The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 16, 1953, Image 3

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    Tuesday, March 16, 1953
Page 3
[ ti?( Wts KNows Editor
chairt t from tonight the Air
hi'het-d Ground Force basket-
iociatffS will take 'the court in
Hatter Field House in a benefit
dy luj thel Campus Chest,
three i, the basketball game the
iStigaAi Fite Nij|ht and up-
lishito'an wrestling finals will
nient d'ter |the cage tilt is fin-
The t
re jj or ^f admission will be 3o
i0l . j a full night’s sport enter-
jjjj ^.ag the cage teams will be
, ox' basketball lettermen,
° ore| t and LeRoy Miksch. Bar-
!r 'lch, Intramural Director
Don Ellis at quai’tei’, Maqouii'k
and Joe Boring at half, and Don
Kachtik at full.
A final scrimmage is planned
fox* sometime later this week.
The Aggie baseball team had
its two gaxnes rained out this
weekend, but they will play two
games Thux-sday and Friday.
Thursday the Aggies will open the
season hex’e against the Rice Owls.
Friday the Cadets will play the
Owls a second game in Houston.
The same line-up that was an
nounced for the Brooks Medic tilts
will px-obably go against the Owls.
;e of
good bouts in both box
ilchi;; body is ux-ged to come
and basketball game axxd the
. Tli t a ix d wrestling,” Harold
>sed b one °i' the chairman,
roy yerday.
S y S j f iin didn’t stop (he football
ctors om having their intra-
1 gy-irimmage Saturday night
' i teams played good ball,
' a : »g.
“quads were so evenly
l e thal they played to a
i tie.
-—yhite squad, however, won
, e of penetrations.
^JlVhite team fumbled twice
^ Maroon goal line, which
/Mem from scoring. In the
V/l/ensive series of the even-
White eleven held the
One» four downs inside their
;ir ]y. -rd marker to bog down
. II troons only threat,
at tl Pete Huddleston, a fresh-
j (J av >m Iraan, was the leading
gainer of the evening. Hud-
^ l '' played left halfback for
“ Adliite squad and racked up
in Is. For the Maroons, Con-
•olleriagourik, also playing left
k, picked up 48 yards to
Ten • ground gaining honors.
Agrers for the Whites were;
firs: Sinclair and Richard Vick
he strs; T. K. Niland and Fx-ed
to wax'd at tackles; Bob McCai*-
C ( . r Bob Gosney at Guards and
reenhaw at Centex - .
,h ' te backfield for the Whites
lonaki Robbins at quartex-
‘‘ Huddleston and Charley
, halfback and Johnny Say-
My Hon starters included, Ex-ic
and Noxbert Ohlendorf at
j\|juawrence Winkler and Dux-
Scott at tackles; Rxxy Bar-
Id Sidney Theriot at guards
? r^o Marquette at center.
J L s for the Maroon were
ODAY thru SAT.
-apt. Black Jack*
day & Wednesday
Peter Cusick presents I
Cadet Riflers
Capture Fourth
In SW Invitation
A&M’s rifle team placed fourth
in the Southwestern Invitational
Smallbore Marches held in El Paso
Satux’day. The University of Cali-
foimia’s Golden Bears won the
matches which saw 24 teams shoot
ing for the crown.
The Bears beat the defendiing
champions, the Univex’sity of San
Francisco, fii'ing '7,499 out of a
possible 8,000 to the 7,466 fired by
Texas Western College, the host
school of the matches, was thix-d
with 7,454, while the Aggies shot
The Bears held a slim edge over
the Cadets number one team at
the start of Friday’s firing with
(See RIFLE, Page 4)
Hooper, Ragsdale Spark Win
As Trackmen Take Olympics
BREAKS RECORD—Darrow Hooper, A&M’s top weig-ht-
man, won the shot put in the Border Olympics, held in
Laredo Saturday, by breaking a record he set last year.
Hooper put the shot 54 feet three and a quarter inches for
the record.
Aggies, Fish Capture
First Tank Win, 76-7
Aggie Vai'sity and Freshmen
Tankmen swam to their first win
of the year in a dual meet with
Baylor Saturday.
The vai-sky splashed out a 76-7
win while the Fish imshed by
the Cubs 61-10.
Fx-eshman Gayle Klipple featux*-
ed the meet by setting a new Fish
pool recox-d in the 200 yard fx-ee-
The Varsity opened the meet
with a near x'ecox-d bx - eaking win
in the 300 yard medley x-elay. Don
15 ’Mural Fighters
Cop Final Berths
Fifteen intx-amural boxers cop
ped berths in the finals of their
divisions yestex’day as the sci’ap-
pei's began slugging for keeps.
