Page 6 THE BATTALION Thursday, October 22, 1953 Family Favorites By Mrs. Carl W. Landiss (Ed. note: Guest editor this week is Georgia Belle Land iss. Mrs. Landiss has worked professionally as a home econo mist for a frozen food distributor in Kansas City and as a teacher of homemaking education in the Texas public schools. At present she is giving full time to homemaking duties for her husband, Dr. Landiss of the physical education depart ment, and her two children, 17-year-old Carolyn and Bill, who celebrated his fourth birthday just a week ago. Mrs. Landis. c majored in home economics at Texas State College for Wo men and is currently serving as president of the local chapter of TSCW Alumnae.) At this time of the year, family activities are moving ir high gear and recipies that demand as little time in the kitchen as possible and yet provide satisfying meals are ii order. Banish Meat Ralls Carolyn and Bill prefer main dishes that feature ground meat Our favorite is a Danish meat ball which I serve on seasoned noodles This is a good recipe to serve to football guests also becaue with t salad, a hot bread, a beverage and a dessert you have a hearty am tasty meal. Step 2: After it doubles in bulk add 1 heaping teaspoon salt, 1 heaping teaspoon baking pov/der and one level teaspoon of soda to 1 cup sifted flour. Add this and enough additional flour to get the consis tency to handle well. Knead the dough well for a good texture. Place in an oiled pan. Put oil on top to prevent dough from getting hard and store in the refrigerator until needed. Cover with a lid or wax paper. Step 3: Roll out dough as needed on lightly floured board to about x /2 inch thick. Cut with a biscuit cutter. Brush with melted but ter. Crease through middle wih blunt knife and fold over to form parker house rolls. Set aside to rise until double in bulk. Bake on greased sheet at 425 degrees for about ten minutes. Brush with melted butter and serve. Red Devil Special Chocolate, THE flavor for Landiss desserts. Most of the time I ise a cake mix, but when I have time to make a cake from “scratch” ve like this one. Student Missionary Will Speak on Africa Friday 3. lb. ground beef % lb, pork shoulder (ground) 5 tablespoons cornstarch % teaspoon mace % teaspoon ginger Lj teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons salt 1 egg 2 tablespoons milk 1 large onion (chopped) 2 tablespoons bacon drippings V2 cup green pepper strips 2 cans vegetable soup V2 can water 1 cup tomato puree Have the butcher ground beef and pork together. Add cornstarch seasonings, egg, and milk to ground meat. Mix lightly, being carefu to avoid overmixing. Form into small balls the size of golf balls. Saute onion in drippings until tender, then remove from the skillet. Fry meat balls in fat until brown on all sides. Drain off all but one tablespoon fat. Add onions, pepper, and remaining ingredients. Stir until web blended. Cover and simmer for fifteen minutes, stiring occasionally. Arrange on serving platter; pour a little of the sauce over meat balls. Serve rest of sauce in gravy boat. Congealed Salad with Cream Cheese My husband’s and Carolyn’s favorite salad is so easy that I make it often. The recipe makes enough for a guest meal or it will serve the family and leave enough to go into the refrigerator for snacks. You can make half the recipe if you prefer. 1 package lemon jello 1 package orange jello IV2 cups boiling water IVz cups ice water 1 tall can crushed pineapple 3 large carrots (grated) 1 large package cream cheese ^ cup orange juice Pour the boiling water over the jello in a large pyrex salad or cake tray and stir until dissolved. Add the ice water, pineapple and grated carrots and put into the refrigerator until set. Beat the cream cheese and add enough orange juice to make it of easy spreading con sistency. Spread on top of the congealed salad. Cut into squares and serve on crisp lettuce cups. Refrigerator Rolls During the winter months we are very fond of hot rolls. My favorite roll recipe is one that Lollie Penberthy gave me ten years ago. It has been used for guest meals at home and for dinners I used to supervise when I taught homemaking at A&M Consolidated. It makes enough for family use for a week and will keep in the refrigerator for several days. Make out the rolls before going to bed and bake therrt the following morning. 