The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 26, 1953, Image 2

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    Battalion Editorials
Page 2
TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1953
Present Leadership
Assures ESA Progress
Students Must
Leave Dorms
By Saturday
FSA Uses Over $250,000
For Student Loans Fund
►ROGRESS is inevitable for the Former
Student during the coming year with such
All summer school students who
are now in school must move to
their new rooms by 3 p. m. Satur
day, said Harry L. Boyer, chief
of housing-.
All dormitories except those to jjouston
be used this summer will be locked
Dunn is fortunate to have been proceed- at 3 p * m ' Saturda y-
, , A rn \ tit-4. 11 Students who will change rooms,
ed by A. F. (Smiley) Mitchell 09 of Cor- but who want to leave th ^ campus
More than a quarter of a million sets now totaled $272,381.03. The Evans praised the loan fund as
dollars is now being used by the majority of this money, $154,194.76 a most worthy project.
is invested in municipal bonds at He lauded A. F. (Smiley) Mit-
cost, he said. chell ’09 of Corsicana, outgoing
From the $272,381.03 total of president of the FSA, as one of the
Former Students Association to
give aid to students through loans,
said Sterling C. Evans ’21, Stu
dent Loan Fund trustee and pres- assets, $23,508.66 is earned and persons most responsible in estab-
ident of the Federal Land Bank at
Explaining to the FSA Council dents also are being considered, he
here Saturday, Evans said that as- said.
used in giving aid to students. Hshing and building up the loan
Loans to recently graduated stu- fund.
The FSA’s balance sheet through
tions, love for the school and unselfish work
and ability has continued to develop the as
sociation into a better working organization.
The association has been fortunate in
deed to have been blessed with the leader
ship it has received during the last few
This weekend as the association’s Coun-
rangements with the present oc
cupant of the room about storing
Military students who move
early must clear with their dormi
tory counselor before checking out
of their old rooms. Boyer said.
A room key and a yellow receipt
for the key deposit are necessary
to turn in room keys. The key and
Suspenseful ’I Confess’
Has Good Photography
Battalion Co-Editor
receipt may be turned in at the
cil held its annual spring meeting, fuses to Housing Office, room lot, Good-
destructable time bombs were exposed win HaI1 - Clift, Anne Baxter, Karl Malden
throughout the meeting times. A letter with Students are urged to dis- and Brian Aherne—Warner Bros.
, u ^4-u A+.U1 4-- card P a P er and trash as soon as —Campus Theatre,
such an effect from a member of the Athletic possible ?o there will not be such ^
Council was circulated secretly and never large amounts to clean up the last
few days of the semester, Boyer*
CS, Bryan Start
Civic Music Week
“I Confess” is another Hitchcock
testimony proving that good movies
can still be produced without
Marilyn Monroe or a hoard of
Roman gladiators slaughtering film’s photography does a great
<=> — o ^ ^ ' ----- - ouu wno warn; to reave me campus * jrjrtnc^ a r\ A x>rric?
a capable man as J. Harold Dunn ’25 of Am- sicana, who with his deep religious convic- before Saturday, may make ar- J\l\. 1 o J±1\U U/A.l\. 1 *3
arillo in its presidency.
‘May 30 Orders’’
A Mistake?
66W/ATCH monkey; do like monkey.”
^ This military treatise has been follow
ed continuously here in the operation of the
Corps of Cadets and has many times proved
to be its undoing.
The reason, of course, is simple: The
cadet officers are willing to “dish it out,
but don’t like to take it,” consequently, the
subordinates do not wish to follow certain
A recent example is the wearing of uni
forms until May 39, for purposes of “corps
Although the plan is sound in theory
and approved by both cadet officers and the
Commandant’s Office, it has not been fol
lowed by the cadet officers.
They have continued to remain non-reg;
that is, out of uniform, and with little at
tention from the military authorities.
Although the officers may not be re
sponsible for checking the MSC Fountain
Room, many seniors could have been found
out of uniform there at any time of the even
ing. The counsellors, however, rarely strayed
from the MSC main lounge.
We have no complaints against civilian
clothes, in fact, we like them. However, we
feel that orders should be issued with the
idea of enforcement. These orders it seems
should have never been issued.
role a sincerely natural characteri-
, - . t-. . -• . r*. . X’HIIIH.HiC cl X1U XUVJU.
zation. Anne Baxtei*, as Olllt S Accounts Receivable
_ former lover, turns in hex* usual
} Confess’ starring Montgomery fjne p er f ormance .
