The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 26, 1953, Image 1

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    Circulated Daily
To 90 Per Cent
l Of Local Residents
Number 77: Volume 53
Published By
A & M Students
For 75 Years
Price Five Cents
President of I ( i S
Will Be Speaker
At Commencement
Dr. M. E. Sadler, president of
Texas Christian University, will
speak on “Maintaining the Demo
cratic Approach to Life,” at the
annual commencement ceremonies.
The program will be held at 7
p. m. Friday in Kyle Field.
Pi'esident M. T. Harrington will
introduce Dr. Sadler. The TCU
president will be speaking to 867
graduates. Twenty-four of these
will be receiving their PhD de
Sbisa and Guion
Baccalaureate services will be
held in Sbisa and Guion Halls. The
services will start at 10 a. m.
Graduates of the Schools of Ag
riculture and Arts and Sciences
will attend the program in Sbisa
Dining Hall. Those graduating in
the Schools of Veterinary Medi
cine and Engineering will attend
Guion Hall for the services.
Baccalaureate Speech
Dr. Carlyle Marney, paster of
the First Baptist Church in Aus
tin will deliver the baccalaureate
speech in Guion. Rev. John Don-
aho, pastor of the First Methodist
Church in Corpus Chirsti, will
speak to the graduates in Sbisa.
Brig. Gen. Matthew K. Deichel-
mann, commandant, U. S. Air
Force ROTC Montgomery, Ala.,
Will deliver the principal address i
at the commissioning ceremony at
1 p. m. Friday in Guion Hall.
He will also present the Air
Force commissions.
Brig. Gen. Numa A. Watson,
chief o f staff, Headquarters
Fourth Army, will present the
army commissions.
Four hundred and thirty-five
cadets will receive commissions.
Final review will be held Satur
day morning, concluding the grad
uation ceremonies.
// "v Spring:
CS Clean-Up
Starts Today
Today is the first day of
the annual Spring Clean-Up
Drive for College Station.
Today and tomorrow, city
trucks will pick up any trash
that is put in front of the
City Manager Ran Boswell
has asked all residents to put
any thing they want thrown
away in front of their houses,
so men from the trucks can
get to it easily.
After the drive is over, the
city will spray mosquito breed
ing places to cut down the
summer mosquito population.
"Doc’ Asbury I lurt
In Car Accident
Failure to Adjust Is
Facing A&M
Dunn, *23, Named
FSA President
Dean Bertrand
To Address
CHS Grads
Dean John R. Bertrand of the
Basic Division will speak to 30
graduates of A&M Consolidated
High School at their commence
ment exercises at 8 p. m. Monday,
June 1, in Guion Hall.
Supt. L. S. Richardson will pre
sent the graduates C. A. Bonnen,
president of the school board of
trustees, will give out the di-
Pl omas.
Scholarships will be given by J.
J. Skrivanek, high school principal.
Music for the program will be
by Miss Margaret Berry at the
organ and the CHS chorus.
Chorus Director Robert L. Boone
will also, lead the audience in sing
ing “Consolidated High School”.
The Rev. Robert L. Darwell of
St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel will
give the invocation, and the bene
diction will be given by Miss Bar
bara Van Tassel.
James F. Fowler, minister of
the A&M Church of Christ, will
preach the baccalaurate service at
8 p. m. Sunday, May 31, in the
A&M Church of Christ. The Rev.
Charles G. Workman of the A&M
Presbyterian Church will give the
invocation ‘and the school chorus
will sing.
Dr. (Doc) Samuel Asbury’s con
dition was reported as “satisfac
tory” by Bryan Hospital authori
ties this morning following an ac
cident last night. Asbury was hit
by an automobile on Sulphur
Springs Road near the Circle
Drive-In theatre.
Hospital doctors have taken X-
Rays of Asbury to determine if
thex-e are any broken bones. The
results will not be known until late
this afternoon.