At the end of today’s bouts all
finalists will have been decided.
Fi'eshman finals are scheduled for
Wednesday, with uppei'classman
champs due to be crowned on Fite
Nite, March 24.
Here is the way the final card
123 pound—Allen,
Gonzales, Co. I;
Co. H, vs.
Eleanor Parker
Plus — Thomas Gomez
— Sunday & Monday —
130 pound—Pinson, Sq. 17, vs
Hoxton, Co. I;
137 pound—Both semifinals to
day; Gx-eer, Sq. 17-Francis, Sq.
20; Sinclair, Sq. 24-Reynolds, Sq.
147 pound—Semifinals today—-
Teague, Co. G-Chewning, Sq. _17i_
Dischlex*, Co. F-Powell, Co. H.
157 pound—Semifinals today—
Deaton, Co. F-Pearson, Sq. 20;
Geax'dina, Co. H-Adams, Co. B;
167 pound—Owens, Sq. 21- Lid-
ly, Sq. 20 in one semifinal today;
—Featui'e Starts—
1:35 - 3:16 - 4:57 - 6:35
8:19 - 10:00
Children Under 12 Admitted
FREE When Accompanied By
An Adult.
L WW Political Racketeers!
Audrey Paula
“When In Rome”
fnlb STgj: 115N ■ j JoIUiStOl
A&M Net Team
Meets SE Okies
The Aggie nettei's will meet the
Southeastei'n Oklahoma squad hei'e
this afternoon at one o’clock.
Leading the Cadets will be the
number one man Eugene Letsos.
Tom West of A&M will play in the
second position. Aggie Ronald
Wolff is in third place with Jack
Jacobson in foux-th.
A&M’s Letsos and West will
combine to form the number one
doubles team. .Wolff and Jacdb-
son will foi’m the second.
The Aggies blanked the Okla
homa Sooners 7-0 in their fix-st
match. This match with South-
eastex-n Oklahoma will be the last
practice match befoi’e the Aggies
begin confei'ence play.
The tennis squad’s fii’st confei'
ence match will be against Rice
hei'e Max'ch 28.
Crawfox'd, Dickie Weick, and John
Speich, ahd John Speich swam the
distance thi'ee seconds above the
pool recoi'd.
A&M took first and second place
in the 50 yard freestyle with Bert
Koegl and Jimmy Burns finishing
in that order. Baylor was third.
John Beutelshies and Lee Pep
ping added points by taking fii'st
and second in the 440 yard free
style. Baylor was again thix-d.
The Varsity wound up their
meet with Paul Walin, Dickie
Weick, Rickey Black and Don
Crawford winning the 400 yax'd
freestyle relay.
Freshmen Win
A&M’s Fish took fii'st place in
every event, piling up 61 points.
Baylor could manage only one sec
ond out of a possible three places
in each event. Theii' second came
in the 100 yai'd freestyle.
Besides Klipple’s record bx-eak
ing win, Eax-nest Devilbiss looked
good for the Fish in his 100 yai'd
freestyle win.
George Pax’i- breezed to an easy
win in the 100 yard individual med
ley. Roland Baird showed a pi-om-
isirig backsti’oke winning the 100
yai'd event.
Vai'sity Results
300 yd. medley I'elay—A&M—
Crawfoxd, Weick, and Speich.
(See SWIMMING, Page 5
Battalion Correspondent
The Aggie track team continued
its winning ways Saturday night
by successfully defending its Bor
der Olympic crown for the fourth
straight year. The Cadets scored
59 points while Texas garnered
44 and Oklahoma A&M 3814.
Five x-ecords were set in the meet
with Dai-x'ow Hooper of the Ag
gies, breaking his own shot put
record of 53 feet 8 and five-eights
inches, with a toss of 54 feet three
and a quarter inches.
Hooper also won the discuss with
a thx-ow of 165 feet one inch, miss
ing the record by less than a foot.
Ragsdale Breaks Record
Bobby Ragsdale of A&M, and
team captain, broke the broad jump
record of 23 feet six and a half
inches, held by John Robertson of
Texas with a leap of 23 feet elev
en inches.
Ragsdale also won the 220 yard
low hux-dles, beating Charlie Thom
as of Texas, who hit the last hur
dle, in a time of 23.5 seconds.
Hooper and Ragsdale led the Ag
gies with 10 points each.
Oklahoma A&M broke the other
three x-ecords with Frederick Eck-
hoff’s outstanding runs in the mile
and two-mile and Bill Heard’s run
in the 880.