April 30, shows a total of $135,998.
The complete balance sheet is:
Cash on Hand and in Banks... S 23,276.34
Campus Activities Stock 900.00
Notes Receivable, Campus
Activities 10,000.00
U.S. Savings Bonds. Series F. . . 333.00
Municipal Bonds at Cost 19,685.26
U.S. Treasury Bonds 7,000.00
U.S. Savings Bonds, Series G. . . 5,000.00
U.S. Savings Bonds,
Series G (Gold Star Fund) . . . 25,000.00
U.S. War Savings Bonds,
Series F (Gold Star Fund) . . . 24,790.00
Advance Rentals Paid to A&M
College Re Campus Cleaners
Building 19,495.38
Furniture and Equipment .... 1.00
Total §135,998.00
Karl (“Streetcar Named De- Notes Payable to Endowed
Scholarship Trust $ 18,401.00
Reserve for Endowment
Contract Payments 9,050.00
as the playboy Crown Prosecutor, ^axesWUh^and on Hand .'. I! 49 ’lifl.?2
sire”) Malden, as a smiling bull
dog detective, and Brian Aherne,
made public at the meeting.
However, both Mitchell and Dunn have
shown they know how to deal with such a
Mitchell explained it when he told the
Council that the Board of Directors are re
sponsible for the management of the college
and not the former students.
Dunn expressed his feelings strongly
when he said that he would work for the ob- Sponsored by the Brya „ civie
jectives of the A and M System in coordina- Music Association, the project’s
tion with the objectives of the association. success depends upon selling
enough memberships to form a
He also shunned any affiliations with any local civic concert plan in this area, hears the confession of a murderer,
secret organizations, or such, which may This plan consists of a large Sinc ‘ e h< “ le arned of the murders
also clothe their roles with be-
lieveable acting.
Suspenseful Atmosphere
Under Hitchcock’s direction, the
Excess of Assets over Liabilities
and Reserves
Total $135,998.00
deal in carrying the film’s suspen
seful atmosphere. Angle shots of
magestic Canadian churches and
cathedrals are both beautiful and
sexy Christian slaves.
Although director Alford Hitch
cock has filmed this story with
out his usual shock effects, he
Civic Music Week started yes- still retains the combination of an weird examples of excellent movie
terday in College Station and Bry- unusual setting, situation and cast photography.
an to raise money for at least three of characters which have long The camera technique of photo-
been a trademark of his produc
concerts in this area by famous
musical artists.
CHS Third Grade
Gives Program
The third grade pupils of A&M
Consolidated School gave the year’s
last assembly program for the
graphing a series of street signs
which finally point to the murder elementary school Friday.
Canadian Priest
The movie concerns a Canadian
priest (Montgomery Clift) who
Changes Made Are Good
exist in the association, as they exist here at nurnb . ei !. of nod H>ro f it co-operative
associations combined to bring
the college. He said he would represent all of famous musicians to communities
the association and not any one clique or fac- that would otherwise be unable to
tion “if in fact they exist.” affo ^ d such concerts, according to
Sarah Watts, publicity chairman
The former students can prove to be a of the campaign.
continued profitable affiliate of the college. Mrs - K ! rby Whaton, national re
presentative of the Civic Concert
With the guidance which they will have Service, evplained details of this
in the coming years, we feel they will play a pIan ye sterday to members of the
Bryan Civic Music Association at
major role m building a greater A and M. Barker Dining Hall.
We wish them luck. ^ campaign will be carried on
throughout the rest of this week
Directed by Mrs. C. K. Leighton,
the class gave an original play and
sang sbngs on health and safety,
emphasizing the fact that no Col
lege Station children have had
serious accidents this year.
College Station Policeman Curtis
Bullock talked on the bicycle safety
program, and the Reverend Thom-
Two Aggie-Exes have completed as H. Swygert of Our Savior’s
loom is only one of the films sever
al suspensful novelties.
Two Exes Finish
Specialists School
crime in confessional, he is bound
under the priesthood oath not to
reveal the murder’s name to the
police. This brings slight compli
cations when the priest himself is a course in chemical warfare at Lutheran Church spoke on being
accussed of the crime. dm Eta Jima Specialist School in a responsible person.
Once again demonstrating his Japah. Rev. Swygert also awarded per-
quiet and unassuming acting They are Second Lt. William J. feet attendence certificates to 15
McLean of Lampasas, ’51, and pupils of the elementary school.
Second Lt. Charles R. Dunn of
Waco, ’52.
