir will sing five selections, “The Legend of the Bells”, “Carol of the Bells”, “Coventry Carols”, “O Holy Night” and “I Believe”. Robert L. Boone is the choir director. ha Dis?uprd on ■ g Fines club meeting, ■ in .:28, Academic building. Final party plans. 7:30 p. m.—Coleman county club meeting, Academic building. Audio club meeting, radio room, MSC. Texarkana Four States club meeting, room 224, Academic build ing. Wichita Falls hometown club meeting, room 128, Academic build ing. Discuss Christmas party plans. Palestine hometown club meet ing, 3rd floor, Academic building. Discuss party plans. meeting, so- dance plans, Corpus Christi club meeting, MSC. Announce plans for Christ mas party. 7:45 p. m.—Camera club meet ing, serpentine lounge, MSC. Model night — bring lights, cameras, tripods. Coleman county club meeting, Academic building. San Angelo club meeting, Agri cultural building. Final plans for Christmas dance. East Texas club, room 257, Academic building. Final plans for Christmas party. Wesley Schedul es Vespers Services Vespers will now be held four nights a week from 7:05 to 7:20 p. m. at the A&M Wesley founda tion. Formerly the vespers were every Monday and Friday. The schedule now includes Tuesday and Thurs day evening. They consist of a period of quiet meditatation with David Moore at the console. This is followed by a devotional period led by students from the freshman fellowship. The vesper period is closed with a time for private prayer at the alter or meditation in the pews. OVERS ■'FUR STORAGE HATTERS 210 S. Main Bryan Pho. 2-1584 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR from L'lSfa Zarape’s Restaurant We’ll be open all during the holidays except Dec. 25th. ★ SPECIALS FOE THURS. AFTERNOON, FRI. & SAT. DEC. 17-18-19 GROCERIES’ ^ 176 SIZE—FLORIDA JUICY Oranges doz. 35c CELLO. BAG Carrots bag 10c CALIFORNIA CRISP Celery stalk 10c MAGIC CIRCLE—COLOSSAL Ripe Olives can 29c OCEAN SPRAY 2 CANS Cranberry Sauce .... 45c 303 CAN—DEL MONTE Pumpkin ..... 2 cans 27c 303 CAN—LE SUER Small Peas . . . . 2 cans 51c FOLGER’S—MOUNTAIN GROWN Coffee lb. can 39c NO. 2'/2—CAL-TOP BRAND Pie Peaches . . 2 cans 47c NO. 2'/i—LIBBY’S Pear Halves .... can 41c LIBBY—BLUE LAKE—ASPARAGUS-CUT Green Beans . . 2 cans 67c Crisco 3 lb, can 79c 46 OZ.—TEXSUN Grapefruit Juice . 46-OZ. CAN—LIBBY’S Pineapple Juice . 14 OZ—SNIDER’S Tomato Catsup . . MONARCH—POLISH STYLE Dill Pickles . . . 303 CAN—CURTIS BRAND Tomatoes 2 cans 25c CAN , 29c CAN 31c 2 BOTTLES . . 33c qt, 39c * PRODUCE RUBY RED—TEXAS—80 SIZE Grapefruit 3 for 25c MARKET DECKER’S—TALL KORN Sliced Bacon lb. 59c HORMEL’S—DAIRY BRAND 1 LB. ROLL Pork Sausage 57c SWIFT’S—ALL SWEET Oleomargarine . . . lb. 31c Round Steak .... lb. 59c Porter House Steak, lb. 49c Short Ribs lb, 29c SQUARE CUT Shoulder Roast . . . lb. 45e * FROZEN PICTSWEET Peas & Carrots Peas Green Beans Chopped Spinach Brussels Sprouts Baby Limas PKG. 19« PKG. 2Rc WE WISH ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Jack — Melvin Charlie & Mrs. Charlie WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT ALL SALES Charlie's Food Market North Gate — WE DELIVER College Station