The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 08, 1953, Image 2

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Battalion Editorials
Page 2
Absence of Faircloth
Will Be Felt By Many
The absence of Dalton Faircloth as as
sistant coach on the football team will be
greatly felt by many people.
He has been a big help to many of the
players this year, not only as a coach for the
technical aspect of the game, but as a coach
in the game of life.
Faircloth was a friend to many of the
boys on the team.
When he came here in 1949, he worked
with the “scrubs,” many of which went on to
make the varsity starting line up. He taught
them their fundamentals, and showed them
how to give their best.
When he became defensive coacl|, he de
veloped two backs during their first year on
the varsity who were named All-SWC, one
first team and the other second team. Then
he became offensive backfield coach this
year, and one of his men made All-SWC.
His record speaks for itself.
Faircloth has been the coordinator for
the A&M Quarterback Club which has car
ried all the films of previous games for the
benefit of residents and students who missed
football games.
The Battalion co-sponsors the club with
the Memorial Student Center. The Battal
ion is deeply grateful to Faircloth for his
close cooperation with us in helping to make
these programs possible.
Faircloth took his job at A&M with all
seriousness and has tried his utmost to help
build a football team the college can be proud
of. He has helped instill in the team the
spirit and determination which has brought
so many comments from people throughout
the state.
Some high school in the state of Texas is
going to be very lucky when it signs Fair
cloth as their coach. It will have a man
who has ability not only to teach the funda
mentals of the game, but who has that qual
ity of leadership to instill in his men the de
sire to play and the will to win.
Letters to ike Editors
Editors, The Battalion:
According to an article which ap
peared in the December 2nd issue
of The Battalion, Corps Com
mander Fred Mitchell refused an
invitation to appear at TSCW for
a mock wedding. This wedding was
to be filmed by a company com
missioned by Lever Bros, to make
an educational film using only data!
collected in a Nutrition Study of
Teenagers which is being conducted
on the campus of TSCW. It is a
privilege for the campus to be
chosen as the site for such a pri-
jc.ct and any person would feel
lucky to have his or her picture,
used in such a worthwhile study.,
The publicity which ' TSCW and
A&M got from this film (which
will be distributed to all high
schools and colleges over the United
States) is worth more to the
schools than any individual’s per
sonal interest. If the Aggies asked
to be in the film would have ration
ally read the release and investigat
ed through authorized sources what
their part would have been, instead
of blindly jumping to an ignorant
conclusion, they would have found
that their minor part in the film:
wmuld have given A&M some de
sperately needed favorable publ-
city. The release to be signed by
each person in the film plainly
states that the signer’s picture can;
be used only in the specified named;
educational film, not for any so-
called “soap” ads. One doesn’t need 1
a pre-law student to interpret the
plain words of the release. Even
if one couldn’t read, one ought to,
know that any company with the
News Briefs
cultural economics and sociology
department, attended a meeting of
the technical committee of the re
gional family life research project
at the Women’s College of the Uni
versity of North Carolina in
Greensboro, N. C.
•T' 3}» 4-
MIDSHIPMAN Walter S. Ander
son, son of Mi-, and Mrs. Frank G.
Anderson of College Station, has
been appointed brigade captain at
the U. S. Naval Academy at An
napolis. Brigade captain is the
highest rank at the academy, com
parable to A&M’s cadet colonel of
the corps.
* * Hs
FIRST LT. Ramon Garcia of
Laredo recently received the
Bronze Star medal for meritorious
service. He attended A&M before
entering the service in 1952.
sit * *
area will meet Friday at 7:30 p. m.
in the Academic building to orga
nize a club here. Dr. R. G. Layer
of the economics department and
Philip Stern are forming the club.
CHILDREN of Bryan AFB mili
tary personnel will meet an air
borne Santa Claus with gifts for
500 youngsters Dec. 12. Santa is
expected to arrive in a T-33 jet
airplane. He will be taken in a
fire truck to the base gymnasium
for a party.
DURING the month of Novem
ber, 1,568 persons visited the A&M
campus. From June 1 to Nov. 1,
the campus had 3,744 visitors.
* * *
SECOND LT. Robert Callaway
’52 recently received the Purple
Heart for wounds received in action
in Korea. He is a forward observer
with the 48th field artillery batta
The Battalion
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
“Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
•The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan
ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during
the regular school: yfcAir. During the summer terms, and eXanjihation
and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. T)ayk of
publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year,
and TuCsdap Aid Thursday during examination and vacation periods
<and the .summer terms. Subscription rates $9.60 per year of $ .75 per
JSftohth. Advertising rates-furnished en-requefet.
■gatsied 4ib .escoaa-c-’-ifes
raattat at -poet 'Oftica at
Coilaga Statlia, faxie
uajar t*ta Act <tf Czi.-
&ee& ci ■ MMc&. 2, 1S76.
Member of
Aeeo&Lated Press
saticialir t?
