The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 02, 1953, Image 1
Circulated Daily To 90 Per Cent £ Of Local Residents rryw The ion Published By A & M Students For 75 Years PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1953 Price Five Cents (TIBS AND CUTIE—Baylor University’s newest bear cubs, as yet unnamed, seem quite content as they are held by Pat Barfield, Baylor senior who graduated Friday night. The cubs bring the bear population of Baylor cam pus to eight. Last December Miss Barfield, a business and' education student from New Boston, was chosen as “The homecoming queen American GI’s in Korea would most like to come home to.” exican Visitors Tour A&M Farms Jakkula Funeral Services Held at Hillier’s in Bryan vlt IrnTwenty-scvcn prominent Mexi- ffljpran landowners, breeders and |aHttJBmers together with agricultural ^^Keareh specialist arrived here HSgnday while on tour of portions «of southeast, south and north cen- |jjitr|d Texas, and will leave this aft- U emoon for Austin. RHSeveral members of the party lj^w|re accompanied by their wives. I •They inspected the reasearch IfBcenters yesterday and the Experi- ffiment farm at AitM under escort dllof heads of the college depart- ments. gip The tour, fourth of its kind rm- '•der the auspices of the Confedera- '>’11011 of Small Landowners of Mexi- !"j|co, commenced May 25 when the -party crossed the international bohder at Brownsville. | Before they reached College Sta- tljibn they had visited Corpus •ypChristi, Galveston, Houston, Dallas l$|Hl'.nd Fort Worth to inspect agricul- f'Jf.ul-al practices and methods of livestock breeding. If'The touring party is directed by ®|jj?rof. Carlos V. Pazy Puente, sec- R’etary of the hoard of directors Hf the Confederation. reception was given for the {vZoartv Sunday* afternoon at the Me- iMi'^ norial Student Center. RfiProf. Paz introduced the visitors Ijvho were grefeted by Dr. M. T. farrington, president of the Col lege; Dean C. N. Shepardson of he Afrricultural department; Dr. C. Miller, of the livestock de- Insect Spray’s •anger Noted I With house-cleaning and' the rj^p&nti-moth battle under way, house- jS^^Kvives all over Texas have been i|^P|pising insecticide sprays. Because ^^Hrast of these are poisonous and ISHKome are inflammable, special pre- ^ftdutions noted on the labels should observed, says Dr. Geo. W. Cox, ^^^Hate Health Officer. pffil Common sense safety rules in- Pl’dude protection of food, dishes, S^Bfeilverware and cooking utensils ■|om moth, mesquito or fly sprays. you spill concentrated insecti- |||nde solutions on yourself, wash ^K{ff immediately with soap and ^^Hater. nHl Don’t expose yourself or mem- M)ers of your family unnecessarily Hj| insecticide dust or spray mists, Hpid Cox. Provide extra ventila- fflHaon by opening doors and windows I^^Khen extensive jobs are being lone. j- Care should he taken not to ®|»ray liquid insecticides into elec- QHrical outlets or on exposed elec- Hirer ol connections because of dan- PjHpger of short circuits. Don’t apply gjgHna 1-base sprays near fire, flame or ^Rjarks and don’t smoke while Isgipplying them, he said. Special precautions should be jaken to store insecticides where hildren will not be able to reach |aem. Never put into a kitchen ipboard where they might be istaken for food, he added. ^ partment, the heads of several of the research divisions, and repre sentatives of the Agricultural Ex tension Servi.ce and Texas Agricul tural Experiment Station. Calvin T. Johnson of Dallas, southwestern representative of the Sears Roebuck Foundation, who met the visiting party at Browns ville, also was present. The visitors are spending Tues day at Austin meeting state offi cials, visiting public buildings and inspecting a nearby poultry plant. They will proceed to San An tonio late today and after a day’s tour of the historic city will turn homeward by way of Laredo. The party includes residents of four Mexican states and the Federal district. The states are Veracruz, Puebla, Jalisco and Mexico. Funeral services were held at the Hillier Funeral Home, Bryan, Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock for Dr. A. A. Jakkula, executive di rector of the A&M Reseai’ch Foundation, who died in a Bryan hospital Saturday evening, follow ing a brief illness. The body will be cremated at Houston and the scientist’s ashes will be scattered in the Gulf of Mexico, where he had conducted the major portion of his research in recent years. The research foundation head, who had established a national en gineering reputation before enter ing the administrative field as first director of the foundation in 1946, died of a heart ailment. He had been under treatment for high blood pressure for several months, but had been able to con duct his business. On Saturday morning he called his office eaily, saying he expect ed to be a little late in coming to work. Around 8:30 he went to a Wilson Gels First BA In Philosophy Thomas B. Wilson of Mc Kinney was awarded the bach elor of philosophy degree at the May 29 graduation. He