Lt. McLean received a BS de
gree in industrial education. He
is the son of Joe G. McLean of
technique, Clift gives the priest’s
Movies Set Tonight
For Little Leaguers
Two movies of
to sell memberships and promote material to Little League base- Jn March of 1952 and prior
(Continued from Page 1)
‘We must also recognize that a
my purpose, regardless of my own
personal opinions and convictions,
to represent one clique or one fac-
college family of 6,000 to 7,000 t2 0n within this great association
students is different from a family if in fact> there ex j sts or should
of 1,000 or 2,000 students which develop such cliques or such fac-
existed when some of us were ti ons .”
here,” Dunn said.
Changes Were for Good
“We should make sure that our
activities and our programs always
conform to the broad objectives
outlined in these two documents.
“As representatives of the asso
ciation, we endeavor, through the
program adopted, to carry as much
Dunn called on all the associa- information about the college as
the plan in this area.
Adult memberships cost $6 and
student memberships cost $3.
Deadline for memberships is 5:30
p. m. Saturday, May 30. Promotion
will be carried on over local radio
stations and by speeches at high
schools and at civic club meet
Concerts will be booked and an
nounced Saturday night. Head-
tonight in A&M Consolidated High
School’s cafeteria, said J. R. Oden,
co-sponsor of the league.
The films, which will last ap
proximately an hour, cover the
methods of playing infield posi
tions. Admission is free.
Mrs. Walter H. Delaplane pre
sented Texas Readers Club certifi
cates to 23 fifth grade pupils.
Under the direction of Mrs. G. P.
Parker and Mrs. Pearle Tanzer,
Lampasas. His wife, Peggy, lives the pupils have read during the
instructional Lampasas. He entered the army year ten books of the types specifi
ed by the Texas Education Agency,
Alba Jo Karcher was mistress
of ceremonies.
ball players will be shown at 7:30 overseas shipment, was stationed
at San Marcos Air Force Base.
Lieutenant Dunn is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Dunn of 2726
Live Oak, Waco. He received a
BS degree in geological engineer
ing from the college in May of
1952, and entered the army in
All players from high school July, after serving as a geologist
leagues on down are invited, and
Little League major and minor
players and their fathers are
for the Humble Oil Co. at Wichita
tion to work together in accom- possible to members so their in- quarters for the campaign are in especially urged to attend, Oden
Dunn said that most of the for
mer students would agree that
most of the changes which had
taken place were for the good.
The new president repeatedly
stressed the improvements made by help,’
the college and the better gradu- work
plishing its objectives in coordina- terest will be maintained through
tion with the objectives of the col- their opportunity thus provided to
lege as set forth by the state. keep abreast with the over-all pic
“Facts and information present-
I expect to receive a lot of e d in this manner in my judgment
he said. “I am willing to eliminate misunderstanding and
and work until you men gives our individual members the
LaSalle Hotel Lobby.
New Officers
(Conttinued from Page 1)
Expects a Lot of Help
to judge for them-
ates it was producing today as drop.” opportunity
compared to years ago. He told the Council that a great selves.
Dunn thanked the Council for record had been made in the past “Constructive criticism is a good
electing him president of the FSA. by the college in developing and thing and is to be desired, but we
Development Fund Short
Of Last Year’s Total
A&M’s 1953 Development Fund president’s emergency fund and the Executive Board
is more than $3,000 behind last the operation of the association
year’s progress at the same time, and publication of The Texas Ag-
Archives Material
Wanted by Gofer
Former students should send
in all material to the College
Archives which may prove of beni-
fit to the college’s history in later
years, said D. B. Gofer, college
archivist, Saturday to the Council
of the Former Students Associsi-
‘It is the most important job of educating men and a good record should try to make it constructive ; said E - E - McQuillen ’20, of Col- gie. The total needed for these ob
my life,” he said. “The compen
sation, although not in money, will
be the greatest that I have ever
“Many Limitations”
had been §et by the association in and based upon informed opinion Station, director of the fund, jectives is $66,000
constructive accomplishments.
“In neither case have we reached
the degree of perfection which
should satisfy any of us,” he said.
“Because of our individual love for
Dunn asked that the Council re- this institution and our desire to
and not false premise,” said Dunn.
