The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 11, 1953, Image 2
Page 2 THE BATTALION Wednesday, November 11, 1953 One Dies Hunting Crocodiles Adventurer Relates World Wide Cruise ■ gg™ 1 . : I s fe ,. ^ t ?$§>&, I : TOWN HALL VOCALIST—Vivian Della Chiesa, one of radio’s most popular sopranos, will be featured on “The American Album of Familiar Music” scheduled here next Tuesday night. The show will open this year’s Town Hall series. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Editors, The Battalion: I would like to ask a question. Is this an institution for higher learning, attended by intelligent young men or a “hangout” for a group of hillbillies? Judging from the type of music heard over WTAW each morning and afternoon, it must be the lat ter. It seems to me that a college the size of Texas A&M could have a* much better selection of music than has been offered in the past. I personally think that some of the present programs offered over the college radio station display ridicule toward the intelligence of the students and faculty members, as well as a disgrace to the college as a whole. I appeal to you as editors of the college newspaper to see if some* thing can be done to improve the selection of music offered for the listening pleasure of Texas A&M Students. C. L. Curl, ’54 What’s Cooking AALP to Establish Suggestion Box A suggestion box will be set up on the campus by the American Association of University Perfes- sors. “The purpose of the box is to encourage bottom-up as well as top-down suggestions,” said Dr. Dan E. Davis, A&M chapter presi dent. In reply to a suggestion from AAUP officials that the sugges tion box technique could be used for the good of the college, Dr. David H. Morgan, president, said he. was in agreement with the idea. “1 agree with the philosophy which you have expressed. I hope that more will learn that they are free to express their ideas and that their suggestions will be wel comed,” Morgan said. Suggestions will be turned in to Davis, and will then be given to the president. They must be signed. Wednesday 7:15 p. m.—B’nai BTith Hillel Foundation meeting, rooms 2A and 2B, MSC. Dr. Gerard Priestly, well known author and lecturer, will speak on “America and the Mid dle East.” Thursday 7:15 p. m. — San Antonio club meeting, room 301, Goodwin Hall Final plans for Thanksgiving party. Refreshments. Cen-Tex. Hometown club meet ing, room 306, Academic building. Thanksgiving party plans. Milam county club meeting, YMCA. Plans for Thanksgiving party. Southwest Texas club meeting, YMCA. Plans for Christmas party. 7:30 p. m. — Fayette-Colorado A&M club meeting, room 2C, MSC. Final plans for party. Guadalupe Valley hometown club meeting, senate chamber, MSC. Thanksgiving party final plans. A&M Dianetics group meeting, cabinet room, YMCA. Audio club meeting, radio room. Speech on audio equipment. Wichita Falls Hometown club meeting, room 128, Academic building. Thanksgiving party plans to be discussed. Caldwell county club meeting, 3rd floor, Academic building. Corpus Christi club meeting, M SC. Thanksgiving party plans. San Angelo club meeting, Agri cultural building. Christmas and Thanksgiving party plans. West club meeting, YMCA. Plans for Thanksgiving party. Kansas - Missouri club meeting, room 107, Biological Science build ing. Organizational meeting. Panhandle club meeting, MSC. Dianetics Head Says Council Not Scientific (Continued from Page 1) The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .75 per Inonth. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas Under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or nqt otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. JERRY BENNETT, ED HOLDER. .Co-Editors Chuck Neighbors Managing Editor Harri Baker Campus Editor Bob Boriskie Sports Editor Jon Kinslow : .....City Editor Jerry Estes Basic Division Editor Bob Hendry J..... Feature Editor Barbara Rubin Society Editor Jerry Wizig Associate Sports Editor Rill Turner Advertising Manager Frank Hines, Jerry Neighbors, Bob Dotney. Jim Collins, Ray Wall, A1 Eisenberg, Arnold Goldstein, Bill Parsons, Bill Warren, Jack Farley, John Linton, King McGowan, Jay Ireland, Charles Kingsbury. George Manitzas, E. B. McGowan Staff.Writers Gardner Collins Exchange Editor ®ob Palmer, Tom Skrabanek Advertising Staff James Earle Staff Cartoonist Seymour Smith, Will Holladay, Buddy Woods Staff Photographers Joe Hipp News Editor Larry Lightfoot Circulation Manager Roland Baird, Jewel Raymond, Monroe Odom, Tom Syler, Buddy Williams, Russell Reed Corculation Staff “Dianetics is a set of tools that will enable persons having a desire to change and to realize their high est capabilities to reach such a