is the first person ever to have received the degree. In 1937 Wilson reecived his bachelor of science degree in architectural engineering and the bachelor of philosophy de gree was earned by correspon dence, set up by the college sometime ago. British Party Tops Lofty Mount Everest LONDON, June 2 GP)—A British expedition has climbed hitherto un sealed Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, planting the Union Jack on the icy peak as a corona tion “gift” for Queen Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace announced Monday night. Word that the party, fighting the snows and icy blasts on the world’s rooftop, had reached their goal in a third attempt within a month reached the palace Monday night, a spokesman said. The dra matic news was relayed to the Queen as final preparations were made to crown her in Westminster Abbey Tuesday. The conquering party of moun tain climbers, who succeeded where ten previous formally organized Kream, Kow Club Name New Officers Seven new officers have been elected to serve the Kream and Kow Klub during the coming year. Sidney Maxwell, junior animal husbandry major from Rockdale, was named president. Joel Hillin, dairy husbandry major from Pine Hill, was elected vice-president. Other officers are Charles Keil- ers, dairy husbandi’y major from Round Top, secretary-treasurer; L. M. Braziel, dairy management ma jor from Route 7, Waco, program chairman. Wayne Bradford, dairy husband ry major from Devine, social sec retary, and Bert Hardaway, dairy manufactures major from Lees burg, reporter. A faculty advisor for the club will be elected after the beginning of the fall term. Following the elections, mem bers heard R. E. Burleson, Exten sion dairyman, describe some of the major marketing problems of Texas dairymen. expeditions had failed, was headed by Col. John" Hunt. Reports reach ing London from Hunt said two men of his party—New Zealander E. P. Hillary and a famous Sherpa tribesman guide, Tensing Bhutia— had reached the more than 29,000- foot-high snow-peaked summit May 29. Hunt’s message said “All is well.” Party Had Failed Reliable but unconfirmed reports from Katmandu, Nepal, reaching London via New Delhi, India, ear lier Monday said the British party had failed in two attempts in late May to climb the mist-shrouded peak, where snow, ice, and bone- chilling winds had thwarted many other efforts to scale it. Earlier reports had said that if the Britons succeeded in another try, word of their success would be withheld until coronation eve. This was the eleventh organized attack on the mountain and the ninth from Britain. Ag Station Gets Six Grants Claude K. McCan of Victoria has presented to the Texas Agricultur al Experiment Station, six grants totaling $1,925 for the purchase of a wheeled sprinkler system to be used in connection with supplemen tal irrigation studies. J. E. Roberts, superintendent of the Main Station Farm at Roy Garrett of the department of agri cultural engineering, will supervise the tests. Donors of the grants were J. S. Abercrombie, 2001 Gulf Building, Houston; Wm. K. Holt Machinery Company, San Antonio; J. F. Wel der Heirs, c/o Leo J. Welder, Vic toria; L. E. Sirianni, 2843 E. Hous ton, San Antonio; J. A. McFaddin Estate, Victoria; and C. K. McCan, Victoria. Bryan hospital, where he died around 7 p.m. A native of Hancock, Mich., where he was bom March 19, 1904, Arne Arthur Jakkula had an es tablished reputation as a research engineer before he joined the staff of A&M in 1937. A civil engineering graduate of the University of Michigan in 1926, he also held a Master of Science and PhD degrees from that institution as well as a pro fessional degree in civil engineer ing from the University of Min nesota. He had worked in various re search capacities with the Minne sota Highway Department, the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads and Westinghouse Electric Company. He became a recognized authority in bridge design during this per iod. Since joining the A&M staff, Dr. Jakkula had served as consultant on bridge design for the Texas Highway Department and had con ducted research on bridge prob lems for the Texas Engineering Experiment Station and U. S. Bu reau of Public Roads. In recognition of his outstand ing work in this field, Dr. Jakkula was named in 1942 as a member of the Advisory Board on the Investi gation of Suspension Bridges, ap pointed by the Public Roads Ad ministration after the failure of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. He was serving as chairman of the committee on Interpretation and Analysis for this board at the time of his death. Named as the first executive di rector of the A&M Research Foun dation, a non-profit corporation which conducts research for indus try and other organizations of the So»thwest, using facilities of the A&M System and of other edu- Leland Addresses Two Conferences Dr. T. W. Leland, head of the department of business administra tion recently appeared on pro grams of two accounting confer ences. At the Ohio State University’s 