Circulated Daily To 90 Per Cent Of Local Residents Number 140: Volume 53 ion PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), Texas, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1953 Published By A&M Students For 75 Years Price r ive Cents Gen. Moore Award Changes Will Go To Executive Group MONSOON SEASON—Paul R. Bassett, freshman from Suffern, N.Y., gets his first taste of typical Brazos valley weather. He had to learn that students are expected to go to class, in spite of the puddles and clinging mud. He needn’t bother to look up. Even if it clears, the rain will be back soon. The Executive committee will de cide Tuesday on a new method for awarding the Gen. George F. Moore trophy, given each year to the out standing unit in the cadet corps. The awarding of the trophy has been evaluated by a six-man stu dent committee, which recommend ed that grades be given less value in the awarding of the trophy. The committee also changed some of the points given for extra curricular activities. The recommendation of the com mittee is to count grades 40 per cent of the total, military profic- First Town Hall Will Have Two Performances There will be two perform ances of the first Town Hall program, “The American Al bum of Familiar Music”, be cause of the limited seating capacity of Guion Hall, according to John Akard, Town Hall mana ger. Students who hold Town Hall cai'ds can get tickets for either performance by presenting their cards at the student activties of fice or at Duncan and Sbisa din ing halls after the evening meal on Monday, Nov. 16. The first of six Town Hall pro grams for this year “The American Album of Familiar Music” will pre sent music for every one’s taste, Akard said. Such songs as “On the Road to Jhandaley,” “Warsaw Concerto,” “There is Nothin' Like a Dame”, “I Believe” and “Old Man Rivei'” will be featured. Soloists for the program ai’e Vivian Della Chiesa, soprano; Earl William, tenor; Michael Roberts, baritone; and Ernest Ulmer, pianist. Gustave Haenschen is musical director and conductor of the pro gram. The concert will be similiar to the program given over the radio by the same group under the same name. The A&M Film Society plans to show three foreign language films next semester. These films are paid the society’s program this year which includes 11 Hollywood productions. Tickets are on sale at the main desk of the Memorial Student cen ter and in the Office of Student Activities. Price is one dollar. Titles of the foreign films and their screening dates will be an nounced later, said Jerry Bennett, film society president. The film society will bring back “The Charge of the Light Brigade on Dec. 13. The film first was ghown here Oct. 26 Since the film society was late in announcing the show’s date, few ticket holders attended. Bennett said the Film society wished to apologize for its negelect and hoped everyone could attend the Dec. 13 showing. Weather Today Clear to partly cloudy today. In creasing cloudiness tonight with possible light rain and fog. Tem peratures will remain about the same. High yesterday 69. Low this morning 50, iency 25 per cent, intramurals 20 per cent, and extra-curricular ac tivities 15 per cent. The present method gives grades 50 per cent, military proficiency 25 per cent, intramurals 15 per cent, and extra-curricular activi ties 10 per cent. Needs Approval The recommended change has to be approved by the Executive com mittee before it can go into effect. The Executive committee is com posed of the deans of the school and the commandant. Bennie Zinn, assistant dean of men, will present the recommen dations to the Executive committee. Kert Goode, corps executive officer and a member of the evaluating committee, will be at the meeting to present committee’s views and to answer questions. Other members of the committee were Bob Manner, Carl Wilson, Frank Ford, Pat Wheat and John Benefield. “I doubt if the Executive com mittee will approve the recommen dations,” Zinn said. He said that the Executive com mittee might think that grades should not be de-emphasized in the awarding of the trophy. Decreased Points As part of the evaluation, the committee recommended the fol lowing extra - curricular activity point decreases: Band members, from two to one; Aggieland orchestra members, from two points to none; Who’s Who selections, from two points to none. They recommended increases for student senators, from two points to three; and student senate offi cers, from three to four. They recommended that the fol lowing activities be added to the list: Vice presidents and secretaries of technical societies, with one