The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 24, 1953, Image 5
Thursday, September 24, 1953 THE BATTALION Page 5 ive Cadets Pitt on Inj ured Iasi; Cougars W illBe 4 Awf ullyT ouglT With a five man injury list hurt ing their chances against the Uni versity of Houston, A&M’s foot ball team began priming its of fensive guns Wednesday in a long offensive scrimmage. “We’re anticipating a big, active team with a lot of power,” said Coach Ray George, referring to the Cougars. “It’s going to be awfully, awfully tough. I don’t see how we can be favored.” On the injury list are ends Eric ■ Miller and Don Robbins, backs Bil- I ly Pete Huddleston and Charley I Hall, and center Cooper Robbins. Miller is classed as “a doubtful • starter” by George. “I don’t know I if Huddleston will play or not,” he I added. Don Robbins will be out of ac- | tion indefinitely with a broken arm I and his brother Cooper will be out I of the Houston game with an in- | jured leg. Huddleston and Hall also have leg injuries. Johnny Salyer worked out at end Tuesday and is expected to take up some of the slack there. \ He was described as a very fine de fensive player and a speedy offen sive threat by George. Earl Con nell, sophomore center, was also moved to end. Junior college transfer Gary I Wofford, Bob McCarley and Ivan Greenhaw will back up Fred Broussard at center. Cooper Rob bins is expected back in uniform for the Georgia U. game. Wofford returned to practice this week after a shoulder injury suf fered before the Kentucky game. A&M’s defense will face a rug ged task Saturday night. Said George, “We have to stop Carr up the middle, Clatterbuck’s passing and Bailes and Meeks wide.” If the Cougars field their ex pected lineup, they will pull down a 14 pound per man advantage in the line. Right tackle Buddy Gil- lioz and left guard Ed Willey are the heavyweights at 235 and 240, respectively. The rest of the line reads left end Marvin Durrenburger, 195, left tackle Bob Chuoke, 205, center Ed Willhelm, 210, right guard Wayne Shoemaker, 210 and right end George Hynes, 190. This gives an average of 212 pounds per man, compared to 198 in A&M’s line. Houston’s backfield will pro- ably be Bobby Clatterbuck at quarterback, Tom Bailes and Billy Poison at halfs and Paul Carr at fullback. Xhe “sleeper” of this combina tion could be Bailes, despite the headlines praising Carr and Clat terbuck. A 200-pound converted fullback, Bailes is a power runner and a good pass receiver. He gained 339 yards on the ground last year, had a 5.1 yard per carry average and caught six passes for 58 yards. Poison, the other halfback, was ninth in the nation in punt returns, playing both offense and defense in 1952. He returned 22 punts for 260 yards, including two for 53 yards against Arkansas. Speedy S. M. Meeks was an All- Missouri Valley conference selec tion at offense, and was Houston’s leading ground gainer. His small size 5-9, 150 lbs. will probably keep him out of the starting lineup. A member of the sprint relay team that won the Drake Relays, Meeks gained 336 yards on the ground and 112 in the air on five pass receptions last year. Bobby Clattei'buck will begin his third year at the helm of Houston’s split-T attack. With a 6-3, 195 frame he has the size and endur ance to play both ways, plus the savvy so essential to a good play caller. Although he wears glasses off the field, Clatterbuck does not need them to spot open pass receivers. This is shown emphatically by his 736 yards gained through the air last season. Backing up Clatterbuck are Les Burton, a senior and Newton Shows, a junior letterman. Burton is a fine passer. Shows sparkles at ball handling and is at his best under pressure. Carr, twice all-conference line backer and mentioned prominently for ’53 All-American honors, is the big man of the backfield. Playing only part-time on offense, he tack ed up 143 yards on the group in 27 carries during the ’52 season, “The Rock” is considered the best kickoff specialist the Cougars have ever had. In Chuoke and Gillioz the Coug ars have a pair of tackles second to none in this part of the nation. Chuoke, 6-1, 