Asbury was hit by a 1951 model
Pontiac sedan driven by Augie
Saxe, an A&M student who lives
at H-5-8 College View. Saxe is
a former A&M halfback.
Beverly Ware an eye witness,
told police she was driving just
behind Saxe’s car when the ac
cident happened.
“He (Saxe) was driving about
20 miles per hour and all of a
sudden I saw this man right in
front of his car. He wasn’t hit
hard, I’m sure,” she said.
Saxe said he and his wife and
baby were riding around listening
to the radio, and before he knew it
Dr. Asbury was just in front of
the right fender of the car.
“I swerved over as hard as I
could, trying to miss him but he
was too close to the fender,” Saxe
said “He was up on the highway
near the edge”.
A Hillier ambulance was called
at approximately 7:55 by Miss
Ware, and it arrived at 8:20. The
ambulance took Asbury to St.
Joseph Hospital. He later was
transferred to Bryan Hospital.
Dr. Asbury came to A&M as a
chemistry instructor in 1903, and
after teaching awhile, went into
He became interested in music
and has four pianos in his home
although he cannot play. He says
he keeps them so other people can
come and play.
Dr. Asbury also likes paintings.
He has pictures all over the walls
of his home near College View and
some on the ceilings. He grows
several varieties of roses outside
his house.
He has been retired for a num
ber of years and is approximately
78 years old. He went to school in
South Carolina.
82 Enroll for Oil
Mill Short Course
Eighty-two persons have enroll
ed in the twenty-first annual Oil
Mill Operators short course which
started yesterday in the MSC.
The operators were welcomed by
Dr. H. W. Barlow, dean of engi
neering. The course covers seed
and lint cleaning, good housekeep
ing, safety, screw press and sol
vent extraction, and a review of
laboratory operations.
A banquet for the operators will
be given at 7 p. m. Wednesday in
the MSC Ballroom. Tickets are $2
per person.
INew Inter-Faith Chapel
Needs $300,000—Dunn
About $300,000 will be needed
to build the Inter-Faith Chapel
here, said J. Harold Dunn ’25, of
Amarillo, new president of the
Former Students Association.
“Almost any amount can be
spent on the chapel,” he said. “To
build one which seats approximate
ly 400 persons will cost about
Dunn stressed the need for do
ing a creditable job and to step
up activities to get more money.
At the present time, the FSA
has $46,817.50 in the Inter-Faith
Chapel fund. This amount will rise
by the end of the year, said Dunn,
chairman of the committee.
“We should wait and build an
outstanding edifice for genera
tions to come. It should serve many
generations and the purpose it was
intended,” the new president said
Saturday at the annual FSA Spr
ing Council meeting here.
Dunn cautioned the Council that
ample time should be taken in
planning and building the chapel.
“We must study a variety of
ideas to get a correct conception
Beer Parties
Or Churches
For Muster?
Aggie Mustei’s should be
held in a more reverent atmos
phere than beer parties, de
clared A. F. (Smiley) Mitchell
’09, of Corsicana, outgoing
president of the Former Stu
dents Association, here Satur
Supporting the suggestion
submitted by D. C. (Spike)
Arnold ’27, of Houston, Mit
chell urged that more cities
follow the example set by
Houston, Beaumont and other
cities and holding Muster in
“It is sacriligeous and im
pudent to hold such a me
morial service at a drunken
brawl,” said Mitchell. “If this
is a memorial service, I don’t
want it.”
Muster is held every April
21 by A&M students every
where in memorium for fel
low students who have died
during the year and for the
Texans who gave their lives
fighting for Texas indepen
dence at San Jacinto 50 years
ago -
The outgoing president also
asked that parents of the
A&M students who have died
be invited to attend the Mus
ter services held on the cam
“It was again
spiring Muster
year,” he said.
a very in
here this
Ag Experiment Station
Gets $500 Grant-in-Aid
A grant-in-aid of $500 has been
made available to the Texas Ag
ricultural Experiment Station by
the Ethyl Corp., New York.
