The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 16, 1953, Image 2

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    Battalion Editorials
“Take It Off’
Battalion Christmas Fund
Donations Now Total $36
The Battalion’s Christmas Basket fund
Avhieh we started last week, has received
three very helpful donations.
All three were anonymous. Two were
for $5 and one envelope contained a $1 bill.
We’ve completed our plans for buying the
groceries wholesole. Add this $11 to our
original donation of $25, and we can buy
several baskets for $36.
Harry Turner, manager of Miller’s Super
Market, said this morning he would be glad
to provide the groceries for us at wholesale
Thanks to the people who have given.
Those families which receive the baskets
will deeply appreciate it, but won’t have the
opportunity of thanking you. So we’d like to
do it.
We know the spirit in which this money
was given. The three parties who contribu
ted did so simply because they wanted to.
They’ve got big hearts.
Too many people rush through Christmas
buying presents for relatives and close
friends and forget about those less fortunate
who won’t get anything.
There are two kinds of giving. One gives
because he feels he should, and one gives
because he really wants to give.
We know of several needy families. If
anyone knows a family that we should have
on our list, please drop the name and address
in a letter to Editors, The Battalion.
And we’re still checking the mail closely
every day for those contributions.
(toacli 0ooinb4h,w?hen.
you decided. X could eecovt
By Walt Kelly
s?he iliinife I'm cute.
d feather— ^
Raises $450
Approximately $450 has
been raised for the Memorial
Student Center TV Fund
Drive. A mimimum goal of
$2000 has been set.
A television set has already been
donated by a former student, Jack
Finney, of Greenville, Texas.
The $450 was donated in the fol
lowing' denominations: $100 from
the Corps, $100 from the tubs
placed in the MSC, $200 from an
auction of lost articles at the MSC,
and $150 from the mothers’ clubs
at Port Arthur, Waco, and Dallas.
Abotit $1500 of the fund will be
used for installing' the antennae
system. The i<-sl will b<' spent' oil
the television sets, which will in
clude eight stationary and four
movable sets.
“The TV drive will end when the
goal is collected,” said Don Friend,
vice-president of the MSC Council.
“1 believe we will reach our goal,”
he added.
The sets will he installed in the
MSC as sooti as the four antennaes
are set up on top of the new P. E.
Building and the cables are install
ed which lead to the MSC. There
will be eight outlets in the MSG.
Each antennae will be pointed in
a different direction so that ail
stations can be received.
What's Cooking
7:30 p.m.—Brush Country club
meeting, room 207, Academic build
ing. Christmas party plans to be
1 7;4S p.m.—Baytown hometown
fclub meeting, bell at Academic
ijuiiuing. emristmas party plans—
8 p.m.—AVMA Auxiliary, social
room, MSC. Freshman wives in
charge of the meeting.
7; 15 p.m.—Shreveport club meet
ing, YMCA chapel. Discuss Christ
mas party.
Runnel’s county hometown club
meeting, room 100, Academic build
ing. Rides home-t—important.
Kansas-Missouri club meeting,
room 104, Biological Science build
ing. Details on Christmas party.
Tyler-Smith county club meet
ing, Academic building. Christmas
Fayette-Colorado A&M club
meeting, room 2C, MSC. Christmas
pa rty.
7:30 p.m.—Audio club meeting,
radio room, MSC.
Texarkana Four States club
meeting, room 224, Academic build
Wichita Falls hometown club
meeting, room 128, Academic build
ing. Discuss Christmas party
'Rusk county hometown club
meeting, room 307, Goodwin hall.
Palestine hometown club meet
ing, 3rd floor, Academic building.
Discuss party plans.
Amarillo A&M club meeting, so
cial room, MSC. Final dunce plans,
turn in ticket money.
Corpus Christ! club meeting,
MSC. Announce plans for Christ
mas party.
The Battalion
Lawrence Sullivan Boss, Founder of Aggie Traditions
“Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan
ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during
the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination
and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of
publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year,
and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods
and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9:00 per year or $ .75 per
month. Advertising rates furnished on request.