point; members of the student councils in each school of the col lege, with one point; home town club pi’esidents, with one point. The points for Memorial Student Center students workers were re vised to read MSG president, five points; MSG vice-president, four points; MSG council members, three points; and MSC jdirfectorate members, three points. Other films to be shown this sea son are “The Fan,” Nov. 6. “A Message to Garcia,” Nov. 13; “Man Hunt,” Dec. 2; “They Died with Their Boots On,” Jan. 1; “Sergeant York,” Feb. 12. “Dark Victory,” March 25, “Kiss of Death,” April 2, “Johnny Belinda,” April 30 and “A Letter to Three Wives,” May 17. FIVE HUNDRED and thirty four county agents are attending in the MSC the 50th anniversary year meeting of the statewide membership of the Agricultural extension service. The meeting started Monday and ends Friday. Also attending are the 99 mem bers of the extension staff. * * * TSCW former students here with home demonstration agents from all over the state will have a ban quet at 7 tonight in the MSC ballroom. Most of the demonstra tion agents here are former stu dents of TSCW. * * * THERE ARE between 2,400 and 2,600 registered automobiles on the campus this year, an increase of 200 since last year, according to Fred Hickman, chief of campus security. * * * DR. WELCOME E. Wright, in dustrial education department, will speak at the annual conferences of the American Vocational associa tion and the National Association of Industrial Teacher Educators. The conferences will meet Nov. 22-28 in Chicago. * * * THE SQUARE D company has selected three A&M seniors to tour their plant and home office in Detroit. The seniors are H, L. Me- Fire Roasts 150 Peanuts In MSC A conflagration in the Me morial Center Tuesday caused the loss of approximately 150 peanuts. The peanut machine in the MSC bowling alley caught fire, resulting in the loss of the peanuts. Only a few peanutk were salvagable. The fire was put out with two soft-drink bottles full of water. The fire was reportedly caused by overheating of the peanuts. Society Appoints Jones Director Dr. Luther Jones of College Sta tion has been appointed a state director of the Texas Society for Crippled Children. He will repre sent the southeast Texas region. The directors are in charge of alloting the society’s funds. Jones is president of the Brazos and Robertson counties Crippled Children’s society. Adams, William L. Nix and Wil liam Ehst. * * * A TALK on applying meteoro logy to animal husbandry and a talk on a Japanese agricultural re search institute will be given at the Nov. 6 meeting of the College Sta tion branch of the American Meteorolgical society at 7:45 p. m. in room 107, Biological Sciences building. * * * W. B. CALLAN, president of the Victoria National Bank, Victoria, will discuss the Texas livestock situation and outlook at the third annual Texas Farm and Ranch Credit School for Commercial Bankers here Dec. 6-9. * * * A. L. KRAMER, a supervisor trainer with the Engineering Ex tension service, is preparing a series of supervisor training courses for the highway chapter of the Associated General Contractors association. * * * THE ELECTRICAL engineering department will sponsor here a short course for electrical meter- men, Nov. 9-13. Norman F. Rode of that department will be chair man. About 150 persons are ex pected. * * * R. F. MATTHEW’S, a supervisor Corps Trip Route of March Picked Monday Route of march for the Houston corps trip parade was selected Monday by repre- sentitives of the college meet ing with Tom Sawyer, Hous ton traffic chief. A&M personnel who made the trip were Fred Mitchell, corps commander; Roy Sullivan, corps operations officer; Dick Porter, band commander; and Lt. Col. Tay lor Wilkins, assistant commandant. The corps will form on Bell street. At 10 a. m. the parade will start up Main to Texas Ave., turn : right on Texas and march down Fannin. The parade will be 19 blocks long. The reviewing stand will be on the northeast corner of Main and Rusk, and the band will be across the street on Rusk. Uniform for the parade will be class A winter with white gloves. Seniors will wear green caps. A&M headquarters for the corps trip will be in the Rice hotel. trainer with the Engineering Ex tension service is now conducting a two - week accident prevention course for the San Antonio Machine and Supply company. * * * BOB SHORT with his “Phonetic Punctuation” will be the first act on the Intercollegiate Talent show March 19, 1954. He was chosen by members of the music committee of the Memorial Student Center at the 21st annual Pigskin Review at SMU in Dallas this