goal. This goal is called optimum,” McCulley said. The ultimate goal of dianetics is “clear.” When a person reaches “optimum” he can Gist aside all mental blocks and cure an injury by thinking about it. But the blocks may return. When he is “clear” the blocks are gone for ever. Here’s how dianetics works. A person has a problem. It can be either mental or physical. He knows definitely what his problem is. He must want to solve it. He remembers when he first had this problem. He keeps thinking about this first instance. He re lives it over and over again in his mind. Finally the pain or worry connected with this first experience vanishes. When this happens, whatever caused the problem no longer bothers him. McCulley said he had cured four students of poor eyesight since last spring when they began treatment. Last spring they all wore glasses, he said. Now they don’t. Curing Four Students He also told of curing four stu dents of “choking up” before ex aminations. John L. Hatcher, pres ident of the dianetics group here and a consolidated band member, claimed dianetics was curing his poor eyesight. Hatcher said he was nearsighted. But since he had been practicing dianetics his eyes were improving. McCulley said he taught an ath lete to use dianetics to heal a cut. He explained the A&M student had cut his chin when he dived into the swimming pool and hit bottom. One stitch was taken in his chin. The student started practicing dianetics. In about three days the cut was healed. He also told about a senior last year who broke his jaw. The sen ior started using dianetics. His jaw healed in 60 per cent of the time his doctors had estimated, Mc Culley said. Abolish War McCulley said that the goals of the dianetic research foundation are the abolishment of war, hate, crime and insanity. Southwell told the council that one article said that several persons had gone in sane studying dianetics. McCulley said that he had heard of such reports but had never learned if they were true. He also denied some articles’ statements that dianetics was a hoax and was dangerous. A person who teaches dianetics is called an auditor. McCulley said that a person must train for 16 weeks before he receives this title. McCulley said he is not an audi tor. But he said he had studied the subject from books and had attend ed two international conferences on dianetics. McCulley is on the Board of Gov ernors of the Dianetics Foundation. He said four MDs are also on the board. McCulley said he started practicing dianetics in 1950 after reading the first book written about it. The next meeting of the dianetics group will be tomorrow’ night in the YMCA. By JON KINSLOW Battalion City Editor Adventures on a year and a half cruise of the world in a 96-foot sailboat were described yesterday to the College Station Kiwanis club. Ray Mohler, who made the 48,000 mile trip told the club about the cruise. “This could be called adventure,” he said. “But adventure is just being scared in different ways.” Out of 24 people who started the tour, 18 came back. Only one was killed, and he died while hunting crocodiles in the Philippines. Stayed Sick “One member of the crew had chornic sea sickness, and he stayed sick five months before he left the boat,” Mohler said. The group visited 106 ports, spending 60 per cent of its time at sea. It cost each of the crew members $5,000 to take the tour. Each helped sail the boat. “We are probably the only people to pay $9 a day for a year and a half of work,” Hohler said. “The only paid member of the crew was the cook.” Mohler told of many times when the crew was close to being killed. One night they spent the night on an island inhabitated by cannibals. Mysterious Places “We wanted to visit mysterious places, so every time we were told not to go somewhere, we went there,” he said. He also told of some of the native villages they saw. Once a native came down to the boat with $450 in American money. He want ed to know where the “PX” was. “One native had all his dead ancestors standing around the in side walls of his hut,” Mohler said. “Some of them didn’t keep the whole body of their dead ancestors, just the heads.” Serious Arguments There was always harmony among the crew, which included women, he said. There were never any fist fights or serious argu ments during the cruise, Mohler said. “Everyone seemed worried about our safety,” he said. “However, we knew no one would waste an atomic bomb on us, so we wonder ed if the people in the United States would be there when we got back.” Davis Calls White Shirts Non-Reg White shirts and black ties may not be worn as part of the winter dress uniform, Col. Joe E. Davis, commandant, said Monday. A&M unifortn regulations