The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 22, 1953, Image 5
THE BATTALION Page 5 Thursday, January 22, 1953 AT THE START OF BIG DAY—Gov. Allan Shivers receiv ed friendly advice from his sons, Allan Jr. (left) and John on how his tie should look, at the governor’s mansion before Tuesday’s inauguration. (AP Wirephoto) Directions for Registration Friday Afternoon, Jan. 30, 1953 On this day only new Basic Division students who have done no college work will Jbe permitted to register. They will register in the Registrar’s Office beginning at 1:00 p. m. Saturday, Jan. 31, 1953 On this day, others will register in Sbisa Hall. Registra tion cards will be released according to the following sched ule : 8:00 to 9:00—All whose surnames begin with T, U, V, W X, Y, Z. 9:00 to 10:00—All whose surnames begin with L, M, N. O. 10:00 to 11:00—All whose surnames begin with P, Q, R, S. 1:00 to 2:00—All whose surnames begin with C, D, E, F. 2:00 to 3:00—All whose surnames begin with G, H, I, J,K. 3:00 to 4:00—All whose surnames begin with A, B. Frisco 49ers May Be Sold SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 22—CP) —Representatives of a Cleveland syndicate were closeted with co owner Tony Morabito of the San Francisco 49ei's today to discuss purchase of the profootball team —but nobody would say how the bilks went. Morabito, who owns the National Football League club with his irother Victor, was advised by doctors to sell after he suffered a heart attack last spring. He said Abe Saperstein of the Harlem Globetrotters pro basket ball team and Nate Dolin of the Cleveland Indians had met with him during the past two days “representing a Cleveland group which has approached me to pur chase.” The best estimate of Morabito’s asking price is $400,000 to $450,- 000. Experiment Station Gets 83,000 Grant A $3,000 grant has been receiv ed by the Texas Agricultural Ex periment Station. The grant is from the National Cottonseed Pro ducts Association of Memphis. Dr. R. D. Lewis, station director, says the grant is to be used “to extend studies now under way in our department of biochemistry and nutrition on the use of cotton seed meal in poultry rations. Dames Club To Start Membership Drive The Dames Club voted to begin a membership drive preceding a social meeting in the YMCA Tues day night, said Mrs. J. Howard, reporter. Points will be given each mem ber for every new member that she enlists. The member with the most points will win a prize which will be presented at the spring picnic, Mrs. Howard said. Bridge and canasta were played after the business session. BUY, SEXX, BENT OR TRADE. Rates ... 3c a word per Insertion with a |5c minimum. Space rate in classified lection .... 60c per column-inch. Send *11 classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must be received in Student Activities office by 10 a.m. on the lay before publication. FOR SAl I* 1948 Croslcy Station Wagon with 1951 motor. In good running condition. See 104 Park Place, College Station. Phone 6-1283. • FOR RENT • ONE NICE comfortable room in my home. Phone 4-7054, 401 Dexter S. ONE WAY trailer. Kent it here, leave it where you are going. Baker Tire Co. Night phono—2-2115, day phone—2-8159. WORK WANTED • TYPING—reasonable rates. Phone 3-1776 after 5. WANTED KIDDIE Koop bed. Write Boxholder, Box 652, College Station, Texas. Dr. M. W. Deason Optometrist NORTH GATE 813 COLLEGE MAIN 8:00 to 5:00 Phone 4-1106 • HELP WANTED • BEAUTY operator, excellent opportunity. Pruitt’s Beauty Shoppe, Southside, Col lege Station. REGISTERED NURSE for office work. Call 4-9882. LOST BROWN hand tooled billfold. Phone 6-3816. Woodham. Directory of Business Services NSURANCE of all kinds. Homer Adams, North Gate. Call 4-1217 • SPECIAL NOTICE • STUDENTS (and other Aggies): A school-wide bowling tournament will be held in the Memorial Student Center Bowling Alley beginning the first week of