15th annual Institute On Account ing, Dr. Leland, who is a Certified Public Accountant, spoke on “Re search In Accounting.” This institute is sponsored by the Ohio State University, The College of Commerce and Administration. “Public Accounting as a Career” was Dr. Leland’s subject in his talk during the first session of the Fourth Annual Institute On Ac counting at the University of Louisville, Ky. This institute is sponsored by the Kentucky Society of Certified Public Accounts, in cooperation with the University of Louisville. cational and research institutions of the region. Under his leadership the organi zation has grown into oiie of the largest of its kind in the South west and has established a nation al reputation, particularly in the field of oceanographic research in the Gulf of Mexico. Funeral services were conduct ed Tuesday morning at the funeral chapel by the Rev. A. T. Dyal, of the First Presbyterian Church, Bryan. In addition to the widow, Mrs. A. A. Jakkula, 842 N. Rosemary Lane, Bryan, survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Frank W. Moon of La Habre, California, his mother, Mrs. Alma Jakkula, of Minneapo lis, Minnesota, and two sisters, Miss Florence Jakkula of Minnea polis, and Mrs. L. J. Coffman, of Lake Crescent, California. CS Legion Post Elects Officers Newly elected officers of the A&M College American Legion Post 541 will be installed at the Brazos county A&M Club House, June 18. The newly elected officers ar*e: Dr. John A. Kincannori, Command er; Mr. R. L. Elkins, First Vice Commander; Dr. A. D. Folweiler, Second Vice Commander; Mr. L. A. DuBose, Adjutant; Mr. John R. Hillman, Finance Officer; Dr. L. G. Jones, Chaplain; Howard Berry, Berry, Historian; Di\ R. L. Skra- banek, Service Officer; Mr. K. A. Manning, Child Welfare C h a i r- man; Dr. Hubert Schmidt, Ser- geant-at-Arms. The major projects for the post for the coming year will be fielding an American Legion Junior Base ball team and increasing the mem bership. The post which has been organized only one year hopes to double the number of members dur ing the coming year. President of TCU" Addresses 5,000 “In a world such as ours,” Dr. M. E. Sadler told the graduating class of ’53 Friday night, “we are talking and act ing like children when we assume that we can have any perm anent order and decency for ourselves or our world unless and untill we can develop some practical and workable world or ganization. “Many had hoped that the United Nations might provide this needed framework,” he said. The commencement speaker, president of Texas Christ ian University at Ft. Worth, was introduced by President M. T. Harrington. More than 5,000 persons attended. Dr. Sadler said that, “we have come to the end of an era fin the on-going life of man. As we stand in the daybreak of a new Van Tassel Resigns Post With TEES Paul A. Van Tassel, teacher Lrainer, Texas Engineering Exten sion Service, (TEES), has resigned his post with that department to accept a position with the Carbide and Carbon Chemical Coi-poration. He will be stationed at the new plant to be constructed at Sea- drift, Texas. He is to report for work August 1, 1953. Local people are to be trained to operate the plant which is due to open April 1, 1954. He will train the personnel as the plant is constructed. All lev els of employees, regardless of la bor status, will receive training. Van Tassel came to TEES Octo ber 1, 1950. He has been working with vocational industrial pei-sonnel of public schools and junior col leges of the East Texas and Gulf Coast areas. This work brought him in direct contact with training programs of industries in the same area. Since the fall of 1952, Van Tassel has assisted the training director at the Texas City Carbide and Car bon plant in the reorganization of their apprentice training program. He conducted three teacher train ing courses for all company in structors at this plant. Forest Service Holds Meeting in Weches A meeting of all Texas Forest Service personnel was conducted on the Mission State Forest at Weches in Houston County, May 28th. The purpose of the meeting was to enable employees to become ac quainted with the overall objec tives of the Texas Forest Service and to become acquainted with other members of the agency. Dr. A. D. Folweiler, director of the Texas Forest Service, intro- Oil Mill Operators Close Annual Four-Day Session A review of the laboratory op erations by M. C. Verdery of An derson, Clayton Co., of Houston, Thursday, closed the four-day ses sion here of the 21st annual short course for Oil Mill Operators. The course was conducted by the Institute of Oilseed Technology of A&M, in cooperation with the Tex as Cottonseed Crushers’ Associa tion and the National Oil Mill Su- pei-intendents’ Association. During the short course, 85 op erators from Texas and at least Nurserymen Hold Course in MSC The short course for Commercial Nurserymen, being held in the MSC is expecting at least 125 per sons. A. F. DeWerth, head of the flor iculture and landscape architecture department, the