1 quart milk 3 yeast cake 1 cup sugar % cup warm water (not hot) I cup shortening 15 cups sifted flour (approx.) Step 1: Dissolve sugar and shortening in scalded milk. Allow to cool to lukewarm. Add yeast that has been dissolved in % cup luke warm water. To all this add enough flour (about 6 cups) to make a batter. Beat well gradually adding flour until there is a sponge free from lumps. Set aside to rise for about an hour and a half or until double in bulk. Be sure container is not more than half full to allow for expansion. Vs cup cocoa fi cup sugar A cup water L cup milk l cup shortening 1 cup powdered sugar L cup granulated sugar 1 well beaten egg yolks 2 teaspoons vanilla 2V2 cups cake flour % teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cream of tarter 4 egg whites % cup broken walnut meats Combine cocoa, % cup sugar, and water in double boiler. Cook mtil thick. Add milk; mix well and cool. Cream shortening and re naming sugar. Add egg yolks and vanilla and beat well. Add cocoa nixture, then flour, sifted with salt, soda and cream of tarter. Fold n egg whites beaten to stiff froth. Pour into greased layer pans; iprinkly nut meats over batter, pressing in gently. Bake in moderate wen 350 degrees 30 minutes. Frost with Mocha frosting. The two ugars give this cake a delicate texture. Employes Dinner Club fleets in MSC Tonight The October meeting of the col- ege Employes Dinner club will be jt 7:30 p. m. tonight in the Me- Wh at’s Cooking Friday 3:45 p.m. Symposium on Mechan ics. Biological Sciences Lecture room. Dr. Barton from UT will morial Student Center ballroom, speak on applied mechanics. Barbara Schultz, a student sum mer missionary last summer to Nigeria, West Africa, will speak and show slides at 7:30 p. m. Fri day at the Baptist Student center. Barbara* was a representative of the Baptist students of Texas, who send student missionaries to sever al foreign fields each summer. She has spoken on several campuses since her return in August. Her most recent engagement was her appearance before the Baptist Student convention in San Antonio this past week-end. She is a senior education major at Baylor. Her home is Texas City. Barbara will be accompanied by Joe Ann Dyson, also from Baylor, who will present special music. Joe Ann, a contralto, has recorded “I Know a Name” and “God Leads Us Along” for Word records. The meeting is open to the public. Ag Extension 4 Flans Conference The annual Texas Agricultural Extension conference for county and home demonstration agents will be held here Nov. 2-6. About 550 agents and 100 staff members will attend. The program includes lectures and field demonstrations on dairy husbandry, poultry husbandry, animal husbandry, agronomy, range and communications. Chancellor M. T. Harrington will welcome the delegates to the college. C. M. Ferguson, director of federal extension service, and B. C. Marshall, executive director of state soil conservation board of Texas also will address the con ference. King Solomon about 1,000 B. C. kept peacocks Barbara Schultz Student Missionary TYPEWRITERS Late Models Rent Machines Bryan Business Machine 429 S. Main Ph. 2-1328 GIG ’EM AGGIES !!! According to our long-established custom, we will be closed for the football game Sat urday, closing at 1:30 P.M. and reopening immediately after the game. tY Fresh Fruits & ★ Vegetables MARKET For A Perfect Sunday Dinner Choice Baby Beef Shoulder Round ROAST lb. 43c Choice Baby Beef Square Cut POT ROAST Choice BATTALION CLASSIFIED >UY, SEM., RENT OR TRADE. Rates .... 3c a work per insertion with a 25c minimum. Space rate in classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send ail classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads r^mst be received in Student Activities Office by 10 on the day before pubJUf'atidn. FOR SALE 6 pc. blonde bedroom suite 3 pc. dusty rose frieze living room suite 4 drawer chest of drawers All like new, reasonable. 113 A Munnerlyn, Bryan FOR SALE: 1 di,V4n, in good condition; 1 set Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia, used very little. Phono 6-5646 after 5 p.m. TW© BEDROOM, plywood prefab due: In good condition, 224 S. Munnerlyn. Phone 3-2418. USED VENDING machines. 1c ball gum and 1c and 5c peanut machines. Inquire 104 Duncan after 6 p.m. SPECIAL NOTICE WILL KEEP children during Baylor foot- ,.ball game. See Mrs. T. L. Huffaker, C-18-A College View. WILL KEEP BABIES in my home or yours. 