James Baker, Cadet quarter-
milei', missed another Aggies, Ray
Shot put —X. Darrow Hooper, Texas
A&M, 54 feet 3 1 /, inches (new record -old
record 43 feet 8 5/8 inches cet by Hooper
in X952) ; 2. Bobby Gross, Texas A&M 48
4 3/8 ; 3. Nick Spillios, University of
Houston, 48 3/4 ; 4. Dan Pratt, Texas A&M,
46 7 1/8.
Broad jump—X. Bobby Ragsdale, Texas
A&M 23 feet XX inches (new record old
record 23 feet 6 1/2 inches set by John
Robertson, Texas, in X949 and tied by
Ragsdale in 1952) ; 2. S. M. Meeks, Uni
versity of Houston 23-3 ; 3. James Babb,
Texas, 21-11 ; 4. James Skaines, University
of Houston, 21-4.
High jvfmp—rV Tie between Charles Bil-
Holbrook, record in this event of
48 seconds flat by three tenths of
a second.
Baker ran a beautiful x-ace all
lings and Wayne Delaney, Texas, 6 fe
1/2 inch; 3. Tie between Roscoe Vrooms
and Mickey Wilborn, Oklahoma A&M,
lob i
an, Cha
am lurn-
irles Tho-
er. Bob Carson, Joe Carsoi
mas) ; 2. University of Houston ; 3. Okla
homa A&M; 4. Southern Methodist. 9:41.9
440-yard relay—1. Texas (William Tin
, J
; 4. ~
(tie record set by Texas in 1952).
Mile run—1. Fredrik Eckhoff, Oklahoma
A&M ; 2. Dale Deroven, Texas A&M : 3.
Charles Hudgens, Texas A&M ; 4.
Neighbor, Texas. 4:16.5 (new record old
7 set by J. D. Hampton, Tex-
[ : 3.
lor, T '
record 4 :18.
as A&M, in 1949 ; also bettered overall re
cord of 4:17. 8 set by Javier Montes, Texas
League will bowl against a five
man team picked from the A&M
Bowling club Saturday, March 21,
on the MSC Lanes.
The Junior League team com
posed of David Smyth, Johnny
Bax-gei', Jon Ray Jefryman, Dick
ie Hickei’son and Bill Jones will
bowl against the Bowling Club
team with a handicap based on
70 per cent, says John M. Gugei',
Mgr. of Bowling and Games in
the MSC.
CONWAY AND CO. are leading
the All Star Bowling League with
16 won to 11 lost.
The x-esults of last weeks bowl
ing leagues are: Conway & Co. 16
won 11 lost. Student Co-op 14
win 13 lost, College Station State
Bank 13 won 14 lost, Bryan AFB
(See BOWLING, Page 4)
What Dash!
What Flash!
Hart-Schaffner Sl Marx
Spring - and Summer colors in the
most wanted patterns.
* While You Ai'e in
Ask to See
On Boyett Street—Just 2 Doors from Campus Theater
Tie among Malcolm
Marks and Glenn Spradlin, Texas A&M,
and Glenn Hoffman, Texas, 12 feet .9Vj
inches : 4. Tie among Gerald Perry, Okla-
Western, in 1952).
and Glen
len n Hoff
: 4. Tie among Uerald rerry,
homa A&M, and Dick Beimet, Dick Hooker
and Charles Mamples, Southern Methodist,
11 9 %.
440-yard clash 1. James Baker, Texas ;
2. Gene Firth, Oklahoma A&M ; 3. Billy
Ed Daniels, Rice; 4. Wesley Riehers, Uni
versity of Houston 0 :48.3.
100-yard dash 1. Charles Thomas, Tex
as ; 2. Paul Wells, Oklahoma A&M ; 3.
Larry McBride, University of Houston : 4.
Buddy Goode, Southern Methodist, 0:09.7.
120-yard high hurdles -1. Gerald Scal-
lorn, Texas ; 2. Mickey Wilborn, Oklahoma
A&M ; 3. Glen Blake, Texas A&M ; 4. Geo.
Hartung, Texas A&M 0:14.9.
880-yard run—1. Bill Heard, Oklahoma
A&M; 2. Ed Davis, Rice; 3. Tom Roge
56.4 (heard
in preliminari-
old Tarrant, Oklahoma A&M, in
university class ; 1 :55.6 by Blaine Rideout,
North Texas State in 1938, and tied by
Sam Volpe, Abilene Christian, in 1952, in
; 2. Ed Davis, Kice; d. lorn Rogers,
; ; 4. Wallace Klcb, Texas A&M ; 1 :
(heard set overall met record of 1:55
preliminaries—old record X :56 by Har-
1 Tarrant, Oklahoma A&M, in 1950, in
jllege class
Discus thi
row (final)—1.
