Page 2 THE BATTALION Thursday, March 26 ,1953 Cadets Bring A&M Closer to Citizens By JON KINSLOW Battalion News Staff The organization that brings A&M closer to the people of Tex as than any other student group— that’s the name given the Singing Cadets by Bill Turner, their di rector. We call ourselves this because we stay in people’s homes while we ai'e on tour around the state, he said. The last tour of the, glee club was March 12-15, to Brownwood, Amarillo, Sherman and Denison. Other tours planned this semester are to Tyler, Houston and TSCW. The annual campus concert will be Sunday in the MSC. Turnex-, who received his BA axxd MA degi-ees from NTSC, has been music director at A&M since 1944. Besides the Singing Cadets, he di rects the Aggieland Oi'chestra. Serve Dual Purpose He says the Singing Cadets serve a dual pux-pose by furnishing a recreational outlet fox* the students and by being the performing group for many campxxs fuixctions. The main requix-ement for membei’ship in the glee club is a willingness to rehearse fi’om 5 to 6 p. m., five days a week, Turner said. “A persoxx doesn’t have to read music, but he must have an ear for it,” he added. “The member ship is formed at the beginning of each semestex*.” The gi - oup has one ‘coed’ among its membei’s. She is Miss Betty Bolander, accompaniast. ‘Bach To Boogie’ With a pi'ogram making xip a cx*oss-section of chox*al music, the cadets sing almost anything from ‘Bach to boogie’. Membei’s to be be px*esented Sunday include “Dry Bones,” “My Ideal,” “Gloria In Excelsis,” and “Deep Night.” They also have a quartet, coxxx- posed of Lamar Ashley, Ben Blankenship, Richard Reynolds and Don Fi'iend. Anothex* special feat- Williams Elected Agent for Class ’18 J. W. Williams of Dallas was elected class agent by the 7!> at tending membei’s at the class of 1918 reunion Saturday iix the MSC. E. E. Rigney, vice president of the class, px-esided at the x'eunioxx dinner Saturday evening. After the dinner the class membex's i'e- minisced of their college days. Awai'ds wei'e givexx to members of the x'eunioxx group for the fur thest distance ti’aveled, the largest number of gi’andchildren, the lai'g- est waistline, and the baldest head. Winners of the awai'ds were CoXsey Evans, ti'aveling from Olmey, Ill.; E. C. Martin, the most grandchildren; Di\ W. W. Max well, the lai-gest waistline; and Hai'dy Benson, the baldest head. The reunion gi’oup attended the intrasquad baseball game Satur day afternoon. Sunday moiming the gi'oup attended a coffee given by the local A&M Club. A. L. Smith of the extension sex-vice was in charge of the local arrangements for the class re union. ui-e is f<51k singer Jimmy Hairison. The Singing Cadets were first organized as a glee club in 1913, with a faculty member as director. Latex', in 1942, a campus-wide con test was held to pick a name for the group and “Singing Cadets” was the title selected. Traveling Singei's Since that time, the chorus has ti’aveled extensively through Tex as and Mexico. Last year they sang in Monterrey, Mexico, for the technilogical institute there, and in Houston at the Shamrock Hotel. The Music Hall, located across from the placement office, is the ‘home’ of the Singing Cadets. Al so used by the Aggie Players, the building contains seven i*ooms fox' practice and is open to all students. It has six pianos axxd an electi'onic ox-gan. Sixxging Cadet officers for this year ai-e Foster Gray, pxesident; Jei'idan Stxong, vice - pxesident; John Hildebx-and, business mana ger, Don Fi'iend, librarian; Bill Wiseman, leporter-histoi'ian. LETTERS Editoi's, The Battalion: Our oi'ganization has appxeciat- ed the coverage you have given our woi'kshop project, held last Satui'day at the Consolidated school. I wish to correct, howevci', the misstatement made at the open ing of your story in today’s (March 24) Batt. Mi'. McCleod, our speaker, fiem Sam Houston College did not sup port McCai'thyism at any time in his speech. In fact, he denounced the tactics used by that Senator in very sti'ong texms. The whole pur pose of the woi’kshop was to dis cuss the ways in which restric tions are gradually creeping in upon our fi'eedom of thought and speech. To xhy knowledge, this is the first time Mi'. McCleod has spoken in this community. He is a clever, witty, and gifted speakei', and I should be vei'y sorry to have his first appearance marred by wi'ong intei'pi'etation of his remai’ks. Mrs. Walter H. Delaplane President Bryan—College AAUW EDITORS’ NOTE The error was oui's. No maliciousness was intend ed concerning Mr. McCleod’s speech. What’s Cooking Thursday 5 p.m. — AIChE, New Adminis tration Bldg. Pictures for the Ag gieland will be made. 7:15 p.m.—“Y” Association, Cab inet Room, YMCA, Picture for the Aggieland. Election of officei’s. 7:20 p.m.—BSU Executive Coun cil, Baptist Student Center. 7:30 p.m.:—Knights of Columbus, Basement of St. Maxy’s Chapel. Milam County A&M Club, YM CA. SAME, Room 303, Goodwin Hall, Majoi' Willets will give a talk on his Korean expexiences. The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination and vacation pei’iods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subsci'iption rates $6.00 per year or $.50 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second - class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas under the Act of Con gress of March,3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Piress is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous oi'igin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. FRANK N. MANITZAS, E >y j-i fl S 1 Blackeyc Broccoli P • it) eas ) Sc NO. 303 CAN—LINDY WISCONSIN Tender Peas ... 2 cans 33c NO. 2 CANS—TEXSUN PINK Grapefruit juice, 2 cans 25c . 88c 1 POUND CAN Maxwell House Coffee 303 CAN.—AUSTEX • Chili with Beans . 2 cans 71 e 24 OZ. BOTTLE—TEA GARDEN Grape Juice . . 3 bottles 95c NO. 2—TEXSUN Orange Juice . (.> •>»» <>4 cans r>*>c 20 OZ. JAR—TEA GARDEN Plum Preserves jar 33c 20 OZ. JAR—TEA GARDEN J A It Strawberry Preserves . 46c 7 OZ. CAN STAR KIST—BLUE LABEL Solid Pack Tuna, 2 cans 75c MARKET DECKER’S TALL KORN Sliced Bacon . > SI NOR M EL’S—PURE PORK . Sausage .... UtETN’^ — ——-Palm oli- CR SI Weiners . . -Veto LM. I -B.C- DAC1 — B A B Y B E E F Loi n Steak . Porter S louse SUTNE - Short Ribs TRAI SO SIZE—FLORIDA SEEDLESS^ Grapefruit . . . -6 Oz. 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