the spring semester. Get ready for it. Tell your friends about it. Read the sports page of The Battalion published next semester for complete details. Prompt Radio Service —Call— Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main SL Ph. 2-1941 Bryan Dr. Carlton R. Le« OPTOMETRIST SOSA East 26th (Across from Court House) Call 2-1662 for Appointment 'rw'.ww* 'n '■-r-fi-u Ever feel that you’ve gotten into a dinnertime rut? Tired of serving the same old stand-bys? C’mon over to SHOPPING CENTER and take ad vantage of the wonderful variety of foods that inspire new ideas and tasty new dishes! Ask the friendly clerks behind our counters for suggestions. You’ll be surprised at what delicious and new main courses you can serve. . . . and all at low prices, too. HUNT’S HEAVENLY HALVES—Big 2V 2 Can CENTER INN SPECIAL MENU THURS. thru SAT. 10 Oz. Charcoal Broiled Baby Beef Sirloin Steak $1.25 California Style Fried Chicken 85c Both served with . . . Complimentary Sauce . . . Green Salad & French Fries OPEN CLOSE 6:30 9 P. M. Nu Zest-—No. 2 ORANGE JUICE ... 2 for 25c UPTON’S TEA . ... 'A lb. 55c LIPTON TEA BAGS—16 ct. . . . 18c Gladiola CAKE MIXES pkg. 19c KIM DOG FOOD ... 4 cans 31c Hormel—8 Oz. Can LITTLE PORK SAUSAGE .. can 39c NIGGER HEAD OYSTERS . can 39c SPAM—12 Oz 39c Hormel—300 Size BAKED BEANS WITH HAM . . 43c PEACHES 23c DIAMOND YELLOW CREAM CORN or TRELIS EARLY JUNE PEAS STRAIGHT OR ASSORTED 4 lor 49c 2 No. 303 Cans 25c CHO/C£ MEA ™ p '-' , „ ' x ' '' ' j U. S. Government Graded Good Veal ROASTS CHUCK CROWN 39c ib 45c lb VEAL CHOPS lb SEVENSTEAKS .... STEW MEAT Ib HAMBURGER Ib FRYERS—(whole) . . ARMOUR’S STAR BACON . Ib. CRESCENT BACON . . Armour’s PORK SAUSAGE . . . Armour’s BREAKFAST LINKS . , Sliced JUMBO BOLOGNA . . FRESH PIG LIVER . . SELECT OYSTERS . . Sun Valley MARGARINE 1 lb. 19c Dole’s—No. 1 SLICED PINEAPPLE . . 2 cans 29c BVz Oz.—(Makes 2 Quarts) PET POWDERED MILK .... 15c Kimbell’s—No. 2 WHOLE NEW POTATOES . . .15c NO. 2 Can DEL MONTE SPINACH . . . . lie HERSHEY’S COCOA . . . Lz lb. 25c Kimbell’s—12 Oz. WAFFLE SYRUP 15c Diamond—300 Size PORK & BEANS . Hunt’s—300 Size TOMATO JUICE . . Del Monte—303 Size SAUERKRAUT . . Kimbell’s—No. 2 , /z SWEET POTATOES Kimbell’s—300 Size SPANISH RICE . . . 3 cans 23c . .3 cans 25c . . 2 cans 27c 33c 16c .... 19c Kimbell’s—12 Oz. GRAPE JELLY Heinz—14 Oz. TOMATO CATSUP 23c lb. 65c lb. 69c ib. 39c Ib. 45c lb. 53c Ib. 59c lb. 35c lb. 33c lb. 49c lb. 39c lb. 29c pt. 89c 3 Lb. Tin CRISCO ^ SHORTENING OVC MUGS J E R G E N ’ S LOTION 69c 5 Lb. Bag—KIMBELL’S 111 FLOUR ....3£lC Big $1.00 Size . (Plus Tax) Colgate—Economy Size Dental ("ream . . . 45c 1 Lb. Can—FGLGER’S r^T COFFEE... 79C MS sit m 'lilt :f{§? 5 Lb. Bag—IMPERIAL III f? Toni—4 Oz. (Plus Tax) (Ireme Rinse .... 49c Mennen’s—Giant Size Lather Shave ... 43c SUGAR... ,37c Carrots .... bun. ^ q MARSHSEEDLESS Grapefruit.. .Ib. Frozen Foods Schick—12’s— Injector Blades . . 39c Bromo Quinine—Large Size Cold Tablets.... 59c 4 Oz. Pepto Bismol ... 49c LIQUID SMA FORMULA. . . . can 29c PASCAL CELERY LOUISIANA YAMS Red Delicious APPLES . . . Firm . each 9c 2 lbs. 33c . . lb. 17c Lolita BREADED SHRIMP Prime Froz-n—6 Oz. ORANGE JUICE . . PICTSWEET PEAS Libby’s CUT'GREEN BEANS Lihhy’s BABY LIMA BEANS pkg. 55c 2 for 29c . pkg. 19c . pkg. 23c . pkg. 23c Diamond WAX PAPER Colton—No. 16 ROPE MOPS. Diamond—Kitchen TOWELS . . Roll 23c 55c Roll 17c Giant Size TIDE or OXYDOL . 65c Large Bar IVORY SOAP . 2 ior 25c DELSEY TISSUE .... 3 rolls 35c Quart Size CLOROX 15c SLICING TOMATOES . . 2 lbs. 25c The BIG Supermarket At Coulter Drive on Biway 6 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK m£ M SPECIAL PRICES GOOD SUNDAY OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY HOURS OPEN Monday — Thursday 8 A.M. — 8 P.M. Friday — Saturday 8 A.M. — 9 P.M'. Sunday 8 A.M. — 8 P.M. Right Reserved to Limit Quantities ■MPIPCHBipilHPR COULTER'DRIVE AT HIGHWAY 6 .