It will be used in support of the
existing mesquite control research
program at the Spur substation,
Sirector R. D. Lewis said,
of the type of chapel needed here,”
he said. ,
Dunn reported that a chapel
holding from 190 to 400 persons
was desired most. The larger
chapel was wanted so that wed
dings and organized meetings may
be held, said Dunn. The 100 per
son chapel would be merely for
meditation purposes, he said.
“No location has been set de
finitely by the committee,” said
Dunn, “but we have three possible
locations in mind.”
These are:
• Area between Guion Hall and
military headquarters building.
Dunn said this area would need
more shrubbery if used for the
chapel. . TT r ,ii | / tTbertv and Leland M. Stevens
• Area between Guion Hall and of L-iDeii\ ^ j
the MSC. He explained that | B r 7 o n n " s ° n on ° P c<)S t aecountins
was not enough room here. !® S 0 ” or ed by the Houston Chapter
• The location favored by th< P National Association of Cost
committee was between Law and , . tants . Both Students are ac-
Puryear Halls and the President s Acc0 ™ t cr " • ors
Home, near the site of the old j CO g" ch J nan received $50 for the
assembly hall. first place with a paper entitled
The new president stressed that ^ tance for income Tax Pur-
no definite location had been se of inventories Valued at
and that suggestions were wanted. | P° ' d Cost
“The type of chapel is still m j Standard^
Accounting Majors
Win Essay Prizes
A&M seniors Rex E. Buchanan
J. Harold Dunn ’25 of Amarillo
was named president of the As
sociation of Former Students Sat
Elected vice president of the as
sociation by the FSA Council was
Oscar T. Hotckiss ’24, of Port
Dunn, president of the Sham
rock Oil and Gas Co., was vice
president of the association last
year. He succeeds A. F. (Smiley)
Mitchell ’09, of Corsicana. Dunn
also served as chairman of the
Inter-Faith Chapel Committee last
year and has been vice president of
District 1.
Hotchkiss has been a member of
the Council since the organization
of the association. He has been
past president of the Port Arthur
A&M Club, and served on many as
sociation committees. He is em
ployed by Gulf Oil Corporation.
Executive Board Member
Three members named to the
Executive Board for two - year
terms were A. O. Nicholson ’27, of
Dallas, banker and past president
of the Dallas A&M Club; Clyde T.
Norman ’37, of Oklahoma City,
Okla., an engineer and member of
the Oklahoma A&M Club; Herbert
A. Burrow ’22, of Bonham, man
ager of the Bonham Textile Mills.
Ploldovers on the board are J.
Searcy Bracewell ’38, of Houston;
R. J. Potts ’06, of Harlingen; Theo
A. Willis ’46, of Fort Worth;
members whose terms expire this
this year are E. M. Freeman ’22, of
Shreveport; Jake T. Long ’27, of
Glomer; Pat H. Stanford ’44, of
District Vice-Presidents
The eleven district vice-presi
dents elected were:
District I, Robert Hooper ’22, of
Plainview, automobile dealer; Dist
rict II, Gerald C. Puckett ’46, of
Fort Stockton, rancher; District
III, John A. Kimbrough ’41, of
Haskell, oil cosignee; District IV,
Weldon Maples ’43, of Haskell, oil
cosignee; District IV, Weldon
Maples ’43, of Fort Worth, in
surance; District V. W. Hunter
Parks ’37, of Kilgore, oil operator;
District VI, George A. Logan ’35,
of Waco, banker; District VII,
Kenneth R. Montague ’37, of Beau
mont; District VIII, S. C. Smith
’35, of Uvalde, businessman; Dist
rict IX, H. C. Heldenfels ’35, of
Corpus Christi, contractor; Louisi
ana District, John H. Cuthrell ’29,
of New Orleans, La., oil company;
Out-of-State representative, Ernest
H. Bruss ’27, Farmington, N. M.,
automobile dealer.