Hayden Mayeaux, Tex-
2. Wes
Darrow Hoop
er, Texas A&M 165 feet .1 inch; 2. Nick
Spillos, University of Houston, ItO-O 1 /”- 3.
Bobby Gross, Texas A&M 148-1 ; 4. Jim
Samuelson, Texas,
Javelin throw—1
as A&M 185 feet 6 1 /. inches;
Ritchey, Texas Christian, 182-1 ; 3. Roy
Dollar, Texas A&M, ISO- 1 ^ I 4. Tom Dollo-
hite, Texas A&M, 178.
220-yard dash—1- Charles Thomas, Tex
as ; 2. Paul Wells, Oklahoma A&M : 3.
Buddy Goode, Southern Methodist; 4. Bob
Carson, Texas, 0 :20.6.
Two-mile run 1. Fredrik Eckhoff, Okla
homa A&M ; 2. James Blaine, Texas A&M ;
3. Elbert Spence, Texas; 4. Lenroy Lowe,
Southern Methodist, 9:27.9 (new record—
old record 9:36.0 set by J. D. Hampton,
Texas A&M in 1949).
irdles—1. Boby Ragsdale,
Charles Thomas, Texas ;
3. Gerald Seallon, Texas ; 4. Mickey Wil
born, Oklahoma A&M, 0:23.5.
Mile relay — Oklahoma A&M (Brooks
Rice, Bill Heard, Gene Firth, Fred Ash
more) ; 2. University of Houston ; 3. South-
ern Methodist; 4. Rice, 3:18.7.
Aggie Wrestlers
Grab AAU Second
The Aggie Wrestling team won
second place in the Southwestern
AAU meet in Dallas over the
A&M won six second places,
three third places, and one foux-th.
John Huff was the lone Aggie to
fall below third place. Huff lost
to Bill Calhoun of the Dallas “Y.”
Calhoun weighed 419 pounds.
Conx-ed Webb won a trophy for
the fastest pin of the tourney.
Webb pinned John Pipkin of the
Foil Worth “Y” in 49 seconds of
the fii’st x-ound.
In one of the best matches of
the tournament, Jamie Gonzales of
A&M pinned Cook of the Houston
“Y”. Cook, one of the state’s best
wrestlei's in the 128 pound class,
reduced to 121 and was pinned by
Tulsa, Oklahoma’s “Y” bx-ought
a team of state high school
champs, ex Oklahoma Aggie and
Oklahoma University wi'estlers to
win fix-st place with 39 points.
A&M scox-ed 36 points in taking
second place.
Results of Aggie wi'estlers wei'e:
121—Jamie Gonzales, 2nd, 128—
Robert Beattie, 2nd, 136—Billy
Gilbert, 3nd, 145—Jerry Pyle,
2nd, and 145—Rudy Henson, 3nd.
At 155—Conx-ad Webb, 2nd, 165
—Raul Loustannau,3rd, 175—Al
Perkins, 2nd, and Heavyweight—
Huff, 4th.
the way and finished virtually un
Pole vaultei's, Glenn Spradlin
and Malcolm Marks, of the Aggies
tied for first place at the height of
12 feet nine and a half inches.
Pete Mayeaux led the Aggie jav
elin thx-owex's with a throw of 185
feet, six and a half inches. Roy
Dollar and Tom Dollahite placed
thix-d and fourth behind Wes Ritch
ey of TCU.
LeRouen Loses Shoe
Although during the first lap of
the mile run, Dale DeRouen’s shoe
was x'ipped off his foot, the Cadet
miler px-essed Eckhoff to his 4:16.5
record run. Charles Hudgins, an-
other Aggie miler finished a
strong third.
James Blaine, A&M’s prize
distance runner was edged at the
end of the two mile run by Eck
hoff who set a record of 9:27.9.
Blaine, ill all day with an aching
wisdom tooth set the pace all the
way and not until Eckhoff put
forth a supreme effort did he ovex - -
take Blaine.
Othei-s Scoring
Other Aggies making points
were Bobby Gx-oss, sophomoi’e
weightman, taking second in the
shot and third in the discus and
Dan Px-att, foux-th in the shot;
Glenn Blake and Harly Hartung,
third and fourth in the 120 yard
high hux-dles; and Wally Kleb,
fourth i nthe 880.
The Aggie mile relay team did
not compete this week. Injui’ies
received earlier in the season and
the fact that the crown did not
hang in the balance, Aggie track
coach, Colonel Anderson kept the
team out of competition.
Need Grade Points ?
TYPE . . .
Reports — Reviews — Themes
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