The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 11, 1953, Image 2

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    Battalion Editorials
Dove of Peace Looms
As People Sigh Relief
(Editor’s note: This is -an editorial
which appeared in The Battalion pn July 6,
1951. It sounds rather familiar.)
^ FAINT SUGGESTION of the dove of
Peace looms in the indistinct future and
already there are signs of relief and urgings
to reduce the defense program. Just how
foolish can people be?
Hopes for peace are, at the most, very
tentative. And, should peace in Korea come,
that will mean but one thing—the only “hot”
episode of the Cold War has come to an end.
Few Americans would deny that they want
peace. Few other countries want war. But,
as long as one country—and that a strong
country—shows any promise of aggression,
there can be no peace. World peace is not
an attitude in your mind that bades you
disregard ominous warning from abroad.
ISew Slates Crumble
Without Discipline
HTHE BEGINNING of a school term always
gives a student a fresh and wonderful
feeling. He says to himself he is going to
put all his bad habits behind him and start
with a completely new slate.
A few students actually carry out this
resolution. But very few. Everyone likes
to think he will do better than the last time,
but like a man once said, “Thinkin’ don’t
make it so.”
The few who do have the determination
and will power to start fresh are the ones
who, at the end of the semester, never worry
about final exams and passing courses. They
are the ones you hear about that “used to
make the lowest grades around here, but all
of a sudden he distinguished.”
What these persons have who can thrust
bad habits aside is a question to which many
would like the answer. Many factors enter
in individual cases, but probably one of the
most common is self discipline.
During freshman week each year, papers
are passed out which have outlined on them
a blank schedule of the week. It contains
each hour of the day and each day of the
week. Educators say that if these are filled
out properly and abided by, they can influ
ence a person’s habits a great deal.
This simple little scheme shows a person
how many hours he wastes each day. It
shows him how to utilize these wasted hours,
and in the final analysis, this little piece of
paper can easily mean the difference between
good and bad grades.
Starting this long tough road of self dis
cipline is like a person beginning a diet. Self
discipline determines whether he will stick
with it or cast it aside because it “wouldn’t
work anyhow.”
The person -who sets his course early this
summer, backs it up with well-laid plans,
then shoots it through with determination
and self discipline, is the one who will show
up at the end of the session with the best
grades, most accomplished, and the most out
of his time at Aggieland.
Plundering Nations
Are Great Gangs
IUSTICE IS as strictly due between neigh-
bor nations as between neighbor citizens.
A highwayman is as much a robber when he
plunders in a gang, as when single; and a
nation that makes an unjust war is only a
great gang.—Franklin
The only real world peace is a harmony
in world affairs, shown by unstrained rela
tions .between the major powers of the world.
Any barriers that bar exchange of thought,
goods, and, above all, good will, is a sign
that world peace does not exist.
To wish for peace and to work for peace
are entirely different aims. In the world of
today, real efforts toward peace come only
from logical preparations to resist a breach
of- that peace. Any peace of today must be
bought at the expense of armed might.
That does not mean that force must
always be the only road to harmonious rela
tions. Quite to the contrary, a peace bought
at the cost of fear and force could never
But, until the existing evils spawned by
terrorist governments and rule by oppres
sion cease to exist, an enforced peace seems
to be the only answer.
When the coal-miners of Pennsylvania
and the miners of Siberia can openly discuss
mutual questions, when a man can be assured
of a just trial in all corners of the earth,
and when foreign ministers can meet to
calmly discuss the conduct of world affairs,
citizens may well talk of peace and the luxu
ries that accompany it.
Until that time, peace will remain as an
ideal toward which all right-thinking people
must diligently work.
Extra Effort Pays
Off In Dividends
niPHE LARGEST dividends in success and
happiness are the reward of those who
are willing to invest extra effort.
Extra effort does not insure extra divi
dends, but the policy of putting-it-off-until-
tomorrow is the straightest road to failure
and a minimum of happiness.
-There is a—great deal of satisfaction-hi-
doing a job well. Whether you are building
a model airplane or trying to raise a course
grade a letter, the extra effort that results
in reaching the goal you have set for yourself
gives you a feeling of pride-ih what you have
accomplished. ,
If you start out to mow the lawn and it
takes you a week to finish the job, it is
quite disconcerting to find that the first part
needs mowing again. You don’t feel you
have accomplished much.