weekend. * * * GEN. NATHAN B. TWINING, Air Force chief of staff, will not be aavilable for the MSC Student Forum. Previously considered by the forum, Twining is in Europe and will not return before Nov. 19. He will speak in Dallas Nov. 20 and will leave immediately after wards for Washington, D.C. Korean Vets Must Sign Certificates Korean veterans who have not signed monthly certification forms must do so before Saturday morn ing, Nov. 14, in order to receive monthly subsistence checks fi-om the government, said Bennie Zinn, veterans adviser. The forms are in room 106, Goodwin hall. The government re quires that they be signed before the checks are given out. Film Club To Show Three Foreign Films News Briefs Mitchell Students Lose Over $7 0 to SneakTli let* *. How About Well-Planned Theft The Hotdogs And Steaks? Sammy Kaye and his band have never been to A&M be fore, but they’re going to be well prepared when they get here. They will play for a dance in Sbisa hall Nov. 25, the night of the bonfire before the A&M-Texas game. When Kaye asked why the dance wasn’t scheduled until 9:30 that night, he was told about the bonfire and was in vited to come. “Fine,” he accepted. “I’ll bring my own marshmallows.” Speakers Executed by Robber By CHUCK NEIGHBORS Battalion Managing Editor Seven students in Mitchell hall were robbed early Wed nesday morning of from $70 to $80 by a sneak thief. All seven men lived on the second floor of the dormitory in the northwest corner of the building. The thief entered the rooms of students who were asleep and quietly picked their wallets. None of the students in the robbed rooms was awakened by the burglar as he made his rounds. Apparently, said Tom Dunagan, who lost between $7 and $8, the thief entered by the south stairway and worked his way up the west end of the dorm to the north. The thief was discovered by Charles Salmon, Corpus ♦Christi junior. Salmon came into his room around 2 a.m., took off his clothes and got into bed. As he did, he noticed a strange Selecfed For ’54 RE Week Speakers for Religious Emphasis week have been selected. They are headed by Dr. Louis H. Evans of the First Presbyterian church in Hollywood, Calif. The list of speakers for Re ligious Emphasis week of 1954 is as follows: Convocation Speaker, Dr. Evans, Carl Spain of Houston, Dr. Hay den Edwards of Foi't Worth, Dr. Sidney Hamilton of North Texas State college, Rev. Luther Hol comb of Dallas, Robert G. Gordon of the University of Texas. Dr. A. G. Weideraenders of Seguin, Dr. Edward H. Johnson of New York city, Dr. John W. Fritts of Rice Institute and the Univer sity of Houston, Rev. Everett Seale of Beeville. Rev. Hubert Hopper of Houston, U of A Off ers To Explain Innocence The president of the Ark ansas university student body has offered to send a repre- sensative to A&M to explain that Arkansas students were not responsible for cadets being evicted from their sta dium seats last Saturday in Little Rock. Jerry Green yesterday tele phoned Ide P. Trotter, presi dent of A&M’s student senate, and said he would like to send a representative to speak to the A&M student body. Trotter told Green he did not think this would be neces sary because he believed Ag gies didn’t blame Arkansas’ students. However, Trotter said he would present Green’s offer to the student senate at tonight’s meeting. Gardner Elected By Dorm 5,14-4 Ronald G. Gardner, sophomore from Humble, was elected stu dent senator for dormitory 5 Mon day. Gardner, who received 14 out of 18 votes cast in the election, de feated Eugene T. Skidmore, senior from El Paso. One hundred one non - military students were eligible to vote in the election. The election was held to provide a senator for the students living on the first two floors of the dormitory. Non-military students were moved into dormitory 5 to ease crowded housing conditions. Aggie Debators Appear in Bryan The Aggie Debate and Discus sion club appeared Friday before an assembly at Stephen F. Austin high school in Bryan. They presented an exhibition de bate. Members of the club who ap peared were Ken Scott, David Bower, John Wilson and Bud Whitney. Charles Briggs served as chairman. Rev. Bruce Mclver of San Marcos, Rev. Harold G. Brown of Dallas, Rabbi Milton Rosenbaum of Fort Worth and Lt. Col. V. M. Good- hand, office of air force chaplains, Washington, D. C. Bishop John E. Hines, assistant Episcopal bishop of Texas, will head the program in 1955. Hines is from Austin. The first Religious Emphasis week was held in 1942. The pur pose was to have one week each year dedicated to religion to stimu late interest in local churches. Dr. George W. Truett was