Lack of Information
Dunn illustrated the lack of in
formation about the college now
present to the former students.
member he has many limitations perpetuate and carry forward its said that although A&M’s en
and that “only through a combined
effort of us all,” can anything be
Interrupted several times by ap
plause, Dunn emphasized “It is
not my purpose to undertake a
great traditions, we never will and
never should reach that degree of
Quoting from the objectives of
the A&M System and those of the
association, Dunn demonstrated
rollment had dropped in number,
A&M was continuing to maintain
its 7.6 per cent average of the
number of eligible high school
The amount contributed SO far The 1953 Development Fund Progress
„„„ . report (Jan. 1, 1953 to May 18, 1953 as
tills year IS $3,037.21 less than last compared to the same time in 1952) is:
year at this time, and the number t 1933 1952
of contributors is 514 behind the N '^contributions .. . 4.970 5.484
1952 number, McQuiller said. Total Money Given. .$50,544.06 $53,581.27
rpi . J Amount Unrestricted $43,606.56 $48,638.77
The a\eiuge uniestncted gift. Amount Restricted . .$ 6,937.50 $ 4,942.50
however, is 10 cents below that of Average Unrestricted
last years-$8.77 as compared to Th f ^ Fund objectives Aril 5 8 87
Inter-Faith Chapel $40,000
College President’s Emergency
Fund 1,000
Operation of Association and
J. B. (Dick) Hervey ’42, of Col- tion.
lege Station, executive secretary Citing numerous examples where
of the FSA, remained a member the information was proving of
of the Council and also was reap- heI P> Gofer also showed the Coun-
pointed as executive secretary of cd two booklets he helped writ?
and authenticate.
A Waco former student came tc
Cafe r’s assistance when he told
of how he lost many original valu-
mittee were: able documents during the recent
William J. Terrell ’46, of Port tornado. He had planned to send
Arthur; George C. Moffett ’16, of them to Gofer, but had sent only
Chillicothe; X. B. Cox Jr. ’37, of photostatic copies.
San Angelo; John F. Younger ’37,
Nominating Committee
Members of the nominating com-
$8.87, he said at the annual
Spring Council meeting of the FSA
here Saturday*.
The 1953 Fund objectives in-
one-man crusade. It shall not be how the two should work together.
The Battalion
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
“Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan
ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during
the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination
and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of
publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, by 1960, A&M must be prepared
and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods to take care of 10,000 students,
and the summer terms. Subscription rates $6.00 per year or $.50 per The membership of the association
month. Advertising rates furnished on request. he continued, also should rise and
He said a survey of enrollment elude the Inter-Faith Chapel, the
in grade schools indicates an in-
of Midland; A. E. Hinman ’25, of
Corpus Christi; D. Pat Wheat ’28,
of Beaumont; Harold E. Cowley
’42, of Freer; Tyree L. Bell ’13, of
Dallas—vice chairman; A. G. Plaff
’25, of Tyler—chairman.
Cox presented the nominations renewed their grant-in-aid of
Publication of Texas Aggie.... £ 0 ^ be Council in the absence of $1,000 to the Texas Agricultural
the chairman and vice chairman.
Pensylvania Company
Gives $1,000 Grant
The Pennsylvania Salt Manu
facturing Co. of Philadelphia has
Experiment Station.
crease of eligible male graduates
in the state to 28,000 by 1957,
which should provide A&M with
an enrollment of 8,500 should the
school maintain its average.
“This small drop in enrollment
in 1952, does not bear out the con
clusion that the college is slip
ping,” Dunn said.
He said indications were that
V'cy, Y£S'IAM PO/SCM'£>;£!,
MAX’S MY soc.v,
s&esM s/ctr at rve //sAer
By Walt Kelly
Entered as second-class
matter at Post Office at
College Station. Texas
under the Act of Con
gress of March 3. 1870.
Member of
The Associated Press
Represented nationally by
National Advertising
Services, Inc., at New
Vork City, Chicago. Los
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The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi
cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in
the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights
of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved.
News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or
at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be
placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room
209 Goodwin Hall.
Harri Baker
City Editor
Peggy Maddox...
Women’s News Editor
Jerry Bennett
Harri Baker
Today’s Issue
Managing Editor
News Reporter
Ed Holder.
Sports New* Editor
Important to Tell of FSA
Telling the story of the FSA
also is an important job, said
He questioned the Council on the
number of former students who
“If people generally knew just
a few of the case histories of the
City Editor Opportunity Awards students, we
would have no difficulty in increas
ing the number of scholarships
from 300 to 500, which is about
the present real need.”
Dunn lauded the preceding offi
cers of the association and the
staff. He asked again for their
help in working for a better A&M.
A Kiss In The Dark
By Al Capp