are based on army regulations. Since this uniform may not be worn by army officers, A&M cadets may not wear it either. The commandant’s office can authorize regulation uniform de viations, such as white belts and green shirts. They may not make any ex ceptions that would change the appearance of an officer’s dress uniform, Davis said. News Briefs MORE THAN 152 representa tives from manufacturing com panies making accessory metering equipment are learning of new advancements in metering art at a public utility short course being held here this week. The group was welcomed Monday b y M. C. Hughes, head of the electrical engi neering department. DR. WELCOME E. WRIGHT, associate professor of industrial education, will take part in the annual conference of the American Vocational association and the Na tional Association of Industrial Teacher Educators, to be held in Chicago, Nov. 22-28. * * * A PROGRAM DESIGNED to help engineering instructors teach their students will be presented at the first meeting of the A&M branch of the American Society of Engineering Education. The meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in Room 207 of the new Engineering Building. Lipstick (Continued from Page 1) bonfire committee that they would be willing to pay for drill field signs rather than have students “borrow” highway signs. Members of the bonfire commit tee are W. L. Penberthy, dean of men; Col. Joe E. Davis, comman dant of cadets; Lt. Col. Taylor Wil kins, assistant commandant; C. G. (Spike) White, director of student activities; V. M. (Monty) Mont gomery, head yell leader; Jimmy Tyree, senior yell leader; Fred Mitchell, cadet colonel of the corps and Vic Kennedy, first composite regiment commander. Here's your chance to help pick the only Robbery (Continued from Page 1) came out the projection booth. Boyett got the story from the pro jectionist. Boyett called the Bryan police. “There was soon a flood of offi cers,” Gonzales said. Gonzales said Boyett wasn’t sure whether the box office was insured for 100 per cent or not. He said he heard one of the po licemen remark that he expected the man to “strike two or three times during the night—he may hit anywhere.” Lee Norwood, one of the investi gating officers from College Sta tion, wouldn’t say whether it look ed like a professional job or not. He said he couldn’t tell whether it was the man’s first or seventieth. Send Out Call Police sent out a call for him to several of the surrounding towns, but an official said with the amount of information which they had, the bandit probably won’t be caught. Gonzales estimated there were 2 $10 bills, 6 $5 bills and about SCk $1 bills. " The 12th Man Inn at the North Gate reported two men entered la ter in the evening and each chang ed 20 $1 bills. The second man came in about 10 minutes after the first. Nor wood said he planned to check with Mrs. Arhopulos, who was at the cash register. Gonzales said there was about $8 in currency left in the box of fice. The Battalion asked him how he felt when he faced the gun. Gon zales chuckled and said, “It didn’t even faze me.” For Details LISTEN TO HARRY WISMER’S "SPORTS TEN” program on your Mutual Radio Station KORA The 1953 All-College All- America Football Team is sponsored by PHILIP MORRIS and brought to you by HARRY WISMER It is the only All-America picked by the lansl Youths Arrested in Gasoline Theft Three Bryan youths were await ing charges today for stealing gas oline from an A&M student’s car last weekend. Four A&M students spotted the youths after they had siphoned gasoline from a car belonging to Albert D. Rial. The thieves were hiding in their car in the dormitory 11 parking lot. They escaped be fore the students could stop them. One student recognized one of the thieves and reported him to the Campus Security Office. Cam pus Security officials notified the county sheriff. The A&M students were Stephan Voros, Bill Stukert, Jerry Bainen and Herberd Barnard. PUTS PLAIN TONES ON THE TOP STYLE PLANE IN HAND NEEDLED EDGED SI £ j J: Definitely new models in beautiful quality blue, gray and tan tones. a.rq. 03<xfLclry>jp aG. MINIS CLOTMINO SINCE 1894 efiVAN - TEXAS LI’L ABNER Something For The Girls By AI Cupp AH THOUGHT THIS PRE-DICK-SHUN MEANT AH WAS GONNA HAVE A N-NEW MISSUS VOKUM, BUT AH HAIN'T PUJNNIN' (NTH'(RACE- HONEST ABE IS- -so- TH'PF^E-DICK-SHUN IS FO'MIM.7-EF HEGITS CAUGHT HE'LL HAVE A NEW MISSUS VOKUM. HE'LL HAFTA GIT MAFRWEP," DELAVEP ACTION"STVLE-J -MEANIN'16 YfcRS AFTER TH'WEDDIN'IS PUFFAWMEO -z-iNGorr- IT BECOMES LEGAL. P O G O By Walt Kelly yxN0vv, OUGHT 70 KPSPOUg 0IG MOUTHS SHUT ALU Weimrazf VSAZ UOWS SO'S Wg'PHAVg 7m TO THINK OF TWO MNUTgg' W0l?fH OF SOMETHIN’TO SAY ON THE OC DEEMS FAY!.05?