the leader for the first RE week. The rest of the program was made up by the churches,, each of which had its own guest leader. Dr. Paul Quillian was leader in 1942. There were no RE weeks held from 1942 through 1945 be cause of the speed-up program at A&M during World War II. 1950 was the first year classes were suspended for the morning meetings. Prior to that year, clas ses were let out early. The . first year in which more than one leader came from out side the campus was 1951. In that year, men came to be leaders in in dividual dormitories. Since then, there have been 12 or more men invited to RE week. They have been counselors for the dormitories in which they lived while staying on the campus. Religious Emphasis week is jointly sponsored by the YMCA and the Inter-Faitk council. The council is a special Y group com posed of two men from each church or religious group at A&M. Fish to Choose Class Yell Leaders Five freshmen yell leaders will be chosen from a field of 16 candi dates in the November election of class officers. The 16 cadets now alternate, letting five men serve at each freshman football game. Each candidate gets a chance to lead the freshmen in yells and the fresh man get to see the - candidates in action. The yell leader nominees are J. E. Spencer, J. C. Durbin, R. P. Brentz, W. L. Rains, S. B. Crockett, R. A. Portier, R. T. Bernard. T. A. Krauel, J. E. Clary, J. B. Rowland, J. R. McLarry, C. W. Jenkins, D. W. Graul, D. A. Weber, J. F. Heard and G. D. Hattox. Three Reunions Planned Saturday The classes of ’28, ’38, and ’43 will hold reunions here Saturday. The program will include a luncheon and business meeting of each class at 11:45 a. m. at the Memorial Student Center. After the luncheons, each class will at tend the A&M - SMU football game. Sections are reserved for them. Registration for room assign ments will begin in the MSC Satur day morning. There will be an in formal reception for each class during the morning. Class agents will preside over the luncheons. They are W. R. Carmichael ’28, John Boone ’38, and J. B. Longley ’43, dim shape over near the door. He stared at it for a moment and then jumped out of bed and turned on the light. The shape turned out to be a male dressed in fatigues, with white gloves and regulation socks on without shoes. When Salmon asked him what he was doing there, the boy answered, “I’m looking for a place to stay.” He then asked Salmon where a certain student lived. Salmon said the man lAed on the first floor. The intruder said, “I don’t feel well,” and went into the second floor lavatory. He must have left through the other entrance to the lavatory, be cause Salmon said he didn’t see him again. Salmon went down to the first floor room of the student men tioned by the fatigue-clothed “vis itor,” and told the student there was a fellow up in his room look ing for him. When the two went back up stairs, the intruder was gone. The two Mitchell residents then became suspicious and called the Campus Security office. Two Campus Secui’ity officers then made an investigation of all the rooms in the dormitory to try and find out how much was stolen. • One Mitchell roomer when ap proached by the Campus Secur ity officers, asked his roommate to look in his wallet. His roommate looked and an swered, “It’s empty 1” “I know,” said the still-sleepy student, “I just wanted to make sure.” • Some of the students visited by the officers and other students in the dormitory who helped in the survey, were apparently more in terested in sleep than in whether they had lost any money, said Armando Bexar, who helped in the search. All of the students who lost money lived on the second floor in the northwest part of the building. None lived on the first, third or fourth. “There’s no telling what might have happened,” said Bexar, “if Salmon hadn’t caught the guy when he did.” Non-Dorm Students May Give Blood Any person not living in a col lege dormitory who wishes to give a pint of blood Nov. 18 should call 4-5014 immediately for a schedule and information, said Bill Reed, blood drive chairman. Schedules and permission slips for dormitory students may be ob tained form the orginization com mander or housemaster. Persons under 21 must have per mission from their parents to give blood. Kivvanians to Sell Box Lunches at Game Box lunches will be sold before the A&M-SMU game this weekend by the Kiwanis club College Sta tion. Three hundred lunches will be for sale by club members at various points on the highwaysl around the Campus. The proceeds will be used to help school children and crippled chil dren in the College Station-Bryan area.