The same principle holds for the model
plane. If you put it down when it is half
finished, what have you accomplished?
Perhaps Man is the only creature with a
reluctance to put out that extra effort. A
complete survey of a wooded area filled
with bird nests would be unlikely to produce
a single bird that built half a nest—and then
stopped. 'Has anyone ever heard of a beaver
building half a dam, and then stopping? The
dam can be washed away a dozen times, but
the beaver resolutely begins the job of re
building. He believes in that extra effort.
At some time all of us feel that our daily
work is dulled by monotony. We begin to
develop the feeling of “being in a rut.” That
is the time to take stock of what we are
doing. Either the job is wrong, or we are
If it is the job, yoq’d better consider
changing to something more suitable to your
personal tastes. If it is you, that extra
effort will not only improve your work, but
make it a more stimulating and satisfying
The Battalion
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
“Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, is published
by; students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examina
tion and vacation periods. The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications are Tuesday
through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and va
cation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $6.00 per year or $.50 per month. Advertising
rates furnished on request.
Lockj aw Warningj ^
Liven For Stimnir
Increasing numbers of lockjaw
will develop between now and fall,
State Health Officer Geo. W. Cox
warned today, despite known meas
ures of prevention.
Lockjaw, or tetanus, cases jump
in summertime because exposures
in the form of cuts, scratches, or
puncture wounds are more frequent
in warm weather when people are
The germs of lockjaw are com
monly found in soil — especially
manured soil. They enter through
a skin break and emit a deadly
toxin which causes jaw and neck
muscles to constrict so severely
that jaws involuntarily close, vice-
Slowly, the muscle constrcition
spreads to other body muscles, un
til the victim is bent like a bow.
A fatal case of the disease has
-the j
been traced to a SQratcli j
roset horn.
Lockjaw germs are s P v y<gek e
ei-s, which means they car
years outside an animal ir
life processes lie donnan 1
seed-like pod, sifting ab. BaV1,i ’
each bai
For Study and Research
Trip to
Students Plan
Guerrero Jungles
Unusual experiences await a
group of students in the Depart
ment of Wildlife Management at
A&M this .summer when they re
sume the study begun last year
on the wildlife resources of the
Mexican State of Guerrero.
“Parrots will chatter at them
from the tree tops of the jungle,
boa constrictors may slither across
their paths at night, kinkajous ^nd
coatis peer at them in silence and
the jaguar grunts his displeasure
at their intrusion of his domain,”
Dr. W. B. Davis, hegd, Department
of Wildlife Management, says.
“Opportunity will be afforded to
partake of such exotic native foods
as papayas, tacos, dried iguanas,”
Dr. Davis points out.
Prof. Keith Dixon, Department
of Wildlife Management, and
Chester Rowell, Department of
Biology, will be in charge of the
party of 11 students. The group
will make studies of the native
birds, mammals, reptiles, amphi
bians and plants in an effort to
learn their abundance and distribu
tion in the state and their economic
importance. This study was ini
tiated last summer at the request
School Leaders
Will Conduct
Meeting Here
The seventeenth annual meeting
of the Texas School Administra
tion Conference, the twentyeighth
meeting of the Texas Association
of County Superintendents and the
third meeting of the Texas Asso
ciation for Instructional Supervis
ors, will be held here June 22-24.
Consultant speakers for the
general meetings will be Dr. Kate
Wofford, head of the department
of elementary education, Univer
sity of Florida; Dr. Lawrence
Derthick, superintendent, Chatta
nooga public schools and president
of the American Association of
School Administrators.
Also Dr. Frank Williams, assis
tant superintendent in charge of
instruction, Dallas public schools;
David Sellars, coordinator of in
struction, Fort Worth p u b 1 i c
schools and Dr. A. T. Dyal, pastor
of the First Presbyterian church
at Bryan.
R. E. Slayton, superintendent of
the Longview public schools, is
president of the Texas School
Administration Conference.
G. L. Wilcox, head of the de
partment of educatipn and psychol-
ogy, is secretary of the confer
If you like fresh,
of Sr. Luis Macias, director of the
Mexican Department of Game, and
will continue each summer until
the state is adequately explored.
The party will establish base
camp near the village of Aca-
huizotla on the Pacific slope of
the Sierra Madre del Sur. From
there they will work the cloud
forest of the mountains, which
rise to an elevation of more than
11,000 feet and the tangled jun
gles of the tropical lowlands.