404 Dunn St. Phone 6-5482. JUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. ft A.M. Called meeting, 7 p. m. Thursday, Oct. 22. Work in MM Degree. Also examin ations. Ed Madeley, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y. HIDALGO-STARR CO. Club Meets Tonight at 7:30 S. Solarium YMCA FOR KENT • FOR RENT—Large bedroom for two. Pri vate entrance and bath. Close to college. Phone 6-6188. SEWING machines. Pruitt’s Fabric Shop WANTED WANTED (1) ticket to Baylor game in Sec. 108, row 35. Phone 3-3184 or 2-8765. Official Notice All Air Science IV and Military Science TV cadets will be excused from class at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 27, to hear an ad dress in Guion hall by Colonel Strom Thur mond, national vice-president of the Re serve Officers Association of the United Stati s. J. P. Abbott Dean of the College October 31st is the last date on which orders for senior rings may be placed for delivery before the Christmas Houidays. Undergraduate students who have 95 hours and who are in good standing may purchase the A&M ring. All rings must be paid for in full when placing the order. The Ring Clerk Is on duty only from 8 a.m. to 12 noon Tuesday through Saturday. H. L. Heaton Registrar Technical and departmental clubs and so cieties which can qualify for club aid are reminded that applications must be in the Office of Student Activities no later than Oct. 23 at 5 p.m. Application blanks for this purpose may be obtained at Student Activities Office. W. £>. Hardesty Club Adviser ' DIRECTORY OF BUSINESS SERVICES JUNSURA-NCH of all Kinds. Homer Adame North Gate Cali 4-1217 LOUIS V. HANNA Professional Counselor M.A. M.ed ’51 610 RESTWOOD — PH. 2-7642 Educational Personal Vocational Child Guidance • Blue line prints • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 Prompt Radio Service — CALL — Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. PH. 2-1941 BRYAN GUY H. DEATON, ^0 TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE We Buy, Sell, Rent, Repair 116 S. Main Ph. 2-5254 BRYAN K&B DRIVING RANGE NOW OPEN On Fi« Feather Road Bryan, Texas No. 5 Size Iceberg LETTUCE head 9c Porto Rican or Red Velvet YAMS lb. 5c Large Cuban AVOCADOS each 10c Large Crisp Stalks Green CELERY . . . . each 15c Red TOKAY GRAPES . lb. lie Medium No. 176 Size Florida JUICE ORANGES . . . doz. 39c . . . lb. 33c ROUND STEAK lb. 59c . . . lb. 59c Choice Baby Beef SIRLOIN STEAK Choice Baby Beef SEVEN STEAKS Unusually Lean Freshly Ground GROUND BEEF . Choice Baby Beef BRISKET STEW Hormel Pre-Cooked HAM — Shank End 2 lbs. $1,00 3 lbs. $1.00 5 lbs. $1.00 . Ib. 55c HUNTERS Full Assortment SHOTGUN SHELLS at Strictly WHOLESALE PRICES All Meat Big BOLOGNA or PRESSED HAM lb. 49c SPECIALS Fresh Pure Pork Home Made SAUSAGE lb. 59c Fresh Heart o’ Texas FRYERS lb. 58c Fresh Local FRYERS lb. 55c Fresh Local HENS lb. 49c Kraft’s Cheese Food VELVEETA 2 lb. box 78c Hormel All-Meat FRANKS lb. 49c WIENERS lb. 39c Decker’s Tallkorn BACON lb. 69c Hormel First Grade Dairy BACON lb. 79c ★ Frozen Foods 6 Oz. Cans Pasco Orange Juice .... 2 cans 35c 1 Lb. Pkg. Snow Crop Fillet of Ferch each 43c Snow Crop Mixed Vegetables . . 2 pkgs. 35c Peas and ('arrots ... 2 pkgs. 35c Green Peas 2 pkgs. 35c Morton’s Individual Chicken Pot Pies .... each 26c NOW! TWO GREAT RINSO'S Grocery Specials Hormel Brand OLEO lb. 17c Vz Gal. Bottles Sanitary PASTEURIZED MILK, 2 for 75c (Plus bottle deposits.) Fully Guaranteed, Candled—Medium in Carton EGGS doz. 57c Extra Fancy Grade—McCormick’s—(4 Lb. Pkg. BLACK TEA 23c Fine for Roasting, Candies—No. 1 RAW SHELLED PEANUTS 2 lb. cello. 59c New Crop Calif. English WALNUTS 1 lb. cello. 43c 5 Lb. Bag Kimbell’s Best FLOUR bag 35c Vz Gallon Holiday or Lilly MELLORINE . . . each 59c 46 Oz. Cans Libby’s TOMATO JUICE . . . 2 cans 57c 46 Oz. Cans Libby’s PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 cans 57c Tall Cans ; DARICRAFT MILK . 3 cans 40c Folger’s—(Limit One Please) COFFEE. . . . . lib.can85c For Better Baking—(Limit One Please) C R I S C O 3 lb. can 79c Kraft’s Salad Dressing MIRACLE WHIP Pint 27c Popular Brands CIGARETTES . . . carton $2.09 Beef or Horse-Meat By-Products VIGO DOG FOOD . 1 lb. can 10c No. 2«/ 2 Cans—Monarch GREEN GAGE PLUMS . can 37c 25c Size Morton’s POTATO CHIPS .... pkg. 21c FOR EVERY WASHING NEED 29c BOTH PKGS FOR Bath Size Regular Size bar 10c 3 for 20c with boxtop coupon from special double pack of NEW LARGE SIZE mm 2- 59c Southside Food Market Store Hours: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Daily. Open 30 minutes earlier on Fridays and Saturdays At Southwest corner of Campus SPECIALS STARTING 4 P.M. THURSDAY. THROUGH SATURDAY. MAY 23 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMIT QUANTITIES Specials Starting Thursday Afternoo n, Friday & Saturday - Oct. 22 - 23 - 24