205 lbs. was an all- MVC offensive guard last season. His agility and speed should make him outstanding at tackle, despite his relative lightness. Two Year Starter Gillioz, 6-2, 235 lbs. has started at defensive tackle for the last two seasons and was also all-confer ence in ’52. He handles himself well considering his size and was a four year basketball letterman in high school. Both probable starters at guard are sophomores. Shoemaker letter ed on the varsity ^s a freshman in 1952 and has unlimited possiblili- ties. Willey was outstanding on the freshman team and is another of the big, fast linemen that U of H seems to have in abundance. Although losing 17 lettermen, Houston has 21 returning, eight of them halfbacks. In a break down, they look like this: two quarter backs, one center, two fullbacks, three ends, two tackles and two guards. Two lettermen, Carr and full back Jack Patterson, played of fense and defense last year. Nine earned letters on offense and 10 on defense. Melvin Free Rejoins Team; Tigers Ready for Rattlers Melvin Free, A&M Consolidat ed’s starting right tackle, will de finitely play Friday night against Navasota. Free suffered an appendicitis at tack Monday night and was a doubtful starter. Charles Johnson, a defensive guard, will replace left tackle Pete Hickman. Hickman broke his hand Friday night against Madisonville. The Tigers staged a light de fensive scrimmage Wednesday, after concentrating on offense Tuesday. The starting lineup will be ends-Bobby Carter and Bobby Jack- son; tackle - Free and Johnson; guards - George Sousares and Jim Bond; center - Pinky Cooner; backs - Fred Anderson, Wade, Wil lie Arnold and David Bonnen. More Than 200 Sign For Dance Classes More than 200 students have en rolled in MSC dance classes. Registration closes Tuesday. One class already is filled. Fees this year are $3.50 a stu dent. Twelve lessons are being offered this year. BUDDY GILLIOZ—A 6 feet, 2, 235 pound senior two year let terman, Gillioz is a Cougar co captain. He has been a starter since the first game of his soph omore year and was All-MVC in ’52. A&M’s Cullen Rogers’ 99-yai'd touchdown run after intercepting an Arkansas pass in 1942 is the SWC’s all-time record. Three Ag gies, Bill Conatser, Verne Sikes and Derace Moser, haye made re turns of 90 yards or over. If you like fresh, neat looking clothes— Take Your Cleaning To . . CAMPUS CLEANERS COMING TO A&M! ★ Joni James ★ IN CONCERT WITH Buddy Morrow’s Orchestra Tickets on Sale At Student Activities Students — $1 Non Students — $1.50 MONDAY NIGHT 8 P. M. Sales Limited to Capacity of Guion Hall Bargains Galore Here! Maryland Club White Deer COFFEE lb. 85c FLOUR 8 Oz.—Pillsbury BUTTERMILK BISCUITS White Deer . . 10c FLOUR . 5 lbs. 35c 25 lbs. $1.69 DOUBLEMINT — SPEARMINT — JUICY FRUIT NO. 2—FROST 5c Wrigley Gum 3 for 10c Held Peas & Snaps 2 cans 23c Armour Vienna Sausage 2 for 39c Tomatoes & Green Gules 2 cans 23c NO. 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Chef Pride PINTOS . . 28 Ounce ‘ UNCLE BEN RICE 20 Oz.—Peter Pan PEANUT BUTTER I Pound DURKEE OLEO 12 Ounce 3 for 25c ARMOUR’S TREET . . . .47c No. 1—Bumble Bee . 2 lbs. 29c PINK SALMON . . . . .49c 211 Size—Dole’s . . 39c CHUNK PINEAPPLE .... 20c 46 Oz.—Dole’s . . 49c PINEAPPLE JUICE ... 31c 21 Oz.—Towie . . 28c QUEEN OLIVI]S . . . .69c ★ FROZEN FOODS ★ 10 Oz.—Birds Eye CHOPPED BROCCOLI . 2 for 39c 10 Oz.—Birds Eye CUT CORN . 2 for 45c 10 Oz.—Pictsweet GREEN PEAS . . . . . 19c 1 1 Pound—Booth PERCH FILLET . . . . . . lb. 39c I 1 Pound—Booth HADDOCK FILLET . . lb. 49c 1 12 Oz.—Hill’s FROZEN DOG FOOD . ... 23c 1 ★ PRODUCE ★ 1 Cello. TOMATOES 2 for 29c 1 WHITE ONIONS 2 lbs. 13c | CUCUMBERS 2 lbs. 23c i JONATHAN APPLES . 2 lbs. 29c 1 GREEN BEANS 2 lbs. 29c ★ DRUGS ★ Bayer ASPIRINS 43c 67c Size DIAL SHAMPOO 59c 47c Size—Colgate DENTAL CREAM 33c MILLER'S SUPER MARKET FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE . . . . WE ARE OPEN OPEN 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M. — MONDAY THRU SATURDAY — CLOSED SUNDAY SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, P. M., FRID AY and SATURDAY, SEPT. 24 = 25 - 26