Student Loan Fund Trustees
renamed were Sterling C. Evans
’21, of Houston, president of the
Federal Land Bank; James W.
Aston ’33, of Dallas, vice president
of the Republic National Bank;
Estil A. Vanve ’27, of Fort Worth,
president of the Fort Worth Na
tional Bank.
Development Fund Board
Named to the Development Fund
Board for three year terms were
J. Walter Porter ’22, of Dallas,
vice president of the Clifford-Hill
Pipe Co., and Herman F. Heep ’20,
Progress Demands
Changes, Says 1 tismi
The danger and threat facing A&M is for it to slip
in the future because it is unable to make changes and ad
just to them, declared J. Harold Dunn ’25 of Amarillo, in
coming president of the Former Students Association.
“Young men who have graduated from this institution
during the last several years have taken responsibility and
leadership and carried it out effectively. This has made it
possible for me to take this position today,” Dunn said.
“In all honesty, speaking from my own experience in
hiring young graduates from this college, I can state that
the graduate today is better educated and better prepared to
enter the business world than he was I finished school 28
♦years ago,” said Dunn.
A lot of improvements can be
J. Harold Dunn
of Austin, president of the Heep
Oil Company. Outgoing representa
tives are J. D. Kirven ’16, of Wax-
ahachie and Wofford Gain T3, of
Price Campbell ’13, of Abilene
was held over to serve another
two-year term on the Athletic
Council and J. F. Hamblen ’27, of
Houston, president of the South-
eoi Electric Supply Co. and form
er president of the FSA, was nam
ed to replace C. P. Dodson ’ll, of
Decatur as a councilman.
John M. Lawrence III ’43, of
Bryan succeeded W. R. Char-
miehael ’28, of Bryan on the Me
morial Student Center Council.
(See NEW OFFICERS, Page 2)
Board of Directors Runs
College, Says Mitchell
Officers should obey constituted
authority and the A&M Board of j
Directors is in control of the col
lege, said A. F. (Smiley) Mitchell
’09, of Corsicana, outgoing Former-
Students Association president, to
the FSA Council Sunday.
Answering a proposal by Wil
liam J. (Bill) Garrett ’47, of Dal
las, new Councilman to the FSA |
Council, Mitchell said “the Board j
of Directors are the constituted |
authority of the school.”
This association always will con- I
bnue to remain under their autho- !
rity, he said.
Garrett made the motion that
The type
doubt,” Dunn said. “Architects are
working on sketches which the
committee has been studying, in
cluding sketches of other campus’
With the size of the chapel still
undetermined, said Dunn, it is dif
ficult to estimate the cost. This
can be done more easily when the
plans are drawn, he said.
Steven’s paper received the se
cond award of $30 and was called
“The Variable Budget”.
F. L. Brewer, director of special
activities of the Houston Chapter
of N. A. C. A., presented the
W. F. Farrar of the business ad
ministration department repre
sented A&M at the meeting. _
fact finding committee be appoint
ed to investigate student life here.
The motion was not seconded. It
was tabled by a majority voice-
vote on a motion by A. C. (Gener
al) Love ’99, of Beaumont.
After making his motion, Gar
rett said the students were not to
know about the committee and it
was for the members present and
not for publication.
“The Aggie spirit must be per
petuated,” said Garrett. “There is
no harm in a Fish (freshman) run
ning 59-100 yards to meet an up-
I perclassman, and perhaps there is
a j no harm in having midnight yell
i j practice. I don’t know.
