The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 24, 1953, Image 4
* Page 4 TIE BATTALION Tuesday, February 24, 11)54 CITS Slates Lions Club Magic Show The Lions Club’s magician show is slated to begin at 3 p.m. Wed nesday in the Consolidated High School Gymnasium, said L. E. Mc Call, club president. , A Shetland pony that vanishes, and Birch the Magician’s escape from a nailed coffin will be the feature acts of the show. There are two performances which last two hours each. .The first show begins at 3 p.m. and the other starts at 8 p.m. Traveling with Birch on his twenty-fifth annual tour will be Mable Sperry, girl xylophonist. Equipment, sceneiy, and effects valued at more than $25,000 will be used in the show. Admission for the matinee will be 30 cents for students and their wives, and CO cents for adults. The night performance will be GO cents for students and $1.20 for adults. Tickets may be purchased at Lipscomb’s, Madeley’s and Can ady’s pharmacies and from Lions Club members. They will also be sold at the door. Lighter Blues cv SLACKS For Men Continuous Waist Band BLEATS — ZIPPER Tailored to Fit $4.95 Leon B. Weiss BOYETT ST. Ag Education Students Start Practice "reaching Sixty-four agricultural educa tion majors will be teaching in the vocational agriculture departments of 32 Texas high schools the first two weeks in March, said Dr. Mor ris N. Abrams, agricultural educa tion departn»ent. Two student teachers will go to each high school, he said. The names of the students and the schools they are going to are as follows. Curtis Bose and Floyd Smith, Abbott; E. R. Pharis and Ralph Gregory, Angleton; Fred Cross and C. S. Smith Jr., Bangs; Emzy Nauevt and Dennis Zahn, Bart lett. Joe Connel and Jim Watson, Intramurals ' (Continued from Page 3) athletic officers who have not done so to turn in all-intramural teams and injury reports. These were due Monday. Here are Friday’s wrestling re sults: 147 pound—Pyle, Sq. 7, over Co- zad, C FA; 157 pound—De Wald, Sq. 11, over Rodenhausen, Sq. 15; Brag- assa, Sq. 14, over Goolsby, A Eng.; 167 pound—Priesmeyer, AAA, over Meyer, B Inf.; 177 pound-Murray, A Arm., over Rose, A FA; Braswell, A Old., over Smith, A Cml.; 191 pound—Gerloff, A Sig., ov er Grey, White Band; Shaw, Sq. 3, over Seeley, Sq. 10; Van Pelt, Sq. 13, over Schneider, Sq. 9: Ses sions, A Sig., over Peters, White Band, by forfeit; Van Hoosier, C FA, over Burnell, Sq. 5; Mier, A Arm., over Williford, Sq. 10; Kil gore, Sq. 9, over Sandei’s, Sq. 14; Heavyweight—Huff, E FA, over Warren, White Band; Winkler, A Ath., over McGuire, Sq. 14, by for feit. In Friday’s handball matches, A Sig. edged C FA, 2-1, A Inf. blanked B FA, 2-0, and Maroon Band nudged A Cml., 2-1. Hunt (Continued from Page 3) sent up to the major leagues and I almost went to Texas,” Hunt re vealed. T rack Bad weather kept the track team from having competition in all events Saturday afternoon, but the events that did compete show ed improvement. “The high hurd lers had some pretty good times,” Anderson said, “of course they had a pretty strong wind behind them.” “I’m hoping that we have some good weather this week,” Ander son announced, “some of the events haven’t had a competition yet. Weather permitting, we will have our last squad competition Saturday, then the track season will begin. I hope the students will come out Saturday afternoon to watch the boys,” Anderson con tinued. Battalion Classifieds SITS', SEIX, KENT OR TRADE. Rates ... 3c a word per Insertion with a JBe minimum. Space rate in classified lection .... 60c per column-inch. Send m classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES •FFICE. Ail ads must be received in Student Activities office by 10 a.m. on the lay before publication. • FOR SALE » USED sofa bed in good condition. §20. B-18-C College View. 1941 BUICK special sedan. See at 304 Gil christ, College Hills, after 5. GOOD CUBAN ’39 Plymouth. Radio, heat er, white sidewall tires. Price $295. Call 4-4672. • FOR RENT • THREE room furnished apartment. North Gate. Available March 1. Contact Mrs. R. I,. Brown, phone 4-1197 or 418 College Main. WORK WANTED • STUDENTS wife would like to keep child, 8-5. Apt. C-5-Y. TYPING—reasonable rates. Phone 3-1776 after 5. '' ■ ■ ■ —i Directory of Business Services INSURANCE of all kinds. Homer Adams, North Gate. Call 4-1217. K&B DRIVING RANGE Open Sunday March 1 On Fin Feather Road Bryan, Texas * LOST SHAEFFER Lifetime fountain pen. Name on fountain pen. Contact Jack 1). Price. Dorm 7, room 415. Box 4238. FOUND SET OF socket wrenches. Owner may claim at Student Activities. HELP WANTED • REGISTERED Gall 4-9882. NURSE for office work • SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. SUL ROSS Lodge No. 1300, A. F. & A. M. Called meet ing Tuesday, February 23, 7 p. m. Work In M. M. Degree. A1 B. Nelson, W.M. N. M. McGinnis. Sec. Official Notice CANDIDATE FOR DEGREES Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a degree by the end of the current semester shou.d call by the Registrar’s Office NOW and make formal application for a degree. March 1st is the deadline for filing an application for a degree to be conferred at the end of the current semester. This deadline applies to both graduate and un dergraduate students. H. L. Heaton Registrar Dr. Carlton E. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) Dr. M. W. Deason Optometrist NORTH GATE 313 COLLEGE MAIN 8:00 to 5:00 Phone 4-1106 Brady; Clifton Poe and K. L. Hol loway, Breckenridge; Lester Adams and Grank Greenway, Bry an; William Hightower and James Norman, Cleburne; Jerry Barton and Gene Rydell, Comanche. J. C. Clark and Johnny Hunt- singer, Elkhart; James Compton and Joe Solis Forris; James Caven- der and Walter Cunningham, Fred- erickburg; Billy Henton and Al bert Clark, Frisco. Ed Musser and H, D. Maxwell Jr., Goliad; James U.pmore and Ray McManus, Hamilton; Andrew Holland and Tschirhart, Heame; Perry Shepard and Place Summer- hill, Hillsboro; W. P. Brasshear and Dan Stanford, Kaufman. Bill Holtzapple and Marvin Gar diner, Kerrville; Jessie Tate and Winfred Grimes, Rampages; A. Vanderstuken and Berry Bridges, Llano; Melvyn McFarland and Harden Johnston, Lufkin. Albert Berry and R. B. McDon ald, Mansfield; Jack Jumper and Bobby Herad, Melvin; H. H. Harkrider and H. Smallwood, Richland Springs; Jack Thornton and Charles Zeigler, Rising Star. Lowell Kubolo and Robert Tho mas, Rosenberg; Cliff Mayhen and James Dumas, San Saba; Tom Milligan and Felix Clemens, Schulenburg; Steve Wheeless and Guy Beasley, Sherman; John Bow den and Robert Rush, Whitesboro; Ed Thomas and Roland Ward, Ver- Board of Directors Meet Here Feb. 2(i The first 1953 meeting of the board of directors of the A&M College System will he, held here Feb. 28. Three Members Get Recreation Council Posts Three new members were elected for three year terms on the College Station Recre ation Council at the group’s meeting Friday. The new members are Ed Ivy, representing the Boy Scouts, re placing Donald D. Burchard; R. L. Skrivanek, representing the Ki- wanis Club, replacing Ralph Rog ers; and Mi’s. Fred E. Weick, mem ber at large, replacing Mrs. J. D. Lindsay. These new members will start their terms in April. Officers for the coming year also will be elect ed at the April meeting. At the Council’s request, Presi dent M. T. Harrington appointed C. E. Tishler to represent the college as an ex officio member of the council. The group’s by-laws were amended to allow Rogers, who is now secretary, to seive another year as a member at large. Other changes were made in the constitution and by-laws as a re sult of the city ordinance creating a City Recreation Board. “We amended the constitution in order to work more closely with the city’s board,” Rogers said. WTAW to Broadcast Ag Baseball Games Aggie baseball home games will he broadcast over Station WTAW, said Richard L. Webb, station manager, today. Plans are being made with local business men to sponsor out of town games s,o they can be broad cast also, Webb said. DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS mencam 210 S. Main Bryan Pho. 2-1584 Rue Pinalle Opens hi MSC Friday Cafe Rue Pinalle will open its doors Friday, Feb. 27 for one of the best performances this season, said Betty Bolander, MSC Pro gram Consultant. The program, will feature Car men Hinds, Fort Worth entertain er, along with talented dancers from the Ross Hancock Dancing School in Fort Worth. The dancers, Gyle Meyers, Pat Brandt* Beverley Firestone, Cam ille Wright, Quada Taylor, Mary Margaret Anderson, will give tap dance routines and Miss Meyers will give some demonstrations of modern ballet. Miss Hinds in addi tion to dancing will sing. Mrs. Chris IT. Craneman played a violin solo at yesterday’s meeting of the College Station Lions Club. Her selections included “Stsrmy Weather” and “Fiddle Faddle.” Mrs. Craneman was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Ammon B. Medlen. WhaCs Cooking Tuesday 7:30 p. m.—Agronomy Society, Room 209, Ag. Experiment Sta tion, election of King Cotton and his Court. . . , - AICHE, Room 104, Petrolcunf Bldg., discuss Mother’s Day ox- Bldg., speaker from Humble Oil hibit. * 1 v I Co., refreshments. Industrial Educational Wives, South Solarium of YMCA, Pro gram Meeting. A1IE, Room 207, Engineering Fly big, powerful Pioneer Pacemasters to DALLAS 2 Flights Doily • 87 Minutes Timed By Phone 4-505-1 for reservations Campus capers call for Coke Parties click when the mood is right. With enough Coke on hand you can set the scene for a gay session ... any lime. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY THE BRYAN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY "Coke" i$ a registered trade-mark. 1953, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY for IVe fou nd m ? ears an d ChesterfieJdi! L Ch 1 " iider best forme.’ NOW... 10 Months Scientific Evidence < ™ #1 i fi jpn | » a medical specialist is making regular bi- P fflIT Cjf §1 ® ^ 1 i Ifi 1 ^ monthly examinations of a group of people from various walks of life. 45 percent of this group have smoked Chesterfield for an average of over ten years. After ten months, the medical specialist reports that he observed... no adverse effects on the nose, throat and sinuses of the group from smoking Chesterfield. tmoi- MtWEfj CHESTERFIELD IS BE i' FOR YOB CONTAINS TOBACCOS OF BETTER QUALITY AND HIGHER PRICE THAN ANY OTHER KING-SIZE CIGARETTE Copyright 1953, Liccot & Mvew Tomcco C*