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thuek Neighbors
Harri Baker.
Bob Boriskie
Jon Kinslow...
Jerry Estes
Bob Hendry.—
Barbara Bubii
Jer i rN o~
Bill Turner
Co-E ditors
.Managing Editor
.Campus Editor
Sports Editor I
City Editor j
Basic Division Editor !
Feature Editor |
—Society Editor |
.-Associate Sports .Editor j
.Advertising Manager i
Zi'Tj Xiijhhcri, Zi~ Cell—s F.ay VTxl!.
Al Liiinbirg. Arnc’.d Gc’.iicein, Sill Fxricns, Bill Warren,
Jack Farley, John Linton. King ncC-owan. Jay Ireland
Charles Kingihhry, Gfiorge Uan-.ihas, B- 3, Lie Go win. . Stiff Writers.
Bet Filrntr, Ten Skritinok - Advertising Staff |
Tines Birle . .. Staff Cartoonist
Larry Les'ntfcot .... clrenlitien Llaaager
5ioiand Baird, Jewel Bayncnd. Ucnroe Cdcn, Ton Syler, Buddy Willians,
*»••*«•••••••«•••••••••••••••••*•■ Circulation
$3,09 $3L50
plnj PeA Tax
y LA N V1N
Smarl Siian
Christmas Dinner
Set for Thursday
The traditional Christmas dinner
will be served in Duncan dining
hall Thursday at 6:15 p.m., said
Luther Moon, Duncan hall manag
The menu will include roast
turkey and cornbrcad dressing,
cranberry sauce and giblet gravy,
candied yams and green peas,
olives, pickles, lettuce, mince pie,
assorted fruits, rolls and butter.
Guests of the corps will be Dean
J. P. Abbott, Dean John Bertrand,
Dean Ide Trotter, Dean W. L.
Penberthy, and their wives; Col.
Joe Davis, J. II. Sorrels, W. W.
Armistead, P. E. “Pinky” Downs
jr., Wayne Stark, C. G. “Spike”
White and their wives.
One dollar will be charged stu
dents who wish to attend the dinner
and do nm. liold dining luili subsis
tence cards, Moon said.
Scientists estimate there is
about twice as much nickel in the
earth’s crust as copper, zinc and
lead combined.
Kiwanis Club Installs
Ilervey As New President
J. B. (Dick) Hervey was install
ed last night as Kiwanis club
president for the coining year.
The installation was held at the
club’s banquet in the Memorial
Student Center. Raymond Robbins,
trustee of Kiwanis International,
was the speaker for the meeting.
Hervey served the past year as
second vice president, and has been
a member of the club’s board of di
rectors three years. He has also
been commanding officer of the
local air force reserve and presi
dent of the Brazos county chapter
of the Reserve Officers association.
Hervey is executive secretary
of the Former Students association,
partment of Agricultural Fcon-ni,
iqs and Sociology attended a con
ference of the Southwestern Re
gional Land Tenure Committee in
Texarkana December 9-11. They
were Professors Tyrus It. 'Pimm,
department head, R. L. Skrabanek
and W. C. Adkins.
and has been a member of the Ki
wanis club five years. He has lived
here since 1947.
Others installed at the banquet
were Bob Cherry, first vice presi
dent; Isaac Peters, second vice-
president; Jim Baty, W. S. Mann
ing, John Sperry, L. G. Jones and
Dan Russell, directors.
II, E. Burgess is past president.
Bankers 11 ear
Singi i ig Cadets
The Singing Cadets, sang at £
dinner meeting of the Texas Farm
and Ranch Credit School for com
mercial bankers, held in the Me-
tnorial Student Center ballroom
Tuesday evening.
Songs included in the program
were “Hark The Herald Angels
Sing,” “Now r Let Every Tongue
Adore Thee’, “Jingle Bells”, “Oh
Come Immanuel”, “Deep River’,
and “Aint It A Shame”.
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