‘We should perpetuate the
JVat’l Group
To Build f und
Planned by FSA
A National Fund Commit
tee will be organized this
summer by the Former Stu
dents Association to help
build the number of contribu
tors to 50 per cent of the number
of former students, said J. B
(Dick) Hervey ’42 of College Sta
tion, executive secretary of the
“Although there was $98,224.61
collected for the 1952 Develop
ment Fund,” said Hervey, “the
number of contributors dropped to
During the year, the executive
secretary said he and others saw
the strength of the former stu
dents by the action given by the
legislature to the Sen.-Moore
Coed-Plan after the former stu
dents answered with telegrams and
The home office during the year
had more telegrams and letters
written because of this, said Her
The executive secretary explain
ed that a class committee was in
itiated this year for the Class of
“This will be another effort to
build better communications and
ties between former students and
the association. We also have
talked to home town clubs and
urged former students from these
clubs to come and speak to the stu
dents and tell them about the as
sociation.” he said. “Many did this
More than 1,900 changes of ad
dresses are made monthly by the
home office, said Hervey. The foot
ball film circulating library also
proved a success with 68 clubs
utilizing 375 showings. The films
went all over the United States, j
Korea, Alaska, South America and
More new clubs were added to
the association during the year,
he said.
The Council approved Hervey’s
motion to continue with the same
format (size) now used by The
Texas Aggie, monthly publication
of the FSA.
Set June 11
For Operetta
made, said the Amarillo oil man
and member of the A&M System
Board of Directors.
“The way to accomplish these
improvements is through construc
tive progress and changes. We do
not need a major upheaval, but
there isn’t a department in this
school that cannot be improved.
“With information and analysis
we can find the improvements that
are needed to make progress,” he
Speaking to more than 159 mem
bers of the FSA Council, the new
president left his prepared text
of his speech often in an effort to
emphasize the many points he
Progress Means Changes
“All of us like to think of the
“good old days” when we were in
school and some of us feel that if
the school could maintain policies
which could re-establish those
“good old times” for the benefit
of the present generation then
most, if not all, of our problems
would disappear.
“I submit to you, however,” con
tinued Dunn, “that progress re
quires change. We are living in
different times and the problems
are not the same.”
Dunn illustrated the changes in
the ways of life today as compared
to many years ago.
(See CHANGES, Page 2)
FSA Asks
Better Ag-UT
Cementing better relations
between A&M and the Uni
versity of Texas was discus
sed Saturday by the Former
Students Association Council.
A. F. (Smiley) Mitchell ’09,
of Corsicana, outgoing presi
dent of the FSA, said efforts
should be made to get the bit
terness out of the hearts of
both groups so that the two
institutions could meet on a
more amiable basis.
He stressed that shame was
brought to both institutions by
the actions of each group dur
ing the Turkey Day football
Many representatives to the
meeting said they held joint
banquets before the Thanks
giving game, inviting former
students from both schools in
an effort to better relations.
Weather Today
Singers for a summer operetta
will be auditioned Thursday, June
I spirit Thev may bring in two uni- j 11, at 7:30 p. m. in the Music Hall,
forms and' the thought of this is —* J T>:,, ^
J demoralizing the corps,” he said.
Garrett emphasized that fresh
men living in separate units hurts
! the corps, but he again repeated,
I “I don’t know.”
‘When I brought some Dallas
boys here during sports day, said
Garrett, “they became disgusted
with A&M. They said it was de- ;
Garrett stressed that “the sen- |
iors are no longer running the !
campus,” and that they should be i
said Bill Turner, music director.
This year’s summer production
will be either “Pirates of Pen-
sanze,” or “Yeomen of the Guard,”
both by Gilbert and Sullivan, Turn
er said. It will be presented July
14 and 15 at the Grove.
“Participation is open both to
A&M students and people living
in the community,” Turner said.
There are also openings in the
orchestra that will play for the
operetta. “Anyone interested
should contact me as soon as pos-
given more rule. I sible,” Turner said
‘‘This association should study |
F. Mitchell
j the facts and see if they are true.”
he said.
About two months ago, Garrett
I said he favored the board.
“I love the guy who used the
I board on me,” he said.
Other operettas presented in
past summers have been “The
Chocolate Soldier,” “Rio Rito,”
“The Mikado,” and “The H.M.S.
Pinafore.” The productions are
sponsored by Student Activities.
Warmer, with scattered clouds.
Not too windy, but some dust blow
ing. .