'£T 4. t ! i j Ad^srUslis
©arVicae, lit., at -Mot
XCi-a city, CfcltaEo, Vos
Sigalsi, aa:'4 Sai Tiin-
The Associated Dress is entitled exclusively to the use .for republic
News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or
at the editorial office -room, 202 Goodwin Rail. Classified ads may be
placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room
209 Goodwin Hall.
Chuck Neighbors — Managing Editor
Harri Baker Campus Editor
Bob Boriskie .Sports Editor
Jon Kinslow _..City Editor
Jerry Estes Basic Division Editor
Bob Hendry .Feature Editor
Barbara Rubin Society Editor
Jerry Wizig... Associate Sports Editor
Rill Turner Advertising Manager
Frank Hines, Jerry Neighbors, Bob Domey, Jim Collins, Ray Wall,
A! Elsenberg, Arnold Goldstein, Bill Parsons, B!!! VVarren,
Jack Farley, John Linton,. Ring McGowan. Jay Ireland,
Charles Kingsbury. George Minltiis, B. B. McGowan. . . Staff Writers
Gardner Collins ........I...-. Exchange Editor
Bob Palmer. Tom Skrabanek. Advertising Staff
James Earle -Staff Cart
reputation of Lever Bros, could
not afford to use any but the most
legal methods in its business deal
It is a pity that student leaders
with responsible positions do not
investigate the facts for them
selves before blindly following a
person of higher rank and his
warped reasoning.
Gloria Hipp ’55 TSCW
Member of Nutrition Study
Carolyn Walker ’55
Sue Suber ’55
Eleanore Eemynse ’55
Julie Bourg ’54
Marion Kindel ’54
Chalotte Wilmarth ’54
Fat Brown ’54
Yenita Bracewell ’54
Jo An Rutledge ’54
Ethel Coffee ’54
Cecilia Garcia ’54
Artis Ann Markel ’55
Gail Durham ’55
Koxanna Ward ’55
Anna Hurtling ’56
Lucinda Bailey ’56
Betty Merrill ’56 i
Elizabeth Fisher ’55
Joy McDermett ’55
Ann Peterman ’54
Betsy Johnson ’55
Phyllis Rankin ’55
Barbara Brown ’55
Connie Antone ’55
June Hazlip ’54
Carolyn Whitehurst ’54
Barbara Walker ’54
Pat Bryan ’54
Frances Weiss ’54
Barbara McFarlane ’54
F. Dietert ’54
Ginger Tiemann ’56
Lou Bernhardi ’56
A King Can Do No Wrong
Ry AI Capp !
Cadet Slouch
. by Earle
(Continued from Page 1)
said former students and A&M
mothers clubs would be asked to
The Waco - McLennan county
A&M Mothers club donated $40
to the drive. Jack Finney, member
of the A&M board of directors re
cently gave a television set to the
The MSC hopes to set up two
television masts on top of the new
P. E. building before the roof is
completed, Parker said.
Regional Meeting-
Councilman Carroll Phillips re
ported on the recent regional meet
ing of the Association of College
Unions. The meeting was held
Friday-Sunday at Oklahoma A&M.
Delegates from A&M included
eight students r, and three staff
Phillips said he thought the
MSC’s activities were in good shape
compared to those of other unions
represented there. He said that he
formed this opinion after hearing
problems of the other unions.
job Calls
® Dec. 9—General Electric will in
terview business administration,
economics and agricultural econo
mics majors graduating in Janu
ary. These interviews will be for
candidates for their business
training course.
9 Dec. 9—Continental Can Com
pany, Inc. will interview mid-term
graduates in mechanical and in
dustrial engineering, industrial
education and business admini
stration. At this time they are in
terested in contacting men for
work in production-manufacturing,
production engineering, industrial
engineering, production control,
quality control, and industrial re
Box Rent Due By First of Year
Post office box rent is due Dee.
31, said Dr. T. O. Walton, College
Station postmaster.
The next payment -will be $1.50.
It will be good for a three month
period ending March 31.
Box holders can pay for all o£
next semester at the same time.
The fee for all of the semester is
$2.50 for the five month period.
Box rent can be paid before
the Christmas holidays.
Late Models
Rent Machines
Bryan Business Machine
429 S. Main
Ph. 2-1328
Select your
Hate ydu ever bought your Christ mas
Cahds tire BOxed Assortment way?
We think you'll find it A grOit tirhO-
>savOiM—and k P0a! mOney-sarer for you, too!
This yekr, as always, we are featuring
a large variety of Bo-xed Assortments Of
Christfnafe Cards.
Each box contains not.'one, but several
different designs—and the number of cards
in each box ranges from 12 up to 25 or
And the prices are amazingly low. Many
cost only a dollar a. box—and some are
even less expensive.
Come in and select one box each of
several different assortments—and you’ll
find you’ve solved your problem of select
ing your Christmas Cards THIS year more
easily than ever before.
The Exchange Store
Seymour Smith \V!!! Koiiaday. John Meacher Staff-Photoera:
BcZand Baird, Jewel TU-j mead. liosrc« Odes:, Tola. Syler. Buddy Williams -
CircU&tics Staff
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