sponsoring de partment, will chair* the short course. five others states heard the latest technical operation information from leaders in the field. H. D. Reeves of Sweetwater dis cussed seed cleaning, Lucian Cole of Fort Worth talked on lint clean ing, B. B. Hulsey of Dallas talked on good housekeeping and E. B. Free of Abilene spoke on safety. Cecil Chandler, O. J. Jones and W. C. Whittecar, all of Lubbock, spoke on screw press and solvent extraction. Dr. J. D. Lindsay, head of the chemical engineering department at the college and a member of the Institute of Oilseed Technol- °gy> was chairman of the short course committee. Seven other members represented the Texas Cottonseed Crushers’ Association and the National Oil Mill Superin tendents’ Association. Laboratory sessions were held in the Cottonseed Products Research Laboratory on the campus. Dean H. W. Barlow, School of Engineer ing, welcomed the group to the meeting. duced the principal speakers, Mr. A. E. Cudlipp, member of the A. and M. System Board of Direc tors; President M. T. Harrington, and chancellor-elect of the sys tem; and Mr. D. W. Williams, vice- chancellor for agriculture. Employees of the Texas Forest Service were acquainted with how the Texas Forest Service functions as a part of the A. and M. System. Opened Meeting John Thigpen, a 26-year em ploye, opened the meeting with the invocation. District forester Rob ert Strauss of Lufkin and crew- leader H. P. Cutler, Mission State Forest foreman, explained the his tory of the Spanish Mission San Francisco de los Tejas, established in 1690. The forest is named after the mission. Each department head and district forester introduced his personnel and explained the high points of the work of his depart ment or district. Approximately 225 employees were present from 36 East Texas counties. Stressed at the meeting ■was the value and need for addi tional educational work to promote better forest management prac tices by the owners of forest land. Kiwanians Hear Chem Humorist Charles K. Hancock, A&M chemistry professor, spoke to the College Station Kiwanis Club re cently on “Chemists Are Funny Too.” Hancock gave examples of humorous answers to questions given by pupils in the chemistry department. dawn, powerful and diametrically opposed forces are clamoring for the allegiance of people. “On the other hand are the in dividuals, groups and nations which believe in control and regulation. They look upon the individual only as a mean to an end. The gi’oup state is the thing that The individual is second er the counts, ary.” The speaker added that “this approach to life is variously clas sified as imperialism, fascism or communism. “On the other hand,” Dr. Sadler continued, “are the individuals, groups and nations which believe in the superior significance of the individual. Individual Is End “To them the individual is an end and not a means. They em phasize individual initiative, indi vidual freedom, individual oppor tunities and individual responsi bilities.” Dr. Sadler said that “the tremen dous conflict is taking place in the midst of a new type of world. It is an exceedingly small world com pletely interrelated. It is a world devastated and impoverished by previous wars. “It is a world of unparalleled misunderstanding, suspicion and tensions. It certainly is a world of unthinkably vast possibilities. “We have moved along far enough now to realize the two-fold nature of this world struggle,” the speaker declared. “For one thing, there is a mili tary task. We should rely on our military leaders for guidance in this phase of the problem. There is very certainly an educational task. Everyone Realizes “As everyone realizes, we could win on the military front and still lose in the larger struggle to es tablish the free and democratic approach in the woild. “If we are to win ultimately in this battle of ideas and maintain the way of life visualized and pro jected by our forefathe7 - s, we must—• “First, rediscover and re-empha size the basic ideas involved in democ7acy. In a conflict as power ful as the one in which we a7-e now engaged, ultimate victory can not be won by sifting over again the shibboleths and catch-ph7-asea of democracy. “The basic ideas involved in (See COMMENCEMENT, Page 2) Poultry Course To Begin June 15 The annual Poult7’y Short Course for training Flock Selecting and Pullorum Testing will be held at A&M College June 15-19, accord ing to E. D. Parnell, depa7dment of poult7 - y husbandry. A similar turkey course will be held later in the year. This course is given in coopera tion with the Texas Poultry Im provement Association and is plan ned p7 , imarily as a t7’aining school for selecting and testing agents of National Poultry Improvement Plan hatcheries. However, anyone desh-ing to enroll in the coui'se may do so, Parnell said. Regist7-ation will begin at 8 a.m. June 15 at the D. H. Reid Poultry Laboratory on the' College Poul try Farm. Classes will begin at 9 a.m. in the same building and will continue until 5 p.iTi. each day except Friday, ,