The group will have many
friends in Acahuizotla as a result
of a similar field study made last
summer, by wildlife management
students. Although the students
will be living in camps, all the
comforts of home life will not be
lost. They can get their weekly
laundry done by native women.
They will be invited to attend fre
quent fiestas (dances) held by the
country folk. But in the main,
the daily routine is work from
dawn to dark collecting and pre
paring specimens, writing field
notes, cooking, and cleaning camp.
Students making the trip ai’e
Darrell Morris, Dublin; Terrell
Hamilton, Abilene; Thelton Mc-
Corcle, Odessa; Don Richards,
Banquete; Vernon Hicks, Three
Rivers; George Griffith, Smith-
ville; Jude Kubicek, Wallis; H. D.
Irby, San Antonio; George Wil
kinson, San Angelo; Galyn Rhymes,
Cross Cut and Paul Lukens, Hib-
bing, Minnesota.
ground until finally,
through a sliver or nail; [tents
gets back into live tissue,
The wound may heal, bt
protected as it is from thr’IHLI.
spore will begin “revege
and emitting deadly toxin, I
Farmers arc' especially]
able to lockjaw, Dr. Cox a'
because the primary source
jaw germs is the intestine
of farm animals. They’reUBEL
onto the ground in animali
easily available for re-eit, •
a human body when that]
cut or scratched or
Exposures to lockjaw i
common that it is mere tjtcI
sense for everyone to ma:
high level of protection \ii
nization. Dr. Cox called thi|
od of
and convenient.’
nizing shots should be gr
dren early in life, at the d
of the family physician. 1BELL’
“You can’t go to a doc 1 ^^ ^
every little scratch,” he er
ed, “so the best way tohjyjQj,
is to take an immunizing Y,
shots, and keep the immun
high with periodic ‘booster
gaining immunity
nvenient.” He said
Directors To Meet)]\j ]
Here on June 27
The board of divectors m m
A&M College System wilJlVU
June 27, at 10 a. m. on tt-
pus of the college. MOND
FT. WORTflfc
1 Hour, 56 Minutes
Timed By Baylor
, AI 4
Phone 4-5054 for res ‘vatioMl’s,
- —YNN
z£ >4i y. ‘
Chase & Sanborn’s
Coffee . . . 1-1 b. can 89c
IV2 Oz. Cans—Hunt’s
Tomato Sauce . 2 cans 15c
14 Oz.—Snider’s Tomato
Catsup ... 2 bottles 33c
7 Oz. Starkist Blue Label
Solid Pack Tuna . can 37c
303 Cans—Happy Host Sweet Midget
Peas 2 eans 33c
Crisco . . . 3-lb. can 89c
Treet . . . 12-oz. can 45c
Monarch Polish Style
Dill Pickles . . . qt. 39c
303 Cans—Curtis
Tomatoes . . . 2 cans 23c
21/2—Hunt’s Sliced
Peaches ... 2 eans 63c
Quarts—Tea Garden
Apple Juice . . bottle 26c
12 Oz.—Xiblets Golden Whole Kernel
Corn ..... 2 cans 39e
— Frozen
Western Wonder
Strawebrries .
Pictsweet Whole
Baby Okra . .
Pictsweet Chopped
Spinacli . . .
. pkg. 2
• P k S- 2
• P k g- 1
Fresh Ground Meat
For Hamburgers . lb* .1'
Short Ribs . .
. . lb. 3
Porter House
Steak . . .
. . lb, 6
Loin Steak . .
. . lb. 7
Wisconsin Mild
Cheese ...
. . 11), d
HormePs Dairy Brand
Weiners . . .
. . lb. 4
Texas Yellow
3 lbs. 1
Grape Fruit
2 for II
. 10 lbs.
Home Grown
Yellow Squash
Entered as second-class matter at
Post Office at College Station, Tex
as under the Act of Congress of
March 3. 1870.
Member of
The Associated Press
Represented nationally by National
Advertising Services, Inc., at New
York City, Chicago," Los Angeles,
and San Francisco.
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches cred
ited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein.
Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved.
News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202
Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office,
Room 209 Goodwin Hall.
Bob Boriskie Managing Editor
neat looking clothes—
Take Your Cleaning To . . .
Specials for Thurs. Afternoon, Fri. & Sat. — June 11,12,
North Gate